Palworld - New GAME CHANGING Secrets Found - 17 ADVANCED Tips After 500 Hours - Boss Glitch & More!

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hello and welcome back to rage gaming and more po world today I'm covering some useful things you might not know about important details and systems maybe unexplained as well as some funny tricks we probably shouldn't be able to do yet completely can and they're awesome so let's just get into it we start with a very ridiculous one a simple ability to bug out a pal leading to you know free kills and lots of easy DPS at very least the concept is silly but very effective you run up to any pal and essentially push yourself press yourself right into them the idea is to get under them or as close to that as you can the AI is so buggy that sometimes you kind of get under the pal or even under the floor a bit and that breaks the enemy Pal's AI this leaves them completely exposed to well pre DPS they can't even fight back so this is absolutely nuts through taking down a pal early on or at least setting up for an easier capture for free this somehow Works in a variety of Pals too even flying or big bosses though I will say it's a lot easier to do this with a bigger pal as your target to actually squeeze under them but the environment can help like say you're on a hill you can get under them because they'll be slightly above you on a hill or environment like that it's as simple as running up and sliding and crouching in there pressing in and under until they go static and bug out and stop fighting at all if you go harder and like really try to push into them I've had many cases where it causes the pal to sort of fly through the air being shut off because the physics are I guess so confused but yeah if you're looking for a simple way to overcome some of the tougher fights in the game certain bosses you're dealing with or maybe you're just underleveled against this is certainly an effective strategy I'd like to credit Swan plays games for posting about this they claim to have been the person that found this and that's why I first saw a clip of this so let's take advantage of this while we still can speaking of taking advantage of things while you can there's this very effective trick for moving massive paddles of material around your base or as far as you'd like now it's no secret that with all the farming materials in this game you end up over encumbered this unfortunately leaves you absolutely unable to move you're just doing that Ultra slow walk especially if say you're in a base and all you're really trying to do is move a bunch of materials from one storage container maybe it's at the other end of the room or something so you end up putting up with the slow walk just for a moment well there's a couple tricks you can use to make that experience a lot better for example there's this glitch with moving item Stacks without being weighed down by them all you need to do is take the material stack and kind of highlight it interact with it pick it up in this state you're going to drag it and put it wherever you're going to move it maybe you could move it into another slot in the storage or move it over to you and your inventory but while it's kind of highlighted or picked up it's in an in between State it's not really in the container anymore and it's not yet in your inventory which means it weighs nothing at all we could be talking about literally 9,99 stacks of wood or something weighs an absolute ton and yet in this trick it weighs nothing at all you just have it selected and close the storage screen that you're just looking at you'll still have the material stack being highlighted on your screen and as long as you maintain that highlight you could still like at the same time turn walk SP Sprint jump slide as if you don't have the items at all with that then you can transport these massive stacks of materials that would normally be heavy as hell and awkward to transport easily and then when you reach whatever you're going to put it in like another storage box you can open it as normal drag it in it's easy as that so definitely a lifesaver of a glitch but might not stick around forever so as an alternative choice for being encumbered with the movement I would recommend the grapple there are different kinds of grapples right the higher the quality the shorter cooldown when you're over inom you can aim and drag yourself around as if you're not for an average green grapple I think the cool down is about 8 seconds which isn't massive but certainly a weit especially when you're walking slow when overway but there's another very easy trick to remove the cool down of the grapple so to reset the cool down you just unequip the grappling gun and then re-equip it it resets the coold down so if it was on seven or 6 seconds left after you've just used a grapple and you take it off put it back on there is no cool down you can do it again in fact you can do this by the time you've landed or like flown over there like while you're flying you can take it off and put it on and be ready to go the moment you land and I can do it so quick that I can even interrupt the current grapple I'm doing of course this isn't just nice for while incumbent movement though the grapple is awesome in normal gameplay and now you have a trick to completely remove the cool down hopefully this trick sticks around for a while especially if they do remove the no weight stack trick but we'll see next did you know that you can actually reach level five work skills with your pals work skills are vital to automating different tasks or importantly Gathering so you don't have to do it so hard like in the early game once you actually have a nice pile of Pals you can set up a base or many to have Pals work and generate what you need each pal comes with different work skills or maybe even multiple work skills that they're going to be good at if you have a higher level of course it's going to be better these range from levels 1 to four normally whenever you find a pal and each level makes a real impact on how fast it does the thing but this only becomes more true when we consider the fact that there is actually level five work skills in the game and the reason you might not know that or just didn't see it before is cuz it Doesn't happen naturally you have to use a pal condenser to sacrifice Pals to power up one specific pal if said pal has level four work skill right now and you level it up using that system you push it from four to five which is the real cap of these work skills now that's not easy it requires a hilarious 116 Pals of one kind sacrificed to make that one specific pal better using that condenser specific Pals have level five potential not all do but it does mean we can get a range of work skills to level five and therefore make their efficiency even better to best generate 116 Pals of one kind then you'll want to do Mass