Medical Talk Shows Are Weird

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let me start by saying working out makes you so not funny all you think about is eating and hunger and i can never really focus on the thing i'm supposed to do in front of me because i'm just thinking about food i'm thinking about my body pure narcissism i'm hungry my body i want to make it better i want to make my body sexy i want my body to if you work out your parents didn't love you that's what i'm saying hey everyone welcome back today we got i don't really know how i would describe this video i what i can describe is how i got here because as some of you know i am one of the adults that has eczema if you don't know what eczema is you're basically you're just a reptile that's all it is you shed you have a layer of skin that's always coming off you're basically a snake now real quick as someone with eczema i know the importance of taking care of your skin so does rory and roman the sponsor of today's video taking care of your skin is important whether it's dullness redness fine lines breakouts whatever it is it's hard to find treatment especially now but rory and roman wants to make that simple for you roman covers the guys rory covers the girls and their whole aim is to get you customized prescription care in the most convenient way possible it's easy you just grab your phone or complete an online consultation and you'll hear back from a doctor within 24 hours and if it's appropriate a u.s licensed physician will prescribe you a custom treatment that will arrive to you in just two days with free shipping if you're interested there's an offer right now where you can get your first skin care treatment for just five dollars so that's a 75 value for just five by clicking the link in the description again it's free to chat with the doctor and your first order is just five dollars if this speaks to you click the link in the description take advantage of the offer eligibility requirements and additional terms may apply so because youtube has been around for like 15 years and there's literally a video for everything i was thinking to myself there has to be some reality show where kids got bullied for eczema weirdly i didn't find anything but what i did land on was this youtube channel for a show called the doctors which is just a spin-off of dr phil and dr oz stuff like that you might be familiar with their online hits such as women's 20 year old cyst finally gets popped that's five years old though but granted it did have 41 million views which is pretty crazy or you might be familiar with some of their more recent work you know aaron carter opens up about his sexuality or even their latest which i find very interesting will kovid send gender equality back to the 1950s which is exactly the kind of thing i'm looking for on a medical talk show before i say anything about this channel you need to be familiar with their editing style let me just show you all right people are now having sex gatherings in clubs sex parties during a pandemic social distancing has increased people's desire for physical intimacy now more than ever but are sex parties really happening amid coronavirus lockdowns daytime television has not changed their editing style since the beginning i i have to respect it to use flaming letters like that in 2021 is sick i think what i love most about that editing style is it's so insensitive if you take any of their other videos and you just picture them introducing a subject and that tone it's this woman has had a cyst for 20 years and finally she'll get to pop it watch this woman bust that nasty [ __ ] cyst off the top of her head watch today as she busts it wide open here on the doctors they also do this segment called your daily power prescription which is you know super helpful for any medical issues you may have or three warning signs from our cult expert rachel bernstein that you need to be aware of the first warning sign is rampant deception within the group [Laughter] to me it's pretty obvious who this is geared at right you know people who don't use the internet old people in nursing homes that nobody wants to talk to anymore something to just feed into their brain and stimulate them honestly there's a lot of gold on this channel so i think i just want to browse through a couple videos see how far we can get uh why don't we start with sex parties during a pandemic people are now having sex gatherings in clubs sex parties during a pandemic social distancing has increased people's desire for physical intimacy now more than ever but our sex parties really happening amid coronavirus lockdowns a new york city members only sex club called nsfw i'm not about to make a big deal out of typefaces because i think that's the weakest thing you could go after but this rainforest cafe font is it just screams they don't give a [ __ ] they're just using what came with the computer and that's all they're ever going to use according to the club's website yo how did i just [ __ ] completely miss this keyboard i guarantee you if we comb through this whole channel we'll find them using this same stock footage of a computer what computer looks like this at all it looks like a vanity mirror or something it doesn't even look like a computer rolled out an assortment of rules and regulations to have sex in the safest way possible by figuring out creative ways yeah i want that this is how you know i have the maturity of a 12 year old and you know i didn't do [ __ ] in school because this guy's like going on about this long point like this is what's happening inside the club and the only thing i noticed is the sex in progress device and i want that every time i go stream i just want to tap that stay out my room babe joining