Watch a RUINED City Grow & Flourish! Cities: Skylines Fix Your City

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can we bring back this post-apocalyptic city with over four and a half thousand abandoned buildings back from the dead watch and find out hello everybody welcome to city skylines fix your city with me theater we've got something entirely different for you today can you spot what it is traffic is fine there's trees there's parked but look closely at those houses the houses are collapsing and falling apart this city Floatopia was set in by God got Queen ich Adonis I apologize for the bad pronunciation of your first name not being I assume German I can't pronounce that but yes said the city look there we go perfect example the place is falling apart he was trying to unlock the Medical Center and to do that one of the look at this and to do that one of the things you need to get is the lazarette Plaza and to get the lazarette Plaza you need let's just read this to you an average citizen health under 20% for three weeks and you've done that you've managed to do that and their health now at the moment actually you just look one down here zero you've got no health care ability at all it is a complete mess and it looks like everybody just wants to leave look I haven't got Otto bulldoze on yet I just wanted to see what it was like and yeah nobody wants to live here even this cat is not happy about living in this city what the heck is this thing felis aspect around cat statue okay there we go very nice so what are we gonna do to fix this thing I mean you've got you know your traffic is absolutely brilliant probably because there's no people here although moving back in again it was at 11,000 the population has gone down and now it's starting to peak back up again so what I would do to be honest is I would turn on auto bulldoze on everything and I would just say just let the game do its magic to get rid of all of these broken-down buildings so this one here that we build buildings automatically this one here gets rid of abandoned buildings this one here gets rid of burn down buildings this one here gets rid of collapsed buildings and this one flooded buildings oh it's this one here the abandoned beer you can see you've got so many abandoned buildings so they're all gonna go but you've got some lovely little sort of suburbs built up here it is a very very nice city you said this was your magnum opus at your best and I can see why you know this is a beautiful looking city and I have to say apart from all the death and destruction but now you've unlocked the item that you were trying to unlock you said you struggled to get your city back and you're burning money like there's no tomorrow so the first thing I would do which check out your budget and see what's going on your taxes about ten percent but you're probably not getting a huge amount because of the lack of people I was hoping I'd jump into here and find that I could put some of these down but we actually want to encourage people to move back in don't weigh so things like this I think the only one are gonna leave down is the industry I know that's gonna help us make more money budget we're actually you know we're not spending more money but soon all these houses are going to disappear but we want to give everybody some health care so we've got five point five million suspens is we're gonna try and cover your areas that need the medical clinics with medical clinics and we're not gonna overspend so let's just pause a set like these small little houses here this would be a perfect spot for medical clinics to go into so let us pop some in here right in the middle so that's gonna cover these people here normally what I do with these is I'll place them on a side road by a main look there we go on a side road by a main roads they can choose which way they're gonna go so that's that one there and there's a nice little side road so we're gonna pop that in there one this side there you can see the distance they cover by how far the smiley faces go right in the middle of this commercial center here we go that's gonna cover all of that we're spending money to make money we are spending money to save our people we're gonna have one there and then we're gonna have one right over here here we go this one here that's fine right next to this Park let's pop that in there that will cover that and a bit of this that sort of covered all of that really didn't it if we can off the side there yep excellent healthcare coverage really good death care coverage is the other thing yeah you've got these okay that's fine Oh it's like these little villages tucked up in the middle of nowhere as well what is all of this yeah you've got houses and stuff up here oh my goodness me this is just like you just like had a massive disaster I want this right in the middle let's head up here so you've got some little communities up here yeah you're like a little community up here is that the one we've already stuck the medical clinic in yep there we go it hasn't kicked in yet we've got that one up there we've got your water which is water availability just shut up through the roof so I don't know why these guys are not connected let's follow this pie so that's that one over there where else have we got that server she's lovely this is a lovely post-apocalyptic city that we've got going on here I have to say yeah I think we've got medical stuff everywhere this map I played on maybe maybe so what we just need to do now is just let the game run what's this one here heating availability we don't need we've got coverage of everything so we need to just let the game run let it go through what it's deleting it's already deleted let's just close that one down you see the little figure there down on the bottom light abandoned building 640 so that will do that after every cycle you can actually change that if you go to your options every five seconds we might just change that to every five seconds max building per