The Beginning of a New City - Ashland, Clearwater County (Modded Cities Skylines Build, Ep 1)

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building a brand new modded city and i am really excited about this i think this is going to be a fantastic build if you're new here i am a city planner that likes to play city building games and city skylines is my game of choice so in this build we are going to be using a map by eggsy uh it's called citadel elise but we are doing something a little bit different on this map i've decided to remove all highways because we're only going to build highways when we need them in addition to that we are going to be building a number of small cities and then building a capital for this county or this state this region and this is going to be clearwater county so i'm really excited to embark on this build i'm going to do it totally different than my other builds very different than verde beach it's going to be really the the type of build that i've wanted to to to embark on something where each of these communities has their own focus has their own character and feels like an entirely different place from the previous one so thank you for joining me i hope that you enjoy this and i am really excited to get going so now i think it's important to take a look at the mods that i'm using this particular build because there are a lot of them so let's quickly take a look at that so we go into my settings you'll see that i have a lot of mods i have everything from the parallel road tool advanced toolbar advanced vehicle options to disable some of the vehicles like the donut vehicle that i don't like american road signs i want to auto color my transit lanes i'm going to use roads for that i have building themes and a number of them enabled camera positions utility you know just a little bit of everything so i'm not going to read all of these to you but if you want to take a look i'm going to scroll through them now and i would encourage you to pause and take a look i will have this mod set available shortly along with this map but it's not available just now hopefully by the end of the weekend so the first thing that i would look at would be where would a city be most suitable in this region and at this point in time you know because i've used the 81 tile mod i can really start wherever i want i could start at this tip of this peninsula i could start over here but i want a place that has good access to the water i want a place that has natural resources and unfortunately because of when i'm starting you can't really see much of what's going on until we place a road so i'm going to place a road real quick so we can get an idea of what we're working with and i do think that this seems like a nice building spot a nice building pad a place where we could really start a nice community and one of the things i like about this is we have these sandy beaches which opens up some possibilities in terms of tourism in the future down the line i'm gonna make one connection here now i am using in this particular instance i'm a deposit for a minute i'm using this normal local two-lane road and i know that that's not going to be sufficient forever but i'm going to use it for now but i can't just have one way in this is a cul-de-sac and this cul-de-sac is really long so let's let's take a look so this cul-de-sac is 3700 feet long so that's over half a mile if if there were an emergency that this would be an absolute problematic situation so what we're going to do is also build an outlet now i'm going to make sure that this outlet meets up with this road at a 90 or as close to it as possible because this is going to be a high speed corridor relative to this one and i want to make sure that i'm not in a place where there's a dangerous intersection here we only have two we might as well keep them as safe as possible so let's look at our signals here we want to stop the road going into the city and have clear movements on the highway we're going to do the exact same thing here i know that this will fail after a while but for the time being this should be good enough so i paused this so we could do a little bit of work on the city and one thing i know is that we're going to need utilities so i want to get the utilities away from the people and i i've envisioned this being a really important node within the community it's going to be a vista it's going to be a place where people want to be so knowing that where else could we build this industrial area and this place where we have utilities well i think this little high point here would be an interesting location for it thing is everywhere around here is good so we could we could throw it you know by the highway we could we could do whatever we want but ultimately we've gotta choose a location this location is good because it gives us access to water which i care about i'm gonna have a pumping station right at the end of this road and we're gonna be able to place some of our other infrastructure here as well so i'm going to have another road coming off here and i want to make sure that i have sewage treatment so we have a couple of options we could have a drain pipe i do not like that even if it's the eco one uh we it says no pollution but that's not that's not entirely true it does produce a little bit in the water um so i i i'm not super interested in that even though it's a zero pollution changes the water color uh we do have hide it so i guess i could eliminate that but i'm going to avoid that then we have this inland water treatment plant that does produce a significant amount of pollution but i'm not worried because this will be an industrial district anyway so we're going to place that right here and this will be the start of our public works campus we need one more thing and that's power so we're gonna use a coal power plant because it's one of the most cost effective power plants at the beginning of the game we could also go with this wind plant we do have significant amounts of wind available in this little uh this little peninsula right here but i i just i would rather future proof this so we're going to place this as well the nice thing is the power connects to both of those so we also need to get some water pipes we're going to place the water pipes underneath the road where they belong and we're not going to go wild maybe we'll just go to this corner here until we know exactly what we're building we don't even know what the grid is going to be like in this area and we'll connect up our utility so we are starting to run low on money this is we we we started this build with 70 000 which isn't very much money so that's one of the main reasons i have this paused so if we want to get going we're going to need to have some zoning so i am going to build a small district here and i think what we're going to do is a 15 by 10 grid to start out with it's a pretty efficient grid if you recall verde beach is actually 12 by 15 that is incredibly efficient but we're gonna have multiple grids in this city anyway and we're going to allow deviations like this where it's 18 to occur that's that's not a big deal whoa so we're also gonna at some point look