Most Complete PALWORLD Guide Ever!

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this video will be able to act as a One-Stop shop for everything you want to know about power world it works out that this video is coming out a little later than normal because there have been patches that change how some of these features work so I've included those changes in the guide let's begin all right so the first thing that we're going to have to do is choose what type of a game we're going to play are you going to start your own world or are you going to join somebody else's right so we're going to go ahead in this case and start our own just be aware if you play online in a public server there are hackers and they can destroy your base so just watch out for that if you decide to play online and then we're going to create a world that's what you're going to do and name it Giga fun okay great in here there's some settings that you can change just know that you can come back and change the difficulty settings at any time you want so tomorrow you can come change it to super hard and the next day you can change it to super easy and the game doesn't care it doesn't affect your achievements it doesn't affect anything when you change the settings also there's custom settings you can come in here and just turn off the things you don't like if you don't want to drop all of your items every every time you die and then have to do a corpse run to go gather your gear and your items just turn this off nobody's going to judge you a lot of us did it it was the first thing I came in and change you know if you like corpse runs if you like taking the time to run back to your body after you die if you enjoy that extra challenge go for it keep that on but there's lots of little settings in here that you can change I wouldn't mess with too many of them too early until you kind of understand the balance of the game so you know what you're changing right but like corpse running that's one that's the simple like some people love it some people don't you can change that one before you get started that's no harm so with the World created the difficulty chosen we're going to create our character nothing much to say about the character creation make something that you like or something that's going to make you laugh and it's beautiful so the world's your oyster start the game the game's going to give you a quick little cut scene we're going to go ahead and skip that for now and then you're going to spawn into the world the first thing that you're going to want to do is turn around and run backwards just like any good RPG every once in a while you'll find yourself waiting for your pals to gather materials for you that's when it's a perfect time to explore the universe in Star Trek Fleet command and there's never been a better time to jump in if you want to scratch that Star Trek itch be sure to use the link in the description or the QR code on screen to download the game for free right now I love the new wave defense that they've added in you and your allies survive as long as you can while increasingly difficult waves of enemies swarm your defenses but that's not all they've added in recently the Star Trek Enterprise Arc continues into February with its second stage the classic nxo1 Enterprise is now playable and part of the xorg faction extension two new officers have also been added for you to collect Captain Archer and Captain Tron and 10 core Star Trek Enterprise themed missions and 10 side missions have been added this is a massive amount of new content for you to dive into but if you're one of the few that have never played be sure to use promo code warp speed to get 10 epic shards of curk this code only works for new accounts instructions for redeeming your code can be found in the description below start your own Alliance or join an existing one and explore the universe use the QR code on screen or my link in the description below for a special starter pack it's crossplatform so you can can play it on your PC or you can play it on your phone while your pals are gathering or building for you thank you Star Trek Fleet command for sponsoring this massive video I couldn't have done it without you and thank you guys for listening now let's get back to the video there are secrets behind where you spawn so the game's telling you to go forwards but if you go backwards you're rewarded for your curiosity we got a copper key some arrows and some gold coins copper keys are going to be incredibly useful in this game because they're going to open up chests so just like that chest we were able to open it up without a key there's going to be chests in the world that require you to have a key in order to open them the arrows are also awesome because bows are one of the best weapons in this game until you get to weapons and rifles and shotguns later on those bows are incredibly handy in whittling down the HP of Pals that you find so that you can better catch them now the first thing that you're greeted with is a fast travel Shrine here you run up to these and you touch them they go from red to blue and now you can fast travel to this location from any other fast travel location so to fast travel you have to run up to a fast travel location and then travel to another one you cannot simply open the map and teleport to one okay and then there's an NPC there when you see an NPC sitting around go talk to them they will usually give you materials so when we go talk to him he'll give us some materials and same is true of any NPC we see sitting around and let's see what we got from this one it looks like 10 wood perfect that's going to be great for getting our base started and you'll notice in the top right there's little instructions on what to do that's going to be your little guide at the beginning of the game it says open the build menu and select primitive workbench open the technology screen from the menu and unlock a pal sphere and then it says craft a pal sphere okay no problem so first thing it wants us to do is build a workbench which brings us to the first phase of this game which is going to be building your first base a lot of the beginning of the game is Just building that first base and kind of learning how the building Mechanics Work there are a ton of great spots for building your base in this game an absolute ton of them but the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to make sure that it is a large open area because your base is going to have a ton of things in it and very likely your first base is going to be probably your primary base it just kind of happens to work out like that in a convenient way you know it it's got all the structures it's got all of the things in it because you've been building at it from the beginning and so just make sure you pick a nice large plot of land otherwise you do run into issues where your pals are getting stuck behind buildings behind objects behind you know waterfalls it's all kinds of things the AI is good but it does have its limitations and so if you build your base in a twoo cramped of a manner it will cause your Palace to get stuck from time to time now just for example sake we're going to go ahead and use this nice large area here as our first base it's pretty good because it's got Stone which we're going to use a lot of for our early construction it's got trees it's even got some iron right there it's got more Stone it's got berries which we'll need to not die right this is also a survival game so if you don't eat you die if your pals don't eat they die so we're going to need those berries it's got paldum over here look at that and we've got some little lamb balls that's okay they're fine and we've got some kivas there as well as some chickpeas so let's go ahead and build that work bench that it's telling us to build now we just hit level two we'll talk about what that means in a second here we're going to build this bench going to go like this and it's a 5-second build time not long at all the later in the game you get these build times will be astronomically long if you're building yourself but your pals are going to be doing all the work for you now we've got the bench built but in order to build things at this bench we have to learn how to build them in our technology tree and every time you level so let's open up our menu system here our menu system has our inventory our party our technology tree our pal deck our Guild and our options menu so the inventory this is your inventory this is everything you're holding you do have a max weight at the beginning of only 300 however there are ways to increase this right over here on the bottom right it says enhance stats every time you level you get to invest some stats the critical stats are going to be Health stamina and carry weight the bottom one here now I will say stamina is one of those things that's much more useful in the beginning than it is in the end of the game because in the beginning you need more stamina so that you can mine ore without running out of stamina really quick you need it so you can climb you need it so that you can Sprint but later in the game your pals are doing all of the mining they're doing all of the chopping so you don't need stamina for that later your pals are doing most of the fighting so you don't need stamina for that and later your pals are literally flying you everywhere so don't need to climb because you can fly so stamina is one of those things where don't invest too much into stamina because it does have limited usefulness in the long term but early on you can't deny it's pretty useful health is always going to be useful you know you don't want to get one shot by a pal that you're fighting while your other pals are fighting that pal so you'll be in combat and a pal will throw an attack at you if you die it resets the fight so you want to make sure you beef up your character every point you put in here gives you 100 extra health and for carry weight we're going to go ahead and take carry weight because I am am one of those people that I can't walk by things without picking it up and we're going to need lots of materials in this game it is a base building game it is a survival game it is a crafting game right so carry weight can't be overstated on how useful it is aside from that in here you can see your level you can see your hunger so we're at 80 out of 100 if we don't eat this will continue going down until it kills us there's our health this is our Shield zero out of zero we don't have a shield yet when we get one that number will go up and it shows us our level and how close we are to leveling right we're about you know a quarter of the way to the next level it shows our weapons you can have 1 two 3 four weapon slots they're not always weapons sometimes it's various tools like your pickaxe and things like that sometimes it's a rifle just up to you then you've got accessories these are like rings necklaces t-shirts that kind of thing we'll get into that more and then at the bottom here you've got your food bags and you'll get better and better food bags allowing you to hold more and more food however you really don't need more than one or two slots honestly because it's fairly easy to keep you know enough food in those two slots to keep you going but these the way they work is is you put food in there and then your character will automatically eat it whenever they get hungry whenever this starts getting low they'll eat it so you don't have to manage that you can focus on every other part of the game not putting food in your character's mouth you just have to keep a bunch of food in that slot your character will eat into it whenever they need to likewise your pals will be in your party and they'll need food and they'll automatically eat out of here so you're not micromanaging the food intake of yourself and your five Pals that are in your party very very useful okay and then we've got this is the party screen when we collect some poels you'll start to see them show up here and then you got the technology screen okay the way this works is this number on the left is literally your level so we're level two so we can go all the way up to the second tier of the technology tree when we hit level three we'll be able to unlock things in the third tier right and so this is your level and you unlock things as soon as you hit that level very very simple everything in the blue side of this tree right this is the ancient technology side this is the blue side the technology side this you get points every time you level so you level up you get points you spend them in here the ancient technology side you have to to kill these Larger than Life Pals out there