interval I mean that's gonna so every five seconds it will do 32 let's just double that to 64 yeah and we'll see how that goes we don't want it to sort of crash the game accredits trying to do too much but let's come back in a minute there we go look you can see they're disappearing because people are getting happy as they go and like yeah there we go look some more went over there yeah the games starting a little bit because it's deleting a load look there we go some more gone but once these have all gone the ground value so let's have a look at this one will go up so you've got nice nice ground value along here over here where you've got I just take this little slot here high ground value there's not a load of the building's they obviously could as roads and stuff but where there is abandoned buildings loads of them it's sort of medium - yeah not very good so once they're all gone everyone be a lot happier and the population will start building up and hopefully that's gonna happen before your money disappears there's so many areas now that are just empty of houses look at that there's still some derelict houses there but yeah it's just like turning into a ghost town or the amount of people that are leaving look MHS nothing that's the same area empty empty of all the people four thousand two hundred and fifty six bulldoze so far and the figure is going up and going up right looking out over the city I think pretty much all of the abandoned buildings are gone I mean what's that 4510 that is not too bad but now your economy is tanked your economy is actually tanked and you're losing a hundred and forty seven thousand odd a week so we want to try and encourage people to move in there is a little trick that I do with the budget from time to time so if we go to our budget panel whack those up to four there we go excellent run the game and keep the money coming in hopefully we're gonna get into a plus figure and keep it going until we stop have Pete stop having people moving in so we're losing less money I want to get that into a plus if possible run the game on full speeds just a little trick little cheesy trick but you know you're taxing the people like mad until they say we can't take any more and then they move back in again - one and a half - 900 come on and people are still moving in which is fantastic - nine - a is going up again we literally cannot tax our people enough to earn enough money we've lost less Wow that says the city is really bad now we're getting down - yeah let's see now we're losing people okay well let's put this on 12% then wow this is gonna be tough to get this city back so transportational in your city is notorious for not giving you any money I mean it's costing you 63,000 a week which is not you're making - 4000 profit on your buses - 23,000 on your trains let's just have a quick look at this so you've got bus lines that nobody are travelling on let's just go this way round which will be costing you money I mean have you got that information on here I mean it's just no really travelling on these so I mean I woods unfortunately can I just turn there's no way of just turning off a line is there without deleting it I'm gonna have to just delete these lines these lines here that and just not got any people in them I'm just I don't want to delete your lines and then you've got to go back and redo them all so what I'm gonna do actually I'm gonna put these down to one vehicle yeah just to save you the hassle of going through I mean I think even that on one vehicle holds 30 and you've got like 17 passengers on here obviously this is gonna go up so you want your lines in place for when that happened at 21 vehicles on that line and you've got the same with your metro lines as well you've got vehicles running on lines with no passengers at all so I'm gonna just drop that down that train line is costing you - twenty-three thousand and it's not even a completed line Wow Wow so we're gonna delete that line that line is gone if you want to redo that you can and you've got four vehicles if only ten passengers that's going down to one okay so how much just close all of these down how much money is that gonna save you still - sixty-five thousand - 2000 on yes you've got infrastructure in place which is costing you I mean that's also going to be cargo trains don't forget so it's still minus sixty five your industry is not making you any money your parks our parks are always a good way of making tons of money up there go on also save going on sympathy and your load tolls are making you a little bit of money you're making money from taxes and come off of residential yet that's fine commercial yeah yeah actual businesses see this is costing you I mean I'm assuming this figure is gonna go up and down or my goodness it's gonna go down quite a lot whoa that is terrible then it goes up again then it goes down again then he goes up again yeah you did get a big boost every now and again okay all right so this figure hasn't changed much yeah so let me just run this a little bit more and see if we can keep up with Inc we just need to put our education budget back up yeah I think that's that's just shooting us in the foot a bit let me run this a little bit more and just see how the game is gonna go is this city saver ball I really don't know oh that's probably why people are moving out access to electricity is the biggest problem you've got at the moment in this city because of when houses disappear of course the electricity doesn't get shared oh we're getting there in A+ look people are moving in we're now only minus 24,000 on the bank balance which is fantastic I found an easy way of putting in these things and moving them around I'll place one on the ground like there and then I've used the move it mode to copy it there we go and now I can just place that straight under loads which is great for trying to connect people up I don't know why these guys are struggling for electricity they shouldn't be what I'm gonna do is just give them a