at vistas and try to try to figure out where we would want these roads to go where it would be logical and follow the topography now in this particular area one of the reasons this is a great starting location is there's not a lot of topography to deal with so you might wonder what shapes roadway networks particularly in american cities and a lot of it has to do with existing uh or previous horse trails or cattle trails or you know uh the oregon trail oregon oregon i'm sorry that's my wisconsin coming out uh so there there are reasons why roads exist where they do it could be that they're parallel to a roadway or a rail corridor um so there are a number of reasons it could also be that there were two settlements that came together so i don't want to get overly zealous about creating this monster grid first of all we have no money so we should be realistic about that and we also just it's not going to be in our best interest long term if we want an interesting city in a realistic looking city to just make a gigantic grid and hope for the best so i do have touch it on and one of the things or the toggle it tool and one of the things about this is you can toggle everything from topographic lines all the way to your zoning districts and you can adjust that all in here so i have the district icons off district names are on notifications are on grid so we have that so speaking of districts we need to establish that first as well because this in this particular city uh we are going to have themes in every district unfortunately we can't do that just yet because we need a population of 800. so we do have the realistic population bond on and that's going to change the amount of residential that we are building in fact we're going to need a ton more than we generally would so this is going to be interesting so let's simulate this quickly and let some homes develop i'm actually going to pause it for one second there's one thing i forgot to do and that is we currently have our budgets maxed out and we don't have the money for this so we don't have the night cycle on right now so what i'm going to do is just turn down during the day our power and our water and this should be plenty sufficient you can see that our availability is out of this world now i forgot to put water in this old part of town or this part of town that i expanded rather so i'm regretting adding this water pipe here because we don't actually need it i'm going to take the refund it's not very much money but it's very necessary and now we'll get some tax collections and that's important so we're starting to see a little bit of commercial demand so i want to start thinking about that and building commercial accordingly now because we have realistic population the demand for these districts will be lower you can see that we've already filled in the areas that we've zoned for residential so i'm going to continue to build out a little bit further i'm keeping a close eye on that budget because we're almost to a point where our budget is balanced so i'm going to slow this down again because we are starting to have more need for residential so i've built out this grid i'm going to go another couple of blocks [Music] we are going to name these streets but i'm not going to do that just now i want to stabilize the city first before we start thinking about those kinds of detail because ultimately the city oh and you see we already have not enough money so i don't have any money but what i do have is the ability to continue to zone so we are going to continue to zone in logical locations where we have the ability to do so so i can place a couple of industrial properties here and continue zoning in this particular area so you might see the gaps here and wonder what i'm doing and what i'm doing is leaving spaces for roads so i'm basically preserving right of way in in my mind i'm also going to remove the zoning outside of the water service area so i can see that really four tiles in we don't have service anymore so i can eliminate that so the other thing i'm going to do is take down my road budget and hopefully that will help we do have more industrial demand so i'm going to continue to build out those industrial spaces now i've made a bit of a mistake here now there's a couple things i could do i could cheat and uh just throw in or use that my move-it mod oh no i can't even do that i'm honestly probably going to need money and i don't have the ability to take out a loan so what i could do is something i don't want to do and that is place residential right here that will fix my problem oh my problem's not fixing itself this is getting really ugly i'm hoping that we get some development soon but it's not looking promising i don't know why you'd want to live right here so uh i get it okay little hamlet that will get us some money we can fix our power issue that was that was that was ugly for a second there i was not uh not expecting that all right i feel uh good ish we're not in a good spot but we'll get in a better spot soon so alrighty you can tell that realistic population is having a significant impact on the planning of this city one of the big things is there's just a lot of residential demand and one of the reasons for that is when we take a look at each house so let's take a look at these homes the hickory house has one household the robin house has one household one household one household so it's it's not difficult to see what's happening now my assets are all mixed up right now because i don't have the ability to manage themes but once we get to a population of 800 i am going to turn on themes for the entire city and this will begin to clean up but for the time being it's going to be this weird mix of that's a downtown looking building and here's a taco bell it's uh it's it's a weird weird mix right now so i'm adding a bit of commercial in this area and you might be wondering why i'm doing that the main reason i'm doing that is i want to give kind of a node of activity near where people would be coming home from work so they get out of the factory they come down here they can go shopping and then go home we're going to want to mix in some commercial into neighborhoods too so that people can walk to things but for the time being this should suffice you also see where we should be building and along the water here we have water service so this would be a fairly logical place to continue our grid so right here the we have 18 tiles over i don't want to build on the beach so i think what i'm going to do is call a mulligan on these homes over here sorry people and we're going to have to take that land now i'm gonna extend this road all the way through until maybe about here and this will be kind of a deviation in our grid as we follow the water i like that i like that a lot so the other thing that we need to think about is our factory district and we're going to need to expand this at some point now we kind of built these factories haphazardly and if we were going to do this in a realistic way we would probably try our best not to disturb these factories so i don't want road guidelines to dictate where i'm placing these so i am going to use the grid and i want