Mother in law demands future daughter in law signs 120 pages prenup

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[Music] i work in a quasi-legal field in that i frequently deal with contracts but not on the lawyer side of them you hire me when you want a certain analysis done of the contract currently i'm working on many bigger contracts sometimes i will have direct contact with a client for clarification this is about the limit of my client contact we good on context good friday i'm just going through my usual routine of checking information and i receive a call from the biggest client on my list strange okay take the call and after some pleasantries the client asks if i can do my work for a print up and that they've cleared this with my boss i double check boss says whatever because her house in the hamptons doesn't pay for itself and i arranged to meet the client today to get started after some travel i arrived to meet the client who is a nice man in his 50s who has a very nice bank account after making some very very nice investments after an hour or so an older woman joins us late 70s cbf botaxed permanently onto her shiny filler-filled face she immediately proceeds to unravel everything the man has said i don't judge this is all billable and spends over three hours giving me point by point of exactly what she wants before i finally have to stop and remind her that this is my particular expertise exasperated she pulls out her and i swear on ringston's little troll head 120 page print up from the depths of her herm's bag and slams it down in front of me before literally stumping away i've seen stranger things but as i glance at the front page one see that the names are not the man in front of me and the woman he looks a little embarrassed and explains that his mother wanted to make sure that he doesn't give anything away in his marriage he is in his fifties he is worth many monies he explains that mother always wrote his pronouns and no no he's never been married as he says this i hear mother screaming in the background and as i turn around stunning woman in her fifties is trying to push past the man stands up knocking over rachoff is on the prin up in the process and just stands there paralyzed in fear at this point i'm just desperately trying to remember everything that has happened so i can come tell everyone here younger woman shoves older woman to the side and darts towards the man she starts crying asking if the wedding was really off which as i would soon learn is in three months and saying the venue called to confirm the cancellation older woman comes stomping over shouting that no little arsler w is going to get all of her baby's money and that if she doesn't sign the print up it's all over older woman grabs the coffee soaked stack of papers off the table and slams it into younger woman's chest younger woman's very nice channel spring summer 2018 jacket covered chest have you ever needed justice for the grievous injustice is delivered here on a daily basis my friends my llamas for you today your wish was granted younger woman had no hesitation she had been waiting for this moment her arm went back her gorgeously bearing fist went forward and did you know you can actually don't fill a red cheeks huh today i learned are left after giving my statement to the police who had shown up by the time mill hit the floor client called my boss who in turn called me after hearing it all she simply reminded me to bill for everything and hung up the poor man looks so devastated when his mother went down a look i'm sure he'll repeat when he sees our invoice run into a mill at work i work at a church side note i'm an atheist working at a church which the minister who hired me knows about and is cool with i'm like jane goodall but it's christians in the midst and most of the troop thinks i'm one of them this mill is not part of a wedding we are actually having at the church she's the mill of a bride who is getting married at a lovely private venue but the mill has been calling me several times a day four weeks about helping them with a wedding cake why call a church for that because we have a nice big kitchen downstairs with big ol industrial hey would a body fit in here ovens mill who is helping pay for the wedding decided that wedding cakes cost too much and her daughter used this as important used to work at a bakery in town so why pay for what you can force a child to make right but the venue won't allow someone to bring in and serve cake from someone's own home liability issues so this mill calls me here's a very very very short-end version of our conversations mill my daughter is a professional baker can we rent your kitchen to bake a wedding cake me you can it's 125 to rent our kitchen mill okay great is your kitchen certified me no when we have fundraising dinners we apply for a temporary permit from the health department if you need one proceed to fill her in on the ins and outs of our local health department next day mill hi so when will you get a certification me we won't you can apply for a temporary one mill okay because the venue says we have to bake it in a certified kitchen me well you'll need to ask the venue if the temporary permit is good enough or you can try to find a permanently certified professional kitchen that will let you use space the health department might help with that why does the venue need certification mill oh some lawyer nonsense me okay let us know if you want to book the space another day mill okay so can you get the temporary permit and we'll pay you later me you you need to apply for it and pay for it in your name it's not our event it's not in our church no i just don't understand why the venue needs us to do this would you make us do this if we had the wedding there me no it's not a health department requirement for private events we don't need to that sounds like an issue you need to work out with your venue