Monster Factory: Zeke Teenweed Takes Us To Fart School

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just I have some truly terrible news what's wrong Griff teens are using Tony Hawk Underground Pro to do drugs to each other you're kidding me I heard this hat I read all about it in the big newspaper the one that everybody loves and trusts and respects and it says front page story a one before the fold teens are doing drugs because of Tony I'll kind of ground pro trading it with each other selling it and I've actually been receiving a special mission from the federal government to infiltrate thug pro and make these teens feel comfortable to tell me their secrets mostly so we just don't have to look at flat Tony anymore because he's really I he comes to me in my dreams yeah I feel like the problem is the teens know and love him so much he's become an icon at this point he's the serial he's a toilet paper it I don't think they're gonna trust serial killer look at that sigh gap though I could [ __ ] four-seam a baseball through that thing go to hell now that's not the question is doing make it like a fun sort of like a character that that that teams are gonna love or we just trying to make it look like you know a team like you TM I think sort of a camouflage team cloaking his [ __ ] is the way to go what's a team today in these day I mean is variable this is just a team cornucopia except for Darby yeah I don't think Darby's fooling anybody I'm drugged robot feed me drunk to feed me all your drugs haha I love them just kidding I can't feel them and they're being incinerated in my tummy right now no no hey hold on a second yes I'll let you skate with no this is kind of like first person the first first experience Tony was always too afraid to give but Oh see Zeke looks like he knows where it is he does that great team thing of putting his own name on the build a brand Zeke he knows where it is what do you need whatever you need Zeke's got it I mean let's just go easy quitting well it already says eco this shirt said what Greek from fair that's good Zeke blaze it in ski week love drugs love drugs sounds like I could be talking about any a number of sort of boner supplements I do think you have to make his age he's a cop right he's got to be at least 20 right or else it's entrapment yeah he's 43 46 43 years old and he's from the Dubey Street Mall I'm real goofy though I know I'll do weed or whatever but I never [ __ ] I think the thing with Zeke is highlighting the features that are already working so well taller man I just feel like taller maybe they'll respect him more and know that he has he knows where it is you looking down on him though and teens hate that you're right Justin well not that like that's getting weird I'm 16 weed can you spare just a couple lanes of pot that's all I need to get high now little head big face have you seen this boy it the way it does math with that slider is just so out there you should have a nose I think for this one yeah we'll turn those CS check hey kids as you can see I got plenty of room in here for nose drugs what are you shifting but sort of just everything his core this [ __ ] tape deck but he's easy to record all the conversation cable plugged in my glasses I don't know why they don't let you adjust these sliders with his arms becoming segmented like he's in [ __ ] a bug's life right now I really like her looks a little small maybe they could be smaller is the one thing I would say [Music] and that makes the drugs look bigger that's actually a really good tactic yeah all right it looks like he's doing more of them to help him blend it yeah yeah yeah I want to turn his way I don't want him to clip quite as much you got an upgrade from R&D they got him a smaller tape deck but I can get his chest I mean first of all I want to wail on those pecs hell yeah but see now this is an adult human in a full-sized Zeke city costume he's a very small cop operating this exoskeleton damn Zeke looks [ __ ] great yeah Zeke so good I would say the legs are still kind of uninspiring can those pants get like any bigger well I mean that's under leg options we haven't even we've adjusted the meat inside the legs you understand that right look at that tons of pockets it's a [ __ ] drug TARDIS is what that is yep all right it's tanker on the inside facial hair oh boy what I don't think he would wouldn't but just what he's I just want this moment of him sort of weighing the possibilities because they are plentiful Justin who's like their favorite guy Kenny Rogers kids what I see drugs I fold them oh [ __ ] why is the Hat look like that Justin can you explain it I don't think it's supposed to look quite quite so much like a little pillbox situation it's frustrating me is like even if his head was that shape the Hat would not be like oh is that what we're doing outfit Justin it can be fully you know teen teen guising but the legally elite illegal got all right so good a hat hair and see if you can get something working with that because I do enjoy that narrative God look at this little [ __ ] stack of waffles holy [ __ ] son Pro there's a lot of options my man if they're technical what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] Justin what does it think glasses are the tattoos have to go I don't like his arm tattoos they don't mean anything to me sure you're kidding me that's it that tattoos are gonna be what's really sells this I'm just saying that specific tattoo that