Palworld - The BEST Mining Pals, Mining Base Setup & Locations

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today we're going to be going over the end all Beall mining video for power this is going to cover every single thing you need to know to boost productivity increase the amount of resources you're actually going to get how to get the best Pals the easiest way and how to set up the base for proper efficiency to make sure you get the maximum amount of ore cuz there's actually a lot of things that you can mess up that is actually going to reduce the amount of items you're going to be collecting especially if you play on any kind of dedicated server but these tips will still help you if you're playing solo as well we'll also be covering some r or base locations the best Pals that you're going to want to focus on when you first get into the game and what you should be upgrading to as you progress through power world as well now you won't be able to unlock some of the best Pals through crossbreeding until Level 19 so you're going to need some good pals to start off with for an early game pal that you can get through large dark eggs or catching at night time I would highly recommend tomat the reason I love tomat is they'll work 24/7 he's got mining level two and transporting level two so he's a two for one special which means he's going to mine everything up for you and transfer it and put it in boxes so that way you don't have to it's a great AFK farming pal now you can find tomats at night in any of the entry level zones so the 1 to 10 zones and the 1 to 15 zones at the bottom or top of the map and you can find them from large dark eggs in these locations as well my next favorite mining pal or Pal that I recommend having in your mining base would be pen King you can get pen King early from the alpha boss fight here at the beginning of the map it's a level 15 boss fight you can also get them from any of the large water eggs or large damp eggs in the entry zones as well the only other way to get a pen King is actually from the bottom Sanctuary which is the lowest level one but that might be a little bit more difficult for early game than getting it from the boss fight or from large damp eggs from the entry area now the reason I like pen King is one of the best early game Pals to get is cuz it has mining level two transporting two watering two Cooling and handiwork level two this thing is going to take care of a lot and if you combine it with a tomat and one entrylevel pal that can actually plant stuff for you you can have all of your crops planted and watered and harvested and your mining base fully mined up and everything transported as well there are easily two of the best PS you should be focusing on getting right at the start of the game until you can start crossbreeding now once you hit Level 19 and unlock the breeding pen you're going to want to crossbreed for an Anubis these are easily the best Pals to get in the game early they're incredibly great for mining but their main benefit is handiwork level four which means you're going to be able to make everything in the game incredibly fast they have transporting level two and Mining level three but the amazing thing about them too is that they are incredibly fast so when they do transport they transport things faster than just about every other pal in the game this can be your end all Beall mining Force if you want and we're going to get into why here shortly now there are many different ways to be able to crossbreed to make an Anubis one of the easiest ways is going to be by catching a whole bunch of celer you're going to want to do this to get certain passive skills perhaps like workaholic for a lower sanity drop but you're going to want to be looking for something like Artisan or work slave if you can find it as well cuz those are the best work speed increases then you're going to take one of those C and you're going to breed it with a relaxasaurus now all relaxasaurus in the wild have Glutton on them at least 99% of the time I don't think I've ever caught one that doesn't have Glutton on it so you can breed it off of it it's a bit of a downside of using this particular tree for cross breeding your other options would be catching a bushie and breeding that with a pen King which you probably already have if you started off early in the game now bushie can be gotten early from a level 23 Alpha boss fight here at the bottom left corner of the map you can get here quickly from the sealed of the swordmaster and then you have the pen king boss fight just up here so you have two different early options to be able to get an Anubis and the main reason that I like Anubis is because of its ability to transfer the items as it gets them into your box and you can already see that they mine faster than they're able to pick up all of these items which actually can be a problem on dedicated servers I know many of you out there are absolutely in love with dig toys now dig toys is honestly the best pal that you can have for mining if you want to actively be mining if you want to go out and you want to mine manually dig to is the end all Beall Miner cuz you have the activated skill here that you can use it's great so if you need stuff quick dig toys still is the best way to be able to get or quick but the problem with dig toys is completely broken when it comes to being a Basse pal does not work as a base pal I I recommend still catching dig toys but I do not by any means recommend using them as a base pal now you notice that when we had digo in our part he was doing quite a bit of damage to the Rocks but now when digo is in as your mining pal unfortunately he's going to prioritize using this but that's that's not part of the problem right now he's completely broken as a base pal the damage that he does to the Rocks when he's in your party cuz you do need the headband for him to even do well that headband doesn't carry over to him being a base pal it's like if we try and get him to mine this ore right now one he gets stuck and he's broken all the time but two he does like two damage to the Rocks which means he's going to take probably 5 days to completely destroy this rock so we're getting like one one ore at a time it's really really really really bad so I know a lot of you are all team dig toys out there but this is my final warning dig toys is the worst mining pal for your base possible best pal to have in your party worst pal to have in your base now while you can use an army of Anubis for your endgame mining base which I actually kind of recommend the next best mining pal that you're going to want to get is a blaz aut this has level three kindling and level four mining this is going to be a two for one special it's going to mine incredibly fast but it's also going