and these super Pals these rare Pals and that's going to give you ancient technology points we'll show you more about that later but just know that's kind of like your two different types of points and the way you advance through this tree so at level 10 you'll unlock the ability to get this but you'll need these ancient technology points in order to unlock it so the first thing the game wants us to get is a pal sphere and the reason for that is that's what we're going to use to capture Pals and if we hover over it it tells us exactly what we need to craft this item we need Palladium fragments we need wood and we need Stone in order to mine Palladium fragments wood and everything else it's going to be a lot more efficient if we craft the right instruments right like a so we want a stone pickaxe and we want a stone ax so we're going to need some Stone to grab both of those things so let's go ahead and we'll just run around we grab some wood off the floor some branches some Stone and see if we can find a few more Stone on the ground here there's one okay good oh yeah so let's go ahead and build those really quick we're going to go ahead and build the pickaxe and like I mentioned right now you're going to do the building but later your pals are going to do all of this work where you're standing at the bench like crafting things because the build time on them goes up exponentially and they craft much much faster than you lighter and then of course we're going to craft a bunch of pal speres padium wood Stone so we're going to craft as many as we can which is only two right now okay we're going to be able to collect a lot more Palladium real easily with that pickaxe that we got now the items automatically went into our weapon slots because we didn't have anything there if you already had weapons here you'd have to you know just drag them in there like that simple enough col like this padium here we're going to need tons of this and you can see on the left side of the screen how much we're getting there four five so we got five there we also leveled up from Gathering you do level up you do get experience from Gathering From crafting from Catching Pals from killing Pals all of these things give you quite a bit of experience this is a level 33 mamores this is not something you want to mess with at this point if you accidentally hit him he's going to be a problem for you we're going to go ahead and catch this guy let's go ahead and Whittle him down just a little bit so he sees here the lower his health the easier he is to catch perfect there we go we we caught him now we're going to unlock our pow box so we come in here PO Box yes now this is the center point of your base basically the building area of your base will be a giant circle around this PO box so where you put this is very very important so what it also means is everything inside of its radius is also what your pals will gather from for instance if we were to put the pow box over here next to the water half of our base would be unusable because we can't just be building structure in the water conveniently I mean we actually technically we kind of could because we can build out over the water a little bit to kind of like take advantage of that but for the most part you want to put it in the middle so what we're going to do is open up the build menu now you can tab through the different build menus at the top here you can see all of them you've got production then Pals then you've got storage food infrastructure lighting Foundation defense other Furniture right these are all going to open up as you unlock them in your technology tree so in order to build a pow box we need eight wood and three stone so we need a bit more wood and a bit more Stone let's go over here and another thing you're going to want to keep in mind is when you're building don't build over top of your nodes so these nodes are going to respawn like this Stone node is going to respawn and that's going to be good for you you're going to need a lot of stone in this game both in the early game and in the late game in the early game you need it for crafting items like the tools we're using right now weapons and then in the late game you can turn Stone into Palladium fragments using a Crusher so try not to build over top of your resource nodes because they do respawn so kind of keep note of that where they're located build everywhere else don't build on top of them okay there we go we got the rock going to grab this tree here and on the left side there you can see all the stuff we're getting by the way trees give you both wood and fiber so if you're ever looking for fiber trees are where it's at so now do your best to place this in the middle of everything and make sure you get as much of that stuff as you can we set it there let's see we can see the outline right here see this line so it looks like if we set it there it's going to get all of this stuff here it's going to miss these trees and it's going to get this Stone in the back here so I'm going to cancel that and we're going to go ahead and move it forward a little bit just to make sure it gets those trees up there we're going to need a lot of that stuff later so we're going to build this up and here we go we've got that kativa so now we've got a pal box what you're going to use the PO box for is basically storing every pal that you catch you'll catch hundreds of these Pals right because you have Pages look at this at the top I'm tabbing through all the pages and look how many pals are on each page so you're going to have tons and tons of pales that you catch the ones you put down here are going to actually work at your base so if we drop him there he's going to go ahead and start going to work doing whatever he is proficient at now this brings us to proficiencies so if we hover over a pal we can press view details down in the bottom right there it tells you what the button is and it tells us what this pal is capable of so over here it says it's a handiworker it's good at transporting Gathering Ing and Mining now these are the things it can do it cannot do kindling it can't do planting right if it doesn't have a level next to it it can't do that task so if you need a Pals to chop wood down then you're going to need lumbering Pals right this one can mine so he's going to mine he'll gather so Gathering is going to be like those berries out there or any food that we plant mining is going to be the rocks and the ore transporting is whenever they hit these things look it's falling on the ground next to it so Transporters will grab that pick it up and then put it in your storage containers for for you cooling will cool off the refrigerators that you're going to build to save food this game has a system where food expires which is probably the most annoying part of the game for me I don't really care for the mechanic but it's there so what you need is a pal that has the ability to cool the fridge so that the food doesn't expire on you too fast this is especially useful for things like cakes then you've got farming different Pals yield different results so the Sheep right here those guys over there the lamb balls right we'll go catch one if we grab a few of those they will will have that farming one level one and they will yield wool for us by standing in the farming area they'll drop wool on the ground so if it has farming that just means when they stand in that farm they're going to drop some kind of resource sometimes they drop gold sometimes they drop wool all kinds of stuff so this is going to be something you really want to pay a lot of attention to the next thing I'll say is when something has a higher level so handywork two is exponentially faster than handywork one and what handywork is is like if you want to build a hundred of any item at a bench like this one right here and let's say we were going to come over here and we wanted it to build 100 pal spheres right the handiworker trait is what allows one of the pals to do that for you so one with handywork level two is going to do it way faster than a handiwork level one and if they have handiwork level four man it flies Okay so that's what that is that's what those levels mean so now our hunger you know we're getting pretty hungry here we're down to 36 out of 100 so what we can do is just right click on PC or whatever that button is on Console I'm not sure sorry about that right we right click it and then we choose who we want to give the food to right now we don't have any Pals in our party so it's just showing me we'll click on oursel and there now we went up from 30 to 50 held off that hunger just a little bit now we leveled up open and strengthen our stats it says okay we're going to go ahead and up our weight again we want to be able to carry lots of stuff because we're going to be doing a little bit of gathering ourself in the beginning it says capture five lamb balls earn an XP bonus increase your player strength by capturing 30 Pals build up your base until it reaches level seven okay so it's starting to get dark we will freeze at night if it gets dark and we don't have certain things you will actually die from the cold your health will just start depleting slowly but surely until you die so you want to have either a bed to sleep in when it hits night or you want to have a torch so what we're going to do is we're going to come over here and what we're going to do is come into our technology tree and we're going to get wooden structure so that we can build our base out of wood so now we have all of the options to build our base and it's getting dark so we better do this quick we'll put that there in order to have a structure you can sleep in all you need is a roof over your head so these three items right here right the floor the wall and then the roof it's all you need and then we need a bed so we'll unlock the bed and in order to craft the bed the bed we need some wool and look at that we have a lamb ball right here ready to provide exactly that we'll just give him some Love tabs here get him nice and low for us catch him and when you catch a pal you get the resource and there we got three wool right so you don't have to kill a pal to get the resource that it drops when you kill it you can also just catch it and catching it gives you more XP especially the first 10 times that you catch it you get an XP bonus now we're going to build the bed all right and we'll go ahead and build this and our kativa is a handy worker so when he runs over here he'll help us build this thing watch the time it's at 12 11 and then he touches it and it jumped down to 6 seconds left for so it doubled the speed that we crafted it for us now we can come here and go to sleep so we just interact with the bed that puts us to sleep and that skips the nighttime it's is great because we don't want it to be night nighttime is painful for our character right now not very warm we don't have any clothes now what we need is we need a box right because our pals are making a mess they're Gathering materials but then they're leaving them on the floor that's because they have nowhere to put those materials so we're going to create a box which means we have to come into our technology tree unlock wooden chest so what we'll do is we'll open up our menu and place that wooden chest and it's nice to have your chest near your pow box one because it's central location so wherever they're coming from to place these materials they don't have to go very far right as opposed to having the turn in place the opposite end of your base right so go like this and if you put material so if we put this Stone in here then they'll know to always bring the stone here right he puts like with like so if there's a box that has a certain material they'll go ahead and do that now you'll notice on the right side you see some red text red text in games is generally important and this is no different it says pal without beds will get stressed so what you're going to want to do is make a bed every time you add a new pal to your base and every time you level up your base you're going to be able to have a new pal so we'll talk about that in a second let's give the first guy a bed I'm into our technology tree straw po bed unlocked okay we have the materials for it go ahead and put this down so he's not so stressed you know we'll let him sleep right next to us that's fine but what does it mean for them to be stressed well that means that they're going to be less efficient they're going to need to stop and take more breaks they're going to get angry and go take naps and stuff like that and just generally work a lot less for you now in order to have more Pals working at our base Gathering more materials so that