this road to kind of go right behind the factory and we can clean up this mess with move it if we need to truthfully i don't know that we need to i don't want to become overly reliant on move it if at all possible well maybe just one well and now i've taken out that factor and i might as well have done what i wanted to do in the first place which is just build this straight there we go so you see that the zoning got all messed up here so there's one way that we could fix that so we have a couple of tools that are at our disposal we have the zoning adjuster and then we also have this zoning tool set so i could remove zoning here and that would fix this we're not going to zone here anyway and we don't need to prioritize zoning there and now we have a nice grid again and i might do that for this entire road because i'm not overly concerned about development occurring off this road so i click on toggle zoning actually then i just remove zoning from that little district perfect and you can see that our budget is now balanced and i'm really pleased with that because now we can spend a little bit more time focusing on building a unique city so we've got a lot of interesting things happening here with the grid and i think we're going to try to just fill in naturally with the landscape i'm not overly concerned with the grid breaking down here this is ultimately going to be a place that is not necessarily overly concerned with the type of uh the type of grid in this particular area and i think this is gonna make it a more unique and interesting transition down anyway so we do have a lot of industrial demand at this point so we're gonna need to fulfill that the nice thing about this is as we go about this we are continuing to build towards our city which will eventually mean that we can get rid of those power lines now i always like to place my power or my uh my water under the road because uh in real life if you were going to uh place a water pipe you want to make sure that you can access it if there's a break if you don't you end up with sinkholes in people's living rooms and you've you've seen stuff like this happen or where they're too close to a home particularly in a hilly area a house can slide down a hill so it's one of those things that when you're first building it doesn't matter to anyone they just want to save money but down the line the ramifications for poor planning can be someone's life it can be someone's livelihood and you've got to be a little bit more careful than that so we currently have no city services and we've left no space for said city services we also have no money for those city services so we're going to start thinking about that a little bit now so we currently have about 500 people in the city we want to make sure that wherever we place our elementary school has relatively good access throughout the community so i'm thinking so this road right here is our main drag let's actually turn on our road names now so i also noticed that we had random disasters off and i always like having disasters on might as well so okay uh we have a 20 mile per hour speed limit on these gravel on these dirt roads that's interesting that's actually something that's that's being considered in many cities right now as we grapple with kind of some of the fallout of of the last year one of the things that's been interesting is even though vehicular miles traveled has fallen so that's vehicular miles traveled is the the total number of miles driven in a community even though that's fallen we've had accidents remain steady or increase in most communities so that's a huge concern and the way that we're tackling that kind of as a profession along with engineering is to lower speeds narrow roads add in speed humps and bumps and roundabouts and different sorts of treatments to try to uh you know get a handle on this this is something that is is really terrible so there there are movements like vision zero um we're we're trying to make plans to get to zero pedestrian fatalities but it's it's a it's a lofty goal oh and we now have main whoa whoa whoa i don't know what was going on there all right so we have main stret get that fixed there we go it's having some weird keyboard issues there we go so now we have main street we're probably just gonna number these truthfully and think about the geographic monument so this should be water street okay so i'm having some weird issues with my keyboard i think part of the reason for that might actually be due to traffic manager can't be 100 certain let's see main street did stick okay so it was actually due to r being a hotkey for this particular first person camera configuration mod that i have so always you know something new when you're when you're starting on a new city so now i can type in water street so uh that would have also impacted main street because i have to type in that r and that it's uh why we struggled getting that r in there so we've got that now and uh this will be commerce way it does loop around so we want to make sure that commerce stops here and that whatever street this is which interestingly doesn't have a name well i might have to troubleshoot the naming but for the time being we've got three streets that are named uh but i do like to i do like to name the streets i do i think it makes the cities feel a little more alive so we're getting a decent population so we do need more commercial at this point and more residential the other thing we need now is a dump so i think that i'm going to try to finagle this dump over here right near water and commerce and this will be far enough away from our water source to ensure that there's no pollution i think that puts us in a good location there we are at a point where we have health care that is available to us as well i probably should have paid a little bit more attention to what we unlocked so when we got little hamlet we got loans taxes campus areas although we can't build a campus uh we got a couple of uh buildings that we've unlocked got some interesting things so i do want to look at my budget right now and start to think about taxes now i know that i can crank the taxes to 12 without getting anyone all that upset now the tax numbers in this game mean absolutely nothing to me so i know that there are some videos out there that have gone into the numbers uh behind the game but it's it's a challenging challenging concept for me to wrap my head around now if i tried to explain mill rates that might be a more challenging concept for other people to wrap their head around so i will avoid getting into the weeds there so what i've done now is created this little downtown node you start to see it forming and when we can create our districts this is going to be a very dense area not a place where you go to let's see backwater burger tacos cells jfk it'll be a place where most of the buildings look like this so let's speed it up and let this things things fill in a little bit more because we need to continue to build this area so i've got to be really careful with some of these mods because you start to see some of the issues that i'm having where i am you know zoning for instance is not on here and that's going