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all right guys welcome to this PO World rapid fire tips video of a list of things I wish I knew sooner when I jumped into power world it would have saved me a ton of time a ton of resources and while I am having a ton of fun it's always nice to be a little bit more efficient so let's start this rapid fire tips session the first one is when you're out exploring even if you haven't collected a waypoint yet it will be on your compass you can see there up at the top it's pointing East right here to this one and if I come over here if I come over here it's locked onto that right so you can always use your compass to find new way points for fast travel that you haven't found yet the next tip is fly around and look for eggs just like this one right here you'll find eggs all over the game and this is a great way to get Pals that are way above your level so sometimes it would be really difficult to get something like this but if you find a good egg you take it back to your base and you incubate it it allows you to punch above your weight class it allows you to get Pals that you wouldn't otherwise be able to get yet so make sure you get on a mount that flies look around for those eggs also so look around for those fgs okay the next big thing is using this condenser right here if you use this you can come here and you can take a fox bark which normally has level one kindling and you can keep combining it until it has level two kindling likewise if you grab a pal that has level two Kling you can up it to level three kindling and that will work for any of these trades in here if you want so all you have to do is pick one and then keep adding to it until you level it up eventually you're going to up its trade another tip is that you can slide and then use your glider to cover massive distance and do it fast but what if you want to get up high and you want to do it fast just go ahead and climb up on your [Music] Pokéball there you go next thing to know is if you ever heard this sound that sparkly sound that means that there is a sparkly Palace nearby and you can go catch it just follow the sound another thing to be aware of is that it's not just these oropo toits that respawn if you find an egg out in the wild that's going to respawn in the same place too so be sure to check back on those egg locations particularly if you find something nice if you're not sure where to put your points yet you can't go wrong with HP and weight these are two things that you're always going to wish you had more of so that you can carry more beyond that it's just going to be personal preference I haven't put much of anything in any of those and I've never regretted it if you ever need a light source at night use one of the fire Pokémon they do a great job of keeping things illuminated for you are you about to be raided and you just can't be bothered to deal with it well one thing you can do is just return to title when the raid's coming in and when you log back into the game The Raid will no longer be there another way to deal with that same problem is to come into your world settings just click your server or click your game and then choose change World settings down here at the bottom and in here you can customize this game to your own liking it is a single player game for a lot of people so there's no shame in changing some of these things like turning off raids or shortening incubation periods or getting more ore for every time you hit an or vein right all of these things that can add a lot of padding to the time played but aren't necessarily tons of fun feel free to come in here and adjust those values so that you get more ore and it can make the game way less grindy something that you can pick up and play and make great progress in a little bit of time of course you know be careful not to make it too easy because you could run it for yourself if you ever need to farm something that drops from Pals it's never bad idea to up their rate right here you can crank that to three so every time Pals spawn now there's going to be three times as many of them there so you can Farm things like Po water really fast you can always come back here and change it at any time if you want to bring it back to normal because running into three boss Pals or three Elite Pals can be pretty Troublesome these are the fgs that you're looking for right here run around pick these up they're located all over the map the best time to look for them if you want is to fly around in the sky at night many of the important items in the world will glow at night and it makes them really easy to find whether it's Effigies way points treasure chests right all these things are glowing and you'll be able to collect a ton of them really really fast which is great because the more figs that you collect the higher the chance of catching great Pals later next St has to do with these chests you're going to find chests all over the place sometimes they're going to be red and they'll require a key to open a lot of times an easy way to get keys is to kill humanoids in the game and they will drop keys you can also open chests just like the one I'm opening right now and those can give keys and there's sometimes Merchants wandering around and you can buy keys from them the next tip has to do with your second and third bases at level 10 you're going to unlock the ability to have a second base and then level 15 you're going to unlock the ability to have a third base each base can house up to 15 Pals and usually it's going to be the case that when you're going to create your second base one of the things you need a lot of is ore and that's this mineral deposits here on the right side of my screen and the next thing you're going to need a lot of