he currently has doesn't mean anything to me I mean that's his badge isn't that hysterical can you imagine if I was cop anyway you got any meth maybe is it big the rock fan yeah left ones can rock the left arm is this is the Rock's arm and then you can do with it what he pleases why we do this western badge now what we're gonna do is we're gonna make it are you trying to cloak it a little bit yeah I'm just gonna and then records me hide it like honest weenus there we go that's perfect it's hiding right on the weenus to distract from the badge tattoo I guess can you smell God why can't you get animated tattoos [ __ ] this guy loves to rock he really does I hope the rock doesn't do something super problematic before this video comes out or ever oh damn oh [ __ ] damn dude oh we lost our badge or did we know it's back there now it's there it's fine it'll stay on there I like that do you like that sort of asymmetrical look I love that I love that that's Suzi shirt style like the shirt style is very good though right I just want to see the options available okay this see oh my god can you get the Zeke on top of that though or do you are you not wedded to him his shirt saying Zeke no no I oh yeah till death do I part with Zeke oh you know what's it Oh [ __ ] you know what the teens love what do you know what the teens are super into juice what it's so dynamic I mean I want to see the other shirt styles but holy [ __ ] though I mean how you beat that why does the oh the hoodie alright wait but there's nobody going so ready down yeah for sure oh damn it it's superb Zeke is like a name tag people are gonna know it is Z yeah in the back I think we put something that teens love I mean so BAE life water teens are always talking about subway life water and how much they love it yeah the electrolytes all all that oh that's so gnarly yeah you put it in upside down and then you can wear the shirt either way he does have elbow pads of course just huge Chucky Lopez the department makes him know you know what I [ __ ] hate the elbow pads I hated him on Tony Hawk and I hate him on Zeke alright he's supposed to wear the elbow pads but [ __ ] his supervisors not here right now I love that's great backpack for his drugs oh damn sorry so be you've been removed yeah man I got drugs I got a silly-string I know where it is I'm Zeke I bet you'd love a gold watch like this you know I got this watch third places you're fired can't sell [ __ ] your [ __ ] join my program my exclusive pyramid style I got drugs marketing perk two gold watches I bet you'd love this I think he has grown adult legs and so we get we got to cover those up yeah the jig will be up they'll say like your legs look 43 years old have you ever seen camo and tie-dye close together like that it's bold you want more of a neutral tone yeah I feel like it's distracting from how great the tie-dye is whoa whoa this is just basic biology the rest of him is a full-blown team guys but this is basic biology is that just like your eyes are attracted to Zeke cuz if it's very bright Wow okay yeah it is a torch it as a beacon for the nations of the world to look towards damn Zeke those pants though dawg it may be too much for me Griffin I don't know I don't know it's a lot it's gonna attract bugs I'm worried now that's like--that's that to me is like New York funky I love this all right yeah we can do it yeah that works please have a weed 1 just 1 weed 1 please why are all the trucks like I look like trash damn dude it's gonna be real hard for me not to just track it again it's such a good board what the [ __ ] [ __ ] dude Oh kids kids you love the irons man [ __ ] what's up teens are for the future I got future drugs love sounds I know if you get busted or not and you don't let's go ramp teen Rammstein man I did not see the Shrek logo Oh Jesse you ready to take this beautiful boy out into the world and earn that government cheddar yeah absolutely let's get them these teams are doing too many whippets I'm gonna do a cry stare so good they changed a place oh maybe we create a trick so good uh-huh thug pro just crash fresh yeah did you know it crashed yeah that executables no longer running it crashed though I know good food it doesn't work any you're not seeing graphics of the game right so what do we want in there flip trick probably [ __ ] from front foot him I don't know what me this means oh that looks good it's good the duration will be extremely short whoa blinking you'll miss it kids or maybe extremely long you'll never land that I'll let it shut up oh I love the roll oh [ __ ] I'm gonna bind this to like X so this is my first trick I'm going to create many of these and can you really bind it something yeah sure yeah I literally just have to hit the kick of the kick flip button up there's gonna be a toughy oh [ __ ] oh maybe we make it a little bit faster that's gonna be good to see actually I actually changed my mind that's gonna be very good to see all right all right that's close so [ __ ] and this is gonna look pretty good took another big lose their minds yeah when that you see this coming Adam yes there's this weird old man and don't get it wrong he's definitely an old man weird old man is having a seizure and then breaking his legs it's just over and over again there it is drugs for sale now I'm worried that people are actually gonna think I'm have drugs for sale and will message me somehow no I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it yeah you