Monster Factory: Exploring Skyrim with Garfield

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There were two things that brought me to tears in my life. My father's untimely death, and lasagna.jpg.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/steyblind ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 30 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] don't try and run away Justin you can't escape the monster factory oh no here we are again in the monster factory welcome to my laboratory and your laboratory it's a shared artistic studio space this sound cleans Skyrim which honestly I think it's gonna be a little bit tougher to make a monstrous creation okay because you can be a cat guy you know it's like imagine if that wasn't a preset you just like fiddled with the knobs and ovens like obviously you were a cat guy right that would be some pretty impressive alchemy I would say but I think there's gonna be a bit tough within Dark Souls was because Dark Souls you press three buttons yes and you're there you got squirtle it's a shame we can't import your skin oh yeah that'd be terrible that would just be the worst thing to look at could we do Garfield or is that a little too on-the-nose you think I think that that is the perfect choice and I'm very proud of you and I'm ready but is it we can try but I don't think let's try it i-it's a rich character wait whatever weight you can get yeah I mean I wouldn't say Garfield's fat I've no I've never I've never considered Garfield to be overweight but he doesn't I mean he eats a lot of lasagna I guess drawn fat like he's drawn like a fat cat I guess like I just don't look at cats like that I guess and to me they're all perfect beautiful angel angel monsters definitely no dirt he's been in the house of John all day prayers I mean I feel like we want this to be like a real [ __ ] up Garfield like now I mean like you mean Battle Damage Garfield like I don't see how I would get a piece of meat would fall out of it notice I don't understand how how he would get scarred in the house like what did it od take a swipe I don't get it yeah these are Odie claw marks okay that's fine maybe nermal at least you're in the fiction I appreciate that I think I feel maybe tried to put nermal tried to ship her to Abu Dhabi and number was like this far no further yeah a sketch or paint only if it makes him look more like Garfield can you let up a Garfield JPEG for me to just to see well let me get a Garfield image reference because I think it's just sort of playing orange up there yeah let me load up the Garf and buy glowed of a Garfield image reference I mean think about Garfield I keep him stored in my head at all times Joe very wide yeah yeah he's a wide wide head I don't see what that's changing so that looks perfect I mean we just want to get as much rat well now he's got jowls and that's not doing it for me yeah he's giving us laugh lines for the better part of four decades right Jim Davis it looks like I can get yellowish yeah that would be the closest I think this might be the most yellow we can get yeah just make sure you match it that she color lower okay okay see okay see you're getting fairly Garfield at this point whoa see holy [ __ ] I am cyber Garfield I am your Internet where's the lasagna is it over there is it over there where's that za where's that saw pictures of Zod to start disappearing from the internet a Google Image Search lasagna and erasing all's Anya eaten all the zhonya JPEGs I am sorry field I am cyber field you will become one of us I have an inside line all you gotta do is you gotta find lasagna pee and geez you forgot the lasagna png deleting all cyber P and G's of lasagna Oh eating them for cyber fuel with a lot of possibilities I'll tell you what let's just leave the eyes like cyber Garfield and right if we decide to take him in that direction we've got that Avenue now I see mouths coming up next I'm just in a hurry because I want you to turn up the lasagna shaders too full yeah just pasta sauce put on the pasta sauce filter yeah the marinara I mean we can make it look he's got a red mouth and that could be ah that's perfect but if blood is it marinara nobody knows it's marinara guaranteed I wish we had Lorenzo music on the collar I think he may have passed away I wish we had Lorenzo music on the planet then I love all this and hair now I know Garfield traditionally a hairless sort of experience well not hairless it's a short hair he's a he's an American Shorthair what it would like a tabby yeah sitting at Andy but let's see I could get if we're doing plant at a little sweet tabby cat okay but if we're doing like a fantasy cyber Garfield maybe he's got it yeah look at that maybe he's got his ears gauged okay that's fine yeah that I do like the range for cyber Garfield I kind of hate it though at the same time mm-hmm that's perfect you shouldn't want to embrace him he's gonna delete all of the lasagna JPEGs I gotta say Justin I'm kind of disappointed in not not our field immediately I would say but he's probably the best we're gonna be able to do I mean the best we could do is just like we could drop it unless you want to go back yeah I mean the only thing we could do is go back to human and then just create somebody he's really messed up real fast but I'd hate to lose Garfield at the time to the to the sands