mill okay i'll talk to them another day mill the health department won't give us a permit they said we don't need one for a private event me no you don't need one you said the venue is insisting on one mill yes this is ridiculous i'm just trying to save some money my daughter is a baker me i'm not sure what to tell you did you ask the health department about permanently certified kitchens mill what does that mean i remind her okay i'll try that another day mill the venue still says we can't bring a cake without a permit what am i going to do the wedding is in a month me were you not able to find another certified kitchen mill i thought you were going to do that me um no mill what am i going to do the venue said i need a permit but the health department won't give me one my son is getting married and that stupid woman is spending a fortune on the venue and they won't even let us bring a cake my daughter bakes the most beautiful cakes me i'm sorry there's not much i can do this woman calls me every day for a week several times a day finally i call her venue to try and figure something out for them because this mill is like a toddler who just asks why not when you tell them no and keeps repeating it until you crack so yeah i call the venue and the poor woman gives my message to the actual bride i think the venue was tired of dealing with the mill fallout and passed it on fdil actually calls me back apologizing for mill turns out mill was told from the get-go that they could only bring in a cake from an outside vendor as in it has to be baked by a professional in a professionally certified kitchen she knew this up front she insisted her daughter would take care of it because the amazing golden descended from olympus goddess of cake herself could do so much better and cheaper than the overpriced tacky venue the bride shows mill failed to mention after taking on the responsibility for the cake which by the way was the only part of the wedding she was helping pay for and the only part she had control over that dear dear baker daughter was fired from that bakery so dear daughter can't bake at work and to make it better miss perfect cakes was fired for repeated health code violations which is kind of amazing since she wasn't a baker after all she worded at a bakery all right as a cashier her only interaction with baked goods was putting them in bags for customers who bought bagels and mill rather than admitting any of this had been trying to find another place to have dear daughter baker cake and bring it fdil dropped some amazing phrases like i'm pretty sure mill was going to bake it herself since her daughter doesn't know a kitchenaid isn't a vibrator fdil knew something was up when they were visiting and fdh answered the phone at mom's house it was the health department calling to check on why name of my church had submitted a temporary permit but the address didn't match the one on file had submitted a form pretending it came directly from us claiming we were having a fundraising event that is not a private event so health department would cover it and issue a permit a fraudulent permit that would be on our record plus we can only be issued three a year so if the health department didn't catch it would have meant we couldn't do our final fundraiser of the year you know during christmas there is confrontation fdil apologizes again i assure her she did nothing wrong she feels terrible hamill tried to defraud a church and tells us to keep the 250 fee i tell her that we had never collected it as mill hadn't confirmed the date yet and it's only 125 anyway fdil is very quiet uh maybe she thought we took 50 down up front i suggest because i feel so bad for fdil poor girl apologizes again mill had told them she paid us 250 and had been complaining so much that fdh had offered to reimburse her for half to get her to shut up so mill was at best case going to be out zero dollars after she paid us fdil is clearly having a hard time talking at this point and says she doubts mill was ever going to pay us at all i doubt it too sister i ask fdil if she is okay she says she just feels terrible she's tried everything but just can't get along with mill she knows mill hates her that's why she offered to pay for the cake and the cake only not that the mill needs to pay for anything but mill paid for fdh's three brothers weddings as family is loaded 4 fdil fdh's tacky wedding she was willing to pay for the cake why the cake because the bride has serious allergies and wasn't going to eat any of it her mother was making her her own tiny little gluten dairy free cake to slice into mill was only willing to pay for the one thing the bride wouldn't get to enjoy at all there's no great ending to this story i'll let the fdil know all the ins and outs of cakes and health departments which by the end of this i'm a master of i told her about this site if she needed it i told her now this was her fault and she shouldn't apologize for her mill pulled i don't know if i helped i wish i could have done more but i've never met this woman so i didn't want to come across as too forward it seemed like at least fdh finally turned a corner about his mill once he had proof his dear mama had tried to scam a church so maybe i at least helped karma along a little bit i did tell fdil that if she wanted to have a secret meal free reception here at some point to de-stress and hit a pinata around i'd rent her the hall and kitchen for free on any day it isn't already booked doubt she'll take me up on that but she did laugh at least i'm also pretty goddamn crafty so i gave her some ideas to get around her cake problem basically ask her mom if she can just cover a few tears of styrofoam with white fondant and the top tier be the cake her mom was baking her all decorated pretty so they can slice into the top tier and freeze the rest for their anniversary then serve purchased professional sheet cake that's much cheaper