Monster Factory: Recreating a Beloved Sitcom in The Sims 4

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ah welcome welcome back welcome back to the laboratory this is this is super spooky it's not actually it's kind of pleasant you got the soft tinkling Max's keys in the background you got will right on the on the on the ivories tickling the ivories yeah that's the only thing he does anyway everybody wonders what's all right up to he's playing um live piano music whatever somebody turns on the Sims that's being streamed live - from will write to you exactly this is the sims 4 latest monster factory creation were going in hot going in fresh we have no idea what we're doing there's no pre-pro for the monster factory it's all jazz baby it's all freestyle art where the Jackson Pollock of making horrific user-generated content in video games and Justin this is Sims 4 you're familiar with the creative sim feature right yes sir well this is sort of the basic totally unmodified creative sim experience I like him uh is this the de basic sim he looks great yes like a contestant on the pickup artist this is the basic sort of version of that completely unmodified except the fact that I did in fact modify it and I went ahead and I took the maximum setting on the range of the sliders for the facial settings and I turned it up - oh Jesus oh god oh no and then that allows us to do some fun stuff Oh No well oh jeez oh no wait on Oh oh no wait there's got to be there's got to be some way to fix him oh you were already ruined him looks like a oh geez no oh no no no great now your connect your cat roleplay is an alien from Farscape well I like about this it's like from a side propanol from a side profile Yoshi is tedious mouths and that's not good at all that's not gonna do it an anti-tip add cat back over shave Oh at me this guy's been on that snus train for too long it's like you can see the inside of his eyeballs nothing is good about this Griffin is it maybe if we give him some glasses at alike this is what I want you see this guy at a bar and you're like hey what's up you look like a cool guy I can be friends with look like a cool friend got a little bit of an overbite but I'm not bothered by that all of us have something oh wait a second you're some sort of you're a sunfish your your your a creature from the Beetlejuice afterlife waiting room now in previous episodes of monster factor it looks like fat Freddie Mercury you see he's the champion of nothing um now on previous episodes of monster factory we have I think unintentionally created um I guess you what you would call like trademark characters trademark characters is that was that your dream for monster factory is that where you see this this series going no I'm not a sellout i I I want to mmm I'm not a sellout I want to make something original with my time on this earth I wanna I want to create a easily franchisable character right something that children oh no something the children will dream about in the night times and so the dreaming hours the children will see for them something in the dreaming hours yes mmm oh no I see I like the yeah that's very lair yes I come for you in the dreaming hours I think you definitely been really excited with this race hi I'm doc Vader I welcome you hush the starship future times I thought Vader hi I'm doc hey Dad I'm a Star Wars I bet again Justin you realize what we've done is we've created another IP no but he's not he's not that that he has nothing to do with Darth Vader what what possible justification would he have for wearing this in the in the formal times uh a garden party yeah all right I'll give it to you uh so athletic wear yeah yeah I mean it's baseball time boyos pass me that cricket bat because I'm dressed for the occasion any color options I want something cream there we go there we go that's real nice yeah I think you could expand that out a little bit a little juicy but me Justin yeah this is our child we're talking about see why does it have to be at um I can't why can't you just have a big old juicy but I think that's good enough I mean that's your season Gansa yeah I think I think that's all the this system this closed-minded system is going to allow us to do and then yeah perfect perfection perfection everyone okay ah now we need to come up with some aspirations what is this guy into love right love he's looking for love yeah see when a soul mate errs he's just trying to bone down uh I think he's looking for the one don't you think he's looking for the 1 and the 2 and the 3 and the 4 goofball that's me oh my god his channel goes inside him uh your cards right it'll go inside you too why don't anybody want that it's a new mode all right about it in cosmos it's cosmoface hates hates children definitely definitely he's a goofball but he hates kids so much he's got to be romantic right I think he does all right let's expand his nuclear family um with can't see oh he can make a we could randomize the son is my son random boy he's a single dad of right there out of it so I feel like his son as a job I feel like he sucks what really the paycheck help me find the perfect boy because I'm starting to regret making an adult man instead of just a family of all boys a family you're a weird Faga desk yeah except without Fagin just all boys Fagin free house hey there's a good boy hey hey there's a now that's a boy that I can get into that's a perfect boy I see this perfect boy just gotta just one slider real quick let me see that suit okay dad over to