Palworld HOW TO GET UNLIMITED PAL FLUID - Best Pals Fluid Farm - Ultimate Guide

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just when I thought I had you guys completely covered on how to farm pal Sals how to farm cake how to farm coins which I felt like the were the more difficult things to farm in the game you guys seem to surprise me every single day and that's why it's important you guys drop comments in the comment section so I could help you out and we could help each other out so if you guys recall yesterday I put up a poll asking what was the most difficult thing to farm and a lot of you guys said palel right so I went ahead and made a video for you guys so you guys could know how to get them but in the com comment section we found something very crazy there are a ton of you struggling getting pal fluid and I said well I mean it only seems like John man Ford 98 is having this problem even though he has eight little thumbs ups that means there's eight more people that need this and I kept scrolling down the comment section and I found another one by CD Duff 86 saying pal fluid I hate it and once again two thumbs up and then we found Matt JM 860 saying pal fluid since you have to manually Farm him so I said man there's got to be an issue with this pal fluid and there's got to be a better way and guys I found the reason why you guys are struggling with pal fluid and I found the secret item that's going to make you getting this pal fluid unlimited so if you like how that sounds let's jump right into it in power world there are 10 different types of Pals that are able to give you pal fluid this is either by capturing them or killing them now of course not all pals are made equal there are some Pals that drop more fluid than others the great thing about the fluid drop though is that they all drop fluid 100% so whether you kill them or whether you capture them or whether you decide going homicidal and butchering them they will drop P fluid now with that being said the key question here is what is the most effective pal to actually form in order to get the most amount of fluids now with that being said let's talk about the 10 that actually drop them so here are the 10 Pals that drop the pal fluid we have we have penlet tant celery Godin serent suranta kelia German tide and ssaku now out of all these guys there are some we really need to eliminate off this list because these are not going to be beneficial for us so here is where things become a problem and this is where the Secret Sauce is there are some Pals within this items here that we need to eliminate because we're going to be farming them and they're not going to give us a really good return value so what we want to do is we want to focus on two primary creatures and we want to apply the secret sauce I want to share with you guys to increase the amount of fluid we get in addition to that I'm also going to be sharing with you guys a secret thing that you could do to get a huge amount of fluid so let's go ahead and go into so let's elim minate a bunch of them first let's talk about the ones you want to actually Farm now I'm pretty sure some of you guys have watched other videos and they tell you farm Goin now that is a huge mistake and you do not want to do that the reason is because Goin only drops one pal felid whether you kill him or whether you capture him so you actually want to focus on the pals to drop more than one plow fluid now remember this is not a guaranteed that they're going to drop more than one but have a high probability of dropping more than one as opposed to farming a character that only drops one so the characters we got to focus on is pinklet celery and the serent now I'm not going to mention the other ones because the other ones tend to be a little bit more difficult to farm because if you can't really Farm a lot of German tides and you can't really Farm a lot of szuka Aqua especially in the early stages of the game now of course once you get to the higher stages they are a little bit far arable but I'm going to give you guys a more viable option now here's the secret ingredient when farming a pinklet and when farming a celery so if you go out in the world as you're seeing right now in the video we're currently farming pinklets we're currently farming celeries and you guys are noticing we're getting between one to two individual pal fluids but what would you say if I told you there is a better way to actually do this Farm there's a better way that you can actually increment the amount of pal fluid you get when Farm them and that is by having a pal in your team called orer because orer comes with a partner skill called ferocious thunder dragon which says while fighting together water Pals drop more items when defeated so whenever you guys are farming the two main characters that I recommend which are celeries and piglets you're going to want to make sure that our Circ is on your team and fighting along with you because that's going to increase the amount of pal fluid they actually drop now this is the first strategy I would probably recommend whenever you start farming plow fluid now plow fluid becomes really important mid game and late game because you're going to need more and more and more P fluid as you progress in power world so I'm going to give you my second method and the one that I highly recommend you do and combine this with method one so you never run out of power fluid and you have unlimited of pal fluid and this is where things get really really crazy because this particular method is going to give you five pal fluids every single time and this is where it becomes unlimited and indefinite what you want to do guys is you want to learn how to breathe because this is going to be extremely important and fundamental for doing it so if you guys watched my previous video guys and I highly recommended after you watch this video how to get unlimited cakes you're going to want to watch that video so you guys could make this experience a lot easier in addition to that guys the combinations you want to do in order to breathe this pal are going to be fundamental so I recommend you also watch my uh 10 more powerful pal video so you guys know how to get some of these characters really fast without having to go collect them now what you want to do guys is you want to get yourselves a grisol which I believe to be a relatively easier character to get especially if you guys watch my video now on top of that you're also going to want to get yourself a Nightwing a Nightwing is another character that you could theoretically get very very easily what this is going to allow you to do it's going to allow you to make a German tide now the reason we want to make a German tide are for two factors you could actually stop there and just start making a bunch of German ties and butchering them and that's going to give you between two to four pile fluids but this is not the most viable option what we want to do is we actually want to make a German tide to breath them with another character all right so now that we have the German tide we need to get ourselves a ssaku now the ssaku is not that very difficult to get even under level you could theoretically get one of these characters as long as you go to the location just kind of fly around and pick one up as you're flying around that area without having to engage and go into the area that much all you do need is a heat resistant armor and you should be able to get one I would recommend you either pick one up instead of breathing one due to the fact that it takes a little bit longer now once you have the German tide and once you have the sasako you're going to go ahead and put him in the farm so they could have a baby and the baby we're trying to get from here is the ssaku aqua now the ssaku aqua is an amazing beautiful looking creature but the reason we want to get this amazing beautiful creature is not so much to be able to have it within our pal box the reason we want to get a Saku Aqua is for the simple fact that he is the only pal out of all the pals in the pal deck that are able to give us a guaranteed five pal fluids so basically for every ssaku Aqua that you could and butcher you're going to be getting five pal fluids this is the fastest and most effective method to be able to get unlimited amount of pal fluid if you combine this with method one and you just have a farm just go ahead and you know spend a whole day or two days just farming ssaku Aquas you guys should theoretically never be out of pal fluid and that's the reason why I made this video on how to get unlimited cake to make this just so much easier for you guys to actually complete now remember if you guys are having a hard time farming anything else drop it up in the comment section down below cuz I'm your number one source to make everything easy in power world thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next video
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 12,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld pal fluid, palworld pal fluid farm, palworld best pals, pal fluid farm, pal fluid palworld, pal fluid palworld farm, palworld breeding, palworld breeding guide, palworld fluid pal, palworld easy pal fluid, pal world fluid, palworld pal fluids location, palworld tips, palworld how to, palworld how to get pal fluids, pal fluids, palworld where to find pal fluid, how to get pal fluid in palworld, pal fluids in palworld, how to get pal fluids in palworld
Id: uyO4nuH0v3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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