Palworld - I BUILT the ULTIMATE Breeding Base!! Set this up NOW!

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so you've seen my ultimate breeding guide and now you're ready to get yourself a breeding base whether you're building your first base or if your current base is just in complete poverty this is going to be your guide to get it done welcome to the channel guys dontis here I hope you're enjoying your playthrough of power world as much as I am there are tons and tons of things to do and the life of this game has just begun as it's still technically in its pre-release state I'm in this for the Long Haul guys and my goal is to give you content that is high quality informative and easy to understand as this game evolves these videos will probably help you stay on track and make sure that you're keeping up to date with everything that being said I have a goal of reaching 50,000 subscribers by the end of this year 2024 you think we can do it I think so in today's video we're going to be talking about the game settings that you need to implement for optimization with breeding the location of where you can build your base the infrastructure that you need the pals that you need to actually have a smooth operation with consistent resources for a more in-depth guide on breeding you can check out my video titled the ultimate breeding guide that's going to be your One-Stop shop okay first let's take a look at the game settings you're going to want to set up click on the world that you're playing in click on change World settings and then go to custom settings scroll all the way to the bottom and the first thing you're going to want to do is look where it says time H to incubate a massive egg if you bring this all the way to zero it's essentially going to make it to where every single one of your eggs that you incubate incubate instantaneously so you don't have to wait now if you're doing like a hardcore playthrough of this game of course you can put this to whatever you want or just leave it to the default but if you set that to zero you're going to be breeding very very quickly just below that setting if you look where it says Max Pals working at base by default this is set to 15 but if you want to have more workers to implement more resources you can bump that up to 20 just to make your life a little bit easier next up while we're down here where it says enable raid events go ahead and turn that off so your base never gets raided the location I'm going to show you is actually pretty good and and pretty safe but if you want to make sure that you don't have any disruptions at all and you just want to breed in peace set that to off next up scroll all the way to the top we're going to be looking at the day and night cycles if you guys didn't know Pal's only breed during the day so you're either going to want your daytime speed to be normal at 1 or tapered all the way down so that the days are long conversely you're going to want the night time to go by quickly so go ahead and bump that all the way up to 5 next up we're going to talk about the location that you want to place a breeding base in so if you look around the map you're actually going to see a bunch of little areas where and I think the developers actually had this in mind where it's just a wide openen area with nothing there these are all pretty much flat lands and you can take your pck depending on the scenery that you want for my application I went all the way up here by the azero hill just cuz I like the bamboo around it for reference the plateau Beginnings is right here and again I'm all the way up here just southeast of the azobe Hill here we are almost at the location and I already love this look at the bamboo tree biome just such a beautiful area to build and look at this big wide open area that you can build a base on to uh basically get these breeding pens set up so let's go ahead and clear these out I'm going to do some building and I'll jump back as soon as I have a little bit more uh structure to this I realize that some people might actually have questions about this so I want to show it in terms of pobox placement if you don't know what you can do is you can use the M button to find the center of the location bring your character as close to the center as possible and then just place down a PO box but don't actually build it then get up on a flying Mount and look around and see okay is that Circle exactly where I want it to be am I happy with it is there anything obstructing it and as soon as you find a good suitable location for your base to be you can go ahead and commit to it so I'm I'm actually happy with this I'm not looking to farm mining resources this is only going to be a breeding base so I think this placement is actually perfect so for those of you wondering for reference I'll go ahead for this base and just show you exactly where my character is so it's kind of a little bit to the left of the center so first thing I like to do when I think I found the center is I like to actually add myself a stone foundation a nice four square just to make it look cleaner and then I like to put Stone staircases on every side of it just to make sure that I don't have any issues traversing it Pals don't have any issues traversing it if they need to and also it adds a nice clean aesthetic look to ensure that you're happy with your base that you're spending so much time building after that you're GNA line up the pow boox in the center and try to get it as close to perfect as you can and place it now next is going to be jump on your flying Mount get to the air and check your work I'm actually really really happy with that placement because it doesn't have any overlap with stones or trees I'm not trying to turn this into a mining base this is strictly for breeding and I don't want my pals distracted with anything else okay so here's a final look at the complete base and I definitely wouldn't completely overboard with the actual base itself I'm not going to even pretend to take credit for this castle that I built I actually went on YouTube I got I got stuck in a hole yesterday and this girl's Channel her name's epic treasure she did a step-by-step tutorial to build the castle that you see in front