CRAZIEST BASE SHOWCASE! Palworld Best Base Competition! (Viewer Submitted)

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yo guys what is up Max our power video and today we are looking at the best bases submitted by viewers uh a while back I went and did a video that was exploring base locations submitted by viewers and I found a lot of really awesome base locations however I didn't get to see what uh the people who were submitting it what they did with their base there so I hosted a little competition with a $500 prize pool for who could send me the coolest base um and so today we're going to be looking at all of those submissions before we get into the video huge thanks to all the people that submitted if you didn't know about this or didn't submit in time I do apologize uh but I really do appreciate you guys giving me so many different responses uh and this video we're going to be looking and highlighting the best ones there's a lot of responses so you're not going to see all of them in this video uh but I will be like highlighting the top ones hope you enjoy it let's get right into [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] so after watching every single submission uh which we did all live on Moxy if you ever want to come over and watch it took about 3 hours of just watching clip submissions uh these are going to be the best bases now in order of like uh pricing and stuff like that how this is going to be done is we've got our first second and third first place is $250 second is $100 uh third place is $50 and then we've got two additional prizes that are both $50 for the most most unique base and also the best use of space um and we're going to get into that right now so on screen is going to be the winner for the most unique base now I really liked this one because all of the other bases in this video that were showcased and highlighted were bases built mainly in open spaces and areas uh this is the first and only base out of all of the ones that were submitted that was built kind of in this like Cavern that was really cool and the way that they set this base up to function in such a small space was pretty impressive so they just climbed into their base they've kind of got their beds laid out on the walls uh which once again kind of creative use of space and then my favorite part about this is one you've got all of the like the columns and it just base looks cool and then they actually placed their pal box on the right edge here so this is their pal box here which looks like a weird location but there's this whole overhang area and downstairs part in because they put their box there they get all of this space to use uh and I thought that this was the most unique of the bases that I looked at um in terms of just kind of doing something that no one else did next up was an additional category for best use of space uh now a lot of people sent me bases that were on this exact Tower there wasn't a lot of space on this Tower um it's at 8195 however uh this player's base was the best use of this Tower Space a lot of other players or I get a lot of submissions of this Tower were kind of nicely laid out and open but what they were able to do was really impressive um now the big thing here was they built this like really cozy house and managed to fit it and feel large and spacious what and homey like in this Tower and then they also had all of the other parts of the base looking very functional and organized uh they've got a nice little living room here I don't know how they did this like uh candle wall thing it looks like they maybe use defensive walls to kind of fit in the corners which I thought was really creative uh you can see it over here as well they put these like defensive walls with a candle on it um and then this is their bedroom they've got kind of like a living room there and then a monitoring stand is the Overlook onto all of the pals with this kind of Lookout area was really cool and obviously this area doesn't have a lot of space so they also had this whole metal overhang area with all of the production benches and lines and I just thought this was a really good use of space looked really organized and they were able to fit a ton of stuff while not making it feel overly crowded now we get into our top three bases uh and this was obviously quite a difficult decision there were so many really good bases that were sent in uh the top three winning bases are going to take really great advantage of the B design decoration and be functional um and at our number three spot was this base submitted by Nuno um this base was really impressive to me uh one because their base location that they built on is at the coal and iron Mountaintop which I made a video on recently and was like I don't know how you would build on here to be honest because there's not a lot of space um and they expanded all of the sides out of it to add a ton of space to this base um and then they also built this massive tower on top of it uh when we get the into them flying into their Tower uh they also have it very well decorated here is the top floor this is the like bedroom floor they've got a fireplace some couches uh and they've got the bed that's like looking out into the like whole area uh they also had a very nice little bathroom here uh with Windows looking out they had their bathtub and then you come down into the second floor this was all set up to be pretty spacious they've got all of their benches everything that they need um and then we come down to the next floor breeding uh I actually wanted to make a base like this where you kind of have the different things that you need on different floors and then you just put the pals there and you could technically like block off their different entrances and exits so that the pals are like only located to the objectives that you want them to be on uh and I also thought this was really impressive they did all of this and built this massive base without actually blocking any of the natural spawns uh so they've still got all of the spawns here even though they've got all of this base location same for the coal on the other side um and I just thought this was very well laid out impressive good use of space it was organized um and uh really really well done so uh congratulations to Nuno on the third place win our number two spot are wor things start to get pretty crazy uh this is also on that same Mountaintop the like coal and ore one uh and on the outside this one looks pretty nice um you know it's got the different sections of the building uh it's got a nice Tower they still managed to fit all the coal and or sponds it's not as like