after you start getting that oree is coal and that's all of these deposits on the left side of my screen here this place right here is probably the best location for your second base and in order to find it it's right here at 19035 you can see the uh GPS coordinates down here and so what you can do is just open up your map and move your Crosshair until it gets to 190 and -34 and when you get to that point just place a marker like this and then boom you'll have a marker there and just work your way there as soon as possible probably as soon as you get a flying mount just kind of work your way up there it's a little bit of a journey from down here so you're going to probably be in this range if you're playing like most people did and then you're going to work your way up and this spot right here it's just a money spot I haven't found anything better yet this has been a great base on my other playthrough the next tip is chain building so if you go to build a structure let's say you were trying to build a defensive wall around your base or something one of the things you can do is right click instead of left click and if you right click it continues to build whatever you had selected before so that you don't have to keep going into the menu and choosing the thing that you want to build again so chain building very useful the next tip is that you can pick up your pals and throw them at a task that you want them to do likewise if you have a pal that's say good at handiwork when you're in the base you can just throw that pal down and it'll go ahead and start helping with any crafting and anything that you want to be done while you're there so your pals in your party can help out at base as well while you're there all you have to do is throw them down the next thing I wish I knew when I started is that if we go to the pal deck here we can view more details on any of these right so this guy right here it says he's lucky and in order to find out what that means we can view more info and then we can hover over lucky and that's going to tell us what that is 15% work speed and 15% attack speed so a great trait to have on your workers likewise you can see all of your other information over here which is mostly self-explanatory you've got kindling kindling is going to help it work anything that requires fire so like when you're melting ingots right that kind of stuff planting it's going to plant the seeds andyw work is going to help you with any task at your benches so if you're crafting something there it's going to do that if it has lumbering it's going to chop down trees for you if it's got medicinal production it'll produce medicine at your medicine bench if it's got transporting then when other Pals chop things down or mine things it'll run around pick them up and put them in the storage boxes for you so that you don't have to do that watering so if another pal is planting then your watering pal will go and water the seeds behind them to make sure that they grow and then generating electricity is going to be for certain things that require electricity Gathering so if you've got berries and things then your gatherer will go grab them for you mining will Mine The Rocks unfortunately it won't Mine The Ore until you get to mining level two and so if you ever throw something that has the trait that you need but it's not doing it it might be because you need level two so in order to mine or instead of just Stone you're going to need mining level two I'll talk about how to make sure you get that in a moment cooling this is great for when you have a refrigerator in your base so that your food doesn't go bad your food goes bad in this game it's kind of annoying but you know there's a way to deal with it at least and then Farming Farming is kind of an interesting one you can throw things in here so if you throw sheep in here basically it's going to give you its wool and then you can use that to make cloth and stuff so you see the farming one on there it means you can come in here and depending on what animal is it might give you gold it might give you wool it might give you all sorts of things so try it out if you see that little fence icon on them now this next tip's a big one but first let me tell you about the highly anticipated next entry into the Yakuza series like a dragon infinite wealth is coming to Playstation Xbox Windows and steam on January 26th link down in the description experience one-of-a-kind combat with Dynamic fast-pace RPG battles where the battlefield becomes your weapon and anything goes stop into Alo happy tours and Wy ke to go for a tour and unlock new jobs jobs in infinite wealth or like classes and other RPGs allowing you to tie up bad guys with your lasso as a Desperado sweep the floor with Hooligans as a housekeeper or slice down foes as a samurai in this game two Larger than Life heroes are brought together by the hand of fate and team up to explore Japan and all that Hawaii has to offer this time around combat is more strategic and dynamic than ever before you can Target your enemy weaknesses and use the environment against them powerful area of effect attacks have never felt so good stack up your enemies and knock them all down or throw your enemies into a explosive gas canisters to amp up the damage even more if you time your attacks just right you get rewarded with perfect attacks for massive damage but what if you find yourself facing off against unworthy opponents just give them the smackdown if that's not an option summon your pound mates a powerful group of allies For Hire with a wide range of abilities to help you in battle so what are you waiting for if you pre-order now you get the heroes booster pack and a special job set play like a dragon infinite wealth on Playstation Xbox Windows and