of you except for the little Peaks those are my addition so if you're interested I'll link that in the description but this is totally not necessary you can have that poverty Shack that you saw at the beginning of the video first I want to give you a quick visual tour of what the actual base itself looks like and then we'll go through and I'll describe line by line why I made some of the choices that I made for efficiency sake at the beginning of the video I described how key the actual power box placement is you want to make sure that your circle encompasses a completely flat area that it doesn't have any overlap with any resources as mine does with this ore down here definitely made a mistake but that's okay I can just mine that down and build something on top of it so it doesn't come back but outside of that you just want to make sure that the whole area is completely flat with no obstructions that your pals can trip on as you can see here I've got three different breeding pens which is going to make it to where you're not bottlenecked where you can only do one breeding line at once this is going to give you the ability to do obviously three breeding lines at once and the way I have it oriented is everything is faced in the pobox so it's easy to monitor what's going on moving around to the back of these um breeding pens you want to make sure you have a little bit of distance here behind because something I've noticed is that the AI pathing in this game is not phenomenal and if I put something like a yorman tide or yman Tide ignis in here really any big pal if at any point their tail or a part of their body comes outside of the base they tend to just sit here and not actually breed so you can prevent this from just moving these pens in just a little bit of a smidge on the inside of that Circle to make sure that there's enough area to where that doesn't happen I did the same thing with the ranches that are in between all the pens something you can do to actually help with the placement is build outside of of where the base is if you didn't know anytime you're inside the base you get to use all the resources that are within your chests anytime you step out of the base you only are able to build with what's actually in your inventory so as long as you fill your inventory up to where you're not over encumbered you can look where the blue line is and build on the inside giving yourself a little bit of space looking at a little bit more of a granular level I set egg incubators in front of each of these pens you can do more if you want I just I think one's really all you need if you have your settings set to instant I've got two beds outside of each pen for the pals that are actually breeding and then again I built a little box here just outside the ranches so the Transporters can go in and just transport right there and they don't need to go very far like all the way across the map or to the center to actually Bank anything over here as you can see I've got two hot springs set up on a beautiful wood plank mat I would highly recommend setting these up instead of the basic versions just to make sure your pals don't get well let's just say overworked at your breeding Farm the feed basket placement is absolutely key it it looks pretty trash just being there right in the middle but the reason for this is because all of your pals in the entire base are going to have to come here at some point and you want this to be unobstructed you don't want to like hide this inside the base or even up on this platform because sometimes Pals can get stuck on on any kind of geometry so I put this down here in the middle so anything that comes from the ranches has a straight path over here to grab this same thing with anything that's over here watering those Pals tend to a little bit smaller and they don't have any problem getting over here to the feed Basket in terms of the agriculture Farm really all you're going to need are Beres and wheat and the reason for that is because if you've seen my last video or if you've been doing any breeding at all you'll know that in order to produce cakes you're going to need berries and flour and you get flour from taking wheat bringing it over here to this Mill and then once it gets watered it gets turned into flour you're going to need a stove to cook the cakes I probably could could have placed these a little bit better but I found that my yorman tide and my yman tide ignis have no issues watering these they don't get stuck on anything if I place them here and so I I think this is a pretty safe bet out back over here I built myself a pal condenser so that you can send your extra pal friends to the Happy nether realm before we actually talk about the specific Pals that you're going to be putting in here to work I want to make sure you understand that the abilities or the passive skills that are on your pals can either make them work better or it and make them work worse this is going to be very important for you to understand so you don't put a bunch of Duds in your base I'm going to go ahead and put a picture up on the screen so that you can take a screenshot that way you'll know if your pals are actually hindering you or if they're helping you for the ranches I would recommend these six Pals you're going to need two mazaras for milk you're going to need two chickpeas to lay eggs and you're going to need two beards for honey if you want to be crazy optimal this is not necessary but you can do it depending on how fast you want to breed in the future you can breed passive skills like Artisan Serius work slave and lucky on every one of these Pals and Infuse them to the max level to actually increase their work efficiencies if you do that number one it'll take forever but number two they will probably work up to three times faster it's it's pretty crazy not required unless you're a mad scientist quick side note Bard can single-handedly destroy your entire base if you have one that has the skilled be quiet every beard that you grab make sure you go in here and remove the skills that you don't want and and specifically you want to remove be quiet please make sure you remove that if your beard knows it because remember if you've seen these things in the