Mother in law thinks I've cheated because I'm pregnant with a girl

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mother-in-law thinks i cheated on my dear husband because we are having a girl this is a long one so strappin i'm 26 female and dear husband is 30 male milla 70 years her and phil had my dh later in life as a last chance to have a kid dh has a name like john william smith fourth the name has been passed down for literally generations i will also mention as it's important there has not been a girl born on his side of the family in more than 100 years there's a huge running joke that the men in his family cannot produce female babies so fast forward to our wedding day in 2017 i've had a pretty good relationship with mill up until this point wedding was great beautiful ceremony funny speeches everything was great really until it's the end of the night and we are getting ready to go leave to enjoy a honeymoon suite and she looks me dead in the eye and says now go make us our insert dh's name plus an extra roman numeral i nervously laughed and we departed well ladies and gents i indeed did make a beautiful baby with my dh over those two weeks and who would have thought a baby girl everyone was so shocked when we announced it was a girl and most of the family denied it up until the moment she was born that's when the horrible comments started whenever dh isn't around mill and her family members will make snarky comments like i wonder where she got that nose it's definitely not dhs i my baby as beautiful as she is is strikingly obviously my dhs she genuinely looks more and more like him as the first year has gone by and even more so approaching too well as it would happen we are now expecting our second baby and yep another girl i begged bh not to tell middle agenda when we found out as i just wanted to enjoy a bit more of this pregnancy before she ruined it i had decided to keep the mean comments his mother made to me about our first daughter to myself as she's old and in poor health and i felt guilty about potentially ruining their relationship when she probably doesn't have many years left to be around i figure i'll add here that mill isn't dying or anything she's just had extremely poor health her whole life smoking a pack plus of cigarettes a day eats garbage constantly drinks only diet coke refuses exercise etc i literally offered this woman water once after she almost passed out from walking 15 steps and she gagged and said that's disgusting water makes me nauseous get me my diet coke so anyways he insists on announcing it at our next visit and holish y'all as soon as she heard it was another girl tears wellered in horizon she started shaking her head back and forth and sobbing she then started yelling at me called me a w and demanded i get out of her house dh immediately stands up and starts yelling at her asking what her problem is and that she needs to apologize to me and watch her mouth in front of her grandkids she says through broken whales not ours not ours those girls are not ours she's a w a rs my son did not make those girls i start crying hysterically and pick up my daughter who is utterly confused as to why daddy is yelling at grandma and mommy is now crying mill then looks at me and starts yelling i'll let you get away with it the first time i took you in his family i allowed my son to believe he fathered that brat but i will not allow it again d h is now ducking p y'all something i should mention here is that while the h prepared his whole life to having a son he was thrown on his ear when our daughter was born he never knew that he could love any girl in the world as much as he loves our daughter he has made several comments over the past year and a half that he never knew how deep love could go before he held our baby girl i can 100 assure you that if he had to save me our daughter or his mom he'd save our daughter 10 from 10 times he gets extremely p and starts screaming at her that she is out of line and how dare she call his daughter names he then goes on to say that we are leaving and until she comes to her senses she will never see any of us again she tried to say something more but he cuts her off and yells at her by the way mom i love that little girl more than i ever loved you as he is shuttling us out the door i cried and cried and broke down and told dh all the little comments she and her family have said to me when he's not around while we drive the two hours home he was so angry at the mall and has been amazing in comforting me through it we went nc for a few months and everything seemed to be going great we blocked her and filled phone numbers and hadn't heard from them except through other relatives over facebook which we either told them to not attempt to relay messages from mill or they would be blocked or ignored them completely then when i was nearing my due date we decided to be the bigger person and reach out to her and fill and offer them a chance to make things right she whined and whines that she misses dh and granddaughter we agreed to meet for dinner at their house after a few weeks for a proper talk and apology from her we agreed that edie should not be present so my sister was set to babysitter we arrive dinner is served and we are trying to make small talk when the h is like yeah mom this has all been nice but we need to talk about what happened and the things you said last time we were here i know and you know that you own my wife an apology mill then looks at the h and says yes do you have the test dh what mill the paternity test i'm not apologizing until i'm