Me: "I'm pregnant!" MIL: "Well, then, I'm adopting another child"

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[Music] [Music] some brief background i've been with my husband for about 10 years and we just had our first baby as with many other mills around these parts things started going bad around the wedding and went plummeting straight down to hell when i got pregnant my mill thinks she can somehow manipulate and knock her way into getting me to do whatever she wants but i already have a parent whose death i await with baited breath hi that and i have no problem adding her to that list thankfully my husband has a steel spine and sees right through her but man she keeps trying off the top of my head here are some things i'd like to post about concerning my mill she's obsessed with the idea that we are the exact same size she had an outfit made for me for one of my pre-wedding family activities and i gave her my measurements she gave the semstress measurements for herself when the outfit arrived it was way too big for me and mill told me what she'd done i asked why and she said the measurements you gave me seemed small i thought you were lying she absolutely refused to tell me i looked beautiful on my wedding day but kept fluttering around me asking me if i thought she looked beautiful i went into labor unexpectedly and she was the only person nearby my husband asked her to go to our house and get a few things i really wanted she did it and then said your wife owes me dinner for this when she dropped the bag off heaven forbid she ever lift a finger offered to drive my mom to the hospital when i went into labor then changed her mind without telling anyone was absolutely forced by one of her other children to go get my mom and bring her to the hospital announced at my baby shower that she had so much more love to give and would be adopting a child she is 60 and was about to be a grandma she has of course not adopted a child she just couldn't stand that i was having an event that had almost nothing to do with her built a nursery in her mansion i haven't visited her since before i had the baby and will not be going back for many more months and even then i'm going to see my mom and bff not her but sure by a crib weirdo when we got home from the hospital with the baby she got my husband an insanely expensive wallet some pricey skincare products a new pillow etc she got me a vacuum oh and a lecture about how to clean properly two days after i had the baby she asked if she could host the baby's first birthday i said no she turned around and asked my husband he said no she still thinks she's hosting it she's gonna be real surprised when her grandchild doesn't show up one of my all-time favorites she complains constantly about not seeing the baby more she's a millionaire and could literally come here any time she wanted the one time she did come see the baby i asked her to sit with baby for 20 minutes while i walked the dog this was back when i thought she actually cared about her grandchild's well-being i came home and my baby was alone on the couch covered with multiple blankets she was in the guest room taking a nap i don't think it's that she doesn't love the baby she just well the baby never wants to talk about her and she apparently will die if she goes a day without being the center of the universe lol is the name the sun taken she doesn't understand why i won't come stay with her for three or four weeks so she can watch the baby full-time and i can go do whatever i want which is code for go duck myself so she can show off the baby to her friends the update the gist of my last post was that gangi wanted us to fly our baby to her mansion and then a throw a party for all her friends to come meet the baby observe her being the best thing that ever happened to this baby and also the world that party is at the end of this month my husband and i have told her multiple times we are not coming she is absolutely still planning the party and thinks she can get us there and she almost did my husband's cousin who we love had a baby the same time we did and we really wanted to go visit them and have the babies meet cousins travel and work schedules bananas so we told her to pick a weekend and we'd figure out how to get there unfortunately she lives about 10 minutes from genghi also unfortunately the one weekend that worked for her was the same weekend genghi was throwing the party balls we decided we'd go and then just still not attend the party with much goddammit and doug let's get this over with we finally told genki we were coming to the area and would visit her one would think genki would be happy one would be wrong gangi is never happy the first thing she says after we tell her our travel dates is oh ah you can just feel the love i genuinely enjoy talking to gandhi when my husband is there and doing all the talking which i guess means the thing i really like is watching someone else talk to genghi he got really annoyed and went what and she went i just assumed you'd come for two weeks he told her no at no point in our lives would we have enough free time to come visit her for two weeks so she said then come the weekend after instead that's easier for me and i'll have more time to plan the party nope we will also not be doing that and for the absolute last time we are not coming to the party she didn't respond to this at all and instead starts telling us about the nursery she built brief reminder gangi is millionaire genghi lives in mansion