Monster Factory: Failing to Clone The Rock in WWE 2K14

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👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/OutOfAardvarks 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2015 🗫︎ replies

I started this video and thought to myself, "How can this make me laugh more than Daytrader Vader? It definitely can't."

Boy howdy, was I wrong.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/sansxseraph 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2015 🗫︎ replies

I thought nothing would top the Sims episode. I was proven wrong.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Godlord2 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2015 🗫︎ replies
justin you ready to smash some meat together until we produce a couple of genuine wrestle boys uh yeah i i guess i am yeah get in there look at all that meat oh we're gonna do so much fun stuff with it man i'm ready for that slice of that beefcake uh this is wwe 2k14 i know you're saying griffin that game's like two years old now i know that but i tried doing this with wwe 2k15 and the load times left something to be desired right also you couldn't get as silly with the body proportions yeah we want to get silly we're going to get real real crazy guys we're just going to let our hair down and have some fun with these recipes he doesn't have any hair that can be arranged so you can we can generate like an original ip wrestling person and that that'll be fun for everyone uh but what i recommend we do is actually um let's let's start out our experimentation on a more familiar test subject okay justin of course i'm talking about the one the only the rock mr rock the rock the dwayne johnson so let's just get like deep into rock to dwayne johnson's skin and make him all messed up all over okay i'm ready you can do a lot of fun stuff with wwe 2k14 you can give them some fun clothes uh you can edit their their attire their their entrance attire you can change their attributes their hit point ratios all that stuff is really great uh but the real star of the show is uh is the body manipulation feature let's check the uh height of these shoulder blades up give him some built-in pauldrons so this is a great thing that the game lets you do it's great it's me the pebble i'm doing the pebbles justin we found it so quickly oh man just a little guy what's the smallest the rock we can make so he's got to be small but he's got to be round like a pebble this little guy pie that we're making oh that's bad no i don't like that looks like he's corseted like a rib corset he looks like in roger rabbit when somebody gets run over by a steamroller that's bad too he's got like a xenomorph in there can you smell what the rock is cooking it's a bun in the oven it's a beautiful baby boy we also got to keep in mind wrestling strategy right like this this is going to be easy to grab you could basketball one hand palm the pebble at this point yeah are we okay with what i just did to his arms can you pick up things off the ground without bending over i can i'm the rock the devil now i'll warn you if you have human eyes the things you can do with hands are truly deeply upsetting i don't like stop i don't oh i have to watch this griffin how does how will this be accounted for and like the wrestling must be a robust animation system they have for this to be like acceptable uh no actually in the universe of wwe 2k14 everybody has a little bit of telekinesis oh okay good he's like slender man yes but only a little bit he's like a slender teenage ninja turtle at this point i feel like small uh thighs big calves is like is it he's got flesh hugs yeah right exactly oh the pebble he's doing his best i kind of missed the gut a little bit i kind of wish we could get some of that gut back we're gonna i'll make him i'll get the rock pregnant i'll do it just like it might just like in my fan art this is this is actually good i'm going to capture this as a gif and i'm going to put this gif in my getting the rock my getting the rock pregnant fan art zine right and the father is sonic the hedgehog he's an electrical look at that he's got a little sonic the hedgehog in there you can see him bouncing around oh boy get those rings i don't like this you like the state of things now as they are literally saying the words i don't like this as you were about to ask me if i did like it clearly i don't even touch his feet stupid krusty the clown feet why is this an option why isn't this really flexible oh he belongs in a museum i don't want to cover too much of him up you know yeah you lose that's not what suits you don't do that oh this could be a good strategy no one's gonna attack him because nobody knows which one the ref is i think they'll know which one the ref is what would you even what would you even call this look it's a wrestling dickie i don't even know what's going on with some of this [ __ ] where does he buy these clothes is what i want to know because these are very specific these have to be custom jobs he's got that i shop at the big and long warehouse got that sandra's money coming in i'm assuming he can get tailored work done wow wow i really like the tan jacket that is you're a fan of this wow that is formal i like it too it's very it's weirdly angular and maybe the sharpness will he could utilize that in the ring and plus it from the side it's like it looks like somebody's face right there you see you got a nose oh yeah it's really weird hey kids it's me archie dwayne the pebble johnson's crazy talking jacket you know you know me from wrestling tv yeah i'm the most beloved character next to captain lou albato's talking trash can i think i put it at his widest