to be a continual problem for me okay so we have water service in most of this area so i am going to zone we'll go at least four in here and actually in light of that we're going to call them all again on that road and we're still having our okay so i had to right mouse click the zoning tool set to reset the zoning because after i changed the defaults over here inadvertently he ended up with some kind of craziness as i built new roads so you're starting to see the roadway network take a more organic shape but still have a very tight walkable grid that would be easy to navigate if you were from the community and that's what i'm trying to maintain right now there's plenty of opportunity to make a gigantic grid they're very functional very very functional easy to navigate but they can be monotonous and truthfully in the beginning i don't think that's how the city would develop there would certainly be once there's a lot of demand in the community a tight grid that forms and the reason for that would be that it's easy to develop it's predictable it and and that's one thing that developers like is predictability so this is going to be a downtown square so i'm going to continue to leave this empty we're going to plan for commercial in this particular area and now we're going to revert back to our old grid all right worthy village i'm very very happy to see this because this means not only do we get loans district specializations that's the big one service policies it's another big one uh we get all of these different types of buildings water usage uh the ghostbusters afterlife firehouse i didn't realize that that's what that was but there it is we also get some landmarks uh so we get the winter market the statue of liberty interesting and the tripper x launch site which we don't have the requirements for i'm a little a little confused as to why we've unlocked that with these other things we haven't but we're not going to build that anyway so i'm not going to get overly concerned about that but what we are going to do is take a look at our policies and go to our themes so i want to enable theme management for the entire city and i've set up a number of themes so for the entire city the themes that we're going to use is we're going to use historic american and brick downtown so these particular themes if i go into the theme manager and i go into historic american and then i select only things that were included you can start to see the kinds of buildings that i included within this set it's kind of historic traditional american looking homes so i really like these uh there are other things that we could include in here soon in the future and we might do that but the time being i want these and i don't want the international buildings so those are all of the these are all the buildings that come with the game and i've included only buildings that i downloaded in in a pack so or in multiple packs i should say plus i have industrial buildings in here i have some commercial buildings buildings that will form a strong downtown so as these buildings level up you're going to see them start to change and if we get overly concerned about the way that certain buildings look like this taco bell building i could certainly eliminate those and allow them to come back in a more historic looking form see what comes out and this just feels a lot better to me so one thing i want to do now that we have a little bit of money first of all we'll slow it down and i'm going to really try my best to not go wild on simming and letting this go forever i do want to take these main roads and add priority to them in my mind at a bare minimum by upgrading them now one thing you'll sometimes see in a city is a two-lane road that flares out to be a four-lane road and that is expansion occurred right away was dedicated in these historic sections you didn't have that available to you so as a result you end up with some kind of weird stuff happening where you have a two-lane road that turns into a four-lane road we're probably gonna have that happen here and that's going to kind of emulate a realistic old part of town so i have another theme that i'm interested in implementing here and that theme is going to be related to mansions so as this town is developing there are a couple of industries that are here just general industries and the owners of these industries are going to be very powerful people they're going to be the movers and shakers in town and i want to start thinking about where they want to live clearly they would want to live in the most exclusive part of town by the water so this is going to be the mansion district now this is clearwater county and this little area doesn't have a name yet but i think i'm thinking of calling this ashland so i might call this the ashland mansion district for the time being if you guys have a better name for this please leave it in the comments whoop ashland county that was not what i meant ashlynn okay so i need to set a policy here so we're gonna go into themes enable theme management for this district get rid of those themes and now i have a mansion district theme and you're going to really like the the the buildings that come up in here i think i am going to place i just want to be very careful about where i'm placing these i'm going to give space in between these homes and we don't have parcels but this is a way that we can simulate them and this person is going to be very wealthy and totally fine demolishing that house to build their mansion so that's what they're going to do you see these nice mansions starting to populate that don't have any water and that's fine no it's not so these will continue to level up over time and get even more and more grand holy cow everyone's sick everyone needs a job everyone is a criminal so maybe we need a police department please station so we this is our main street and this would be a logical place this is going to be a an arterial not only does it have the connection to the highway there so we want to keep this close we are going to use some eminent domain understanding how important this is we're fine placing that there we also need a firehouse and if we place this in the downtown area i'm completely fine eliminating some of these buildings in favor of the firehouse that is not the direction i wanted to place that building there we go see i wanted to give prominence to main street by placing that building fronting main street so got significant employment problems not enough workers significant residential demand and that's because we never filled in this area over here i'm actually going to hold off zoning entirely here because we need some parks we have no park space we also have no health care and i just want to double check one other thing so i placed this firehouse 20 a week upkeep 700 that's a pretty unreasonable number but i'm okay with it cause i'm desperate for money so we will go with it [Music] so we have this other arterial right here holmes road and i think i'm going to build one street off from here one block and then on a side street i'm gonna place the clinic and i think that'll be a nice nice place to to place this for a number of reasons first