brief aside genki bought us absolutely jack when we had our baby but she built herself a nursery there are nine ducking bedrooms in her home her options of where to build her nursery were our room which exists and is furnished and which we have never used or an empty room of which there are a few where did she put it in her favorite daughter's room another aside her favorite daughter literally moved as far away as one can from genghi while still living in the same country and has only come home twice since she moved so that was the obvious place to put a nursery my husband laughed so hard when she told us he asked her why she did this and she got all offended and said her favorite daughter requested it for some reason lol lady come on her favorite daughter is also one of our best friends so we called her right after we talked to genki of course she didn't ask for rocket nursery to be in her room never change genki anyways right before we bit the bullet and bought our plane tickets the heavens parted and god said dude don't do this also my husband's company asked him to go abroad for a week for a big meeting and it included the weekend we were going to go visit gangi so we are back to not going we told gangi she gave us the silent treatment we didn't care and then she pulled her absolute all-time favorite manipulation tactic calling me and trying to guilt me into doing whatever she can't get my husband to agree to a while back i stopped answering ganga's calls unless my husband was in the same room and i could put it on speakerphone and foist her off on him she hasn't figured this out yet she called me in the middle of his work day at a time when she thought he had a meeting he'd just talked to his dad about this meeting who had passed on the info little did she know the meeting was cancelled and he was working from home and taking a lunch break i answered on speaker phone and she didn't even say hello she immediately said so i hear you're not bringing me my grandchild and i said nope here's your son and he took the phone from me and said what's up mom and she just unleashed highlights include i don't understand why you can't reschedule your work trip this is more important to me i just hope you realize that the longer you keep my grandchild from me the sadder and sadder i get do you know how many friends i have who want to meet the baby why would you keep making me delay this and on and on i stopped listening my goal in my relationship with genki is to be a blameless angel she can never say anything bad about without sounding bonkers she is so predictable that she makes this very easy at a breaking conversation i piped up from the background and said hey since you now have the weekend we were going to visit free and the h is going to be out of the country why don't you come visit me and the baby instead i'd love the extra help which no i wouldn't love the extra help but i know this woman no way is she the best person in the world going to fly first class to stay in my guest room and help me the worst person in the world in return for what demands on her time asking her for favors no fb likes pfff dtt no there was a moment of silence from the phone and then she said well i'm going to be quite busy that weekend and my dh snapped and went how you've been going on and on about how your weekend is ruined because we are not coming and you planned all this stuff that now won't be done you have a free weekend come see your only grandchild she goes word for word i'm busy then i'll let you get back to work give a big hug to my grandbaby and hung up she then tried to complain to her favorite daughter that i'm keeping the baby from her but jokes on her because in the same call where we asked sil about the nursery i told her i'd invited her mom for a weekend and been turned down as soon as genghis knew silnu she shut right up that should be the end of the story but a couple days after all this she posted a photo of my baby on fb in honor of her own wedding anniversary makes perfect sense yes you could post a photo of you and your husband or your wedding or the giant anniversary party you threw for yourself or you could post a photo of the grandchild you've barely met and talk about how that baby is your reward for everything you've gone through in life no i'm just kidding she of course posted every last one of those things with different captions about how great she is in the comments of the photo of my baby someone asked when the baby would be out to visit her and she said late march i couldn't ducking wait to hear how that was going to happen today she texted to say i should fly there alone with a baby so she could help me while my husband was traveling she texted me on the family text thread because i think she thinks i'll be less likely to say no with everyone like watching anyways i just texted back oh i thought you were really busy that weekend and now we wait now in addition to photographing weddings i also photograph births concerts too but those stories aren't as fun as these i know that it may seem utterly disgusting to photograph this moment but honestly it's one of the most amazing things to witness and capture for my clients so many of them treasure having the birth of their children documented as the moms are busy you know bringing a human into this world they often don't see the details of the day so it's nice to have them to look back on nothing gross is captured thankfully so i really enjoy these sessions my first birth was with a couple that