to be great for kindling too so that way if you really just want to bash a bunch of these down they can still craft up your ingots for you as well if you're not in a super big rush blazs are actually one of my favorite Pals in the game they are amazing miners but they're also incredibly powerful to have on your team as well they will mine things up incredibly fast for you and you actually can get them a little bit earlier than I think most people think if we open up our map the blazt is going to be a alpha boss here on the Volcano Island for level 49 it's pretty hard to catch but if you go to the top right corner of the map there's a sanctuary here and they spawn here between 40 and 45 which means if you're stubborn like I am you can catch them much earlier in the game although I do recommend using Ultra spheres or higher to be able to try and catch these which means the earliest I recommend going out and trying to do this would be at level 35 you can technically catch them with lower level balls but it's going to be a nightmare and probably not worth the effort but you could do it my personal favorite setup is not just using blaz aut or just using the Anubis I like using a combination of both and that's because blaz is really good at mining but can't do the transportation and Anubis can do Mining and transportation at the same time so I like having four blaz UTS you can even do this with just two and two depending on how you want to have your base set up because they do mine so fast you really don't need more than that but the reason that I like having the Anubis as well is because you really need to make sure your items are getting picked up if you play on servers there is a Max item drop limit which means only so many items can be dropped on the ground and if a lot of people on the server are actually running mining setups then your stuff will despawn so it's not getting picked up quick enough like we have all of the stuff on the ground right now then you're actually going to have your items despawning with the despawn timer and despawning because of the max item drop limit so you'll notice now that I have more things to be able to transport all of my items are actually getting picked up rather than being left on the ground and this is incredibly important so if you are running on a server with a lot of people then you're going to want to balance the pals not only for mining efficiency but also making sure all of your things actually get transported in time so if you're playing solo and you really don't need to balance that then I would go with like four blaz auts and four Anubis cuz you're still going to have a despawn timer so you still want to make sure everything is picked up if you're playing on a highly populated server then I recommend running two blaz auts two Anubis and something with high High Transportation like a van Wim or any other level three or higher transporter I personally like using Flyers because they get stuck less and they're able to flying back and forth especially if you put Swift or runner on them they can transport things incredibly quickly even at level three so the important thing is just to make sure that you remembering balancing mining efficiency with transportation of the objects as well now wo is the best transporter in the game but I don't recommend using him because one he's going to get super distracted chop down trees or literally anything else now if you get the ice wo and you don't have any trees anywhere next problem we're going to run into is how unbelievably slow they are the Naruto running anubis's can transport two or three times faster than wo just due to how fast their movement speed is plus the wos are large they get stuck and break really easily so I don't recommend them as your transportation pal now the last mining specific pal we need to cover for this is aagon now there is a problem with this particular pal it is large and it tends to get stuck pretty often it has the same mining efficiency of a blaz aut but they do have the benefit of mining at night which in some instances can be pretty useful but there is another downside to them mining at night that means they're not going to be sleeping which means they're going to end up getting depressed probably end up getting stuck starving and having a half or even less efficiency than any other mining pal so they so I mean they look cool but they're not really worth it they're not any better than a blaz UT at mining quite frankly you have everything mining so quickly that the chances of you needing things to be awake 24/7 mining for you is pretty slim especially once you get to the level four mining part the only reason my panels are mining at night right now is cuz I purposely kept everything away from my base to be able to show aagon mining something now let's go over what I consider my perfect mining setup this is both for actively Mining and passively so you can use this setup to leave yourself online before you go to work leave yourself online before you go to sleep and you'll be able to come back to a ton of materials for your base as you can see everything is already done mining there is a ton of resources still on the ground getting cleaned up but for the most part the pals have cleaned up everything as they were mining it meaning we're not going to be losing anything through despawns and that is incredibly important so I'm running two blaz auts two Anubis and two Pals with level three transporting I would recommend putting any kind of work speed boost on them as well as movement speed like Swift and Runner and that's what I'm going to be breeding up for on these very soon then I have two lilin for my food source they're going to be doing both the planting and harvesting then I have one yman tide and I have one yman tide ignis now I can show you how to get all three of these early because they are going to be absolutely amazing for any of your bases not just your or base a Yan TI ignis can actually be gotten extremely early in the game and it's got level four kindling this is going to be amazing for cooking up all of your cakes as well as all of your ore so I highly recommend getting it as soon as possible and all you need is access to any flyer so whether you get a Nightwing or anything else once you have access to a flyer you're going to need heat resistance level two you can get this from two pieces of underwear or from any armor that you can craft in the game even the low-level tropical outfit that you unlock to craft at level 9 does come with heat resistance level two on it and this is all you're going to need so once you have your first flyer and two levels of heat resistance you're going to fly over to the southwest corner of the map to the giant volcano island and you're going to start looking for eggs