Monster Factory: Flying Through Dragon Age Inquisition with a Slime DJ
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Channel: Polygon
Views: 992,391
Rating: 4.9453425 out of 5
Keywords: video games, videogames, games, gameplay, polygon, walkthrough, lets play, dragon age inquisition, dragon age, dragon age mod, dragon age flying mod, justin mcelroy, griffin mcelroy, monster factory, funny game, funny video game show, dragon age inquisition mod, qunari, greasy grandma, sweaty grandma, mitch mcconnell, everybody dance now, c+c dance factory, dj slime time, dragon age character creator, character creator
Id: zpahjcaRt6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2017
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This is my favorite YouTube series and when I saw this update I almost screamed. I didn't think they'd ever do a Dragon Age game; I honestly didn't know the character creator could get that wacky!
As a competitive Horseback rider, I'm impressed on their Dressage knowledge.
Lmao when she jumps that first time and goes a LIL too high I died. Those McElroy boys strike again I guess.
another beautiful boy
Holy crap, I'd been following this series, but missed it in my subscriptions list!
She's beautiful.
OMG the permanent cat-butt face.
Teleporting them back to the top of the windmill killed me xD