of time sure I also don't want to box ourselves in in this monster factory brand as like just recreating existing characters I want us to be able to express myself artistically yes so sorry Saira Garfield you weren't funny enough there are people watching this video right now like no no I was about to climax oh god I think we can got my specific fetish listen if we can't find anything better than that we can always find our way back to Garfield he's always gonna be right here waiting for leading all the pasta oh man I don't know I feel like high elfs got possibilities okay so maybe we can make this guy look more like Garfield than the [ __ ] cat race in the game is cyber Garfield has fully assimilated into our Internet I see hit but he wants to be more like us right age of Ultron style he's trying to try and become more human-like so this is Garfield except he is assimilating the body of a high elf how does that feel to you feels pretty good if we can get the right so like for starters well kitty what kitty whiskers okay so the whispers absolutely Wow not a lot to be done about that huh no that's gonna be like chin is just Wow Wow I hate it it's like well let's see where we can get yeah nothing even nothing even close to orange skin tone no goddamnit I think I'm most like they don't have orange skin tones available it's not too late yeah I'll just do this I mean cyber Garfield right all caps yeah oh yeah no no no Garfield but an acronym but now we have to sit through a cutscene I just want to start doing advanced cat stunts okay okay first you have to be able to take your protective at this point I cannot stand not seeing carpet not yet I got a I got a on this dragon puzzle oh [ __ ] I'm speedruning i speedrun strat get it all away little boy I'll stand in the way of the fire to protect the child Garfield you're a national hero what's that dragon can you imagine you laid down a bed of fire that Garfield was just like there it's like all talking about three percent damage thank you maybe try maybe kitties have fire assistants yeah that's gonna do it those fireballs are gonna do it guys give it up good pit guys come on Garfield that's John that's John so I should follow him or follow John do I go with the false John do I go with the pretender go with this job god he's kind of bad to look at I don't like it very much it's those eyes and I know I said that the eyes weren't gonna bother me but now I'm looking at him and the eyes are completely bothering me it's all of what's in there it's not a soul well whether or not cats have souls is debatable anyway i justรก-- you better oh this this is a pasta sauce you know what the worst part is Gordon this on a Monday oh no and that's his least favorite it's his least favorite of the days yeah okay skyrim is a a long-form experience and I'm not interested in that so what do you say I pack into the mainframe and and juice are sweet kitty yeah juice that Kitty will rationalize the in fiction by saying he like found some lasagna and ate it ate it and it enabled god mode all right so this is looking pretty good what do you suppose to do with that nothing because Garfield don't wear no clothes god he's ripped this is the worst then why is it always so ripped I I think I boosted my own arm damage to approximately one trillion hey yeah I punched this these people so hard that this guy just died there's got to be a code you can enter to enable super long Joe oh my god Justin that codes already on I just need to I don't if I do it right now I'll be destroyed which one am i fighting again Oh Garfield has no friends he's the only friend of the song yet oh he's run away who could blame him no there's no he's got he's got a statue uh he's got a stash it was on you JPEGs oh he needs to get put on a zip drive see in this in this world that's the only currency that matters anymore is pictures of lasagna that I have not deleted from the world where there are underground extra nets that hackers have developed to protect their their belongings air-gapped there's a deep web of lasagna speaking of deep webs I'm gonna punch these spiders apart my question is how long before the game is just broken and I think that answer to that is two minutes ago okay all right it's time to get to places as fast as possible oh that might be too much that's still a lot my people need me [Laughter] yeah oh god my computer's gonna melt into the earth hey guys well let's actually see if you Rockets me into the stratosphere resort no I'm untouchable someone's doing spells at me - so this is it - oh boy this is their fare this is a good time for me to show you another thing I've done with the console and that is great that's pretty rad glass mace which boosts red ass people oh my god what have I done okay wait you've broken it ah oh there he is Oni oh no what have you done I immediately feel just awful about that he should feel awful it's terrible do you have a you have a console command rewind time something like that Odie I command you return to me from beyond the grave holy [ __ ] what do you now what are you beefing for I probably brought your [ __ ] dog back to life steal it this is gonna go great is your speed boost apply to horses - no but my jump modifier does Oh oh no you're just gonna die oh no but then I did like a badass split like what's up now man we're gonna need some more