wallstreet makeup maybe he's got paint protection from each later yeah god you gotta do that okay so cream face business boy we are naming this perfect beautiful business child does cream face business boy now doesn't work damn it day trader Vader day trader Vader day trader Vader all right that looks pretty good when you give him some aspirations so mental Oh I mean this guy hates his dad so much yeah day trader Vader hates his kids his dad so so much can you blame him well I can't look at that beast of a man what if they just have a weird roommate and they and nobody knows why he's there okay this guy seems super friendly and I feel like day-trader Vader's going to need a positive influence in his life yeah but I do want to make him gigantic he's a federal investigator oh yes is the investigating day-trader Vader just like the unhealthy relationship now he's he's investigating day-trader Raider for securities fraud okay then he's gonna need some some FBI glasses look at that and is there something approximating a detective hat there is what is that why is this it oh this is a sleepwear why are you wearing sunglasses to sleep sir cause it's bright misery the bureau says he has to go to bed at 6:00 p.m. every day and make a haze cause diction and he's a male stripper in the swimming times apparently just spin one off the dome cousin cousin specially now what's the story here he showed up one day claiming to be a forgotten cousin from date trader Vader's mom's side of the family okay dark doesn't keep in touch so he had no way of verifying this so what what what happened to the mom in this picture she got deported to where - what - space new gins burg okay country where everybody's choose gigantic uh I don't know what happened to her she's just out of the picture we don't deal with that here on my two dads - okay so he's just their roommate no no familial ties I feel like that's going to confuse the viewer of our serialized television telenovela that we've created here in The Sims 4 and what do we want to call this like whole situation we need a title for this monster Factory what are we calling this whole situation I'm not sure if your is deeply into my two dads too as I am uh or maybe just the my two dads let me hit you it's a reimagining okay my two dads squared okay yeah that's good do you know how to make the squared button on a keyboard cuz I don't I'll figure it out oh my god what we done what you don't think about the repercussions that you see in the real world look at this tableau oh no don't yeah where is he going he's off to have a nice Oh oh my god god I love it okay no now I'm rooting for dark Vader I hate cousin special agent uh what's her objective going to be for this are we trying to find help dark Vader find love are we trying to help cousin special agent I think much like in a storytelling format sort of pioneered by Hill Street Blues in the mid 80s I think we're following multiple storylines into switching between them as they become I'll be honest with you I have a very hard time parsing what's going on in this game I'm going to need you to help walk through here a little bit well right now they're having an unpleasant conversation cousin is angry I wonder if I can I just control cousin and have him chill out he needs to use the workout machine right now because he's like so beefed he's so he's beefing and so he wants to get beefy but see they just patched things up he's not as good as Miss skill and really look at these two monstrosity how could they ever hate each other they need each other now what's my little perfect boy up to he's sitting Oh God he's plotting he's planning this is not a boys house is it no this is not a house for a boy this is a house for young man if you think about it he has a third dad and it's you that's where the squared comes in because 2 squared is 2 squared is 3 can you move faster my perfect boy all right business boy and there you go the cousin special agent he's he's trying to get ripped so he's gonna swim some laps and he's just gonna oh no get out of there you get out of there I haven't played this game since pools got added I wonder if you can do that for things still where you delete the ladders and the people died boy I hope not because that would just be too bad these guys are having a bad conversation while they are slowly drowning I forgot that we're going to watch everybody use the bathroom this is going to be a very special monster factory episode for somebody did the dark make himself a breakfast hamburger maybe he did yeah that's exactly what it means my favorite breakfast time Street I'm going to snuff this down and play a beautiful concerto yes look for job come to look for job astronaut no athlete criminal no secret agent Booya nailed it okay now little boy it's time for you to get a job chatting kids chat room that sounds good too and I think Darth Vader is just gonna keep eating burgers until he dies what do you want go chat with your kids go do a kid chat I gave you a task I am your God you chat with boys get on there I want to see it I'm going to see every word a lot of it are your internet activity like what I'd love is is the I maybe he's in this chatroom but he that is his job cuz he's on the grift he's like selling pokemon cards at outrageous prices well no he's catfishing married women just sent him Pokemon good loris you know this is getting me really hot but what I really would really uh help cement this relationship is the foil stamped Charizard from series 3 yeah how's my