just described the best possible world let's just make one more I want to see what's in this special menu oh oh there we go yeah cheer one yeah Polly but Manuel oh all right how fast can you fall down and get back up oh that is nice and then maybe a fist pump after that and then he shoots wheels this board can we had a sound me apart give me a big fart there it is Bronco burrito it's a fart fart it won't make it it won't let me do a fart sound at the same time so what's the point what's the point I don't know [ __ ] well I think I know how to fix this now it's just a fart noise that I can bind to a button needs to be 5 seconds long so - fart noise those should be - fart noises or else just try that I think that's them I see they don't want you to have a fart button let's just do that but we'll make the duration at least point 4 seconds for [ __ ] sake there that's a good point Justin we do need more farts in there you can only have 3 sounds so it's three quick farts it seems like it's only giving me the one - fart noises and if that's the case I'd rather just have the one alright I can do multiple in one jump I think alright let's actually just call this one like well this one's gonna earn me a lot of credit for its art school I kind of want to just do this all day give it gas is that also a part noise that's a toilet flush awesome the good news is the risk/reward on that is you look like literally the world's biggest [ __ ] when you don't land it I don't need this we're not gonna need kickflips where we're going we got bird school eating fart school on the kickflip well you've made all of them fart school I see you're gonna limit some of your options for sale message to me for PayPal and then fart school to let them know that I'm not a cop I guess it's just hopping to college because that's where the teens hang out you gotta get better than Tommy Hawk right now that's that's bulls nice [ __ ] all right hold on hey here we go the destiny data boobs this is my day now [Laughter] joy that fart noises it just you you think I hope it's not just me although I'm enjoying it a lot for both of us when checking out these are kids right but now they're like nostalgic it's ironic and like weed funny maybe just tell them you like Shrek also I've got people listening to me all right here's how to look them in tell them your uncle told you they're making another Shrek movie oh wait I'll do typos [Laughter] whoa hey all right okay that's nothing there it is Clayton certainly you don't need to tell me - you don't need me to tell you to get that one nip that one in the bud butt nuggets sir now Clayton butt nuggets can stay why aren't you in school it does raise the question Zeke it's Wednesday tell them you have another trick called drugs for sale was a representation of how you have drugs for sale okay Isaac is Isaac we got it we cooked them hook them I think we haven't made one drug sale no not even any interest in buying drugs like we hit widow honey leaves we're bad cops yeah it's true is this too on the nose what do they call it now yeah yeah that's good I think maybe the DEA was off on this one Justin I'm not getting a lot of activity here no it seems like these are drug free teens just looking for to have a good time go in here Wow secret grind up so greedy yes [ __ ] what's up whoa like your son oh [ __ ] we're playing oh [ __ ] now it's on [ __ ] Justin it's happening [Laughter] alright juice how would you rate Zeke teen weed and sort of the way that he does things and before you answer let me just remind you what he's capable of which is fart school well Griff is he capable for its time okay job he's doing his best uh he gets a six out of ten he didn't catch anybody but he did meet his son and he can't [ __ ] land a trick to save his life I know but it's good it's good that I didn't catch anybody you want it sounds to me like you wanted teens drugs okay I get penis six out of ten sorry I give Zeke teen weed a six out of ten I give the server's ten out of ten these are clean lemon teams you just want to skate and have fun so if you're a cop like don't even bother ya cops I just saved you a lot of time okay I'm gonna give up Zeke to seven now cuz he did save comes a lot of [ __ ] and also he can turn his body into just this that's the best combo right there oh I landed drugs for sale farts cool can I do all four greedy I'm greedy see that's where I've kept messing up I just need to get my message out there oh whatever teens are doing great the kids the kids are alright nobody does drugs anymore oh [ __ ] hey what what what we did it Justin we did it mission accomplished big brain he's real smart about this stuff he's got to have a lot of room up there for clues because he's gonna be getting a lot of Intel he met Justin their physique physique illusion is so strong I keep forgetting he's actually me a federal agent
Channel: Polygon
Views: 857,455
Rating: 4.9613452 out of 5
Keywords: Justin McElroy, griffin mcelroy, zeke teenweed, thugpro, Monster Factory, thugpro monster factory, monster factory thugpro, monster factory skateboarding, skateboard video game, skateboard character creator, tony hawk video game, tony hawk mod, tony hawk character creator, tony haw monster factory, funny character creator, funny video game video, funny video game, undercover cop, gameplay, lets play, videogames
Id: yV9wy9ucXgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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