Mother in law thinks I should give away two of my triplets

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[Music] my dh and i started trying to have a baby in late 2010 we struggled and four years later hadn't had any luck we tried a lot of different things even two rounds of ivf but nothing had stuck in june of 2015 we decided that if we didn't have any luck by december we would stop trying and think about other options deep inside i was certain we'd get lucky and that i'd get pregnant i was wrong however a couple of months into 2016 i got what i thought was a stomach bug one trip to the doctor later and it was confirmed i was pregnant we were so happy and relieved d h cried for about two hours we had always planned to wait until 12 weeks to tell anyone but we were so excited that we immediately called our parents they were thrilled and agreed not to tell anyone until we were ready given my past fertility issues i was terrified of losing the baby so we went and got a scan almost right away and found out i was 10 weeks along we also found out that we were having triplets to quote my doctor i don't do things in halves immediately after getting the scan we went to dh's parents place to tell them about the three babies we sat them down i was shaking with excitement and told them that we were expecting three babies guys i have never seen looks of joy turned to horror so quickly see what i didn't know was that they believe that multiple births are unnatural and often demonic in nature don't even ask what kind of mental gymnastics it takes to come to this conclusion i still don't know mill proceeds to explain how it clearly wasn't god's plan for us to be parents or we would have been long ago and how maybe someone else had a hand in this obviously we couldn't say much as we were utterly shocked she then suggested that we could forget this happened and try again seriously after everything no duck no we left fuming and went to see my parents who responded with joy tears and many congratulations we tried to put mill and phil out of our minds over the course of the pregnancy we limited contact with them as they continued to make it clear that they were uncomfortable with the three babies we were so excited and busy preparing that we barely missed them and then we had the baby shower i had throw my sister all the baby showers for her kids and she was so excited to be able to return the favor finally that i'll let her do whatever she wanted it was beautiful tasteful and classy we played some games and everyone seemed to be getting on and enjoying themselves and then came the gifts everyone had bought things in sets of three my favorite was from a cousin thing one thing two and thing three suits mill had saved her gifts for last and was so excited for me to finally open them she had gotten me a stroller which i would have been super grateful for except that we'd already ordered a custom one that would work for triplets she then said the baby will love it and look i also got this for the baby at which point one of my aunts asked my mother if mill knew i was having triplets it was a little uncomfortable but my sister smoothed things over and we moved on after the party mill my mother and my sister stayed to help clean up and my mother was talking about how excited she was about having three babies around at once when my male turned to me and said cher haven't you told her she's only keeping one as you can imagine this sparked a whole argument which ended in me kicking mill out and crying into cake d h had a good long talk to her and we essentially cut contact for the remainder of the pregnancy so the big day finally arrived and i gave birth to three small but amazingly beautiful babies through caesarean after some complications i was absolutely exhausted and so we decided that we would wait until i was better to contact our families it was about 1am when it was all over so we figured it wouldn't matter that much if we waited until the morning plus rest and bonding time was important the babies had to spend some time in the maku due to their size but we were able to pick them up for short periods of time so the next day it was around lunchtime when we call families to tell them that a little miracles were here my mother and sister came up right away and were absolutely besotted mill and phil came in about an hour later and my mother immediately offered the baby she was holding to mill which one was born first mill asked before taking the baby i told her the boy that my sister was holding i'll hold him then i was confused but offered the girl two boys one girl i was holding to phil he declined saying he would wait for mill to finish now you've probably clicked into what was happening i didn't dh and i were so caught up in our babies that we didn't notice at first that they were blatantly ignoring the second and third born babies we actually didn't cotton on to this until they returned a couple of days later whether it's a boy balloon needless to say this didn't fly with us we had gone through too much for two of our babies to not count we immediately put our feet down and said that if they wanted to see the babies they would have to acknowledge that there were three of them to this day there is some for veritism but they do love all three so much for keeping this short if you made it all the way through this essay i'm beyond impressed so i sat down with dh last week and showed him the posts and everyone comments at first he was upset and defensive about it all but after he'd had some time to calm down and think it over he agreed that it would be best to address the favoritism issues now rather than later so yesterday saturday we dropped the babies at my parents house and went over to talk to mill and phil we sat them down and essentially explained that we were worried that there would be negative effects on the kids as they openly favor the firstborn guys you were right they flipped this phil exploded first asking us how we could honestly expect them to love something so unnatural mill then jumped in saying that we had made the choice to keep the things we had to suffer the consequences obviously this went down well with us d.h lost his too and told them they were crazy and they would never see him or the babies again he took me by the arm and led me out telling them never to contact him again we got in the car and drove to a park a few blocks away dh was really agitated so i let him have a few minutes to cool off while i stayed in the car and tried to take deep breaths while i was waiting i called my parents and just let them know that ielts might try to contact them but they