we can advance faster right I can't express how important it is to get lots of Pals working as fast as possible you don't want one pal gathering in your base you want as many as you can have so in order to do that you have to upgrade your base and if you look at your base here it says base upgrade right there in the middle of the screen for PC we press V and it says you need to build a wooden chest and deploy a pal to work we've done both of those things so we can upgrade no material cost to upgrade now it says Build A Primitive workbench and build a shoddy bed we did both of those things as well so we can get that next upgrade now it says our Max Pals working at the base is three used to be one so let's go get some more Pals and put these things to work we know we're going to want a couple of lamb balls because we are going to need wool we're all out of pal spheres so let's make a few pal spheres really quick there we go we c one of them our kativa is fighting the other one off for us your pals that are sign to your base will automatically defend it for you they'll protect it the best of their ability or die trying all right this is a good time to talk about what happens when you're holding too much stuff because I just happened to be doing that myself right now when you're holding too much stuff you can move but slowly it used to be that you couldn't move at all patch came out now you can move slowly and if you had your grapple hook you could use that to go large distances at a decent clip but we don't have one of those yet so for the meantime when you're carrying too much stuff it's going to go ahead and make you move really slow in order to fix this what you can do is you could split your stack and you can just drop it on the ground for a second you can go ahead and drop off you know the items that are weighing you down then you can come pick it up drop it off again and that way you know if you you don't want to be walking around super slow it's not worth it now you'll notice that when we're building the palace that we have captured are building things for us right it's greatly saving time we don't have to stand there and build the item they'll do it for us and this is just the beginning now the next thing that we want to build is a feed box this is going to prevent your pals that are working on your base from starving so we'll just go ahead and put this again somewhere in central location is nice because your pals are going to have to run here often and feed themselves they're going to go ahead and when they pick up berries they'll go ahead and drop them in here and then whenever they need more food you know they get hungry they'll come here to eat the berries that they gathered and put in here or whatever crop you're growing there's going to be multiple different types of crops in this game you'll have Berry crops and then you'll have wheat crops and basically the difference between them is the berry crops will only give you let's say 10% 20% of your fill right so you'll have to sit there and eat more berries whereas the wheat will fill up 50% of their appetite right and so on the higher level the crop the more of their appetite that is satiated by each time they stop to eat making them more productive now it wants me to build a campire build a berry plantations deploy a work p at the base so we need one more P at the base and go ahead boom put our lamb there and we just need that Berry Plantation and the campfire campfire is easy as usual we're going to have to come in here and unlock the things we want to build so campfire was one that we wanted and then the other one is going to be the berry Plantation down here so you'll often have more points than you need I mean yeah if you tried to unlock everything the second that you had access to it you would run out of points fast but if you focus on using these points on the things you need to advance your base it's going to be a good game plan also you know it's not a bad idea to get a bow when you head out and start trying to take down better Pals right they are going to get hard they're going to start doing a lot of damage to you if you let them hit you so we're going to build that campfire campfire is where we could cook meals if we want to you can put this thing anywhere but if you stand in it or if your pals stand in it it will hurt them so just kind of be aware of that ahead and put it right here the other thing we want to make is a berry Plantation again making sure not to cover your valuable resources that you have so we'll put this right here now comes our army of Builders to build it for us all right it says that we can upgrade the base now cuz we built those items and the next thing it wants is build the pal gear workbench and the statue of power okay both of these things are pretty important so let's talk about these first we have to come into our technology tree and unlock them repair bench o we're going to grab that because we are going to need to repair our stuff at some point every time you use an item or take damage your gear or your item are going to lose durability and eventually they will break and become basically useless so you're going to need to use that repair bench to repair them okay so we've got the pal gear workbench which needs wood and cloth we're going to go ahead and unlock cloth so that we can make cloth here we go cloth yes we go ahead and do Max get that made and we're also going to unlock un lock the statue of power so the statue of power let's talk about that right now because this is an important one the statue of power is what you use right you're going to see these green Effigies that's where that bright green glowing object is over here we'll go grab it you're going to collect these while you're playing they're all over the world and there's way way more in the game than you need to max out your statue of power I maxed mine out and I still run into them all over the place on my other account so we come to the Statue of power here and it says offer LIF monk Effigies to enhance your capture power so basically the more of those green glowing things you get you're going to be able to come back here and click enhance yes now it says I need four more to go to the next level and it's going to continually improve your chances of capturing Pals so you're going to want to collect as many of those green things as you can and then when you're able to come back here and upgrade your ability to capture them now when you're building your base you're going to be tempted to put objects really close to each other but I'm going to tell you not to do that don't put benches that you're going to assign your pals to next to each other like too close and don't put them right next to a node like this one is kind of dangerous so I might find myself in a situation later where I'm trying to assign a pal to this right so sometimes when you're trying to assign a pal to a station if there's another station right next to it the pal will automatically try to grabb the next station even though it can't even work at that station so it's going to not work and it can be kind of frustrating so just kind of leave space between each station so that the pals don't get confused about which station you're trying to assign them to when you throw them at the station one of the things in this game that you can do is if there's something you really need done you want it to be a priority for a pal you can pick up a pal and you can assign him to that task so we came to this guy and we said no no no I don't want you attacking this one you know I need you over here on something else I want you mining this rock right so then it'll reassign them and then on the left side it says fix assignment to rock there it goes right so you can tell your Palace what you want their focus to be as long as it's something they have the proficiency for right and it's worth noting that just because they can mine doesn't mean they can mine everything so it takes level two mining Proficiency in order to be able to mine ore so if you have something that has level one mining it won't be able to touch that or node in your base until you find a pal that has level two Mining and this is very much the beginning of the game you know it's just coming here upgrading your bench trying to move your base forward get as many Pals working in your base as possible early on so that you kind of constantly have that passive resource generation happening while you're doing everything else in the game now wants us to build a Crusher a stone pit and a logging site so go ahead and do that as always that'll start by us going into the technology tree and unlocking the ability to build those things we need a logging site and a stone pit so we've got to level first which means it's time to go catch a few Pokémon because that's the easiest way to get lots of experience because remember the first 10 Pals you catch give massive bonus XP with them so once you've caught 10 of a pal there's really no need to catch more of it unless you're doing it for a very specific purpose like you know combining them and stuff like that which we'll talk about in a moment all right now I've switched over to my main character who's pretty much maxed out and has everything the game has to offer at this point so that we can go over this stuff more efficiently without having to grab materials every time I want to make a new bench and all of these things so let's talk about it so one of the things that you're going to want to do in this game is as you're progressing you're going to keep leveling up your pow bench until your pow box can hold 15 out of 15 you can change the settings so that when you keep upgrading it it keeps letting you have more piles in your base all the way up to 20 out of 20 which is what I've done here I have 20 Pals working otherwise once you get to level 15 in your pal box the upgrades become useless it doesn't keep adding Pals for some reason so you have to go in there and change a setting so that it will keep adding Pals all the way up to 20 so you're going to do that and you're going to keep branching out you're going to keep exploring finding new Pals capturing them so that you're taming more and more Pals so that your base is getting more and more efficient really base efficiency is a massive part of this game it's one of the biggest parts of this game you know kind of find ing all of the different things that work really well at various tasks so in my base for instance we have this guy here German tide right because he has level four watering so when something needs water he goes over there and he drops water falls on it and gets it done really fast and really efficiently so when I need to crush Stone to make Paladium he's going to do it faster than anybody else can right the only way to do it faster would be to get a level five one or if it had some passive skills over here that increase its efficiency at working which is possible there's like artisan and things like this that make them work faster and they're really good things to have on your pals when they're assigned to your base we've also got this guy who's got level three electricity we've got Anubis who is a level four handyman right so when you need something built at one of your benches he builds it faster than anybody so you start to seek out these ones that have level four skills so that when a task needs to be done that requires that skill they're going to get it done and a lot of times the more focused they are like this guy has level four kindling and nothing else which is nice because when they're multifaceted like this guy he Waters he handyman he mines he freezes and he gathers things and puts them away so he does a lot of different things he wears a lot of hats which is useful and also a pain at the same time because the AI is not always perfect so you might need something crafted at a bench but instead of crafting the thing at the bench he's going to go over and mine your 8 billionth stone and you don't need more Stone you need the thing in the bench and so then you have to go pick him up and throw him at the bench right whereas if he was just a handyman like a nubis here he's a handyman and a miner and a gatherer right so it's much more likely he's going to be doing the thing that you want him to do because he doesn't have as many ulterior things that can kind of distract him from the tasks when they're at hand or you know jman TI ignis here who only doeses kindling so when I need ore turned into ingots like this guy will walk over there and get it done really fast and he won't be distracted by any other tasks right so it is nice to hyperfocus your pals as much as you can it's not always