Monster Factory: Creating The Sequel To Dogs in Spore

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I never realized how unsatisfied I was with Dog 1.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/MrFuckmouthToYou 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

There's already Jaa'm art! What a good, wholesome dog 2.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/friend-rice 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

I cannot wair for more Jaa'm.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/DigbyMayor 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2016 🗫︎ replies

It's that backmouth, that's what really does it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/gentle_squid 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2016 🗫︎ replies

Jaa'm should be able to vote!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Casaham 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2016 🗫︎ replies
hello there Justin oh hi it's me game designer will write it's me William right game designer and I'd like to show you my beautiful spores pretty sure you're not Rena Strummer I've shown you me simulated cities yep yep I remember them and now it's time for me to show you my most marvellous spores are you ready just take a step into my imagination Justin yeah the doors open I'm walking bare hands inside the car of my mind so coaster as we look at my beautiful spores um hi Justin hey hey well uh now it's just Griffin now we're gonna play Spore I didn't play well I thought I hadn't played it but apparently I played it a lot cuz I downloaded it and um I had this save already for a town called buck burg and the monster I made was very bad as you can see lots of noodly appendages we're gonna actually you know what let's go ahead and this for posterity good delete bug Burke life's like a lot o God my children know it's like an oblivion uh let's let's start a new game though we're playing Spore I think it's a sort of an unconventional title for us to dive into but let's just say we're running out of games with good character creators in them please God somebody develop some more and then oh we have to pick oh the name of the planet what planet is gonna take place [ __ ] bird - uh perk - still what I thought still [ __ ] legend unless it's Legend of [ __ ] he's gold um what about new America good America there we go bong so I'm seeing a lot of jaggies here can't you turn the anti-aliasing up I mean I boosted up the spectrometer and I turned down as many of the pixels that I could possibly get my hands on but I think the aliases are just gonna be an tide the whole time oh that's fine so damn low speed Hana in this [ __ ] moving quicker hi everybody it's about man 42 here to show you the latest today everybody it's will ride I've interrupted this man - YouTube video - so you had a really play the game I made it didn't I it's my imagination in it every every creature you create was conceived in will likes nightmares all right so this is a gone okay no mouse it's all his eyes that's unscrupulous little spine the littlest spine here's my idea for this video Caston all right color the monster factory factory you may not believe this has a lot of overhead and we're a little bit cash poor right now and I think I've highlighted an exciting opportunity and that is doll yeah you got the but basal mass I've highlighted an exciting opportunity to reinvigorate our cash flow and that is dogs a lot of people are really into them okay I think we could make the sequel to dogs the dogs - dogs - better better bigger badder better if your fury er furrier better they can maybe they can smile maybe they have maybe they have spikes should dogs to vote dogs - should vote eyes are like why did okay let me ask you this why do dogs need eyes yeah it's a good point like we take care of pretty much all this stuff for fine dogs you use your scent what about just one a sigh okay mmm well that make it harder to eat Mouse work best on the front of the creation yeah I mean maybe this just isn't very good animal will right will some of us don't make it well they mate it looks like you put the mouth inside the ass you're gonna want to just that you don't want to have a hungry dog - maybe we make this thing kind of a cucumber of mouth you're here get out the [ __ ] drift into your braid yeah no I think we I think we are gonna Tokyo Drift it too expensive gotta find some cheat codes don't we oh yeah you're breaking me game this isn't the intended experience no more than 999 okay we'll all have it right here but let's not go crazy chomp nobody knows what number comes after that Mouse work best on the front of your guy I also want to be stat I want it to stab though we need more body mass story that's the problem more stabbing room she as this thing is already the most intimidating dog I've ever seen boy it takes a while just to even spool them colors up yeah you want to do red oh yeah I got think about it the the red fix is one of the problems with dogs is that they don't look bitchin enough yeah they don't look fast enough and cool enough it would simply get flames on this dog we're gonna die I'm gonna put some flames on this a side dog oh we got a name him this is important okay so you know like species or the creature other species what I like about so this is an important step for us what I like about dog what I like about all really all the domesticated animals dog cat bird fish just like it's just like you're getting punched by