are not to let them near the kids when dh had calmed down he got back in the car and we started making a plan of safety since the kids are only ever in our care of my parents care and that is pretty rare we didn't need to alert anyone about it yet we decided that at the moment the best thing to do would be to install security cameras change the locks i also have a spare key and hasten the plan of moving we've been wanting to for a while but with new triplets it's been a little tricky we then went and picked up the babies and went home dh has a friend who is a locksmith who he called gave a brief rundown too and asked if it would be possible to change the locks this weekend his friend said yes but it would have to wait until sunday no problem that's great etc we then started looking into security measures when we got a knock at the door guess who yep mill but not alone no she'd brought her priest to visit the babies the priest seemed quite uncomfortable at bringing dragged into the family drama but he said that mill was concerned about demonic activity around the younger two babies we told him the children were fine then told mel that if she didn't leave we would be calling the police she then proceeded to call the police herself saying that we were uncruel and needed the babies taken away from us the police took over an hour to arrive we had closed the door and gone about our business and when they did mill was howling about how we were such awful people the priest told the police what had actually gone down we told them the same they told mill to leave one of the female officers said that she would put the incident on fire and to contact her if anything else happened which i thought was fantastic d h obviously has been really upset by everything that has happened he cried a lot last night but woke up this morning basically really determined to fix things the locks have been changed security cameras are set up with audio at the front door there has been no further contact from mill or phil hey guys thanks again for the support on the last post i wish i could respond to everyone individually but on top of everything happening the triplets have chosen now is the time to get their first cold doctor has been and confirmed that it's nothing too serious but three cranky babies are hard work i wanted to address some reoccurring questions comments in the last post as well as adding some things that i missed first thing is the priest a lot of you were right that he came along with mill not because he believed there was actually demonic activity but because he was worried that there was something else going on he reached out to us today and said that if we need help support he can help us find groups therapists etc he also suggested that we keep our distance from ill as she seemed to have severe delusions he also put us in contact with a lawyer who is willing to do some free work for us if needed we also asked him about the multiple births being unnatural thing and he confirmed that it definitely isn't in the catholic doctrine secondly cps we got in contact with a friend of ours who works in the local branch and gave her a rundown her exact words were eye ducking told you she was nuts she organized to have a social worker drop by this week to do a health assessment and has gotten us booked in to see a psychologist in a few weeks we've started looking for another house because of dh's job we can't leave the town but we are looking at houses on the other side of town from ielts we have also been looking into more security measures we are in australia so we don't have walmart here as far as i know certainly not in our town but we are looking at finding window sensors we have also contacted close friends and family and let them know what is going on my parents are absolutely horrified and my best friend has offered to stake out her lawn rest as satan okay first the bulbs are doing amazingly they are getting so big starting to walk and saying a few of words so far we are managing pretty well with them and are absolutely so happy second after months of lawyers courts and stress we finally have a no contact order on mill she isn't allowed anywhere near us and isn't allowed to contact us or have third parties contact us this is a big win and was very hard fought she pulled out every trick in the book to fight this i can't remember the exact dates of all this so i apologize if it's all a bit vague after she brought the priest to visit that basically kicked everything off we got cps to conduct a visit and health check and they gave us the all clear mill then began reporting to them daily if not multiple times a day pretending to be neighbors and friends complaining of hearing us screaming at the children and the children being bruised and malnourished more welfare checks can't see anything wrong she would call the police and say we left the babies alone outside in the car etc the police ended up charging her with supplying false information she started sending fm to visit us two of her sisters in particular they would basically come over cool over the babies and leave at first we thought there was no harm in it then cps came again and said they'd complained that our house was filthy and the babies were being left in dirty nappies all day now the house wasn't at its tidiest i'll admit i was a bit behind on the laundry and dishes but it was definitely not as bad as they made it out to be next time they came over we told them we didn't want them visiting for a while they called the police and the lady officer from my first or second post came over and basically told them to bugger off and leave us alone a few months after this all started we got approved for another house unfortunately due to dh's work leaving town isn't an option but we didn't tell anyone our new address except for my parents my best friend and dh's best friend it was so peaceful and calm for a while that i was beginning to relax and let my guard down one day dh and his friend had gone out and my best friend and i were at home chatting and doing some sewing together the doorbell rung and as i had a mouthful of pins and my hands full of fabric my best friend went to get it i hear her open it and then allowed what the duck guess who right mill she was there with an arm full of presents for the babies and a big grin on her face i came over to the door and told her to leave she was pouting and asking if i hadn't put all that behind me yet she pointed out that it wasn't very christian of me not to forgive to which my friend responded that it wasn't very christian of her to be a raging bee mill obviously did not like that i