option especially early on you they're usually lower level of these specializations and they have multiple of them so you know which is it's a gift and a curse because they'll do the thing you want them to do and then whenever that thing's not available they'll go do something else productive which is also nice so it's all about finding the balance that's right for you and right for your base now as you venture out into the world you'll eventually go up into places like this up here where it's really cold it's very snowy and you can't be there especially at night because at night it's colder in the cold areas and it's also colder the hot areas so if you go to a hot area during the day you'll take damage if you don't have any heat resisting armor on but if you go there at night you'll probably be okay because that hot area cools down at night you can explore places that you would have been unable to explore if you go there at the right time of day sometimes so as you level up your pow boox right mine is now level 20 but as you level it up you're going to eventually unlock the ability to have a second base and then a third base so your second base is one that is most likely going to arrive when you find yourself needing lots and lots and lots of ore so great place for that base if you can is up here in at about 181 and see in the in the bottom left of the map it shows you the coordinates it says 181 - 38 right there and go to that place on your map even before you're able to travel there just go put your cursor over it and then leave a marker see you can leave a marker so you could just go to a place and then pick the marker that you want to put there and that way you know you're trying to get to that point at some point and the reason is if we fast travel to it it has tons of ore well mine doesn't have a ton right now because they have been constantly mining it but it's got tons of ore and so they're constantly collecting The Ore for me and the coal cuz this place also has coal which is why it's nice it's going to give you coal that you need it's going to give you ore that you need and you're going to need lots of those things mid game so this is a great second base alternatively you could come down here it's easier to get to 10 534 and this is going to be a spot with tons of War as well but eventually you're going to go ahead and have your alternate bases up and running Gathering whatever extra materials you find yourself short on most of the time like I said most likely it's going to be ore especially if your first base didn't have a ton of ore and you're going to find yourself running into these towers like this one the Tower of the rain Syndicate these are kind of like your boss battles in this game you go and you fight another pal trainer and their pal so you go there you fight them you eventually defeat them and you'll get a nice technology point right that's the ones that help help you unlock your ancient technology items over here on the right you get some of those as well as a ton of experience and some items for defeating that you'll also find things like this there's little caves right you'll just be wandering around and then you'll find a hole in the wall and you can go on in and it says enter dungeon and you can come on in here and say Yes And there's this massive cave system this is the closest thing to a dungeon that this game has and you'll wander through it and eventually you'll get to the end and there'll be two chests and those chests will have loot for you like accessories and this is is where you would get things like accessories shirts necklaces amulets you know things to put in these slots right here will come from running through these Dungeons and getting to the end and opening the two chests at the end of them when you get to that point at the end it can sometimes be hard to get back to the beginning you might get a little bit lost it is windy there's a lot of forks and paths that can send you astray and so the easiest way to get back to the beginning is just go return to title and then log back into the game and the game will set you back out at the entrance so you don't have to run all the way back but if you're in there you're deep inside and you're in trouble and you're lost and you just want to get back to the entrance the easiest thing to do is return to title and that's going to bring you right here where we're standing right now and then you can continue about your day that also works for these towers right here the one I just showed you a moment ago on the map this Tower the Tower of the reain inate so when you're in there and you're fighting if you're losing the battle which a lot of times the first time you walk in there it'll be kind of to test it out and see am I ready for this is it going to be close is it not right and there's a time limit on the fight so sometimes you have no problem staying alive but you don't do enough damage between yourself and your pals to defeat them in the time that you have the 10 minutes that you have for the fight so if you go in there and you realize you're going to lose you're either going to die or you're just going to run out of time and you don't want to have to deal with all of that again you can just return the title log out and log back in and it'll put you outside of it so you don't have to run back for your corpse right because if you do die you're going to have to run all the way back to that Tower you're going to have to run all the way back to that dungeon that you were in and gather your corpse so that's how the dungeons work in the game that's how the towers work and then when you defeat the tower it's going to actually give you a way point on top of it along with a chunk of XP and an ancient technology point we'll go ahead and fast travel to the top of it here and from up here you can get a nice view of the surrounding area you can see the things that load in from a really long distance are those green Effigies you'll be able to see them from a mile away a 10 miles away at night you can see them from everywhere you can see the egg right there that little dot that looks like it's an egg eggs responds so when you see an egg out in the wild grab it and then if it's a really good egg you know don't be afraid to visit again see if you get lucky again get another good egg eggs and Gathering eggs like these one of the best things to do in this game early on is get the Nightwing flying Mount and get the saddle on that bad boy we'll show you where you can do that right now so your base is right here and then right down here there will often times be Nightwings and you'll be able to grab one of them so right there there's an iwing if you capture one of those you can up up at your base now let's talk about that actually because that's really important not only can you unlock the ability to have structures but you can also in your technology tree unlock the ability to ride PS to equip them with weapons and all kinds of cool stuff like that so here's the Nightwing lock at level 15 so after you get to 15 and capture a Nightwing this is going to be your first flying Mount most likely and once you get flying in this game it completely changes the game it completely changes everything all of a sudden you're able to go anywhere anytime doesn't matter how high how far how dangerous you can fly over the dangerous and you can get to the cool stuff you can gather it and you can come back with your loot so the Nightwing is going to completely change the way you play the game it's going to let you run around and get Effigies easier it's going to let you run around and get eggs which is going to be one of the biggest power spikes that you have by far in this game is getting your flying Mount and then going to high level areas and Gathering eggs and then when you come back you'll bring those eggs to incubators so you'll have an incubator in your base and you can put a fire next to it and if it's too cold it'll say it's cold or it's really cold or it's kind of cold and you can put a fire next to it if it's cold that'll heat it up and that'll help it hatch faster or in the settings right now what I've done for the purposes of this video is I have taken the incubation settings to zero so when I put an egg in there rather than having to wait an hour it's instantly ready which you know no shame in it if you want to turn something like that on because look at that we got a Pyon knock right that's a very nice pal now there's no shame in it because you're going to collect tons of eggs you're going to go out and you'll come back with 10 eggs easy and if it's taking 5 to 30 minutes to hatch one egg it becomes kind of cumbersome you're just constantly having to come back and check on your eggs so you know if you have a huge batch of eggs don't be afraid to go into your settings and just change that knock it down to half or zero and open up all your eggs if you want to see what you got but yeah like I said this is the best way to get Pals that are above your weight class right they're above your level you just fly into high level areas with your flying Mount and grab the eggs and then you come back here and you open them and it's like a little Lottery like what did I get what did I get and you get some really really powerful Pals that way so in order to do that you're going to use this bench right here your pal gear workbench this is where you craft any pal gear and when you craft pile gear you might wonder where did it go well if you come into your inventory you have this tab at the top it says key items click on that all of your PO gear that you've ever made is sitting in here fortunately it doesn't take up your actual inventory spots it's right in here and it's put to work automatically so you don't have to like equip it on the pal you don't have to slot it anything like that just anytime you have the pal that that applies to out it's in effect automatically right so very very nice and at level 15 you get the Nightwing saddle which allows you to fly the Nightwing which is basically you know it's just a slower version of the one I'm writing right now this jetrion this is like the fastest Mount this is your endgame one you get to level 50 you go catch this guy and then now you can go around the world at ridiculous speeds and get everything done that much faster very handy so that's your big task at level 15 if you haven't done it yet catch a Nightwing and craft your saddle you want to have that done right away and then boom from that point on now you are playing a game where you can fly and it completely changes the dynamic of what is and isn't possible where you can go what you can explore another thing that you'll run into at that point is you'll start now getting into areas where it's cold outside or hot outside so right now my character is wearing heat resistant gear so that's why it's red and if I put this one on this is the cold resistance gear and that's why it's white/ BL okay so very color coordinated there and and you'll be able to craft this armor at your benches as you unlock it in your technology tree and that's going to let you go into those areas you can also wear these shirts these thermal shirts that you can grab you can grab these from merchants and that'll help as well so you're 15 you can fly the maps really open up to you now you're collecting figs like a madman because you can just basically go out at night and fly into the sky on your Mount and you can see figes from miles away and you can just beline it to them you can just fly to them catch them and you'll be able to up up grade your ability to catch Pals at your statue of power here right mine is maxed out and that'll help you capture those high level Pals because it can be quite difficult to capture those guys even when you're 50 and you're maxed out it's good and you have the best pile spheres in the game it's going to take a while to capture them sometimes now let's quickly talk about the map since we keep opening it up and talking about it let's go ahead and go over what everything we're looking at means okay so you've got this symbol right here these are your teleport points these are fast travel points you find them you touch them when you're in the sky and you see something glowing red it's most likely one of these that you haven't found yet so you'll fly to it touch it now you can fast travel there moving forward when you see these symbols it's going to be like this one right here level 40 cblx so you can go there and defeat this rare pal the super pal right they're larger than normal Pals of their variety and also more difficult and if you capture them they're stronger as well so these are very nice to capture if you're looking for