Mother in law thinks I bought my child

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mother-in-law thinks I bought my child a few days ago I gave birth to my son I chose to give birth in a private health care center just because I can afford it and I wanted to have a much privacy as possible I didn't want other mothers with their newborns to be around and I wanted the doctors to focus on me only my husband wasn't able to be present Mill drove me to the center and she got quite offended when I told her she won't be coming into the delivery room that was completely out of the question because I'd rather be surrounded by doctors only than have mill there she was clearly dissatisfied because she obviously thought that since my husband isn't here she'll be the one who gets to see the birth of my child well didn't happen she had to wait outside the delivery room I was in there alone with doctors and she was outside the door ever since I got pregnant mill was always trying to horrify me by telling me how terrible Bertha's and that I'll be in such an agony I'll want to die I never believed her and nothing like that happened my labor was about four hours long and that's really fast considering this was my first child yes it did hurt but not nearly as bad as mill described it honestly the ingrown toenail that I had a few years ago hurt more after it was over and my son imme we were nice and clean mill was allowed to come into the room she looked around suspiciously and then she looked at me and was like did you give birth at all I said was kind of a stupid question as that you yourself drove me here of course I gave birth where do you think this child came from she looked at me again and she was like well well and then left she didn't even look at her grandson but Mill has always been strange towards me so I just shook it off the next day my husband arrived he was very happy and he was laughing he told me that his mother called him and told him that she thinks this child is not his child she told my husband listen there's something weird going on I'm quite positive it's not her child first of all why did she chose a private center instead of an ordinary horse I know why because she could easily bribe the doctors there those private centers will do anything for money secondly why wasn't I allowed into the room of course because I'd see that she's not giving birth at all thirdly I never heard her scream what woman doesn't scream during childbirth and lastly she couldn't give birth so fast first births always last for 12 hours at least those doctors probably had an infant somewhere into that room and they just gave it to her she probably didn't want to ruin her body with pregnancy so she just bought the baby believe me son she has never been pregnant and she just wore a fake belly all the time it's not your child after I heard all this I didn't know whether I should laugh or get mad or what of course my husband knows I was pregnant he has seen my belly hundreds of times and we always went to ultrasounds together mill has obviously decided that if her birth was bad other women have it the same way not sure if she realizes that all women are not the same now I'm home with my baby and I'm not contacting mill at all my husband doesn't want her to see me as long as she keeps making up things about a bought baby the last thing she suggested was a DNA test that will clearly show it's not your child I don't need that kind of nonsense in my life right now edit I forgot to mention she also said that the baby doesn't look like my husband as if she got a good look of him and as if newborn baby could look like someone yeah you read that right my mill told everyone while I was pregnant that the baby wasn't dear husbands I was 16 young and dirt poor my grandparents on both sides were very well-off but because of my own wonderful parents we lived in abject poverty my best friend at the time had this amazing brother you know how it is he was older at a great car and not to mention he was gorgeous in the crushed just Center one of those day dreamy long sigh kind of crushes after a few months of me suffering in silence because homegirl is too hardcore for fawning he makes a move I played it cool went on a couple of dates with him everything changed on our third date after our first kiss we were both head-over-heels absolutely smitten everyone around us hated it my friends and his friends my family and definitely his family you see he came from a nice middle-class family big house nice cars family vacations I come from well not much maybe I'll tell you all about my mom someday she deserves her own justnot Mills status I digress no one was as unhappy about our relationship as his mom and his sister my supposed besties we were too in love to care what anyone else thought our worlds were only about each other I get it it was probably stomach-turning being around us we had been dating for about nine months I was 17 at the time when he popped the question now you should know he was five years older than me he had a great job and had already gotten his bachelor's degree so if anyone was at a disadvantage it was me I accepted without even thinking I knew he was who I wanted the plan was to get married as soon as I graduated from high school we could wait we had forever but like most plans it turned to I got pregnant crab my family was furious his were silent suddenly I'm an even bigger outcast at his family events and he had a really big family no one talks to me I get sideways glances and when I would enter a room everyone would go quiet this goes on for months his sister goes Elsa cold definitely no longer my friend his parents