steam by clicking the link in the description massive thank you to Sega for sponsoring this video and supporting the channel thanks so much for listening now let's get back to the video one of the things you're going to need a lot of early on is blue spheres and an easy way to get those if you get some Vixens you can put them in your base and you can assign them to this right here and then they will just poop out basically they'll just poop out blue spares over and over for you you'll have way more than you need if you do that and then that's going to be great when it comes to catching 10 of each right because you're going to need tons of those in the very beginning of the game you're going to need blue spheres like a lot of them right because one of the fastest ways to level in this game probably the fastest way to level in the game right now is to catch 10 of each of the lower level Pals so the first 10 times you catch every single pal you get massive bonus experience you can see in your pal deck how many times you've caught each one so capture bonus I've got one out of 10 so I can catch this one nine more times and still get that massive bonus XP this bonus XP scales with your level so if you don't catch them when you're lower level it's okay you can catch them when you're higher level and still get that massive XP that's still very relevant to you and you can come in here and check how many times you've caught any one of those things so if we come up towards the top here you can see Complete because we've captured more than 10 of them here and while we're in here another good thing to be very aware of is you're going to be crafting and every once in a while it's going to require a material and you're like oh man is this an easy one to get or is it a tough one to get well most of the time it's pretty easy you just got to come here and find the one that drops it so if you need Berry seeds oh then you know you can knock out a few of these guys if you need wool then you know you can come here and knock out some lamb balls if you need electric organs likewise right so you can come in here and see a lot of times early on you're going to need pal fluids for instance and so this is one good source of them easy to get right so anytime you have a material you need swing by here and just take a peek in your pal deck and see what they drop it might be that the thing you need is dropping from one of these guys and by the way you can get these materials whether you catch them or whether you kill them but if you catch them instead of kill them you're going to get that bonus XP now if you're looking for C certain type of pal so that you can kill them catch them or whatever you want to do with them I'm not judging you can come into your pal deck and you can hit the button down here for PC it's three so if we hit three it's going to show us everywhere that that pal spawns so we can go to that area and farm tons of them no problem and you can do this for any pal in the game that you've come across so this is one that you definitely want to take advantage of and you can toggle day and night here if you're working your way down the tree and you find that you need more ancient technology points to unlock the stuff on the right those come from alphas and Syndicate bosses so you can go to these right here like elizabe on the map and you can kill her and that would give you ATP ancient technology points alternatively you can go to Tower bosses like this one here that you run into early in the game and you can knock the boss out there you can see if you've killed that boss already by hovering over it it'll say defeated if you've already done it and if you've already got the alphas then there will be a check mark over them now earlier we mentioned how you're going to need the green f GS and lots and lots of them so if you come to this statue right here this is something that you're going to put in your base the game's going to tell you to do that and you enhance right now you can click enhance and it's going to increase your chance to capture Pals right so very very important you're always going to want to Max that out whenever you have the opportunity to do so the next tip has to do with the incubation of eggs so you're going to be incubating lots of eggs like this one here was incubated and then afterwards will come hold incubate pull this one out and it's going to tell you what you got so all we got from this one was a fox Sparks not particular ularly useful for me at this point in the game but early on those are great now when you put an egg in here it's going to tell you that it's either too cold or too warm so what you can do here it says seems very comfortable so we've got two different little fires right next to it and sometimes it'll tell you it's too warm sometimes it'll tell you it's too hot if it's very comfortable then it's basically just going to hatch faster and if it's not it's going to hatch slower so an easy way to manage this is to just add or remove fires in this area you can come into the build menu and then down here at the bottom it says disassembly mode so you click that and then you can choose chose the fire that you want to disassemble just make sure not to disassemble your house underneath and then have everything else go crashing to the bottom right that's not good but you can just add and remove fires as needed to get to the right temperature sometimes adding fires won't be enough and it's still going to be a little bit uncomfortable there's other ways to add Heats that are more expensive and a little less fluid like this heater right here so you may have to play around with those to get to the right temperature the next tip that's really helpful is once you've got your storage containers kind of holding