breeding to Target a pal to produce the many copies of it we have a full guide on this concept on the channel for all the details if you're interested but for this small segment in this video here's the best picks for each work skill and their best potential starting with the kindling work skill the pal to pick here would be Jan tide ignis to get you level five in that skill on that note the watering work skill pick is a a regular J and Tide then it gets simpler sizewise for planting you want a lilene who's creting a lot of skills actually for generating electricity that's ozerk while for handiwork you'll need to go with a nubis for Gathering you want frostillon knocked and for lumbering you're actually out of luck for a level five since it's not possible in the game currently still level four on a work skill for that is still valuable so your best picks for that would be something like wo or wo baton next very importantly though we have mining that's going to be aagon or Blas them up for your options for that for medicine you also can get level five right now but Lan is still a great option you can get level four from that so two skills at once and then we have transporting which again would be either one po type as an easy choice and finally the cooling work skill that just needs to be a frost alion but yeah that's the basics and meat of the info to get going with again we have a full guide on that topic so please check that out if you want to moving on a cool detail you might not have realized to quickly mention is about the fruits you can gather the ones that you can get new skills and apply them to Pals with there's loads of different types all the elements the pals might might have right but as it turns out any fruit skill can be applied to any pal of any element completely unlike Pokémon where you know the same restrictions do not apply this means as I show here you could take a water-based pal and give it some kind of fire ability that will actually work people who minmax the pals do this in regards to say electric type Pals most of all because electric type Pals usually don't have great base stats so a simple trick here is to take a different kind of pal that does have strong base stats to work with then you just take specific Electric through and apply those to your pal turning it into an electric pal that just has better base stats to rely on it's obviously understandable that people wouldn't even think to try that since Pokémon moves are much more selective and clear with who and what can use them but po World being po world you can just do whatever you want so here's a very good trick that both cotton and Josh wish they'd known sooner you can Quick Revive your pals say you're in a fight and your pal gets taken down normally you take it back to your base maybe put it in the box and start a 10-minute recovery timer but did you know that if you put the pal into the tab below that you know Pal's a base tab they spawn physically in now naturally they'll be laying there knocked out with one Health but if you got something nearby to lay the pal on like a bed or whatever other Pals in the base will come rescue them basically that means picking them up moving them to a Layel item like a bed and then that knocked out pal will appear on the bed sleeping with their health flying back to full the moment they're healthy you can go back to the Box put them back in your party fresh and ready in say 10 seconds rather than 10 minutes which is an absolute Lifesaver compared to awkwardly waiting out that timer you can also place a bed right by the PO Box to avoid other Pals even needing them to carry somewhere far to speed it up even more lastly for today did you know that power world does in fact have an IV system yep the dreaded or loved IV system depending on your perspective from Pokémon is here in power world but fortunately it's nowhere near as important or even impactful and that's good because it's surprisingly difficult and quite punishing IVs are the individual values right stats assigned to each pal just like the Pokémon IV system at least in concept these numbers can be found on your pal in the stats section we're thinking Health attack and defense right but attack is split into melee and ranged attack potential which is not really explained or represented in these stats in game so quite difficult to even see thankfully though IVs are not that complicated to understand at a base level anyway you have a pile that exists right is given some sort of stats to work with immediately upon spawn so that's whatever Health attack and defense that has been set with it could have rolled with a potential low or high on each of these stats and that's its IV of course a higher value pal is one that spawned with better stats the reality of pal world is that a highroll pal only really gets about a 10% increase to the effectiveness from say an average pal spawn most Pals spawn in with roughly 50% Effectiveness on their stats so the average is quite likely and that's good because it means you're unlikely to ever really get a bad pal it just means you're also unlikely to get a good one but it does mean you can hunt for perfect IV Pals but with it not being like a massive increase it's not exactly something you need to be pulling your hair out and worrying about unless maybe you're just a perfectionist knowing perfect Pals exist and being generally aware of that system should at least help you can check the stats and see how they are but like I said I also wouldn't overly worry about trying to make it happen especially with how RNG and even if you're trying to like breed in the IVs to a better pal it's very unlikely to succeed things are likely to change in the future though this is an early version of the game after all but if you want to try it and know all the details the true numbers resources to refer to you can also check out another video guide by cotton on this topic but they have it hopefully a pile of interesting and useful things to know to make your experience better if you guys have any other topics or tips related to the concept please let us know in the comments until next time then I've been Hollow you've been you thanks for watching Jos cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 67,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld skill fruits, palworld weight, palworld highest damage, palworld alpha pal, palworld boss, palworld tips, palworld tricks, palworld best base, palworld best breeding pals, palworld best pals, palworld best pal, palworld base guide, palworld base, palworld legendary, legendary pals, palworld breeding, breeding guide, palworld breeding guide, palworld guide, palworld legendary pal, best pal, best pals, palworld, palworld gameplay, guide, gameplay, new, ragegamingvideos
Id: mfYh8Iba5Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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