of all right now ashland this is one city but this is a county and we're going to develop a number of small cities in the area so we don't necess we have power and water problems okay so our power problem at this point we'll take a look yeah we're our electricity is is low because of our budget so let's raise our budget up taking a 75 cause i like round numbers that'll resolve our power issue but we still have other issues to contend with so i talked about adding priority to these main roads again this isn't necessary except for my own mental well-being we'll upgrade that road so you can kind of see the beginnings of this area starting to form so i'm going to add commercial near the hospital this will kind of protect the residential uses from the sound you would anticipate from these sorts of the hospital in particular so this will help out here now i'm excited to see what develops here because now we're finally looking at our themes and you start to see things changing a bit you got these nice tree filled lots with smaller homes and that to me feels authentic older looking homes this is a nice victorian this would be what would have developed back in you know back at the start of the community the this neighborhood in my mind looks a heck of a lot more convincing than what was popping up kind of random buildings look at this downtown area nice commercial area popping up good place to grab a beer and go get some fried chicken afterwards that's what you're that's what you're looking to do i could see this building being a very uh important building you get a nice view of this water pump at the end of the road i'm going to want to do something about that at some point in the future i'd also imagine that this is a saltwater bay and the last thing you'd want would be to be pumping salt water but it is a game we will take some liberties and we will roll with it so i think that we're gonna set a goal for the rest of this episode and i'm thinking that we could get part way to we can get to boom town as our milestone i'm really interested in seeing how big this city needs to get to get to boomtown so we're going to continue expanding this way now in reality i think that you'd start to see some interesting development patterns occurring you'd start to see kind of the grid maybe continue but homes not being filled in everywhere so why don't we do a bit of that so i'm taking this over a total of four blocks and from here i'm gonna start to break down a little bit on on that zoning we have been very tight with our zoning just zoning everything but we're gonna break down for a little bit and let this city grow in a little bit more organic fashion it's probably not gonna stay like that forever but i'd love to see some different building forms take shape so we're gonna we'll zone in this entire block but what if we were to just do a couple things like this in here so we'll throw in some irregular shaped lots then maybe here we'll maybe even start to break things up a little bit more oh yeah i like that this is going to be interesting to look at for the time being often particularly in these old areas you know you'd probably expect that people would want to have the ability to work the land a little bit or just be a little bit more secluded if things were already planted out they wouldn't build a house directly next to their neighbor if they didn't have to unless the developer forced them to because they had some sort of phasing plan but we're not really thinking about a phasing plan right now we're thinking about organic growth in this entire area look at these homes that are just these are just wonderful assets so i do want to give some shout outs to some of the asset creators that i really leaned heavily on in this in this particular build first of all this is an exe map i mentioned that earlier this i love this map exit did a great job uh king leno i've leaned down heavily and there are a number of other asset creators when i release the set i will i will uh be a little bit more transparent about that you see some other other creators hold on okay a couple other creators i want to highlight so we have uh a faux former uh fine fi find build um i mentioned king leno used a lot of king leno's a commercial buildings um for a lot of the downtown uh type buildings fine build is is that the number one person that i uh that i pulled from death quack or death yeah death death clock is another one that's the the trailer park theme and some of the suburban buildings i got those from from uh from them and there are a number of other builders another number of other asset creators mr mason that you know that i that i've pulled from and i'm really excited about this i think it's it's going to be a really unique project because we're being really careful about the assets that we're using so i'd say that this is the exact opposite of verde beach in that we're gonna be very deliberate with our building styles and not use any buildings that came with the game if at all possible except for things like schools and medical clinics we could certainly avoid that but i'm not overly concerned i'm just trying to look we had some trailers popping up in here not really interested in that so if we could eliminate those trailers i would be happier we also have some buildings this looks like a post-war building that's not part of the set so you know what this is going to be kind of a constant battle in this old part of town until all these buildings upgrade and a way to start getting those buildings to upgrade is to add parks and plazas and we are just about to reach the population milestone that will get us there oh gosh this is pain we finally hit that was painful we got tiny town so we have all of these industries that are opening up to us parks and plazas uh schools all these different policies we have paths that open up and this is exciting because we're going to want to have a main park in the city in fact i a bit of regret is maybe that we haven't left that space already because i do think that that would be something that we'd want to plan for up front so we are going to think about that and reserve some space now i don't want to get ahead of ourselves and completely forget about this so i think we're going to go why don't we go six blocks so 30 that would be this right here would be four blocks we'll go another 15. now we have a nice six block park [Music] actually i might take it a little bit further even i like this this little area out here that jets out i'd like to work that into the park as well so this is going to be important area in the future sometimes you end up with roads getting built before things get built and this is going to be one of those situations where that's that's occurring in the rest of this area that you see right here will be a really a feature park for the community in the future we'll have a nice beach area with a great view of the industrial area so maybe not ideal but it's what we're working with so we have utilities service over here so i am going to fill in this zoning now residential is our biggest need we have a little pocket commercial here we probably want to add another one through here actually i