the sound of the thing sure Kirk jab uh why'd you have to die see if we get anything good nope no Jam Astor's jam Jam might be shame this is a jam it's a beautiful Jam you've got yeah it's a new breed of Jam maybe like a a Saur Saur no I massarde Dorp Dorp Val ray Aggie oma bass sir em car cars kind of fine art sir they are cars anything yep WOM how about jam with like two A's in an apostrophe in the middle pronounced jam but just to give it a little bit more of a dune vibe um job go deep inside your mind into the chamber of your job tags tags they give for the online portion well he's just like no matter where no matter where you point him he's gonna eat Joe I'm gonna eat well except his spikes kind of push the food away a little bit hello John I have an evolutionary sort of well for ya oh we might need to take a second passage John because he's gonna started it well you just ate with his okay okay I thought I was joking you are technically drifting into food I would love to eat you you David Goliath and all over the place here ah sometimes I wish my little creations would eat me don't I what a magical journey that would be love to live inside of one of me suppose when we beautiful spores well time to [ __ ] again I'm full oh no I wanted that but there's two of them oh that's all love put your put your goobies oh nice wait I want that I want that I want that that but oh yeah that's a great but you did you got it you got an electric but this is gonna be very good electric s electric well we gotta sacrifice some things ice okay we may end up regretting that like we will oh we may have an issue oh okay yeah yeah definitely oh this is gonna be a bad generation I think I might need to go back into the sex pod give me some of the Y's Big Boy through your eyes fat slug slug come on I'm missing all the dogs I need your eyes fat slug your don't let it get away I don't know how to catch up I don't know where he went just I don't have eyeballs oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you guys were still analog I'm a digital dog with five electric asses let's look at the evolution of John and where we kind of lost our way cuz I think where we lost our way was maybe generation dude oh okay don't like actually seeing it 3d yeah because he kind of looks like a boat made of hate yeah um maybe if it had hey everybody its in its I'm will right back here again this is kind of a surprising development but I'm making a new edgy sequel to gex sure that's the one I was thinking you should add of the things there these could be his eyeballs that's a funny trick to play on God wait now we're gonna be able to see do we want to be crude I just think I love this I love this South Park humor though oh you enjoy the South Park style of you work okay that's not a very good well this is clearly just not a good slider if your slider makes the thing do this then it's not a good slider okay well it actually ended up perfectly the way I wanted it um that's good hi I'm the gmail icon um is this what we want the first pass at John - because I'm looking I'm it's so good but Justin if I had one of these in my home I would burn the home to the ground with me inside afraid that this thing would spread if I if I delayed there's a good boy there's my good boy there's a good John let's see how he does his thing let's see we're going up against the nosy boy bridge twibell good nerd Dudley iced up and there's three Reapers of course as always [ __ ] five bastions okay a rough start John you can do it but Johnny having some trouble my boy there he goes oh no burn the island down not more than one now we can't multiple oh my god we need to find the [ __ ] hive Queen and burn and burn down her egg jellies uh look at him go yeah keep eating what does food do where's the food go does the food go into a random mouth each time no it seems like it favors your left hip great guess I'll go oh you want me to have sex again I just did I'm like tired hey sport why are you such a horny game it's a very horny game it was very kind of everybody to come help me out with my fetish thank you Maxis uh-oh what's up hey fella our porkin again I would love to see which part comes out or goes into or please or deposits anything where the is there a cloaca option that I dropped in there did that cost DNA okay so let pros and cons I hate the number of mouths that there are bad to look at bad to look at mmm good boy here oh my child what did she do any sort of curry I do not know how you are ambulating I just kind of vibrating furiously I love it great I need something dirty okay bacon sing it's the only thing you can do Oh for millions - we've taken a bold new direction what if they were horrible and no eyes banana mmm alright this is the first sort of moral decision yeah um I mean my bite is level two somehow let's get nasty job this is so adorable I love it gotta keep hunting these things right I know I know plays right just to be afraid times but I'm not I just want on this oh yeah wait and not water please now wait I I didn't mean to bite I'd sell magazines please come back hours to sell your magazine hell Disney Adventures your mother woman's defense come on problem yes how are you okay that's a very powerful I am Oh baby perfect gotta give this thing at least it's just more parts something I can't look at this like a malted milk ball roll across swapper okay so pros and cons definitely want to get that going I would love to see better from drugs what even how would it even happen like this