massive as the last one but once you get inside you will start to realize why this one one second place uh it's actually incredible so as you can see here's the whole like outside area all the pals doing their things and running around and then they drop down and get into their Gateway and uh the way that they've set this up and decorated it is really really impressive I didn't know a lot of these things that could be done uh so here's our main entrance they swing around into the kitchen here nice kitchen layout they've got the different cooking pots they've got Windows fridges all of the storage that you could need the dining table uh then you come into the like kind of workstation the way that they set up all of their crates and things are actually really impressive like I didn't know that you could stack crates like this at all the way that they have these stacked up and laid out and they do this throughout their entire base uh it just makes it feel very well decorated you know what I mean like they come out here you can see a nice little Overlook into the valley this is pretty awesome they've got this awesome waterfall View and then like just these little details of of having these like trash bags and storage tires uh like they placed and decorated all of this uh which I thought was like really really cool and well done they come outside uh then they go upstairs into the bedroom area they've got the whole like study room and area where you've got the couch the piano uh they come around here this is kind of like the guest bedroom where it's overlooking the gate come upstairs to the master bedroom nice little like Overlook you've got the bed in the middle with the two windows the dressers the big mirror in the corner like the way that this was all laid out is really great then they come into the bathroom nice bathroom then they've got I don't know how they did this but they've got like lighting coming from behind the shower or something like that it just looks really cozy uh this is just it's a really really well done base um and that's kind of it they they do come upstairs which I wanted to show you guys this view as well uh just to tap it off they've got this like slanted view that you come out to on the top floor it's got a nice Lake down there and then the like triple waterfall view really really impressive and I think very deserving of our number two spot our number one spot might be the craziest base in all of Po world uh they're flying around it right now and it looks absurd they genuinely made like a town from Skyrim or baldr's gate uh the way that they've set this up is just like I can't imagine the amount of time and effort that went into building this like I mean it's not even a base it it is like a full town uh and once they get into it I want to show you why this like genuinely blew me away um so they walk up to the town entrance Gates and this player has captured all of the NPCs all of the NPCs all of the merchants they've made a living breathing town in their base they've set up a ton of different areas their street signs um here they're walking into the tavern where they've got two Merchants setting up um there's a Town Square like I don't even know how they thought of making something like this uh no Pals allowed into this area uh this looks like a nice like library reading room kind of type Vibe then they go upstairs I could let this video play for a whole seven minutes it's it's actually insane what they've done with this um they come up I think this is one of the main houses they've got the couches all the like piano furniture set up come upstairs to like just a crazy looking bedroom uh this was the most impressive bedroom that we saw and then this bathroom was also very nice cozy well decorated they even like emote and get into the bathtub um there's just so much that they did here there's so many so many buildings and all of them are like well thought out well decorated they've like even the the little details of all the gates around everything you know what I mean like it it feels like a professional or like a developer Built This Town into this game this is this base is more impressive than any of the towns uh that are actually already existing in the game they come out here to this main like fo area where they've got stop signs traffic lights construction work going on um and then they go all the way up over to where they have their Pals uh it was cool to see that this wasn't just decoration all of their Pals were working doing things uh the way that they have their structur set up you've got all of your kind of like medicine kitchen stuff and there they've got everything laid out with constructions around all of the uh workbenches furnaces beds it's just it's insane even more footage of all of their PALS like actually functioning doing everything doesn't look like anything's having pathing issues everything's well organized laid out uh this is another view of that like Courtyard Foy area and then they even built this like massive tower that they kind of go up on at the end this is pretty crazy they built they built a soccer field over here with two uh soccer nets I like didn't even know that that was a thing uh and here is another like flyby overview of the base uh they didn't really fully show off this like castle tower I think they land on it at the very end here but just absurd uh I really would be impressed obviously I haven't seen all of the bases in power world but if there is anything that Tops This I would be genuinely shocked all right guys that is going to do it for the video huge congratulations to the winners uh I will be sending you emails asking for your like PayPal information to send you your prize money uh so just make sure you that you verify that that is from me um so that we're all good there um and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know if you appreciated or liked this kind of competition I would love to do more of these kind of type of things for palor and yeah I will catch youall in the next one guys take care peace
Channel: Moxsy
Views: 183,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld pokemon, palworld review, palworld tips, palworld trailer, palworld tips and tricks, palworld early access, palworld best pals, palworld boss, palworld game, palworld xbox, palworld how to, palworld multiplayer, palworld best pal, palworld secrets, palworld best base, palworld base, palworld news, palworld steam, palworld tools, palworld release date, palworld update, palworld unlocks, palworld reaction
Id: O7s5JIYoB58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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