might add some right here so that people in this area could walk to a restaurant we'll have another node a commercial activity kind of in this corner raymond mason way and holmes street i don't like that at all let's call this church street and the reason we call it church street is i think one of the things you'd see in a community is churches really starting to at least in american cities you would see a church being a really important part of a town so we have a couple of different church assets available to us but i think i want a place we don't have death care available to us just yet which is unfortunate because i think i want to to think about a cemetery before i place the church hmm well i can't i need a population of 2200 to need death care which is a blessing in disguise so let's just focus on that church again we are going to put this church directly on church street it'll just change the orientation of this church campus but this will be a very important part of the community and we're going to want to think about the views from all angles in the future when we're thinking about density so one of the things i could see here is a deviation in the roadway network as we build around this church maybe some sort of plaza developing around this so i did have zoning here for commercial i'm gonna bump that out to the outside we might just ring it around this this future plaza yeah that's good that's going to be really nice in the future the nice thing is our water coverage almost reaches out there we're a little ways off but we have a bit of a deviation in our roadway network so that's going to change how we develop this so i'm calling lots of mulligans here as i think about the best way to make all of this line up and what i think i might do is actually just start to flare that road back out and you know what this could be we could emphasize the view of the church right here by having this be a road that terminates right at the church that would be interesting to me especially since this will be a park that'll be the first thing you see as you come down this road look at those views view of the church do the mountains in the background and a nice place to recreate and have a lunch there in the future that'll be wonderful wonderful all right so i am noticing that i inadvertently left a bit of housing here so we're gonna use eminent domain and take all of these i'm sorry because we want a very small park in this area now i could go two routes here i could actually make my own park or and to do that i would be defining my own little park space i might actually do that we'll come back into here we will add a main gate we're going to make it a small main gate because we don't really have a lot of space put that right in the center and let's think about this park space we don't want this to be a place where we're charging people we just want this to be a place where you can walk through and kind of just enjoy the area [Music] oh i have anarchy i haven't used anarchy in so long at this point that i forgot how nice it is to be able to do some of this stuff it's so nice i love it so we're gonna clear the trees that are in there and i think that we are going to upgrade the roads in this area let's see what we have so rather than using network extensions i downloaded the vanilla plus plus pack and i know that this works a lot better for uh for some people and i think that that's one of the reasons i thought it might be nice to grab this pack one of the things that makes this so nice is rather than being a mod it's a bunch of assets so you don't have to worry about mod compatibility it's an asset so just a much nicer configuration in that regard so a lot of these haven't unlocked yet so i think we're just gonna upgrade this oh and destroy all of our paths so maybe it's for the best that we're upgrading this right now kind of urbanize this commercial area especially since it's taking out half of our buildings so seems like a good thing and at this point you know we could continue using dirt roads but our community is getting big enough we might start to deviate from that at this point that looks terrible so move it is enabled but we don't need to get crazy we can clean things up like this oh that's so wonderful i love that so much so uh let's add a little bit to our park what can we add there to make it worthwhile clearly an info booth's probably overkill park plaza won't fit uh we might not have a lot here it might just be a kind of a place to hang out we'll get some some bonus points for for benches and whatnot although we already have them everywhere so maybe it's just a small cafe and i need to turn off anarchy because otherwise i'm gonna destroy a bunch of stuff i don't even like that that much so so we're not gonna do much here uh i think that we're gonna do some trees we are gonna copy these so we can duplicate these and try to mirror these so that we're at least consistent and let's think about some landscaping we haven't really done any landscaping yet which is uh something that if you're if you're someone who's watched the channel before you know that i love landscaping if you haven't welcome to my landscaping madness so we'll just do a leafy tree here you start to see that i have space already occupied so i will throw on some anarchy so that is shift p and these aren't perfect and that to me is a reminder i have prop line anarchy or prop line tool rather and i need to use it so that is something that i will try to remember all these mods that i have available to me that i am so used to not having available to me and it's funny i said i have that one but like it's not activating so i'll have to check that out just going through here trying to make it in a more interesting place [Music] okay and shift p remember to turn prop anarchy off we have regular anarchy on we'll turn that off as well now we have this little area that to me feels good except that that's not centered that feels bad so let's see if we can fix that up just a hair oh that is nice perfect so this could be a place that if you worked at state city or sky trust you could sit down here for lunch at a bench it is not at all going to help this area level up though because if you look at the entertainment value it's a hundred that's bad but this oh it looks terrible still i just need to let it go i'm probably making it worse that's what i do so oh i can't let it go i can't let it go i can never let it go yeah i just made it worse nice thing is that i have picker and i can just add that back so that's good okay so i want to think about some pre-built parks as well you look at our land value and our our if we look at our land value right now it's probably very low yeah it's 12 uh 12 12 money that's not good and if we look at our you know probably something a little more important in my mind is our happiness and it's it's bad so why don't we sneak in some parks here and get those planned ahead of time we probably should have left some space here we're not going to be able to do that now unless we start calling lots of mulligans and destroying places all over the place i really would prefer to not do that so we have a couple of small parks and a