that type of pal and you get a ancient technology point for the purple section of your technology tree right over here which is going to let you get these things so whenever you want to unlock the next one of these you just open up the map and you look for the ones that you haven't done yet like we haven't done elizabe somehow we just missed that one so we'd run over there find her sometimes it's underground sometimes it's above ground so if you go to the marker on the map and you don't see them it's because they're under you so you got to go find a cave entrance and then wander into the cave and then boom you'll find the pal and you'll be able to defeat it there and sometimes you'll see these this round circle on the floor with this wayp point in the middle you go inside and you fight the out there the end result is the same you end up getting your ancient technology point you end up possibly capturing one of the larger pads and all that good stuff this symbol here is your base you can have up to three of them on the map so whenever you see one of those that's one of your bases you'll very quickly become familiar with that as you're going from one to the next Gathering materials that your Palace have harvested and taking it to your central location where you're doing all your crafting we talked about the towers where you can go and you can fight the pal owners and their Pals right it's a little fight where you fight both the pal and the owner at the same time it's a good power check it can be pretty tough so go in prepared and again if you're struggling you can always expect the menu and you know Dodge the fight that way if you feel like there's no way you're going to win it this is going to give you those ancient technology points and also a fast travel location on top of the tower so you can use that to look around you can use it to Glide to new locations if you don't already have a flying Mount and that kind of stuff if you're looking at an area and it looks like it would be hot it probably is like this lava over here very hot you're not going to want to go there without the appropriate gear likewise this area over here with the snow very cold or this area in the desert it can be either or you know while you're out and about you're going to be finding these and these are basically crafting recipes that you have to have in your inventory and if you have them in your inventory then you can go to that bench by default you can create a tundra outfit but if you have this recipe in your inventory you can craft a better version of the tundra outfit which will most likely require more materials but be far better so for example this rocket launcher I was able to craft this by unlocking it in my technology tree at level 49 does 10,000 attack damage right so it's the 10,000 attack power then I found a recipe for this rocket launcher same exact item but legendary version through the recipe through one of these schematics rather that I found and it created the legendary version which does 14,000 so a 40% increase in damage from this version of it over this version so it's a massive upgrade when you're using those schematics to build the same thing so if you see a schematic for a weapon that you're using craft that baby it's going to be a lot better than what you're using now two more items that you're going to get early on that we haven't touched on yet are going to be your Shield which is a shield it works like Shields always work in these type of games if you take damage it depletes from The Shield before it starts taking from your health and if you don't get hit for a while the shield will recharge to full you should pretty much always have the best Shield that is available to you for your technology tree so as you level up you will unlock better and better Shields so you got the mega Shield we come down farther and now we have the hyber shield down here at 43 right so you keep going down the tree you keep unlocking better and better Shields and those Shields are just going to have more and more value so now this Shield that I have right now which is The hypers Shield has 145 hit points on it similarly you'll get a glider you'll unlock a glider in the technology tree very early on I suggest getting an ASAP it's going to be a great way to get down from Ledges to Glide places and we'll talk about how to use gliders because by default they're not terribly fast they're not terribly efficient because they drain a lot of stamina you know just very short distances will drain a lot of stamina there are Pals that you can use as gliders and it'll use less but look at how fast it's draining my stamina there right so that's why you don't use it a whole lot I mean once you get your flying Mount it's antiqu anyway you never really touch it no need but until that point what you can do is this game has like physics going downhill so we can slide and you go real fast downhill and you can carry that momentum into your glider so that your glider goes really fast as well now look how far we have gone we went all the way down this hill with one Glide huge very huge so the glider can be made useful as long as you're using momentum to give it like a good start and don't be afraid to Sprint and then Crouch which causes you to slide by the way that's how you do that you sprint crouch on PC that shift to Sprint C to crouch and then boom you're moving along at a good clip there so that's how that glider works while you're playing you're going to need these items called ancient civilization Parts basically anytime you encounter a rare version of one so if it has a name like this one king of the forest mamor rest there's three of them here because I have the spawn rate set up to 3x so I could Farm ingredients faster but the upside of that being I get ingredients way faster the downside I have to be able to fight three at once which can be kind of hectic but when you see These Guys these named rare versions they will give you these ancient civilization Parts when you kill them or capture them so when you need more of those look for guys like this it doesn't have to be the mamz it can be any of the large versions of these and next let's talk about status effects and catching these Pals so if you set a pal on fire if so if it's burning it makes it slightly more likely that you'll catch it if it's electrocuted it makes it slightly more likely that you'll catch it and if it's frozen it makes it slightly more likely that you'll catch it so these things are all additive as well so you can add multiple effects so you can have one paddle burning one while you also stun it with your stun baton right you can hit them like this and stun them and their percentage chance of being caught will go from 10% up to 30% for example which when you're using expensive pal spheres you know those higher level pal spheres that you don't have a ton of yet that can be huge savings for your materials getting that up so if you're having a hard time catching one go ahead and give it a few wax with your stun baton get that stun to proc it doesn't proc 100% of the time so you have to hit it until it's stunned and you'll see the animation then it's time to catch it you'll see chests like this so let's talk about chest for a second there's chests just like this one all over the game and there's different colors of different tiers of these chests and they are going to require keys to open so for instance we have some silver keys there's copper Keys there's gold keys the higher the quality the key is made out of the better the chest that it can open so some of these chests will say it requires a gold key you can't open it if you don't have a gold key the easiest way to get keys is actually just opening chest so we'll open up this chest it gave us gold coins pal spheres and a small small pal Soul talk about what that last one is for in a moment but it could have given us a key and then when we would have found a chest that requires a copper key you know we would have been able to open it because we had the copper key or in this case if it required silver key you know we'd be able to open it and here's an example of a chest that requires a copper key which we don't have so we can't open it so hold on to those keys when you find them keep them on your person don't put them in chests the better the chest you know the better the rewards as you'd figure the thing about chests is they respawn so if you open a chest you leave for a while and you come back the next time you're playing or later on after it's respawned it'll be there again same thing for eggs if you go out and you collect a bunch of eggs not this type of egg by the way this is not the egg these are just for consumption put that here you feed it to your Pokémon you feed it to yourself whatever those are different you'll find eggs like this all over the place sometimes they'll be red scorching egg and as you can guess you're probably going to get a fire pal right and if it had a lightning design you get a lightning pal and if it had snow you know snowflakes you're going to get a cold pal right so the the eggs SE are very transparent as far as like what's probably inside for you there you're going to capture these all over the place and like I mentioned this is going to be the best way to get new Pals that you haven't found yet early on as soon as you can fly run around grab those eggs I just got a large damp one so I got a water one and you will collect them all over the place and if you go into high level zones you'll get high Lev eggs if you're in low-level zones you're probably going to get lowl eggs you know if it's just a regular egg it's going to be you know probably a lowle Pokémon if it's a large egg it's going to be a bit stronger if it's a huge egg it's going to be stronger still so the eggs also have tears and like I said just like the chest when you find an egg you can go back to that same location later and grab that egg again you're not always going to get the same pal out of it but you can repeatedly form the same spawn location so if you develop a route of where you can go and you can grab a bunch of eggs real quick you know you can repeat that every so often now here is what this game has if you've never seen it before this is a literal skill tree not by name no it's literally a a skill tree these fruits that you can grab off of here are skills that you can train your pals so you look at it there it says ice skill bicycle cutter right and this one is grass skill fruit wind cutter and this one is water skill fruit Bubble Blast okay so it's a literal skill tree these have static locations so when you find one you can come back and gather the new fruits the skills that the tree provides are random every time so if you go back to the same tree you're going to get different skills each time not the same one so a good thing to do if you're farming these and finding them useful is to leave a marker on your map when you find one so we would place a marker like right here and be like okay yeah right here there's a skill tree and then later on we could come back and get more skills from it if we wanted to you know beef up one of our Pals that we found now sometimes you're going to want to get up high especially before you have a flying Mount or especially before you have a fast flying Mount like these night wings they fly but they fly slow and they don't have a ton of stamina so you're going to have to touch the ground a lot recharge your stamina it can be kind of a pain so one of the things you can do when you need to cover a lot of elevation all right you can climb on top of them and launches you up in the air and from here you can get up on that high ledge you were trying to get to Easy Peasy anytime there's like a really high ledge like this one it's just like you'd expect there's something up here so in this case it's an egg sometimes it's an effigy but I guarantee you if you go to every single one of these Peaks there will be something worth stopping by to grab and that's another thing about this game it's very often worth exploring places they've done a pretty good job of putting things at the top of every Peak and in the bottom of every Valley you know on the ledge of a wall like so if you travel out to someplace saying I wonder what's up there I wonder what's over there there's usually something that made it worth you making that trip now occasionally while you're playing your base is going to get raided you'll see this alert pop up on screen saying raid and red text everywhere and you'll see this Army of Pals or Syndicate members these humanoids come running at your base and you have to defend it so what's going to happen is they're going to attack your basee