bit of electricity over here with a wind turbine so plus 700 minus 14,000 we are getting there we are getting there is there anything else I can adjust on my budget I want the parts of on the industry the roads the trains don't want to get any loans taxis I'm gonna put them up to 13% I also want to check your policies this is like a good deep dive insight into how to fix the city like we've actually got to the point of losing money but what are the taxes are far too high now let's just drop these back down again they're not happy with that what should happen is we should get a bankruptcy bailout but I don't think that's gonna last us very long we could take out a two hundred thousand loan but I really want to get this figure up and I'm just I'm scratching my head I mean that's that he's making us money from time to time I think I'm just gonna drop like all of this down as much as possible and just see whether I mean normally what I would do is I'd run around the city deleting like stuff like mad just to try and just to try and save things I'm gonna leave that as it is I'm gonna drop this one these I'm gonna leave I mean I think we just need to start turning stuff off what's this costing us four thousand a week yeah we're gonna turn that off that's costing us two thousand a week so that's six thousand a week we've saved yeah I know you're unhappy it's tough that's six thousand a week old policies let's have a quick look at our policies is there anything weird or wacky that's been stuck in at no small business and a fuse you asked that gives you white doubles your income but costs you money that's going off that doubles your sales but across your money this one gets them moving across your money income is biking he's good does that cost you money no power uses smoke detector anything that costs money we don't want parts of recreation boosts that cost money yeah so anything that costs money we don't want to put on sax Asians City Planning okay that's fine we've got all of that so that saves us some money one else have we got the we can turn off let's go through that our this 9,500 off off off off and I'm going to turn those off as well just to make sure what's that that's a normal train station Tax Office 160 a week will leave that high school 680 we that's got students yet we'll leave that as it is another high school this is it now we're trying to high interest our 800 a week yeah that's just bringing us visitors these are off already what's that one there courthouse that's just bringing his visitors that's going off or didn't do this one I thought there's another Airport come on off so what did that save us what's that cost a week six seven eight I think we get in there let's have a look at some of the sneaker Factory upkeep 1920 Weaver that is making us money I'm gonna try to leave the industry as much as possible Botanical Gardens yeah that's not much I'm gonna leave the industry as the last thing if I really need to turn it off we will what does this thing cost us 64 a week the cat stays everybody the cat stays you've got only hope you haven't got any weird buildings that cost like ridiculous amounts of money High School that's got students in enforce alert 2080 a week you do not need that that is gonna be yeah it's only giving us visitors and that's going off cargo train terminal that's going off large recycling center it's a lot of money but I'm gonna leave it warehouse yard they're not too bad Harbor we'll leave that top draft charity 1340 a week thanks so much but we've got the budget okay this is going off 1600 a week what are we up to we just get the game going okay bankruptcy we get a bailout I'm gonna accept that and hoping I've done enough quick enough I should have turned all of those off before you know yeah that's going off that is going off this is going off we must I'm not keeping tabs off you know off the top of my head of what this is all saving us I'm hoping two four six a nine sixty cargo hard but we'll leave the cargo harbor and train terminals I think that is everything of the most expensive what if we got over here anything weird and wacky that's gonna cost us a load of money the crucible that's going off what are these harbor harbor no that's fine that can stay sea fortress yet we don't need that observation tower we don't need that transport ow we don't need that we don't need that you might be saying no but that's gonna stop people moving in not necessarily because you don't have those normally in your city and people will move in won't they so what's that our water pumping stations I like this little thing you got going on here that's nice what if you got going on down here industry I think that is it was there anything up here what if you got normal farming staff normal staff okay I'm gonna I'm just checking everything before I unpause the game and then I gotta run for it and let it run and let's just see what happens great city I have to say though great city I really want this to come back from the brink I think I've made a mistake by not turning all those things off sooner okay let's see how it goes do you know I'm just gonna do that trick again with the money I'd rather lose people than go bankrupt again so I'm just gonna run this again because I don't know what happens if you go bankrupt twice but I'm pretty sure we go bankrupt again UNG City we're making money we're making money yes so we know the trick works look banking money people are still moving in get ready to pause the game as soon as that hits zero people moving in oh that's fantastic okay I'll put that back to 12 again we may have saved your city we may have saved your city I'm very excited I'm very excited let's get that back so let's see as running normally taxes on normal with all the things turned off that are costing a stupid amounts of money yeah we're gonna need to take a look at some of these things here we're making money okay high school University I've turned off my big University we might be able to put that back on again