even had a hard time being in a room with me I pointed all this out to my boyfriend he doesn't see it then he starts to get distant - everything I did irritated him he took a new job that required him to travel he was gone more and more his phone calls went from several times the data once a week it was terrible I was 17 pregnant and alone my parents are really a waste of space at the best of times but now it's even worse because I'm an embarrassment a good-for-nothing yes most days I spent in my room crying wondering how it all went wrong wondering why so damn unlovable I decided not to get an ax and trust me it would have been a hell of a lot easier I wanted that baby at that point it was all I had left of my whirlwind romance just remember guys I was 17 and raised on dismay as my due date grew closer my remaining friends all two of them decided to throw me a baby shower fan ducking tabulous and just who are we going to invite my friends reply was everyone true to our word over 100 invitations went out and to my surprise my boyfriend and his family showed up it was an amazing day my boyfriend was back to his old self again he held my hand and even kissed me from time to time my baby was literally showered with gifts at last count there were 78 gifts stacked up all with beautiful pink bows because I had found out I was expecting a little girl a few days later the magic spell was broken his family got quiet again and he withdrew even further I may have been young but I wasn't stupid I had seen it with so many women before me your shiny Sparkle wears off and the guy is resentful about being saddled with a kid I began to prepare for life as a single mom to my surprise my boyfriend shows up one day and says he wants to move in he wants to be there as a dad from that moment on I'm over the moon even though my parents were beyond not pleased I moved him him we suddenly were this little happy family making plans about our future picking baby names and going to birthing classes the big day came our daughter was born my boyfriend is standing in our hospital room holding our beautiful baby when his mom walks him she takes one look at our daughter and turns pale as ghosts she says only one thing to my boyfriend before even she looks just like you identical okay on whatever later that night my boyfriend's aunt came to visit us in the hospital she looks at our daughter and breaks out in tears she starts apologizing over and over but I didn't understand for what she calms down and asks my boyfriend if he will go get her a drink from the vending machine down the hall he goes and as the door shuts behind him his aunt leans in and says I'm going to use the dear husband and mill here your mother-in-law and sister-in-law told everyone that the baby wasn't your dear husband's everyone but all you have to do is look at her there is no doubt turns out the mill and sill had been spewing this poison from the day my dear husband told them I was pregnant they worked on him constantly saying I was just trying to trap him that I was just a race I was a gold digger and that the baby wasn't even is now one of my only friends that stuck around after I got pregnant was a guy a guy who I had know from kindergarten and my mill and sillies the facts that my friend was a guy to justify the crap they spread my dear husband actually believed it for a while that's what caused all the distant and coldness within a few hours of the word getting out that the baby was the spitting image of my boyfriend all his family started to trickle in to see our daughter that was 19 years ago we married a year later we are still married today but did all this stop oh hell no it was just the start my future husband has been staying with his parents since he went back to school for his MBA and we are now saving for a down payment on our own place I'm living with family but spend weekends at his family's house we have a three year old together and just found out this week we are having another baby things have been increasingly tricky with my future mill for a few months now the passive the comments have increased subtle shade is more common little issues keep arising she is incredibly attached to all three of her adult children and insists they keep a nap on that allows her to track their moves future husband refuses his 23 year old brother and twenty-one year old sister still obliged this woman has thrown future husband's fern at the wall in frustration forced him to mediate her always dramatic marriage with his father gets angry and lashes out when he doesn't attend family events especially if it's to spend alone time with me and our son a rare occurrence my sow has only recently within the last couple years started enforcing boundaries and standing up for himself so there have been problems and I've known she's been toxic my post would be an hours-long read if I went into every backstory but since I announced my pregnancy there's been a massive shift we told her about the pregnancy Tuesday I didn't want to but if we hadn't our three-year-old would have and it was so skal she immediately said to my future husband you aren't gonna move out right we've been planning and saving since even before the baby he said it's happening in the near future and only makes sense I said how helpful it'll be to have him there when the new baby comes and she snapped back I was asking so the week went on with little jabs snarkily correcting me joking about pregnancy brain it's just forgetfulness and when I asked why the passive aggression all you talked about his pregnancy take a hint yesterday she made a habit of speaking to my future husband only though I was next