and then all your pals working on your base are going to try to defend it and if your pals working on your base are lowlevel which often times is the case a lot of them will become incapacitated and basically die but not permanently Pals never die permanently so when they're incapacitated you'll come in here and their frame will be red and it'll say it's incapacitated what you'll have to do is take it out of here and put it in here and then a timer will start counting down from 10 minutes so 10 minutes after you put it in here it'll resuscitate itself and then you can put it back in and it'll go back to work alternatively what you can do is likewise sometimes you'll be in combat and one of your pals will be fighting for you valiantly right and they'll get knocked down they'll get incapacitated they'll die in battle and you'll have to come back here to revive them so there's a couple of options that you have again what you can do is you can come here and you can put them in your PO box and after 10 minutes they'll revive right or you can put them in your party and you can go to bed and sleep overnight so if it's night night you know you can go sleep and they'll revive alternatively what you can do is you can put them to work as a pal in the base and what will happen then if they're incapacitated is one of the other Pals will come by pick them up and put them on a bed set them on the bed and they'll start resting they'll have low Health but they'll be on their road to recovery so what you can do then is after they're on their road to recovery you can put them back in your party they'll have like half Health a quarter Health but they'll still be usable which means you know for instance if your flying Mount is the one that went down now you can use it to fly and its health will regenerate no problem while you're out and about the thing about raids when they come around is they're relatively harmless you'll just go ahead you'll knock them down it can be a good opportunity to capture Pals that you don't have yet cuz sometimes they'll there will be a bunch of random Pals you've never seen before and so you can try to get them down weak and capture them it can be difficult sometimes because you've got your whole base worth of piles attacking them so hitting them while they're low Health but while they're still alive can be tough and the primary thing to watch out for when these assaults on your base happen is that if they shoot fire attacks at your wood structures they'll burn down they will catch on fire and if you don't have water Pals that come over and put out the fire which they'll do automatically if you have water Pals assigned to your base but if your water PS go down in the fight they're incapacitated or if you don't have any water pells the wood will burn until it falls apart and you could lose an entire base that way the whole thing will burn to the ground and you'll lose all of your structures that you had put up inside of your wood base so you can see here I have a wood base and then I put this little wall here in front of it because all of my raids come from the same direction and likewise for you that won't be the case right they'll always come from the same direction so you can kind of plan it so if they come into the base from over here and they start shooting at all my pals which is what they do boom boom launching attacks kind of recklessly hitting everything they'll hit this wall here but they won't ever light my base on fire behind the wall so just something to consider is you know having a line of defense in between your very flam house and the enemies that are attacking it just so that you don't have anything horrible happen to you now let's talk about some of the less intuitive structures that you're going to be putting in your Bays right a lot of this is fairly obvious it's like you know you build a wheat farm and then it grows wheat and then your pals eat the wheat great that's simple that's straightforward it's easy enough or you know you build this assembly line This weapon assembly line and it allows you to better build better weapons okay straightforward enough however then you have these like this right here these power capacity things that you can unlock then there's things like this flame cauldron here which if we come to the technology menu it tells us that the flame cauldron place in your base to improve the kindling efficiency of Pals so you definitely want one of these in your base likewise you want the electricity version you want you know the cooling version if you're doing a lot of cooling right these are really useful to have in your base because anything you can do to increase their efficiency is very welcome especially when you're waiting for them to finish tasks so you know you put one of these in your base and that is going to apply to the whole base so now when whenever my kindling pals are at work which they will be very often very often they're going to be making ingots refined ingots or Pal metal inlets for you they're just this is something you're going to need tons of at different stages of the game you're going to need tons of ingots and at the end you're going to need tons of pal metal ingots so so having that increased kindling efficiency for your guys is huge now another thing that you can do to increase their efficiency this one is a lot more time consuming though okay so here we have a PO condenser now a PO condenser does oh nice are you hanging out up there German tide very nice what a PO condenser does is basically you're going to collect multiples of the same type of pal lots and lots of the same type of pal often times right like right now I have a ton of gumas right so I can put one here and then I can feed the rest to it to level it up and every time I do this it adds another star to the gumas and the most important thing the big part about this that's really exciting while it's increasing their stats you know their health their attack their defense whatever while those things are increasing the most exciting thing that this does is it increases their proficiency so he is a planter he is a level one planter if I get this to five stars he's a level two planter likewise if I have my German tide ignis right there right he is level four kindling you can see it over here level four kindling If I level him to five stars he'll be level five kindling now as I kind of mentioned briefly earlier level four kindling is way slower it's multiple times slower than level five so level five is multiple times faster than level four so in the time it takes the level four kindling to do one of these ingots the level five will do multiple ingots right so it is way faster if you can get yourself up to five now that is going to require you to combine Pals and the condenser the first time you do it right it's only going to require four it says right here so we put 1 two three four begin it yes good so now we have a onear chickp so if we put that in there now it's going to require 16 and if we do it again it's going to require like 32 and then 64 right it just goes up and up so you're going to need a lot of one pal type uh to get to the max Stars so if you do decide to use the condenser and increase the number of stars of a certain type of pal for this proficiency bonus what I would highly recommend doing is going into the settings and tripling their spawn rate so every time you find one of that pal you instead find three and this way you're going to farm out the 100 plus Pals you need to hit Max Stars three times faster just thank me like trust me you want to do that otherwise it's just this is going to take you years okay unless you want it to take years well then you know do your thing so this is the way the Palin enser menu Works another thing that you're going to have is different size beds so this is the basic bed this little straw mat then here's like the medium right and this is the deluxe bed and this is the nice one so you can see that I have like large PALS like German side he does not sleep well if we try to make him sleep on one of these beds right so we make some of these big ones so that those big boys like that you know they can have a nice place to sleep and then this bed is like it's the medium it's the better version of the small bed they just get a better night's rest which improves their condition as you can see mine are weekend fractured in the top right there I've got one guy's weekend another's fractured fractured ulcer right they're not doing great I probably need to have another one of these relaxation stations for them because it looks like they're overworking themselves there's different levels of this you've got your basic one which is just a hot spring and then you've got the high quality hot spring and and this just restores more sand so if we go and we look at any of these like if we look at this guy right here in the bottom of the screen it says his sand is 99 out of 100% there we can see it on the bottom of the screen right and as that sand gets lower he's less likely to want to work and eventually he'll just take a break and stop working so you want to make sure that they have one of these places where they can go and quickly restore their sanity in other words another thing that you have in this game is a ranch that's what this is right here so I kind of touched on it at the very beginning we talked aled about how lamb balls will produce wool for you they just go standing in an area and they produce wool it just drops off of them which is pretty awesome there's also the meows will drop gold you know so depending on what you catch it drops different things but only if it has the Affinity to do so so in order to use the ranch it needs to have farming of some level right so the Chickapee it lays eggs and if it's put in there right it'll lay eggs so that you can cook things you can make meals out of them whatever you're going to do with those eggs again that's not the same type of egg that you hatch that's not these type of eggs it's the little tiny ones that you eat so it has to have that farming proficiency and then you can assign it here and it'll just create whatever it is that you need that it can create whether some of them are PAL speres like really basic pal spheres can be nice early or now we'll make gold if you need gold so that you can just buy odds and ends that you need rather than go and farm them whenever you need them can be really efficient you're definitely going to need a lot of cloth because you need cloth and you also need high quality cloth and both of those come from wool and so the high quality cloth in particular requires a lot of wool to make each one so you're going to definitely want some lamb balls going to work in here on one of your bases making high quality cloth for you you can also put a cblx in there and that will directly produce high quality cloth similarly you've got your breeding farm and which looks like this here the breeding Farm is a little bit confusing the first time you try to use it so we'll try to break it down for you what you're going to do is you're going to find a male pile and a female pal right and you're going to throw them literally throw them in here you'll pick them up and toss them in here and when we throw it in here see it says fixed assignment to breeding form when we throw it in here and we look at this it says okay we have one female in here now I need to find a male and I can put that in here and they'll mate and eventually hatch an egg and there's predetermined outcomes so if you know what you want you can look up what two Pals make it or you can experiment on your own and throw two random Pals and see what you get totally up to you now it says two things male and female not present and also not enough cake so there's two requirements to make this work you have to have a one male and one female and then you also have to put cake in here and cake is probably the biggest pain in the butt part of this whole process so you'll put cake in here once you've made it now cake is made of a bunch of ingredients that have a tendency to go bad on you and that's what makes it kind of a pain so if you come over to where you cook and we can look at the cake here's the cake and it says we need flour red berries milk egg honey so those chickpeas are going to make those eggs the flour you can get from your little wheat farm right there the milk you can get from cows the honey you can get from bees you go out and kill bees and they drop tons of honey you have to craft the cake which is made out of ingredients that go bad over time so they'll literally disappear on you if you don't use them fast enough and you create a cake which also goes bad if you don't