to the guests she liked that idea and it's cheaper than trying to find someone to bake a full wedding cake in the few weeks they have left flap barbara sent my mom a bill for her anniversary party the bill is totally nonsensical it is three pages total the first is a page of math calculations that kebab must have done herself in pen and the result is circled and red pen the second is a typed page explaining the charges in more detail the third is a letter about how hurt she is and why my mom should have to pay she totaled up the cost of the venue and claims that because the party didn't last until her reservation ended my mom owes her for the remaining time because her actions caused the party to end unexpectedly soon she also estimated akka pulled a number out of her ass that before the dancing portion of the evening 45 percent of the strawberries and 30 of the cake had been eaten and the rest was absconded with that my mom's directions and that she therefore owes her 55 percent of the cost of the strawberries and 70 percent of the cost of the cake she also states how long she rented the dj for and how long he actually worked and my mom is on the hook for that as well according to her never mind that my mom left the building before dinner even started and never ate any of the cake and strawberries ever magnanimous barbara stated that one she is being extremely fair by only charging for the parts of the party that didn't happen because the rest of the party was affected as well and she would be within her rights to charge for all of it too she is willing to settle this out of court three she could also charge for the flowers but is willing to drop that if my mom does not contest the charge is for there is a deadline of four weeks to pay up before she seeks legal action the letter is hilarious because she tries to use legalese but it just reads like p.o or me my party i volunteered to help my mom write a counter letter to the charges something like the party actually sucked because of your actions and not mine including but not limited to spreading malicious rumors verbal abuse etc this is pretty ludicrous and i doubt that she will ever have to pay a cent but who freaking knows anyway that's my latest development i'm still in town because of some unforeseen circumstances but i'm hopefully getting out within the next two days should i help my mom with this letter or stay out of it it's in a gray area because it's not explicitly breaking nc but it would still be getting involved i think it would be funny because i think i can write a letter that replicates kbarb's language to poke fun at her but my mom would just send her a letter filled with f-bombs if left to her own devices now that i'm writing it out i realize how stupid it is and i should just not okay thanks for the advice guys i just talked myself out of it edit i just got a text from my mom that your llamas will enjoy she took a screenshot from bob's fafsa book i had no idea she had one it must be new because she never had one before bob posted a picture of her and my ex eating leftover cake at a public pool the caption on the photo a relaxing day with my favorite son cake tastes better when you eat it with the people you love then when you eat it at a party full of mooches i saved the top tier just in case but i hate to be right oh well i have cake and the sun is shining my mom sent the screen shirt with this text i can use this as evidence that she lied about the cake amount lol mom you will not be arguing cake percentages in court but may as well document i guess also holy hell it looks exactly like a wedding cake me and my girlfriend have been together since we were in the sixth grade i love and trust her more than anything in the world shortly after hs she decided to go to college and i decided not to so i could pursue starting a business like i dreamed of long story short i was lucky enough to be successful quickly and sold my first startup two years after graduating for a very large amount of money we decided together that she would drop out of college and work for me as an employee on my second company and we would live together not too long after that i proposed she said yes and then the happy side of the story ends now i hate to admit it but i absolutely worship money i know people say it's not a good thing to do but i grew up watching my single mom struggle to put food on the table for me and my siblings often going nights hungry because she had to feed a family with twenty dollars and wanted to leave enough for us it was engrained in my mind that i needed to make money so i could support my mother and younger siblings so they don't have to live under those conditions anymore so when i proposed a print up to my girlfriend she was livid she couldn't believe that i didn't trust her or have any faith in our relationship and felt outright disrespected that i would even entertain the idea she left me with an ultimatum of no print up or no relationship at all i'm completely conflicted she's the love of my life and i genuinely do trust her with every bone in my body but i can't jeopardize the stability of the financial freedom i'm providing for my mom and my younger siblings four of them oldest being 15 youngest is six i don't want to put their lives in the hands of somebody they don't know as well as me and can't trust because if worst case scenario happens and we get divorced i need to know that won't affect us in any way any advice [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 47,899
Rating: 4.8906107 out of 5
Keywords: reddit mil, reddit girl, reddit money, reddit prenup, reddit justnomil, reddit mother in law, reddit, r/askreddit, r/ girl, r/ mil, r/ money, r/ prenup, r/, r/justnomil, askreddit, askreddit mil, askreddit justnomil, askreddit money, askreddit prenup
Id: j0VzgtpYyCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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