proven wrong and we both know i'm right you cannot be the father and the fact that you have now apparently made two girls this ridiculous th what the duck is wrong with you i start to cry and go to get up to grab my things and go to the car milo no you don't she shoots up rounds the table and grabs my shirt then proceeds to scream at me how dare you try to run away from this you're a ducking w and you need to own up to this problem dh screams at her to get her hands off of me and starts to make his way towards us she then decides that i cannot be allowed to leave at any cost with her son so she asks me as hard as she can across my face i push her arm away from me as i let out a scream from the shock of being s d h then gets in between me and his mom and starts to scream at her he tells hill to call the cops right now phil ignores him and tries to calm mill down insisting that we can deal with this dh is furious and i'm crying hysterically he grabs my hand and we are making our way to the door when mill grabs a snow globe from a shelf and throws it it hits right in the back it didn't shatter or anything but it did end up h me on the base i fell to my knees and before dh can put together what just happened she is grabbing anything she can find to throw i'm on my knees on the ground holding my head with one hand in my belly with the other being almost nine months pregnant as a cascade of random items are being thrown dh is screaming at the top of his lungs for her to stop and she proceeds to try to get close enough to kami as hard as she can thankfully she is old and in bad health so she loses momentum quickly and as a last resort dh pushes his mom and chief back into a shelf by the front door and he rushes me out i'm crying and freaking out and yelling she came my stomach over and over and he drives me to the hospital i end up getting six stitches in my head and the being monitored in hospital for four days because she came my belly the baby ended up being fine and the hospital demanded we file a police report we find out that when dh pushed his mom she ended up breaking two fingers and is claiming the excessive force hurt her neck very badly phil called an ambulance for her and she claimed that me and eh assaulted her in her doorway after they refused to let us in for a free dinner cops showed up and took our side of the story and compared our own report that we filed once at the hospital they told us that mill is demanding to press charges against dh4 while we are pressing charges against her so then my dh gets arrested but then quickly released after phil is forced to tell the truth and mill then gets arrested for maya phil is now begging us to drop the charges as no one was hurt um what i was ducking hurt and my baby could have been hurt and that we are being cruel to lock up an elderly woman he insists that we drop the charges say it was all a misunderstanding and he puts million counseling thing is because my injuries were documented in hospital we literally can't drop the charges even if we were stupid enough to do so because it was filed through a hospital there's no way it can just go away we are currently at home waiting for baby number two to arrive i'm on a strict bed rest order and eh has taken the week off of work to help pamper me and take care of dd i ask d.h if once baby number two arrives we get paternity tests for both girls to send to his mom in jail as a huge ducky he thinks it's hilarious idea and thinks we should also make copies and send them to all the relatives who were entertaining his mom's craziness along with a written letter saying goodbye that none of them will ever see us or his daughters again and that he hopes they are all happy knowing that they've ruined any chance they had to have a relationship with him or our children ever again we are so thankful that our baby girl is okay through all of this and so so relieved that we decided against bringing our older daughter to their house that night we can only imagine what could have happened had she been struck with something my due date is currently eight days away and i have an appointment the day of to discuss induction if she hasn't arrived by then and baby number one was a week overdue and i had to be induced last time any support for us is wonderful and greatly appreciated i will update if any more craziness happens in the future mother-in-law shows up after 25 years and expects to be accepted as a grandmother i'm a single father i have raised my son alone because when he was just a few days old his mother suddenly decided she doesn't want a child anymore she claimed she's not ready to have a child and refused to even feed him or hold him i wanted to give her some time i thought that maybe it's just postpartum depression or something i was ready to be there for her but she was serious she packed her stuff and left the hospital her last words were that she wants to see neither me or our son ever again i have never seen her since and i kind of feel like mill had something to do with it because during her pregnancy she was talking all the time about how young her daughter is and how impropriety of a moment this is for her to have a child i don't have any proof and i can't tell anything for sure but i feel like mill somehow secretly persuaded her to take this step for whatever reason so i was left alone with an infant in my hands it definitely wasn't easy i was just 21 years old i had to leave college and work very hard to give my son everything he needed fortunately i wasn't completely alone there were people who helped me to get through the