wild they basically become self-destructing heat seeking missiles the second you get in their vicinity and all it takes is for one Intruder to invade your base near your pow box and for Beard to respond for basically the whole thing just to go up in Flames don't do that remove be quiet when it comes to the agriculture Farm you really can take a number of different routes I would recommend lilen as probably the best but you could also use patalia because they have basically the same two stats that you're looking for so if you put just look at these side by side three planting and two Gathering three planting and two Gathering so you really could go either way I've also seen people use ver Das you can experiment with those but I think if you just put two patalas or two Lyin in you're going to be more than fine for transport you can also pick your poison here but I've actually found that the best Transporters are these hellz why do I say that well they only have level three transporting so that's all they're going to be doing within your base with no distractions they fly so they don't get caught on any kind of geometry and they're also nocturnal so they work at nighttime if you've ever had any kind of base with a ton of different like resources on the ground and stuff just isn't being collected as quickly as it should be grab yourself a couple hell zers and you will have very clean floors yman tide is going to be king here for its watering ability to make sure that everything over here on the agriculture Farm is completely watered at all times and you could put another one in here if you find that he gets a little bit backlogged but you're also going to need watering to turn the wheat that you get from the farm into flour by watering it here at the Mill and everyone's favorite yman tide ignis this guy is an absolute boss with its level four kindling ability it really makes cooking the cakes go by quick and these are not easy to cook so you're going to put your ingredients in there and get yourself a Yanti ignis I'm actually going to use my Blas mut here because blasa if you don't know or if you don't know in general whenever you take a pal and Infuse it up to the maximum uh level four up here it actually increases its work efficiencies so mine went from level four mining to level five and from level three kindling to level four kindling so it's the same thing as a Yanti ignes with perfect abilities Here video on that to come very soon it's going to be critical that you get something in here with at least level four to make sure you don't get bottlenecked here on the kicks quick thing I forgot to mention is inside the base actually placed a bunch of these luxury beds looks a little bit creepy and most Pals can't actually fit in here so I don't know if this is the best way to do this if you notice that your pals aren't able to get inside and go to sleep you can go over here to the side and just Place more along the back one other thing I forgot to mention is that if you have electrical components like the stove over here you're going to need electricity and I would actually suggest going with just something like a jolt hog it's very tiny so it doesn't get caught on most things and it only has level one electricity but that's really all you need to stay to 100% and it doesn't have anything else like let's say you could be tempted to use something like an orer mine's maxed out so he's got plus one on all his efficiencies but something like an ozerk has level four electricity yes but it could also get distracted because it has transporting and and other efficiencies as well so I've actually noticed that I've put an or zerk in my base and and I feel like it would just lolly gag more often than not so just a jol hog is perfectly fine it's tiny and it'll get the job done last thing with this feed bucket here if you guys don't know already these baked berries are going to be the best because they actually give plus one sanity and so that's going to help keep the overall sanity of your entire group up and what you can do is you can put it in the leftmost spot this is where every pal in the game is going to be eating from and if you put something that doesn't expire like a cotton candy in here from a wpop that's where I got it from you can just take these stack five of them put your baked berries in the left and that way your pals will only eat berries when they get hungry and they will gradually recover their sanity okay guys now that all of the infrastructure is in place and everything is where it needs to be let's go ahead and place some Pals in the Box don't mind me with my organization but I'm going to go ahead and place this in here just to keep it clean now with all these Pals set in place we actually have six extra spots for additional Pals and those are going to be what you're going to use for the breeding so 1 2 3 4 5 6 two for each pen yman tide ignis is over here cooking we've got Yanti over there watering Ing and we have yard over here also watering the flower and they've got plenty of space to move and to operate even with this massive ridiculous castle that is totally not necessary at all but I did it for science when everything is as it should be you can get up here and I actually put a little uh monitoring stand up here which is super creepy but it is definitely cool and it provides a beautiful view all right guys that's going to be it for the video on the perfect breeding base is there anything you guys would change here have you guys found success setting things up in any other way I'm curious to know in the comments let me know if you have any kind of crazy hack or crazy other location that I'm not aware of and we can kick it around in the comments thank you guys again so much for watching I'll see you out on the next [Music] video
Channel: Dauntus
Views: 72,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, dauntus, dauntus gaming, palworld breeding farm, best breeding base, best breeding base palworld, ultimate breeding base guide, palworld breeding base, perfectly optimized breeding base, tagbacktv, austin john plays, austin john, austin john gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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