horses oh no should I go to prison yeah yeah break out hey mate let them make a prison that can hold you oh no they've clothed me taken away your powers okay I'm too strong what if I spawn so many horses or or alternatively I just overflow the volume of the room with horses and the door yields to the pressure of the horses oh Christ this is inhumane get me out of this room wait okay so I have spawn horses outside I just need to ride I just need to write no clipping right no clipping I mean there is a no clip cheat but I'm looking for a more holistic way of prison escape I just feel like siregar feel to be at this point it is evolution would be I would not be held by walls oh my god these horses I'm gonna have to kill some of these horses it's the only way that I'm gonna be able to get out of this room and luckily there's a kill all command Oh Oh God is there it's too bad you don't need glue to escape because you've got the material putted a [ __ ] horse had an amethyst honor my swords talk faster how did you how he's a tiny King look at him you're under your chair tiny King get out of their tiny King you looking for apples get an apple roll under your chair tiny King does this feel like you should be able to increase your size oh absolutely I can't or I can shoot myself down to make myself more Garfield sighs let's do that immediately and I'm Garfield I definitely I change that speed the whole man how big are we talking I mean pretty big the size of the goddamn universe you make this thing look like you're sighs I feel like hell sighs God Justin I don't think you're ready for that when I hit enter your whole goddamn perspective on the [ __ ] world on this plane of existence is gonna change forever I ready oh my god [Music] [Laughter] cyber Garfield you've gone too far no no yeah it's gotta be possible for you to get on that horses back right whoa whoa this horse is fighting some wolves let's just see this play out oh no wait what come here come here is it still fight the wolf's Shh it's okay girl I'm gonna climb up your tail I'm gonna develop a complicated pulley system oh Jesus [Laughter] no I gotta get it back you're never gonna get it I gotta get this horse back it's gone oh I loved that horse so much but let's create a new one from the room ma'am well I'm on it it's really hard to see mice and I'm flying part of the deal oh this is gonna be really bad for this giant [ __ ] horse okay perfect now ride it my pony yeah oh this is the best thing that's ever happened to me this is the greatest day of my whole life especially fast very well oh I think what we need to do is just change our definition of what beating the game is you know it's an open-world game you can decide it - oh my god here's our here's our final boss right here all right my army now this is a turn-based strategy game oh [ __ ] the final boss of Skyrim is I'm going to see if I can break my computer can you create a giant wolf to fight the giant horse I think you mean 1800 horses that's what I admit oh there they are come to me angel of music and now see that's the one I want see this is why you get you spawn in 1804 PSA's is so you can find the one that can fly oh thank you off he lost this happy thought horse versus dragon the ultimate gone is out a 10-5 horse army oh jesus oh Jesus God no my punches should be doing it a trillion damage to this guy yeah they're not really doing any right now it seems like I'm gonna punch a hole in the [ __ ] universe what happened arretez congratulations Griffin you beat Skyrim one dragons cool you know it's cooler a billion dragons [Music] Oh oh god oh god what have I done oh no no no no no no no no no oh no no no no oh no no no no no no no no no no oh god oh god oh no no oh Jesus God no Ultraman powers activate well I can't all I can see are my giant Garfield legs one down good start and you're gonna be at this a while I feel like you should wrap up yeah I also feel like our viewers can't hear us anymore because these dragons won't stop screaming it's a it's a bad ear sound so this is Skyrim there's been a preview video of Skyrim so you can look forward to when it comes out here a few months it seems a little crazy and me I think Todd's makes a big choices drag I need these dragons to be quiet Justin what what rating would you give cyber Garfield I would give cyber Garfield a negative two negative two that seems really harsh well he's in no way like Garfield I mean he kills dragons with a single punch and I guess he doesn't this boy have a reason to hate mondays right monday was the day that he accidentally spawned thirty dragon now what's great is these dragons are just dying as soon as they touch the ground that was their mistake okay well we've we've done it again [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Polygon
Views: 1,536,344
Rating: 4.9616799 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, lets play, polygon, videogames, vox media, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Video Game), Video Game (Industry), Garfield (Comic Strip), Monster Factory, Skyrim, Skyrim Mods, Garfield, monster factory garfield, monster factory skyrim, skyrim gameplay, skyrim character creation, character creation, monster factory series, character creation show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2015
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