let's go actually onto here University as click on University what was the thing that I turned off that was a university it was one of those oh we're losing money again it's gonna be like oh we're making money up we're losing money out is this thing here what's this my science facility but we can't afford to turn that back on again so school will never just deal with that crime yeah well after just deal with that but at least we know hang on hang on this might be just to do with the industry thing that goes up goes down does the weird and wacky wonderful I'm making you money I'm not making you money I make any money and that's only 30 minus 37,000 third of - sixty-five thousand that's good this is making money ish but as long as we're not losing money I'm happy with that I am happy with that I'm just wondering where that we could drop the budget on some of the other things healthcare capacity is like nuts let's drop that down drop that one down as well are we making money hmm we've turned the corner taxis are normal people are moving in we're making money I'm gonna turn on that because we don't have a university and we just want people have somewhere to go but I don't mind this going up and then going down because industry does that forth and what I want to do as well is I want to turn off their deleting anything and this in a way we set in now I think there is no reason I was just interested to see well we can keep an eye on the figure four thousand one hundred and four thousand seven hundred and thirteen I can't read I think we've done it you know I think we've turned this round I can't believe it so what is the demand the demand is still super low hmm money's going down I mean we're there we're almost there yeah elementary schools is let's just take a look at the elementary schools because that is one of the things we need schools in areas where there's people don't we so we've got schools over there see there's no schools here and I think this is an area where there's people living yeah let's pop another one in there I mean this is all empty so let's pop that in the middle there that goes up a bit yeah we making money we've got some over there what's going on here so this area round the back here I think that's all industry what about over there yeah there's none in here so let's pop one on the main road ish sort of three road there yeah that's going up a little bit people are moving in man alive I thought this was going to be impossible I want one over here if we need one yeah well have one in here as well so let's pop one there excuse me and that should take us above I was I just place in a medical clinic I was don't want a medical clinic I want a elementary school there we go as I'm trying to look at that so we're all we're there we're they're all there abouts I mean you can up the budget and tweak that a little bit but we're growing again we're making money what about over here all that there's there's tons of people there but there's no little schools here let's pop she's somewhere like this I would put two schools in us so many people yeah there we go we're over the figure that we needs yeah we're fine so we're getting a boost we're getting a drop but overall I mean if we can make money and we're seeing growth and then what you can do you can start turning some of these things on again why are they you're complaining about oh I dropped the budget didn't I four yeah okay I dropped the budget for my police coverage that's why there's enough jails I don't know I mean you could sort of fiddle with that it's mm let's put it back up to a hundred percent again that's one of the things they will actually complain about whereas they won't complain about no fire coverage it's got low land values and that's why people aren't moving in I think we could put these back again you know I think we'll be ok garbage collection I think we're ok on yet plenty of garbage processing more than enough garbage processing let's get the parks and plazas up again because that'll increase the land value I want to see this symbol go this low land value there you go it's going we've done it and then that should encourage more people to move in that's just costing us the money always so close to balance in the city but it's just yeah I think I've got a balance where people aren't complaining we're covering what we need and we're making money and we've got growth that's fantastic and because you've got growth every now and again if you want to you can do the trick here to whack this all out earn a ton of money until people start leaving yeah with a little bit of careful tinkering you can have your amazing city back again wow I can't believe I save that one flip in X so we're not just fixing traffic we're fixing entire cities and bringing them back from the brink of apocalyptic failure well what did you think about that city fix that was a tough one that was a tough one let me know in the comments below that's helped you with any of your cities that might have huge horrendous issues let me know if you want me to fix your city so not just traffic but absolutely anything in your city parks industry the whole thing is about to collapse and turn into a complete nightmare let me know read the comment below the pin comment on how to do that check out the other video on the screen and thank you very much for watching subscribe and like if you haven't done that as well that would be fantastic see you soon everybody take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 1,534,305
Rating: 4.9071579 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, how to fix your city, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, biffa, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, cities skylines fixing congestion, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines traffic tips, cities skylines vanilla, cities skylines parklife
Id: Fy7T2veeu14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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