the eyes made one eye two eyes whatever you want to do about just there's optic orbs sport I don't think we found any [ __ ] eyeballs yet I'm great see that's a boy I can really love he's look at what I like about him most is he's looking up at God with those eyes that say like how I don't think it's a bad pet per se yeah I mean it's a useful pet to have around certainly yeah it's sort of like a multi-tool yeah he can do whatever you want to Barrow but no problem John has John the legs just don't even know how to do it are they doing they're like little propellers Oh John you're such a you're such a funny boy whoa hey John why do you have wings now my pal John I don't remember giving you tissue oh my job I hate looking at him do anything all of its the words if you'll have the safest house on the block unless you yourself want to live in it with job yeah once you open the John box it's imperative you run as fast as you can from the house Dear John fancy I'm about to welcome a new baby in the house and I was curious which breeds of job are best of kids dead breeds pretty good jobs dead ones but make sure you've also destroyed its heart in original fire can you teach me how to do your eyeballs the hard way ooh these look at how tall this guy is Hey teach me that hey teach me how to tall each be verticality oh you oh I see none of a gang-up well this is cheating if you're teaming up that would be a gift to job thank goodness believable there people will tell stories about this day yay you're back I'm a baby someone have sex with me which one of you Nancy okay well these the hip box on the drum is actually kind of tricky Justin we have to start over we did it wrong okay now let's see if we can i light so the may problems the problem so far our job can we just make a guy it's a human man so you go ahead that's good and you wanted to have like a chest right there we go why am I having to teach you how people are Jay still not great eyeball options no uh they really are the windows to the soul huh you know I know you didn't intend to um like not intentionally but you know this character looks exactly like who like another pop culture icon it like I don't think you need to copy it but like it looks it looks exactly Bart Simpson from The Simpsons and follow is yeah Justin I'm looking at the thing now that uh that looks exactly like Bart Simpson yeah like basically from the toe to the tip like that is essentially what we're dealing with is kind of a Bart Simpson situation we are we listen we got a pass once we are treading in dangerous territory by making another Gration it's just like Bart um can we give him like one leaf covering up his Dingle donger now what is that what is that supposed to be there we go a little bit of dignity do not have a cow though man oh that's kind of Sonic the Hedgehog that's just it looks exactly exotic let's try this one out I'm Lea Nancy here the nipples were a little much little much yeah I was just that was my thought just now oh no Justin holy [ __ ] wait okay let's find some prey real quick hey hey everybody hey hey hey get no respect Hey still can't [ __ ] sprint though I can sneak though all right are you ready to see the new features I added yeah let's see what you got poison lactation no one saw this coming I have other attacks but why would you use them what do you hey you just made those extinct excellent yeah I did it that makes me want to jump firt whoa oh okay see you I'll see you John I've no idea what I just did Oh wouldn't that he just gave me his eyes you can have me eyes go I'll teach you how to eyes no need to kill me on the friends yay wow they're liking me look it's a tableau smile that's really nice just gotta impress one more and you'll be allied with them mm-hmm oh no no I'm just saying there's a lot of ways to impress people this is one of the scarier things I've experienced which part the part all of the parts this video the whole video he's falling a little bit um uncanny valley happening the valley is certainly uncanny time to go home it's a good good day's work good days working good America time to have some victory doing it Oh everybody hey somebody come [ __ ] this I got a chill Hank um [ __ ] this I'm on come [ __ ] yes someone about this let's peel these Leafs off what do you say and jamun I'm well right I don't have an understanding of sexuality it's all dancing right oh that's what my mom told me I was born when we mum and dad spun around near each other have I shown you my marvelous spores yet if you want more new more threatening nipples like I completely get that oh I know one way we can improve this like a dog Justin what do people love about dogs multiple nipple have a whole mess of them so you got nipple suspenders that's right more than you played Avalon that seems downright folksy to me Oh No okay Bram marrying our going Jesus wow that's quite a gait you've got there son your legs look like the old windows 95 screen saver with all the pipes on them if you made a list of the last things you thought you would see before you die I bet it did not include a nipple barrage I think huh I think we go to the nest I think we take one last stab at just sort of reformulating something to make it something that people are going to take their dogs and throw the dogs in a garbage can somewhere and replace them with our new beautiful animal excuse me gex's okay still you're Sager bones excuse me let me check these bones my exes if you could orient him in more of a dog shape I think we