point too we'll be able to get more words in there that's what they're gonna be looking anyway let's be honest they're gonna try to look away they're gonna try so hard to look away they'd give anything to look away but no yeah oh man this patriotism right here 50 50 baby nifty 50. a little faded i like that oh yeah i like this a little bit of a well now we can sell this at american eagle or something yeah i've never been an american eagle but i assume it's a store where they should sell a lot of clothes with american flags and eagles on them that is very impressive yeah i mean this is a man who came to play yeah that guy's ready to wrestle i wish that i wish that his his out of ring attire looked like a normal human body and when he got into the ring it just like fell away he schlopped it off and uh it and and it just left this this thing whatever oh i really like the jean shirts do you like the jean shorts or do you like these these crawdad hunting capris uh is it false advertising if we request that people eat his shorts and do not provide shorts that seems disrespectful no no no it's it's incredibly remarkably respectful and and here's what i'll say about it it'll be real little that's good that's kind of an easter egg now i'd like to see those at a pair of tasteful pumps maybe some pumps right here well those look like elf shoes so i'm not there we go oh boy that's looking real nice that's looking really really good actually i'm gonna give him all this body here because i'm worried that people are gonna get him confused with the regular rock right and i feel like him having a lot of body hair which is something that rock the dwayne johnson is not typically known to possess is gonna help him really stand out in the crowd all right so these are the crowd signs um that they're gonna have in the audience uh what do we want people to show i mean he probably can't read maybe he can't see maybe he's he's working on instinct or he has some sort of bat like uh echolocation that he uses in the ring um i do i like in your house because it looks like the logo from a a an abandoned tgif series that's a billion dollar princess let me just fix something real quick i noticed some error i noticed a glitch in the matrix i just have to go ahead and jump in there and correct real quick yeah yeah yeah there was just something there was like a it was a cheat code i'm putting in real quick and it'll let me uh wrestle better you probably will uh all right we can mess with his attributes now just best like everything is the best at everything i think i mean is he better than the rock that's that's that's the question he's obviously the um failed clone of the rock uh or maybe he's the rock's son i haven't decided yet like could we make a rock so big that even the rock couldn't beat him oh this is gonna be so good lots of great poses here i i mean how do you choose how do you choose it's like what is his hand even doing there it's like he's holding a bundle of dry spaghetti but the spaghetti is him it's like an ad for the world's worst proctologist what is that that's an ad for the world's worst proctologist a lot of these me i'll get inside you so deep with my little arms aren't i a tough man i'm ready to get in there namaste let me get in there and check you check you all out i see you had arby's for lunch last week that's how deep inside you i am god why did you do this to me oh i like this but see now he's chomping cena's flavor at this point i kind of just want to let this roll for like two straight minutes stop there it is that's a sign these are the actual words they're going to say people kind of sounds like the people let me hit you with this and and now we're kind of getting out there but how would you feel about christopher yeah that's a pretty good rig name too christopher christopher christopher maybe the announcer's name is christopher and so he's just very excited about his own name perhaps i think we just do this one random style too and christopher christopher christopher christopher south africa look at him oh what a tough piece of work there's a lot of man right there i like how happy he is in this one like he deserves this yeah it looks like he's definitely won a contest or something to be there we didn't do anything to his head that's the worst part now what does that mean it's a it's a kinder stick and a soda that is pretty extreme i'll give him that okay that's perfect i wish if i had my druthers i think i would pick no music and he just walks out of better silence like all the screens are off it's just a slow walk to the ring i mean maybe we can do that yeah we can do that no music yeah this is good minimalist he doesn't need all that smith all right none nothing absolute silence in fact i think his motion might be a little too uh too ostentatious yeah no none what's the closest we can get to nothing undertaker probably no he's probably get some silence and boom goes to dynamite it's me austin oh son of a [ __ ] he's a failed he's a failed attempt at the rock band it fell to the rock made to clone himself because he didn't have time for movies and wrestling so he tried to make he tried to make a clone and it's a failed experiment called the pebble but he's still making you go to the ring uh who are we going to go up against just kidding hulk hogan obviously all right i want absolute silence during the introduction okay he is perfect hahaha justin i love everything the hulkster's ever done for our nation but i'm about to kick his ass apart oh wow you you are using some really oh god i feel so bad for i feel bad for the actual hulk like i feel like he probably senses this is happening right now but look at my dad look at my