use it fast enough so that's probably the biggest pain of the whole breeding process is all of the ingredients going bad on you and the Cake's going bad on you and just making sure that you know everything kind of times out right so that cake is here and they eat it you know and the cakes aren't just going bad on you and that's where your refrigerators are going to kind of come into play you can make little coolers like this one here and then you can put your ingredients inside of there so that they'll stay good longer you know so they're not just dying on you and then you pick a pal with a freezing proficiency and assign to that and he'll keep it cool for you see as it says required cooling above it right there it tells you which palet needs you can make a lot of really good pals this way you can't make all of the best Pals but you can make a lot of really good pals this way like as far as I know you can't breed a jet run right you're going to be able to make one of these come here trying to get on you you piece of what is he doing thank you so you're not going to be able to make one of these guys from breeding this is something you've got to go fight and capture on your own now you're going to see different types of fields right you've got Berry Plantation wheat Plantation lettuce Plantation and there's even more beyond that tomato Plantation right and so basically the thing to understand is largely the later you get it the better it is right the more satiating it is the more of their hunger that it's going to fill the more efficient they'll be when they're working on it and also you can use it to maybe make some recipes at the cooking pot that we were just at a second ago so you can come here and you can make some various food Buffs so like this one right here this salad made by mixing lettuce and tomato eating it slightly improves work speed for a period of time so if you want your guys to work faster you could have a tomato farm and a lettuce farm and then you could create Sal salads and you know give them a food buff while they're working which is great if that sounds like a pain in the butt this is totally like I've found that this food system is totally one that you can completely ignore if you don't want the hassle of collecting specific ingredients cooking specific meals and using them before they expire right this is there's never been something I couldn't do because I didn't have food Buffs but there's a lot of things that we could have done probably quicker or easier if we had them so you know pick your poison another bench we can talk about real quick is your medicine production ction bench this is another one that while I've been playing you can see that I have a lot of Pals that could use some time off and some stuff like that right and the weight to fix the weekend and the fractured and the ulcers is we could give them medicine that would address those specific issues so if we hover over this one it says strange medical supplies that are effective at treating ulcers and fractures they do not heal health so we could give this medicine to this sky right here and it would get rid of that ulcer for him right so if you see those status effects on your B Pals that's how you get rid of it you come over here you make some medicine and go ahead and give it to them now when it comes to incubating eggs if you want them to incubate faster you have to get them to the right temperatures this is going to either mean heating them or cooling them and the way you do that is through these items right here you've got your heater you've got your cooler and you can also use a fire so sometimes if it's like a let's say the lower level ones a fire will be enough you can place a fire it'll warm them up if it says it's still too cold then that's when you're going to need to come in here and bust out the heater I been able to hatch everything with a simple fire and an incubation egg inside of my house that seems to have been close enough to get everything to hatch in a fairly reasonable amount of time although there have some been some that required a little more effort than that all right now let's go over the technology tree and which items are especially useful which items you want to spring for which ones you can avoid but if it says that it's Furniture like wooden living room furniture set this is totally optional it's purely decorative you don't need it if you don't want it you don't have to spend your points on it you can you don't have to right so it's totally up to you if you want to get the furniture so most likely you're going to prioritize weapons and base buildings base structures because you really want to keep getting those structures so that you're upgrading your PO box right that's that's priority number one you want to be upgrading your PO Box you have more Pals working in your base so you're going to want to grab those anything that the PO Box says hey I need you to make one of these so you can upgrade me then you're going to make that right that's your first and foremost then you're going to want to get any pal related harness that you for a pal that you're using is a good one to have some of these pal harnesses are really good some are totally useless especially if you don't find that pal till well after it's not worth making every single pal harness or taking every single pal harness especially if it's a lower level pal and you're now much higher level ranged weapons are really good in this game melee weapons are pretty underwhelming in my opinion so a bow is going to be good and then then when you get a chance to get to the next ranged weapon whether you want to get the poison bow or if you want to wait and spring for the three shot bow for the crossbow which was a really nice upgrade so I will definitely say go from the bow and definitely get the crossbow this is a really good weapon great damage and arrows are really inexpensive to make you can craft a ton of am out of stone and wood which you have tons of and you'll always have a ton of ammo for this and it's going to put out good damage after that you'll start getting into rifles and these can do really good damage they can my favorite is probably the punp action shotgun this thing puts out so much damage it sends tons of pellets at the enemy that each do more damage than one of your arrows does right so each pellet from the shotgun does more damage than your arrow so it's big damage love this one definitely grab it as far as armor goes you're definitely going to want to get yourself at least one heat resistant and one cold resistant armor set and if you have the materials you can get the latest and greatest version right because there's refined metal then there's ping it version as you go down there's always a new version here is the heat resistant pal metal armor right but just make sure you have one heat and one cold resistance so you can explore those areas when you want to and you're pretty much always just going to need to have one of each in your inventory so we've got the hot one in here got the cold one on our character right now this alarm Bell alerts your base so what will happen is your base is very reactive if something attacks it as soon as they are being attacked they will all like spring action and they'll start fighting back so that means the enemies get a few seconds of maybe free rain on attacking some of them but you could use the spell to change their status to fight mode you can alert them and they'll all be ready when the enemies walk up and they can annihilate them right so this Bell can be good for that if you want to spring for something like that I'd actually take the time to use it it can also be useful for resetting them your pals will get stuck a lot in this game in my base here you know I've got a pal stuck over there right now it's part my fault because of the way I've designed this base lesson learned an easy way to fix that is to either sleep or to return the title and come back into the game which will fix all of their AI it'll put them back in the middle of the base and they'll all go start doing the task cuz sometimes you'll put a task on one of these things they say I want 80 of these and something will distract them and then they'll never come back and do it and if that happens just go back to title come back into game and then they'll go over here and they'll start doing it alternatively you can try to carry them over here one by one and force them to do it assign them to the task it's really up to you how you handle that but either of those will solve that problem for you while it exist early on you're going to need Stone and your guys are going to be gathering lots of stone and then in the mid game you're not going to really need Stone as much you will need it a little bit for cement and various odds and ends but you won't need a ton of it and you might be tempted to back off on Stone production but let me tell you don't do it because you're going to want lots of stone you'll come here to this Crusher and here you can make paldum fragments out of stone every five Stone makes a paldum fragment which is huge this is really big because you're going to want lots of palum because you need those palum ingots to make all the best items in the game the best structures in the game the Rockets require palum ingots right and that's the strongest weapon in the game so you're going to need lots of these palum ingots which means you're going to lots of that palum ore that you're going to get from that Crusher so stone is much more useful than it's going to feel like it is in the middle of the game if ever you're trying to make something you know it says oh you need this item and you can't figure out where you're supposed to craft it what bench it is that you can craft it at just come in your technology tree one of two things is happening one you just don't have the right bench up or you haven't found it in your base or two you haven't unlocked the ability to craft it yet which happened to me a lot of times like I was like man I just need to make some cloth which bench do I use to make cloth why can't I find it it's because I hadn't come in here and upgraded and learned how to make cloth and then as soon as I did that boom it was visible at the first bench I went to so if you're ever looking for something to make make sure you come in your technology tree and make sure you learned how to make it no matter how simple or straightforward that item seems like it is like nails even you know got to learn how to make nails you have three different stage chest options in this game so you've got your most basic one here this holds 10 items the wooden chest then you've got your metal chest which can hold 24 items then you have your refined metal chest which can hold 40 items so if you're ever doing a cost benefit analysis on which one you should make it goes 10 24 40 right so it goes up pretty substantially each time you craft one of the better ones so if you ever have excess materials on hand it can be nice to get all your materials in one place so that when you come to offload materials you just go to one and you hit quick stack this button right here boom and look how much of my inventory I just fre up this thing was packed right and I just hit quick stack and it automatically takes anything that has a stack in this chest and puts it in there super super handy quick stack is going to be your friend when it comes to managing your inventory in this game now if you're playing this game with friends one of the things that you're going to be trying to do together is collect all of the pals you're going to be trying to collect every Pile in the game right so as you're working your way through the list trying to collect them all looking for the ones you don't have look for the ones your friend doesn't have one of the things you can do is you can go into your party menu and you can drop a pal I can touch this guy I say drop note players from other guilds will be able to pick up drop the pals so we can drop this and there he is there's my pal right he's just hanging out so if you have Pals that your friend doesn't have and they have Pals that you don't have you can trade them you know even if just temporarily you can give it to them they can pick it up then they can give it back to you and then that way their pal deck will be filled out they'll be able to come into their pal deck and look at all the information about that pal you know what it's Gathering is they'll be able to get the achievements that are associated with collecting all the pals they'll be able to come in here and look at the Pal's habitat so if they want to go catch more of them themselves they can come in here and