could try to make something really cute you know and see that how that works I think what we need to do is really uh Jason here's what we did my world is pain is anyone still horny please watching a birth busins on me and now I die we had a good run don't let anybody tell you this didn't mean anything we just make a really little guy for the help of it let's get it up well let's get a mouth will you happy yeah right that's about what I expected What's Up [ __ ] how to get work everybody help me everyone help me everyone hell yes they're gonna bring them down snatch this gex's dick right off all right let's caused a stir well it'll be a slow stir lakeya sprint these look like really bad customers oh hey big boys what's up fat dicks I need to eat some some boy first I don't think you've you're lucky I think he doesn't get to decide when I do or don't eat boy I'm a DPS I need the healer worse but that one didn't keep aggro few adjustments oh the game is crashed hey Justin moon was autosave invented uh what Sultanate oh that's not good okay we'll hey William hey we'll hey well I noticed a quick bug report for you 2008 game it's just eight and hour and a half of my [ __ ] life well it's all you miss me to teach you about the impermanence it will well go go to the box we'll get in your box will you [ __ ] animal will what's up now What's Up now will okay see we got plenty of we got play [ __ ] here yeah I think we might do a second installment can we just like recreate our boy real quick and then we'll do it in the in the Creator and then the next video will be us hopping to the next phase cuz [ __ ] me am I not going to run around eating gex's for another hour and a half we need a reliable dog that can live forever that's another thing that's a problem they keep making these movies these like you know my bud my bud Maury about the dog always dies at the end of the movie and that's unacceptable to this dog will not die this dog cannot die he looks like a comma what's the best what's the best part of the dog Justin head the head exactly it's got all the face and stuff on it so I think that's the part that we're gonna really focus on holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god there's so many parts thinking we'll a lot of options will you will the beef been squashed these are fun because it's just like mm-hmm kind of prissy puppy now it's good real the Leeds descriptions and sweet Jesus is marking a good enough and I don't mean it in like a nasty way I just mean some people kid some people give their dogs a little kisses like old hugs and kisses but gets is rag with full luscious oh that's a good improvement of her dogs right now because this time kisses alright see we're on our way uh look at that little oh you gets it I mean this ends just like a man's nose now gonna look sighs that's okay looks like Steve Buscemi wearing some sort of pink latex mask yeah obscene wish it was a superhero this is what you'd be getting how about dogs aren't in 3d but this one is coming atcha it's dog so far we're looking very very very good this is a good boy this is a good all that's good that's a dog we can hug you back to that's this is several improvements over dogs hug me oh man I'm ready for a section oh man oh my god I wanna hug it so bad I know I did - do we want dogs to be able to jump it glide though hi everyone it's a the creator of ICO here I just wanted to say sorry took us so long to get a last guardian out the door but we're very excited to announce Last Guardian 2 is already here what if the dog had two of the faces oh another dog a backup dog in the back you mean oh oh look at it oh god oh god oh no don't don't move like that don't me like that my sweet boy oh no my boy I love it Justin I can see the BuzzFeed quiz now which face do you like better hug face or spa face ah do we add another third do we had a third secret face if you got rid of that there's no way to let you put the wings back on with it yeah well hell yeah who gets the wing in the custody battle again we're gonna end the video here we're going to come back and tackle another phase of Spore but ways in which John is better than dog well go the dog that kisses back that one is just you know that's legit nice branding [ __ ] wise this is a dog you're going to want to ask about your dating um the hands feeds itself opens doors for itself walks itself wonderful very easy the rain baby care for it no claws the legs higher up oh wait we need to make the legs are just a bit bigger sturdy again sturdy this is a dog you can't just knock over can never not go or jum I know it's kind of built like a brick [ __ ] [ __ ] what's the [ __ ] with job Oh nobody it turns out that's weird uh any other feet I mean obviously the wings the flying is good and then there's if you don't like the front face you do have this work Jesus why does that keep happening to that how's that happening uh anyway this is a beautiful beast beautiful killing machine I'll take two I'll take ten I'll take them to space I'm gonna take this dog to space hi welcome us the starship future times I fader hi I'm doc hey Dad I'm a Star Wars Fifi
Channel: Polygon
Views: 2,561,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, videogames, gameplay, polygon, spore, maxis, will wright, jaa'm, monster factory, monster factory spore, dogs, spore character creation, griffin mcelroy, justin mcelroy
Id: _hH7vZF15SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2016
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