look at my my dna dad outside super worried about me the legendary now what role do the managers play in this can you can they come save you because i feel like he'd be unable to help himself just biologically i see it's like every punch he feels the punches oh yeah he feels them all god he's feeling a lot of punches right now hulkster no oh man oh god the pebble has really bad osteoporosis oh man so he is just useless in the ring after a couple hits what with his avian bones are not all of his bones are avian just the ones that didn't grow in right from the rocks flesh right i'm getting out of here oh yes he was dragged back down to earth by his caps you're gonna be dq'd no way i'm gonna go hang out with daniel bryan backstage pen no only when gotham is broken mr hoax here it comes i am that arrow that flaps in the night i got him just staring at him like a gargoyle yeah so rewarding tie him up with your little spindly arms yes you beautiful man spider i think i've proven myself i think i'm ready to take it to the big show okay you're gonna wrestle the big show look at him here's your winner christopher christopher christopher christopher absolutely christopher christopher christopher christopher i am gonna cancel my order to return you to the lab pebble i'm so proud of you until you fail once i'm not gonna let that scientist take you away unless you fail once this is like remember the titans you lose one game and i'm gonna put you back in the flesh centrifuge that's the the main menu screen is actually the rock yelling at pebble for not eating us down eat your vitamin c how many faces in there do you recognize justin ah see captain america on the far left uh-huh i see the marine the bottom left yeah that you actually got that one right kind of a little bit i bet coco bee wears in there up in the mix statistically he's somewhere in the mix yeah i don't think brutus the barber beefcake made up for this one that's okay that guy looks like hacksaw jim duggan on the second row is that daniel bryan that is daniel bryan that's evil daniel bryan though oh no yeah no no no that was his thing what about that man in the in the warlock hood in the second round that's the that's the undertaker that's that's the fun cousin now do you recognize the person in the top row on the far left that's the pebble does he get to go in first he does get to go in first ladies and gentlemen welcome to the ring america's burden our grim legacy god's favorite mistake you may recognize him from his starting turn under your child's bed and in all their nightmares he's what arby's sandwiches are made out of he's the only thing no one's ever fetishized on the planet well now they have this by the time this video is published like within 30 minutes there's gonna be the pebble rule 34 out there somewhere introducing the participants first from cape town south africa christopher christopher what a high energy start to the royal rumble this must have been okay so the plan is gonna be let whoever's next fight this cat yes this pleases me let your anger turn to hate do you think they might confuse you for a referee if you stay in the backlog though all right fellas i want a nice clean fight no boa grabbing no making fun of jackets or shoes i'm gonna get stand out of this fight in eight seconds okay oh god no oh [ __ ] oh no why is he awake in his his wrath he and daniel are just hanging out me and daniel bryan about to split a monster energy drink and just enjoy the show yeah murder sandow hey hey hey hey hey hey hey brock lesnar oh god we're all dead brock lesnar does this fun thing after he beats somebody in a fight he unhinges his jaw and swallows them i don't know why he's permitted to do that the only way that you can beat brock lesnar is to climb up him and stab his weak point like in shadow the colossus one time brock lesnar ate the word ham and nobody could use it for like a month i'm gonna kill brock lesnar uh justin i feel like the pebble experiment was pretty successful i feel like we really slammed some beef together and into shapes that vaguely resembled the human form and created possibly the the world's greatest warrior yeah i mean because it's not just about muscles and bone structure it's about heart he doesn't actually have one of those which is weird it's just a lot of like tubes and batteries and stuff in there and just like a sort of unidentifiable fluid we're going to face off against brock lesnar in the the hell in a cell but what kind of review would you give uh would you give the pebble dwayne the wayne the pebble johnson you know what can you judge him by the only criteria he's ever been given is that is to be a clone of the rock and he's not there he can never get there but maybe in some way what he discovered along the way was uh it was not that the pebble needed to become the rock it was at the pebble his own person so i'm going to give the pebble an eight out of human he's not quite there not quite human but he's well on his way i'm gonna give him a 10 out of 10 for just putting brock lesnar into the old cheese grater well maybe an average of the two so what's the average between eight and ten because i didn't go to uh middle school uh he gets a nine out of human god he loves chopping so a much american
Channel: Polygon
Views: 1,626,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, lets play, polygon, videogames, WWE 2K14 (Video Game), Dwayne Johnson (Celebrity), Monster Factory, Wrestling (Sport), Video Game (Industry), monster factory the rock, monster factory wwe, wwe, griffin mcelroy, justin mcelroy, monster factory series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2015
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