again told her to leave and said i would call the police best friend said on it and dialed the cops mill then burst into fake tears and started begging for forgiveness saying it was cruel to keep the little angels from her i swear you could hear the eye rolling from myself and best friend cops arrived and listened to both sides of the story and told her to move along one of the cops told me i should be kinder to her which made me pretty mad but i just brushed it off when dh got home i told him and he called our lawyer and basically told him that we don't want her anywhere near us that set everything into motion and the court dates started we basically had to prove that she was an actual danger to our children but she played the concerned grandparent and turned on the crocodile tears spectacularly as we didn't have sufficient evidence to keep her away from us the judge basically turned the case out our lawyer thinks that the judge may have been biased but we couldn't do anything else other than try to gather more evidence and appeal sorry if i'm being super vague the details are exhausting and would take months to write out we talked about moving again but really didn't have the money to do it so best friend told us to stay at her place and she'd stay at ours at least for a little while so we'd feel safe and comfortable have i said how great she is cause she's great so we did a house swap and a few days later she sends me a video of her opening the door and mill there mill openly recoiled and starts shouting things like good lord my heart and runs off best friend answered the door stark naked mill didn't return for about a week and a half after that when she did she demanded to know where we were and best friend pretended she didn't know who mill was talking about mill started staking out the house but after a few days must have realized we wouldn't be around and stopped we reported each instance to the police adding to our file a few weeks after this dh had a work dinner where he was getting an award a pretty big deal so his best friend and mine volunteered to watch the three musketeers we let them stay at our house where best friend was staying as mill hadn't been around and we thought it would be fine wrong it would have been around 9 30 the kids were asleep and our two friends were watching a movie together when they heard something weird in the back room they went to investigate and found one of the windows open this was mid-late winter so it had definitely been closed they immediately went to the baby's room which was actually the spare room then my friend stayed there while the h's friend went to search the house friend called the cops while he went searching about five minutes later she heard a whole duck from upstairs and ran up to see what was happening i'm shaking as i type this i still can't believe it mill was in the old nursery upstairs she had two baby carriers with her the two bs kept her in the room until the police came and she was arrested we got home shortly after and i was in near hysterics after finding out what happened mill was charged with breaking and entering and attempted kidnapping she'll probably do jail time but unfortunately the courts here move really slowly so she hasn't been sentenced yet her court date is coming up soon after this we obviously took the case back to court and this time the judge could hardly deny that she was a danger to the children so our request was granted she was released on bail but under strict instructions to go nowhere near us and not to contact any third parties about us apparently she thought she had a loophole and she sent phil around this would have been around christmas time he basically tried to guilt the h into letting him into the house pulling the hole it's christmas can't you forgive your old man dh told him to bugger off and leave us alone we switched houses back and things have actually started to settle down again our two best friends are now very good friends we are thinking maybe more and have been absolutely amazing we had them both over for dinner to say thank you and they were definitely vibing i'm sorry again if this is incoherent everything seems like a blur now sometimes i wonder if maybe it wasn't all some kind of weird dream anyway that's where we are at at the moment i'm hoping mill's trial will get bumped up and that she won't be able to get out of doing time our court here is more than a little biased unfortunately but we'll see meanwhile i'm going to try to relax and enjoy the time while the little ones are little they seem to grow every day and are so precious i can't believe how lucky i'm to have them so mill she ended up getting not much more than a slap on the wrist she got a community corrections order similar to probation i guess we were hoping for jail time but no such luck we ended up having to go to court to testify which was draining with the result not worth it after that however things settled down dh's bf and my bf did start dating they are still together and pretty happy together it's great and they are officially and legally the ones who would take the triplets should anything happen to dh and i they are so supportive and have been there through all of this i can't thank them enough unfortunately the cco wasn't enough to determine she got it into her head that she wasn't winning against us because satan had our backs maybe he does who knows for about three months we heard nothing she didn't come near us we checked the security footage there were no fm no fill everything was perfect then about five months ago i got a call from one of dhs aunts she wanted to know what had happened to the babies obviously i was really confused the conversation went a bit like this hello hello cher aren't how are you i'm fine darling i'm so sorry to hear your news ah news the babies got i couldn't believe it after everything you went through i'm not quite sure i never would have believed it but then i saw the graves oh darling is there anything i can do i don't know what you're talking about little second and third mill told me about how they passed what i quickly cleared it all up promised my children were not dead and asked her where the graves were that she had seen apparently there are two little memorial stones in mill and phil's backyards engraved with my youngest two's names if that isn't ducked up i don't know what is i immediately called dh and told him what aunt had told me he didn't quite believe her saying that she's probably lying but said he would swing by and see if he could see them i pointed out that that wouldn't be a good idea since we are trying to prove that we want