see the hot spots right this is where they spawn all that information so you and a friend can exchange Pals and help each other complete your pal decks really really handy another little bonus tip is that when you're using this grappling gun it has a 8-second cool down but if you take it off and put it on it resets the cool down so you can use it as fast as you you are willing to take it off put it on use it again right I think that takes it down to what a 2C cool down instead of an 8C cool down if you're in a pinch if you're over encumbered you're walking at a snail's pace this is a really good way to get around faster you know get to that storage chest sooner so you can drop off your load another thing worth noting about your stamina in this game is your stamina and your Pal's stamina are different right so we've got this much stamina get on our pal he's got his own stamina so we can fly up into the sky right way up here and he's running out of stamina right and we're like well we wanted him to recharge his stamina so we can get off our pal and glide for a bit let him recharge his stamina then after he's recharged his stamina we can get on him fly again now earlier I touched on the fact that you're going to have to repair items right if we look at my gear right now we can see this shotgun it's about half of its durability is gone right and my pickaxe even more so so what I would do is I would come here to the repair station and if I have the materials to repair everything that is damaged the repair all option right here will be lit up and I'll be able to press R and it'll repair everything now you could do this but I'm just going to say you won't always want to so be careful using this because some of your items are going to consume interesting parts so for example if I wanted to repair my rocket launcher it's going to consume pal Metal Ingot polymer carbon fiber ancient civilization parts and so early in the game you might have items that are damaged that are going to be consuming some of those parts every time you go to repair them even though only a little bit of durability is is missing it's going to start consuming some very valuable materials on you and so sometimes it's going to be better not to repair it yet not to repair it until you have way more that material than you need or just to not repair it because you're going to replace that item a lot of these items you replace before they break on you sometimes because you'll get the next tier of item and then you save yourself those materials some of which can be kind of hard to come by especially early on I think the shield is a big one for people they come back and they just constantly hit the repair on their Shield before it really needs it and they just chew through their civilization Parts before they have a good stock pile and then they wonder what what's happening to all my civilization Parts all right the next thing we're going to touch on is how important it is to keep up with you know moving up to the next tier of weapon so if we shoot this guy with this you see how much damage it did all right that's our little crossbow we come to the shotgun and we're going to put one round into him look how much damage that did that's the difference between the shotgun and the crossbow the crossbow is a phenomenal one especially for getting them low when you know you've already hit them once then you've got your rocket launcher which let's see how much damage this does it killed all of them right it just killed 100% of their health so next tiers of weapons will do considerably more damage than the tier before them so stay on top of those weapon upgrades when you unlock another tier of weapon it's definitely worth considering you know go ahead grab it now I'm going to briefly show you the elemental Advantage chart so here we have the PO World Elemental chart right it's pretty normal but it's kind of unique because it has this tangent over on the right side where you know got an extra few elements in there but water beats fire beats grass beats ground beats electricity right you've got that Circle of elements of weaknesses and strengths and then so water would be neutral to grass but it's strong to fire fire is weak to water strong to grass but neutral to Electric right so if it's not next to each other then they're neutral and then fire is strong against ice which is strong against dragons which is strong against dark which is strong against neutral now when you're putting together parties one thing that's definitely worth keeping in mind is the perks that these guys have with them so if you look right here in fact let's talk about this in a little bit of depth because this is kind of an important section we haven't really delv too deep into yet we've got extra information right now so far all we've talked about right you've got work suitability which we talk about in The Base building section and how important all of that is but then over here on this side you've got your partner skill and this one says when fighting together increases players movement speed and applies grass damage to the players attack so this right here can be some really powerful bonuses that make them worth having in your party even if you're not going to use them just as a party buffer they'll buff everybody else in the party they'll buff your other Pals they'll buff you right so there's Pals that have Buffs right here that will just flat out increase your damage by a lot right or increase your survivability by a lot or both right so keep in mind when you're putting your parties together look at these passives cuz sometimes you have a pal that's like your favorite pal and you just want that pal to perform better well you can get other Pals that buff that pal and make him super strong and they stack so if you were to get multiple of the same pal with one of these Buffs it'll give you that buff each time you have that pile in your party so it'll give you if you have three of them it'll give you three times buff that stacking nature can make this a super op strategy it also tells you their active skills and what element they are so if you know you're fighting Frost you're going to want to bring some guys with a lot of fire abilities and then over here you've got your passive skills now these passive skills are really important both for combat and for your base so if we look at this one right here right it's says muscle head which sounds great right muscle head that sounds like you know good for combat yeah it's great for combat 30% more damage but your work speed is %. so you would love to have something with muscle head in your party fighting on the battlefield but you would hate to have him working in your base because he's working at half speed so you do not want muscle head Pals in the base you do not want them in here because they are working at half speed which means they're basically useless you could you should be able to replace them very easily so alternatively you know they can have really positive ones like this one here 25% increase to the player mining efficiency right a mining forat now that's player mining efficiency so it's buffing your mining efficiency which is not great because again you're really not doing any of the Gathering in this game after the beginning of it you don't do much Gathering you're not chopping down trees you're not pickaxing the iron you are just getting the pals that will do that for you passively while you're out exploring the map if you're spending a significant amount of time Cho trees Gathering Stone Gathering ore right if you're doing that then you probably don't have the right setup in your base as far as your pal SC and it's going to be worth checking in and so every once in a while you know you'll collect a ton of Pals you'll have your base running fairly efficiently and you're in the early game right and then you'll go out there you'll collect a bunch more new Pals that you didn't have before and it'll be worth coming in here and looking and being like you know this guy only has level two handiwork I wonder if I've recently collected guys with level three or level four handiwork I can replace this guy and it'll be worth replacing him and this will greatly greatly greatly enhance the efficiency of your base so just every once in a while do a thorough little check on who's in your base especially your main base where you're doing all your production make sure you have those level four proficiencies those level three proficiencies right you want those in your base and get rid of the guys that are only level one now while you're playing the game you're occasionally going to gather gold from chess from enemies right you're going to start getting a sock pile of gold that's this pile right here I've got 29,000 roughly 30,000 gold which it doesn't take that long to accumulate some gold if you're after it also you can put a bunch of meows Maus right spelled Ma auau you can put those in your base and set them to the rench and they'll produce gold for you and then you can come to these Merchants so there's these NPCs that look like this uh well there's a lot of different appearances but here's two of them right and you talk to them and they'll say you want to buy yeah let's check it out and we can look at their wees and this can be a great way to get things that you don't want to farm like stages of this game where you're going to need a ton of high quality po oil to make polymer and stuff like that so you'll need a lot of this stuff and one easy way to get a ton of it is to come here and just buy this stuff or maybe you want to buy you know some heat resistant or cold resistant armor so you can go out and explore some Zone that you've been really trying to explore but you've been not able to because you don't have the heat resistant under shirt or the thermal undershirt right and so the location for this one is right here this is 353 345 that's the coordinates on the map this is a great one to as soon as you have a flying Mount come over here just unlock the Waypoint right next to it there's a waypoint right here right next to it and then anytime you want to come visit these guys to browse their Wares and maybe pick up something that they have whether shotgun shells or other types of ammo or you know heat resistant cold resistant gear or even schematics you know if you want to mess with schematics go for it now one thing that you can do if you want to is you can capture Merchants but it's pretty hard it takes a lot of work you've got to get them really low and then you have an abysmal capture rate even when they're low and but when you do get them you can put them in your base so that you don't have to make the journey out here to visit them and you can buy stuff from them there another thing that you'll find all over the map are these Bandit cans these kind of things right here and basically the way these work is you've got these Syndicate Thugs who are going to shoot you with guns lots of guns and then you'll see that there is a pal in a cage in the middle so this is another easy way to add Pals to your inventory basically of Pals so you just come up and you hold F on PC and we're going to release this pal and as soon as we release it it'll be added to our pal dech right we've got it it's now in our base at our pal our pal thingamabobber there it's now in our base so we can go back to the base and put it in the party we can put it to work there right but it's in the pal deck now so this is just a nice easy way to add Pals and if you come back to this area later this will reset and there will be another pal that you can save and these locations are all over the map and I think that covers just about everything in power world if you have any other questions don't hesitate to let me know down in the comments below I try to answer every single one thanks so much for listening let me know if you made it all the way to the end and if you did hopefully you enjoyed the video so do me a huge favor of liking the video or leaving a comment to help with the algorithm and if you enjoy thorough guides like this one be sure to subscribe for more these are my favorite type of guides to make massive thank you to my YouTube channel members thanks so much for supporting the 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Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 7,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld advice, palworld beginners guide, palworld beginner's guide, best pokemon game, palworld pokemon
Id: H4b9aJgeZ0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 52sec (5032 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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