hardest period people who babysit him while i was working who gave me advice on how to take care of a baby and i'll be forever thankful to them when he grew up a little it became easier i could send him to a kindergarten and work without asking people to take care of him while i'm not there during all this time i hope to hear from his mother i hope that she'll eventually come around and realize you can't just leave your child like a worthless piece of trash but even though i had left her my contacts and she could call me or write me a letter or something she didn't i never heard from her she never once used her rights to visit him when he was little he often asked me why did his mother leave him why didn't she want him and i didn't know what to answer because i always tried not to speak badly of his mother in front of him now my son is 25 years old he's a hard-working educated young man and i'm so proud of him and i'm proud of myself that i was able to raise him to be a good person we stopped talking about his mother a long time ago it was his initiative he was like well if she doesn't want to be with us then it's her loss and there's nothing we can do about it so recently mill appeared on our doorstep without a call without any kind of notification she was just there and she had come to visit her grandson i couldn't believe my ears and at first i almost didn't recognize her because so many years have passed after all and she was behaving as if she was a caring grandmother who had come to see her grandchild like she does all the time not like she was gone for 25 years when my son saw her he didn't recognize her either i have shown him pictures of his mother and his grandmother just in case they show up one day but i never really thought that they would she ran up to him and hugged him just like a loving grandmother would asking how he's doing and how big and beautiful he has become and he pushed her away and looked kind of confused i told him that it's his grandmother who has randomly shown up to visit him and he was like oh and walked away from her mill didn't take this reaction very well she looked at me and was like what have you taught him if he doesn't even say hello to his grandmother he's looking at me as if i'm a stranger haven't you told him about his mother and me or shown him our pictures well technically you are a stranger mill he had never seen you in person so why are you so surprised you show up out of thin air after 25 years when he's all grown up and expect him to treat you with love isn't it kind of delusional my son said dad did show me your picture but i needed no picture i needed you to be there for me he was quite hateful with her throwing question after question at her and mill's responses were so incredibly narrow-minded it looked like she wasn't expecting him to ask any questions he asked her where his mother was and mill was like oh she's doing very well she's living together with a great man and she has two nice kids she has gotten over that misunderstanding about your birth she was acting as if her daughter was the victim here as if we were the ones who left her he asked her why did his mother abandon him mill said well she was such a young girl it would be craziness for her to have a child at that age she had her whole life ahead of her and a baby would only be an obstacle you must understand it she didn't want to lose her freedom honestly her daughter was older than me when our son was born she was 24. i don't think it's too early to have a child it's not like she was 14 or something actually age has nothing to do with it i could have given up my son too i was very young as well but i didn't because i loved him and i wanted to be his father at this point i wanted to show mill the door obviously she wasn't welcome in our house but my son stopped me he had one more question he asked why mill didn't want to be his grandmother his mother left him fine but why did mill leave him too mill said well i had no time to take care of you i was a young woman too i had my life too and grandkids are only obligated to take care of grandparents when they are old and that's why i'm here then my son told her to leave and never come back he said he doesn't want to see her ever again and he won't help her with anything and as she was leaving she attacked me like that's what i thought a man alone cannot raise a proper human being such a rude and impolite boy he would have turned out better in an orphanage than with you so according to mill the conclusion is don't have children while you're young or if you do feel free to leave them and then come back a few decades later and they'll love you even though they have never received any kind of care from you but seriously what the hell was she expecting she won my husband broke up with me and i'm pregnant my husband and i met when he was studying in my country we were classmates we started dating five years ago and we got married six months ago in his country where we currently live together before we got married i traveled with him to his country to meet his mom we've traveled approximately four times to his country and it's not a secret that she hates me she's our the first time she saw me she said why is your skin so pale aren't you from latin america and sometimes she mocked my accent i don't speak english very fluently yet my husband and i always speak in spanish since he learned that language when he went to study in my country since we moved to this country she has not stopped saying horrible things about me such as you just married my son to get the green card my husband