dog park might be nice as well i've mentioned before that developers love dog parks they get everyone jazzed everyone everyone loves the ability to walk their dog i could see there being that one dog park and people driving to it which is just you know i've done it [Laughter] i get it i get it i've done it so we have that now another thing that we do have in this build besides these row homes which apparently are a park asset gotta get rid of that um we have parking which is something we could consider but this town is so small that i don't think it would be a very significant concern particularly in an older area like this i just don't see that being something that's a priority to people goodbye dunkin donuts we want a historic building we do have this gas station and i'm kind of okay with that being right there i'm not okay with dunkin donuts i don't really love this either this general store i think we'll eliminate both of them we're gonna start thinking more and more about the buildings that are spawning here so one of the things i was very careful not to do is include many of these small 1x1 lots i think we're going to clear some of these out do a little bit of cleanup before we end this and i do think it's going to be challenging to get to the population threshold i was initially thinking about without just monozoning all over the place this monolithic swaths of residential zoning everywhere which i could do maybe to get there we will do that a bit i'm trying to be very efficient with our water system and not overdo it and i think we're in a good spot we're going to plan this neighborhood here we have a nice park in this area we should take a look at our schools school capacities good we have no high school capacity and not enough money to build one but we still need one and we're losing the ability to have a centrally located high school so i do want to think about that a little bit and i think that having one kind of in this area might speed it up so we get enough money to do that otherwise why don't we actually just take out a loan that's pretty rational that a loan would be taken out for high school anyway and bonded over a number of years and then uh that would be assessed you know maybe 30 years to homeowners i think we're going to try to build out this campus a little bit too what would be rational here so i think the nice thing about a grid is you can break it up so we're going to take away some things here and try to build out a little bit of a high school campus no we don't have some of the assets i'm hoping for and some aren't unlocked like the community pool that would make a great addition so what i might do is just leave this empty for the time being and we'll build around this area and know that this grassy field is our school site maybe for the time being to make it feel like a school site we will add in some paths you can always remove a path and a school site so i'm not overly concerned about that if you're the school district anyway the city comes in and says we're going to take over your path the school district says no way you aren't doing anything within our property you might not even be able to drive through our property so i'm trying to provide a couple of direct connections to places that kids might want to come from truthfully this might be sufficient for what what we need in this area let's put a couple of larger trees some leafy trees out here just thinking of places that students might want to be able to sit and grab some shade yeah that that makes a ton of sense to me we're also we continue i continue to build these dirt roads it's it's a it's a force of habit at this point but i know that we have trails here we're going to destroy them all that stinks unless i turn on anarchy then i think i can get away with it nope can't get away with it so might as well think about that up front well that's much better all right so now we've got these pads through here we need some more landscaping that's not enough landscaping so let's get some privacy so this is my first episode when this build there's some things that i'm working out the kinks of and prop line tool like i mentioned is one of those things i would generally use that to fill in this area and to build that kind of row of of trees but i don't have it available for whatever reason right now yeah this creates a nice little plaza where you could see someone sitting and hanging out another thing you could do to make it even better would be so we go through and add a table or two in here and oh that's a that's a very campsite looking table so maybe something a little more yeah university table add a couple around here [Music] so that students could have a place to meet with their friends to study and i'm trying to place them both in the shade and in the sun that's nice look at that look at this can you imagine living in this house being able to walk across the street uh to the high school your friends get done with school and you walk into your house it's perfect it's just like the the kind of place that i grew up at being able to get that close to your high school so we're in a good spot look at our finances we are really killing it there where we are not killing it is with our residential uh demand we still have a ton of it so this is this is my first time playing with realistic population let me tell you it totally changes your building style it's just not at all what i'm used to it's the amount of residential that you need it's much more realistic much more reasonable and i think thinking about the future one thing that you know i i keep thinking about but personally and through some of the organizations that i'm a part of is in the future you know post this 2020 craziness we are going to be in a world where people are used to drive up where people are used to delivery and that might mean that there are fewer commercial spaces necessary you might see you know right here we have one or two businesses in this corner shop this might be eight businesses that are operating as many distribution hubs or just collection points and they have a warehouse out in this area and they deliver products to this area for pickup for this neighborhood and that's the world that i think that we're entering and it's cha it's just that it's going to be a paradigm shift that we're going to have to contend with so i don't know i don't know how we all respond to that it's just a different thing so this downtown area at this point oh i missed this this is zoning right here um so i think that you'd start to see densities potentially start to increase in this area so we are going to take this opportunity to demolish buildings and use that as a rationale for increasing our zoning in this area so we need more we're not gonna do that because we don't have density this is brutal so i guess we would just continue to build out residential which is totally fine we will continue to do that we are going to stop using dirt roads though we don't need it anymore our budget's in a very good spot these people living near the landfill so i live not too far well i guess i'd say i don't live close to a landfill but i live close to the smell of a landfill when the