nothing to do with them in the end we decided that it wasn't worth it trying to prove anything by seeing if aunt was lying or not it still bothered both of us but as far as we could tell there's not a lot we could do about it a couple of weeks later the two bfs were over playing with the kids and giving me a chance to hang some washing out it was a warmish day so we were all out in the backyard together we had recounted the story to them and they both agreed that if it's true that stucked up my bf was pretty ready to pull out a mission impossible suit and get over there in the dead of night but we all agreed it's not worth it she did bring up a good point that we'll have to be extra vigilant about making sure the kids understand that they don't go anywhere with anyone they don't know especially as they get older she explained about the tricky people thing warning kids about people they know not just strangers we were halfway through this conversation when the doorbell rang dh went to get it while the rest of us stayed in the yard he was gone for quite some time and when he finally came back it was with two police officers they asked if they could talk to me and i agreed a bit too stunned to do anything else we went inside and they explained that there had been a report of severe going on in the house obviously i was shocked and started telling them about the cps visits and how we were cleared but that wasn't what it was about no apparently i'm a dh they explained that his mother had called them distraught begging to be allowed to help him leave she told them dh had reached out to them for help and i had repeatedly framed her until she was banned from seeing us she was terrified that the h was going to end up dead i was so angry but realized flying off the handle probably wouldn't help my case as calmly as possible i told them our story starting from when we told them we were having triplets they listened took notes and when i finally finished i was in tears and shaking they were really nice explained that they had to look into reports like this but they didn't think anything was wrong as when they asked d h if he was being abused by me he laughed and pointed out how small i'm in comparison to him they were about to leave when i asked them about the grades i gave them a rundown of what aunt said and asked if there was anything we could do to confirm they said that unfortunately while it's creepy it's not against the law and the best thing we could do is stay away and then the best and worst thing happened mill came over to our house at about 1am we have footage of her sprinkling water we are assuming of the holy variety over the long kneeling and praying and making the sign of the cross repeatedly we don't check footage every night usually only if something disturbs us so this went on for several nights before we found it what made us check happened about five nights after the first time she came we were woken in the middle of the night by a loud crashing noise i went straight to the triplets who were sleeping soundly while dh went downstairs i also called the police because after everything i'd rather that than a false alarm i was told it would be about 45 minutes before anyone could get there dh came upstairs and said that one of the large pot plants we have on the back veranda was knocked over it's huge not something that could be blown over or tipped by something nudging it we took the triplets into our room and waited for the police they searched but couldn't find anyone they dusted four fingerprints around a few of the windows near the pot but again nothing they guessed someone was probably trying to use it to reach a higher window and it fell over dh had been loading the security footage and asked if they would wait and watch it with us mill obviously she came into the backyard and peered through some of the windows she tried the back door but it was locked she tried the downstairs windows locked she then tried climbing onto the plant and it tipped over then she bolted the police officers aware of the arvo against her immediately called it in another car went to her house where apparently she had been all night when she found out about the footage she claimed she must have been sleep walking she was hit with a hefty fine and given a last warning next time prison aunt called us the next day hysterical she said mill was trying to k herself because we had abandoned her in her hour of need we asked her to clarify and she said mill had recently been diagnosed with cancer dh was pretty shaken by this and immediately called phil phil confirmed and begged the age to come home to see her before she passed at this point we weren't sure what to do dh asked phil about it he explained that she was diagnosed about two weeks prior with stage three breast cancer and had been rushed into chimo in town about an hour's drive from us they said the chance that chemo would work were low and she had maybe a year or two left phil said that all she wanted was to spend her short amount of time with us d h was devastated he wanted to go over there but didn't want to do it alone i wouldn't take the kids so called bf and asked her to come over she did and we explained the situation bf then shattered everything by saying they don't have chimo facilities in town her cousin lived in town and had gone through chimo having to travel to another town to receive treatment needless to say we were pdh called phil and confronted him phil insisted that it was all true that the facilities must be new all of it dh said that he would call the hospital and ask and phil got mad saying he couldn't believe his son would do this blah blah blah d.h hung up on him and broke down i think that was really the final straw for him within a month he had secured another job in another town we found a house and moved it's close enough that our bfs can visit but we didn't tell any of dh's family that we moved we changed our numbers and are currently going through the process of legally changing our last name since that day we haven't heard anything from them i have no doubt that if they find us it'll start again but for now i'm just glad for some peace and quiet [Music] [Music] you
Channel: R Girl
Views: 317,153
Rating: 4.8815365 out of 5
Keywords: reddit mil, reddit mother in law, reddit pregnant, reddit girl, reddit pregnancy, reddit marriage, mother in law, crazy mother in law, r/ mil, r/ girl, r/ pregnant, r/ pregnancy, r/, r/askreddit, askreddit, askreddit mil, mil, askreddit pregnant, askreddit girl
Id: YO_hU-BYKuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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