what you expect each one to hold like maybe right here you want to have all of your ore so that right next to your furnace you know you've got your ore and you can put it in there and create your ingots right real nice and easy so you've got your chest organized you come to these and you can press r on PC I'm not sure what it is on Console but there is a button so make sure to look it up and you can just press R and it's going to put all like materials so if all these materials here are also here and I just press R it's automatically going to know just put these in there but nothing else so put it boom now all of those are in there and I can go around to all of my containers and I can just open them up and put all the things in each one that it needs to be in and the game will automatically sort that for me once I've started the piles myself so it's very handy way to deal with that in the opposite end of the spectrum one of the things you could do is you could go up to this chest and you could hit x and x will pull everything out of it and into your inventory likewise when you die and you go to pick up your corpse you can just press X after you interact with it and it's going to pull everything into your inventory so you don't have to manually do all one at a time or reach up and actually hit the button to pull it all out all right this next tip is really handy if you happen to find yourself in a boss fight that you know you're not going to win right so you walk into a boss fight and let's say you're unprepared right and you just there's no way you're losing all your pals are dying and you're just going to be leaving your corpse and all your stuff back here and you don't want to do that what you can do is just run to a safe spot real quick and then click return to title this will put you into the menu screen and then you can just start the game up and it's going to set you right outside the dungeon again so you don't have to die if you go in there and you're losing you don't have to die you can just go ahead and return to title screen and that'll work for dungeons as well so if you find yourself way deep inside of a dungeon and you can't find your way out or you find yourself losing your fight in your dungeon you can just get out to the beginning by opening up that same menu return to title and log back in and it'll set you right outside the entrance when you're exploring the map you're going to find Regions that are really hot and you're going to find Regions that are really cool and one thing to be aware of is if there's something you really want to explore maybe a hot region and there's a bunch of figes in there or eggs you just can't quite get to it because it's too hot and it's hurting you it does cool down at night so if you don't have the heat gear yet you can go there at night and it might be okay now in the game you're going to find Merchants like this all over the place and you're going to be able to spend your gold buying various materials from them some of these things are easier to buy from them than they are to farm especially if you end up with a lot of gold later later on which you probably will so don't be afraid to take advantage of these and Pals aren't the only thing that you can catch with your balls you can also throw your spheres at these guys to catch them you're going to have to wound them it's pretty difficult but it is possible so if you want a merchant in your base you know go ham next tip is PALS don't die in this game they just have to be revived so if your pal dies in combat all you have to do is come back to your base go to your pal box and just move your pal in there and then there will be a 10-minute timer that starts counting down and after 10 minutes he'll revive and he'll start regenerating Health you can just put him on your team and then go take a nap and he'll regenerate his health lots of different ways to handle that situation another little tip is if you're trying to get something that's a little bit out of your level one thing you can do is get the pals to fight each other and then just capture them when they get low sometimes early on you might be able to get some stuff that you wouldn't otherwise be able to get by using this trick one thing that you might find happening to you is you're trying to get something low so that you can catch it and then boom your Daydream just goes and kills it because you have their necklace which keeps them out all the time so one thing you can do is you can open up this menu here and you can say command don't attack and then this way they won't attack for a moment while you get something that's you know a little below you low and then you throw your ball at it to catch it on PC that button is four you just hold it down and it brings this up and that is all of the tips for this video many more to come in the future videos I'm going to be doing much more advanced guides after this one to share that information as the community gets to that point in the game so if that sounds interesting to you be sure to hit like And subscribe for more our world guides thanks so much for watching I appreciate you guys and a massive shout out to my YouTube members thanks for supporting the big way you do if you want to become a YouTube channel member be sure to click the join button below for behind the scenes footage access to a private Discord Channel and more if you're not sure what to watch next check out one of the videos on screen right now and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 129,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld advanced tips, palworld best base location, palworld base location, palworld beginner guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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