wind catches it right and i can assure you that these would not be a great place to live next to that that would certainly be a a less expensive place to live but it does have that great park next park next to it so that's something i'm kind of just going through upgrading all the roads in the city why don't we just do it unfortunately this added zoning back to this area i might just leave it and not get overly concerned about it it's not that big of a deal it just decreases the density over here and i know actually i need to change that so one of the reasons for that is i don't have small buildings as one by one buildings like they're pretty hokey and kind of weird so i thought it would be nice to remove them from the set but what that means is if i don't remove zoning we end up with land that's not developable which is not like that's why there's a gap right here so not a big deal but something to be aware of and to think about as we're developing the city and i like that because i think it's areas where we could add a little bit of of landscaping and make the city feel more like this is a parcel i know ideally i think you'd probably move the building to have it conform or have a building that conforms better to the lot and if i downloaded procedural objects i could certainly play with that but i will tell you up front that is not my strength and i'm not gonna go there so we are going to avoid that i really like the way this downtown area looks and feels you can see it's a pedestrian oriented atmosphere and environment and you you can fly from the upstairs balcony of this building down or scale down the side yeah that guy just teleported that's perfect so the other thing i mentioned that i wasn't going to keep this in super fast speedy mode and i've certainly lied to you so i apologize for that i think particularly in the beginning when you're trying to reach population thresholds at least for me it can be super tempting to just start speeding through the game [Music] so we we've started this diagonal road and i think we're just gonna kind of mirror that over here it'll be a feature of this area and something unique to the city and it's still a predictable development pattern so i'm okay with it we're going to go down one more block and develop out a bit on this side of town so this is not the most exciting layout but i don't think it would be if this were a eastern uh or midwestern city which that's what i'm fashioning this on you know considering it uh eastern u.s midwestern city this is what you'd see maybe a little more midwestern if this were eastern i think you'd see a little bit more deviation more of this kind of you know horse trail sort of sort of traffic but this is this is okay too it's not like manhattan isn't a gigantic red so they exist all over the place we're going to deviate from that after we have the core of our downtown this is going to be a very adaptable part of the part of the town and i'm really excited about that because something we want to increase density or rezone we have these nice blocks that we can you know break up redevelop change the roadway network just slightly and make the place feel completely different and that's one of the things about a grid that i know that there are people that are very critical of it but there are benefits to it now one of the problems with it that i will readily admit is it's really easy to have a repetitive building pattern because it's a grid so one of the things that having a more organic pattern requires you to do is either one of two things you either use your space less efficiently that generally doesn't happen or you have to hire an architect to build the buildings because you have really unique spaces that have unique needs okay so we've got this we're going to get to at least our next building milestone we're going to speed this thing up we have more commercial demand than we know what to do with but i want us i want to keep this relatively central i think that we're going to have a weird block of residential downtown and continue our downtown area within a block of maine so if this is maine we kind of have our two blocks of downtown behind it we'll continue that pattern so we are having electrical issues again so we got to keep a look keep an eye on our budget and this is one of the reasons i don't love playing with the budget i always forget i got lucky right now and i didn't forget but i will in the future i promise you so i'm gonna change it right now so i'm gonna upgrade these roads too i thought i got them all you might wonder how i'm doing this if you if you or if you are curious you just hold down the button uh your mouse button the left mouse button and you can upgrade multiple roads at once it's very convenient particularly when you build with dirt roads in the beginning look at these buildings these are just fantastic i love this i love love love love love love love this and once we have more density to add in here it's going to look outstanding you see that the residential demand it's just it's out of this world this feels more like a city of 2000 to me oh fire we have our two we need more coverage because right now we just have this little tiny uh firehouse see this has six engines this has two all right boom town and i think this is we're gonna end it today we've unlocked a lot of stuff we've got highways we've got more electrical options we've got some of our service buildings we've got some transit we're in a good spot this is great and we've got a little bit of tourism stuff going on so we are going to do a lot in the future but we've got the bones of our city created in a really nice little area along the water so i'm i'm pleased with where this ended and i hope that you've enjoyed this episode if you have please consider hitting that like button if you want to follow this build subscribe and hit the notification bell if you want to know when i release my next episode i also want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters they help me make this content and i appreciate them and i also appreciate you i hit a hundred thousand subscribers and i really that's that's i never thought that that would be something that would happen to this channel um and i'd never even thought about it as is something that could happen and i appreciate that uh it means a lot to me so thank you so much i'm gonna leave you with a brief city tour like i usually do and i will catch you in the next one take care bye-bye [Music] so morning [Music] [Music] me you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 614,645
Rating: 4.9544077 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, cities skylines ep 1, cities skylines episode 1, cities skylines ep 1 modded, cities skylines ep 1 2021, clearwater county, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make a realistic city, cities skylines how to build a good city, cities skylines realistic population, cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines how to start your city
Id: FUAr8niM7oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 10sec (4150 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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