have since become great friends i've captured two subsequent births for them and each time has had some sort of drama occur but the first birth wow upon arriving to the hospital with mom and dad we got mom induced and all settled in after about five hours dad's family arrived to visit for a few minutes and all seemed well i could tell that mill wasn't too stoked on me being there as she felt that me photographing the birth was unnatural mom and i let that slide because we knew that what was happening was fine mill kept asking me personal questions about myself how long have you been married for years mill what does your husband think about you photographing these types of events he doesn't care mill he's busy doing his own job and not worrying about what his wife does to earn a living okay i may not have said that one it was much nicer but it's what i meant and so on and so forth i tuned her out but they stayed in the room for three or four hours visiting with dad while mom was busy laboring mom was far too nice to tell them to leave and i didn't want to step in unless it became necessary but i could tell that mom was getting annoyed at one point during a rough contraction she started to pray very loudly and at that point mom asked that every exit and they would call when the baby arrived side note i have no problem with religion and my clients are very religious so them praying was not this issue at all it was the encroaching manner of it and their refusal to let mom labour in peace that was the problem mill was not happy about being asked to leave this was the first grandchild she needed to be nearby to help mom and dad out when baby arrived after all mom's family wasn't able to be there they lived on the other side of the country so far emily should be present mom and dad stuck to their guns and told mill phil selects two and bill to leave can you imagine how crowded it was with all of those people myself mom and dad and the nursing staff you can see how annoyed mom was at this point when it finally came time to push they get mom in the standard hospital approved birthing position when suddenly we heal out singing of the hymnal variety outside of the door and in walks mill like literally as mom is trying to push a gigantic baby outside of her mill comes in and starts singing praises and thanking god almighty for letting mom and dad create this new life for the family to enjoy she can't wait to see her grand baby enter this world now push mom god is here to help you push mom is screaming dad is screaming the nurses are trying to push her away and i get off my perch behind mom's head no crowning shots in this dojo and help the nurses wrangle mill out of the damn room as the door is shutting i tell her not to even think of trying to come in again or i'll personally throw her out of the room myself mill is furious with me saying god has given us this gift i need to see it come to fruition i gave her what i imagine is my most confused angry look and slammed the door i ran back over to mom and told her that i would handle mill if she came in again but dad handled that for us thankfully he went out and told his mother to sit in the waiting room or she wouldn't get to see the baby for six months she went and sat down after that but we could hear her singing praises from the waiting room soon after baby is born tearing mom something fierce on the way out but she is healthy which is all that matters after they clean her up so mom up and get breastfeeding started dad steps out to tell the family that they baby had arrived we can hear mill asking when she gets to meet her grand baby and after an hour or so mom allows the family in mill literally takes the baby from mom and walks to the other side of the room to ogle her i get some cute photos of milan come eating the baby phil was particularly adorable with her but they were entirely ignoring mom like the only people besides the hospital staff talking to her were me and dad i saddled up next to mom as she rested and let her know that at any point we could ask them to leave just say the word they ended up staying for four hours only giving the baby back when mom insisted you know because she needed to feed and bond with her daughter but almost immediately after baby was done eating mill would snatch her up again i was so furious on their behalf because it meant that for the first five hours of their daughter's life he spent more than half of it in other people's arms there's no major ducu to mill in this story other than during the birth but mom and dad made the unilateral decision to not allow any family to the births of their other two children until well after they had bonded and spent time together and when their son was born earlier this month they didn't allow male or anyone else to meet the baby until after their daughters had met him so for one agonizing hour mill was forced to sit in the waiting room while mom and dad bonded with all three of their kids in peace well with me they're taking photos of course which i think take mill off more [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 33,599
Rating: 4.9405522 out of 5
Keywords: reddit girl, reddit pregnant, reddit mil, reddit mother in law, justnomil, r/askreddit, r/ girl, r/ pregnant, r/ mil, r/justnomil, r/ mother in law, askreddit girl, askreddit pregnant, askreddit mil, askreddit mother in law, askreddit justnomil
Id: 6NojeQw1x5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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