burger boy doing seems like he's hanging in there oh he didn't do his homework oh alright well I'm gonna need you to fill yourself with school energy he's got a book he's got class in four minutes make you get on a bus or something now this is more important if you take a vacation day treat yourself treat yourself you've been alive for one day I think you've earned it here I go to school I got my face cream on and I vanish like a ghost ah by day-trader Bader all right oh god are these guys amber is the color of your energy yeah got a 24 hours of this huh I wish you could hear the tunes this man is creating right now at school get me over fast Oh God let me die he just took half a burger and put it into the other half a burger these burgers have been blessed look at that infinite burger no you have not earned bathroom privileges there it is look what I've made him do no Griffin that's terrible now you mop it up nope you mop it up this is the dynamic I've created you're the oh look at him wow he really went to town on himself huh looks like he just spread his self mess all over don't worry brother I got you you just owe my brother I'll mop up your piss we all need he loved that ah piss what a relief he's what's he doing he's going on a trip oh good he'll be great for him things have gotten a little stagnant for dark Vador after his one day of life and when that one day of life no he pissed his pants are they getting along good kind of seems like it yeah it's nice that she got a break from starring in the Dark Crystal long enough to comes out Oh dark Vader's wanted to talk yeah I mean I'm not we're giving equal shade to everybody much like Darth Vader's chin we're giving equal shade to everyone let's see how this goes gary is now feeling playful oh did that go bad is that reaction to his bigger blood yeah she didn't love that I don't know why you're looking for a mom when you could be looking for a third dad that's what's bothering babe how many dads do we need to accrue I tell you what's really gonna turn the all the people in this bar on hey mind if I tickle the ivories for the first time in my life anybody why am I the only went dancing come on ladies it's 4:00 p.m. on a Monday afternoon it's got loose this guy's playing chopsticks I'm feeling it the ex just kicked it just walk home you can't afford the uber you're rather oh he is he's running home I don't even I hate kids now he just became happy as soon as he passed that boy oh he's back to camp fishing Linda Linda Linda calm down Linda I'm telling you Linda Linda Linda did you happen to watch Drake and Josh this week yeah you know what he needs to do haha it's been a while old friend it's just you and me here burger can you tear down the wall between there the bathroom real quick for me but doesn't gets better with the veggie with rot veggie burger than watching your women take it up all right let's see how this plays out oh you weren't done no you weren't done what is going on in this house this is a bad house what's day-trader doing leaving Oh God okay what's happening what how could this happen no cuz it's special agent No oh you don't understand what he means to me dick can you dismiss witnessing death nah nah Zeki no big deal haha it happens yeah well what's up listen it's sweets week we gotta inject some drama into the show somehow scoot over Grim Reaper I got it all right here we go here we go oh boy this could go very badly anything about her so bad if he Griffin if he if he dies I'll delete my computer Oh No okay so he's done now you got that problem can we flirt with dead oh oh cool one second oh you can't sell it let's put cousin special agent for eternity where his favorite place in the world get out of here you always take the trash out that's nice and then uh day trader Vader's just he just took the ashes what are you gonna do with those what are you doing hi this is going to seem weird of you hi you guys aren't going to get this but oh no don't piss your pants here this is this is an important ceremony I'd like to tell you about a very special man anybody want to have a chat anybody would have blogged about ghazals right relate to as cuz the special agent returns to the loam from the ashes a new spark is born a spark of love a spark of romance maybe maybe maybe no he's doing what he needs he's doing him right now and I'm so so proud of him Griffin will you make me a promise I'll God will you save this exactly as is so someday we can return I need to know that there in alive somewhere yeah though they'll always exist in my computer until I also hate it hold on a second what is he going to sorry sorry this is how you're gonna deal okay fine that's a fine way of dealing with this I guess he says he's crying as he pops what what review what if we need a numerical score for my two dad stared I give this family two out of two dad's squared Oh No standing by a friend you can't jump on me you can't get up on me
Channel: Polygon
Views: 1,824,993
Rating: 4.9583244 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, lets play, polygon, The Sims 4, sims 4, monster factory sims, Monster Factory, Personal Computer (Video Game Platform), Microsoft Windows (Operating System), The Sims (Video Game Series), monster factory sims 4, monster factory series, vox media, griffin mcelroy, justin mcelroy, monster factory the sims, Video Game (Industry), Maxis (Video Game Developer)
Id: TamwFUUd9Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2015
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