to him and it was things regarding the new baby she was sure to say and emphasized his name when asking questions he called her out on the rudeness said she was being rude me and the way she has been treating me this week is uncalled for she blew the F up instantly and said I can't even live in my own house without walking on eggshells so she doesn't get upset it's all about her feelings I asked if we could come it down a bit and try a different way of talking and she told me to get the duck out of her house future husband said he'd be leaving too and we went to his room to pack she comes in and out screaming at him for taking my side before trapping him all in front of our three-year-old and went so told her to cut it out in front of us and she said don't talk to me like that you dumped calling him the Ostler insinuating that this baby isin't her grandchild talking about me when I'm right there but not acknowledging me he went to take a load to the car at one point and she came back to his room yelling he got exactly what he wanted in my face while my three-year-old was in my arms my sue came barreling in to tell her to get away from me we finally got out 45 minutes later I blocked her on all SM because she's not my friend and I'm not working at this anymore and she texted me at 3:00 a.m. real sure unfriending me on everything act like an adult I'm done with her future husband is devastated and terrified he will lose his dad and siblings over this they're all very close but as adamant that she needs therapy anger management self-awareness and that this won't be an easy fix he'll be staying with me and our son he also doesn't mind that I'm not going to be in contact with her for the foreseeable future the last text she sent me before this said of course it's your home too on Thursday after I mentioned tension had been building she said we are good major I'm here for anything you need I love you and one Sunday ago when a future husband pointed out to her how bats mean to me I love you as we will learn as time goes on no matter my mood or gripes once I love you I love you and I will love you more and harder than I could ever be upset fake fake fake fake she is desperate for control thinks she and I are in competition for her son and I think this pregnancy announcement sent her mind reeling about how serious future husband and I are in our relationship if you read this far Congrats and thank you I don't mind advice I feel like I'm at a complete loss right now I don't know what I need update I'm so overwhelmed by all the responses advice and support thank you very much to every person who took the time to help me through this to clear something up my future husband and I weren't together when our son was conceived or born we started falling for each other as we co-parent it and so haven't been together the whole four years since our son was conceived and both of us were staying with family until we could afford our own place we are working really hard towards that goal some new events that transpired since posting my so dropped the keys off I got a text saying you must be so proud of yourself I didn't want my son's key just yours there is no reason for you to have a key to my house but this is still my son's home future mill has pulled out all the stops from telling so she and future Phil are getting a divorce and putting the house on the market next week too vague threats that are worrying you won't have to worry about me much longer so is very worried about his little sister who is still back home with future milind wants to protect her or stop the madness from happening no amount of my reassuring that his mother's actions are responsible for this mess not is can stop the guilt and obligation he's feeling this is an absolute nightmare and I have no idea what's coming next but I'm honestly terrified at this point she's absolutely lost it update she's gone too far I texted future Syl to tell her she can visit my son or pick him up to hang out whenever and I hope she's okay within 20 minutes future mil bombard me with messages according to the text to sent future Syl you gonna keep the ass away from us we raised in the last two years now we have to make an appointment to go see him she nowhere near raised him babysits maybe every other week for five hours she's not seeing him appointment or not I don't respond be women sick enough to answer you're sick 31 years old and you can't stand up for yourself this is standing up for myself and my piece you idiot I don't respond Hooters waitress if you ever had any respect for our family you will reassure us that you will keep bringing d/s over we have done nothing but bend over backwards for you her definition of bending over backwards is funny I'm not going over there she's lost it I don't respond you talk to me don't text my daughter she is not a porn you can use and finally sick of this I respond please don't text me anymore and send her to spam she's getting pretty desperate so had therapy today it helped him see that this guilt isn't his to bear he wants to focus on us and our babies and live our lives said we are doing our best and we are lucky to have each other it's gonna be okay
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 64,639
Rating: 4.9039302 out of 5
Keywords: reddit mil, reddit mother in law, reddit pregnant, reddit girl, reddit, askreddit mil, askreddit mother in law, askreddit pregnant, askreddit girl, askreddit, r/ mil, just no mil, r/justnomil, r/ girl, r/ pregnant, mother in law, mother in law during my pregnancy
Id: 7ATxXVsgNJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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