here now I definitely recommend hunting for these eggs during the daytime because they are very very hard to see at night time there's a lot of eggs that actually kind of seem like they glow during the night but the huge dragon eggs are absolutely not one of them these icons that I have marked on the map are places that I've often found these huge dragon eggs and they do seem to spawn in the same area so I definitely recommend checking out this Loop right here now we've already shown how to get yman tide ignis and you can get some other amazing Pals with this as well if you take your yman tide ignis and breed it with a tanzy you'll be able to get a huge verant egg and inside of this huge ver egg is going to be a patalia now patalia alone is a level three planter two handycraft two harvesting two medicine and one transporting but we can turn this into one of the best Pals in the game if you take a patalia and breed it with a M you'll be able to hatch yourself a lilene and these things have level four planting three handiwork three medicine production and two Gathering it's going to be the only pal that you need to manage all of your farms in the game other than obviously something to water them now if you take your yman tide ignis and then breed that with a mamar rest which you can sneakily capture a few different ways whether it's an alpha 1 or a regular one you'll be able to get yourself a yman tide out of that so just by getting yman tide ignis early you can unlock a whole bunch of different Pals so I highly recommend doing it for the beds you really only need to use the fluffy pal beds they're a decent upgrade from the regular bed and the large ones they're just they're too big and they take up too much room and I really don't see a massive benefit to it I also highly recommend making sure not to have stairs anywhere because Pals will just fall through them and get stuck which is a really really big bummer so what I have set up here is actually super ineff efficient because Pals will be running up and down and getting stuck one of the ways that you can kind of prevent this if you do get stuck in a situation where you have to have multi- levels to your base is to make sure that you have Sleeping quarters near where the different levels are so that way your pals don't have to go up and down and also making sure you have a Feed Bend in two different locations but that means you're going to have to keep it stocked up with good food now right now I am farming up lettuce and tomatoes at an early game you're going to want to make sure that you take all of your berries that you get and cook them into cooked berries this is going be your best most sustainable food sorce at the beginning of the game but once you're able to upgrade to salads which means you're going to need to be able to farm lettuce and tomatoes you're going to want to be making salads these increase your sanity by 11 each time you eat them but they also improve the work speed for your Palace meaning they're going to do everything faster and more efficiently for other food sources you can also use pancakes or pizza but salads are still one of my favorite things to be able to keep all of my pals sustainably fed as much as possible with as little work needed now the nice thing about only needing this many Pals to efficiently run your AFK base means that you have plenty of room to be able to add whatever else you need whether it be more miners or if you need to farm up food really quick you have a lot of freedom to be able to add at least five more items to be able to run the base as you see fit in the moment that's why I'm saying it's great for AFK farming and for actively doing anything because there's definitely room for your own personal style of what you need to do now let's get into the different locations that you can use for mining bases this is a specifically ore base there's quite a few nodes that spawn here I did have to build this multi level just to be able to take advantage of all the room that I had so it's a pretty decent mining spot it is just east of the Anubis spawn right next to the Mount floppy Summit fast travel point there are a ton of different locations for coal we've got a pretty decent one right here just east of the sealed Realm of the Guardian which is right next to everybody's favorite location which is going to be right here but if you're playing on a multiplayer server getting this one is going to be almost impossible basically anytime anybody starts on a server they're going to be rushing immediately to this one I still do think that it's going to end up getting patched out because quite frankly having this particular spot is an absolutely insane Advantage it has eight or nodes and six coal nodes all in one location which means you can have one base to collect all of your endgame resources and it's just it's a little bit broken also right near that other location is going to be a coal spawn with one metal node which is going to be just south of the sealed Realm of the Swift where the verd Das base is which is just east of the sealed Realm of the Guardian now the nice thing about this spot is you have all the coal right here but just over this side is another area full of metal nodes which is really great I wish you could get both in the same base but you can't I have used this before by using two of my bases to be able to do it and you know what it was worthwhile but there is also a website where you can look at all of the available mining locations it is called the pow World resource map which is one of my favorite resources map Genie always puts out a new one for all games you can click the hide all button and if you're looking for treasure chests you can activate this we got eggs skill fruit trees biome bosses and specifically for this one we've got mining sites there's 55 different ones you can actually click on these to see what is available we got six coal Five Stone eight or and five coal you know eight ore and one sulfur so you can use this map to be able to look at all of the different locations and kind of see which ones are available for you to be able to use I will leave a link in the description to this website but I highly recommend checking that out for every single mining base location in the game I've just shown you a few of my favorites now thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 141,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld best pals, palworld best mining pals, palworld best mining, palword best, palworld mining, palworld best base locations, palworld best mining base, palworld best mining base locations, palworld tagbackv, tagbacktv, palworld best base pals
Id: vLo6N21LRSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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