used to say mom stop saying that or i'll leave and she stopped but lately she has been ill and my husband spends a lot of time at her home she lives alone and in just a few weeks he changed a lot now he speaks exactly like his mom the other day we had a fight and he yelled at me i'm tired of you this is over then he accused me that i was using him to get my green card the same words his mother said and when i started crying he left the apartment i don't know what to do his mom ruined everything we built in five years of relationship and the worst part is that he let her do that and to top it all off i'm 15 weeks pregnant but i haven't told him anything yet i'm very thin and my belly already shows and i don't know how to hide it from my husband today in the morning his mother called me and said in a few days dh lawyers will contact you and you will back to where you belong if we fill the divorce papers i will have to go back to my country and i don't want to do it my husband came to our apartment to take some of his things and he looked so miserable he hugged me and told me he was sorry but he left anyway and now i don't know what to do first of all thanks for all the comments on my first post they really helped me thanks the other night my husband came back to our apartment and decided to stay here he apologized a hundred times but i didn't talk to him until yesterday but i didn't tell him i'm pregnant yet he told me that he had a fight with his mom because she refuses to go to the doctor she wants him to be at her home taking care of her all day but he has a job and a whole life to worry about he didn't talk to her again since he came back because he says that she was stressing him with her supposed illness he thinks she's not really ill i think the same by the way we were having dinner yesterday and she called him crying because she had fallen in the shower he went to her house as fast as he could and surprisingly she was perfectly fine i swear i'm tired of her and i know that my husband is also tired he is her only child and he has all the burden on his shoulders and now he without knowing my plans to come back to my country told me that he wants to come back to my home country because he misses the life we had there but i don't know if he's being honest or acting this way because he suspects i'm pregnant because yesterday when he arrived from his mom's house i woke up and he was rubbing my belly in such a sweet way that for a moment i melted he looked at me with a big smile on his face and asked me do you have something to tell me now i don't know if i should trust him because he is very weak when he is close to his mom and i'm scared that if i tell him that him pregnant he will tell his mom and she will ruin this unique experience in our lives edit sorry if i didn't explain myself right but my belly already shows and my husband has known me for five years he knows that i'm a very thin person and of course the moment he saw me he figured out that there is something different in my body because please don't judge me for that i slept with him the other night so it's pretty obvious that he knows that now i have a belly and it is not thanks to food i posted here a month ago and i couldn't post an update because i was really busy i'm in my home country now i came back before christmas and my husband traveled a few days after new year's eve because he quit his job and had issues to solve we are working to make our relationship work as before and we are doing well now and we are really excited because last friday i had an appointment with my obstetrician and he confirmed that we are expecting a healthy little girl fortunately we haven't heard from his mother since the night she fell in the shower my husband didn't go to her house again and blocked her phone number i think that what clicked on his head was that she rejected our baby even knowing he was excited to have one that night he told her that he was sure that i was pregnant and they had a fight because she said she doesn't want him to ruin his life with a child now basically she is mad because i'm the one who carries that child she even had the nerve to send me a message saying that i should get rid of that baby because her son is too young to be a dad it seems that she forgot that her son turned 27 this month and that he is no longer a kid and the day after i woke up with my husband rubbing my belly i tried to deny my pregnancy and he told me he knew about the baby that he knew from the night he returned to our apartment which was obvious because i had so many symptoms and my belly was already noticeable and a few days after his return as i said in my previous post i had s with him i know i was really dumb and i shouldn't have done that and of course he knew there was something different in my body we've been together for five years he knows my body as much as i do so i told him the truth i even told him my travel plans and he tried to convince me to stay but i ignored him and we both ended up in my country and we don't want to go back to his country for now we are happy here and we want to raise our daughter here [Music] you
Channel: R Girl
Views: 74,523
Rating: 4.9103479 out of 5
Keywords: reddit mil, reddit mother in law, reddit pregnant, reddit girl, reddit pregnancy, reddit marriage, mother in law, crazy mother in law, r/ mil, r/ girl, r/ pregnant, r/ pregnancy, r/, r/askreddit, askreddit, askreddit mil, mil, askreddit pregnant, askreddit girl
Id: 0of_MVJkobI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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