us is the founder and owner of the nsfw sex club daniel saint daniel thanks for joining us so daniel a lot of people watching the show right now have not heard of sex parties don't understand them they also haven't taken their afternoon medicine so i don't know if they'll be awake for this whole interview but we're gonna do our best so in so many words tell the people at home and their nursing homes what is a sex club so i would say like our parties aren't necessarily sex parties but instead you know parties where sex can happen um damn he said hey hey man we have ugly people come to this club too don't don't assume that everybody gets nailed all right some people just get to watch it feels communal you have a community of people who've been here now for five years you have individuals who are new also i love this bondage chain mail thing this dude has he had to let everybody know i do some freaky ass help people feel more comfortable with sex i would say like for our experience the host is just squirming man he wants to jump in so bad he's sitting there like no no no i'll let him finish this sentence what do you it's all right i hear what he's saying you know i'm sure it's well-intentioned and it's like a well-oiled machine but i really wish daniel would have just came out into the interview and been like yeah man basically we rented this you know spot soho house and everybody just uh just going at it yeah it's just people [ __ ] there man for our experience versus other experiences you know we have a digital community so you meet people before you come here we have you know whatsapp chats and discords and various channels he said discords now i'm not judging but you said discords we know exactly what kind of furry foxy people showing up to this club we know we know daniel lately with everything that's happening with kovid we've gone down from having 100 guests to having only 16 to 20 in the house we have about 3 000 square feet in new york so it gives a lot of space for social distancing all right 16 to 20 and 3 000 square feet boy yeah that's that's not the same man when i hear 16 to 20 and 3 000 square feet i i feel for these performers as someone who has done his fair share of open mics in front of nobody i can only imagine that type of performance in front of 10 people that's demoralizing just sitting there going at it trying to hype up the crowd come on come on oh my god [ __ ] in the sex club but you got the personality of open mic comedian come on i know you guys like sex yeah yeah make some noise make some noise for that my fellow sex havers when people come to the club there is the option to have sex with others is it out in the open because you the image that comes to mind is there's a big orgy there's a big room people just having sex all over the place or their private rooms kind of give us the lay of the land yeah so get into the real questions what's going on man what are we talking about we musty in here people tend to wear lingerie and feel comfortable walking around um you know either naked or in something that they feel sexy in um yeah like something with a tail and all right all right i'll stop i'll stop i'll stop uh then there is a larger space we used to have a mega bed which was like a thick bed we had a mega bed where people would get on and just [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of each other people get their brains [ __ ] out just i'm dying because the host he smiled in that way which is like yeah but he realized he's on tv so he tried to pull it back in he was like ah yeah mega bed change the angle cut back to him well daniel thank you for uh explaining it to us and hey we wish you luck and hey thank you very much dan nice talking to you oh man i'm just thinking about all the stay-at-home orders and stuff like that and people getting really upset just all the karen videos but in the context of a sex club dude walks in and full [ __ ] suit and got a ball gag in his mouth and they're like sir you have to put your mask on he's like oh my god i'm hitting her in i just and they're like sir mask please and he's like oh he's [ __ ] wolf [ __ ] this is [ __ ] i pay a membership to come in here and do what i want all right yes that's fun whatever the one i really want to get to is this one the whole like gender role equality thing i watched a minute of one segment of this and in so many words this interview is [ __ ] crazy a paper released by a multi-disciplinary team of scientists predicts damaging social and psychological shifts rattling the nerves of an already ravaged country they expect gender equality will nosedive and blame the rise of unequal division of household labor and child care responsibilities while these predictions are largely based in this stock footage was when they only allowed white people to be in stock footage that's how you know this stock footage is old as hell hey this right here is a sample size of the reddit user base look at this [ __ ] the horrible hairlines thousand yard stare in everybody's eyes you predict that women will sexualize themselves more postcovid because there's a now a need for them to attract a smaller number of attractive men not just physically attractive but men who have stable jobs who are independent you say women will start sexualizing themselves more explain that a little more so i have a colleague who has studied this and what she finds is that in neighborhoods or in states or in countries that have more economic inequality women are posting more sexy selfies online um and so when we have this between wait what hasn't that just been a thing though like there's only fans bro like what do you mean posting sexy selfies people post everything is you can go get that right now when we have this between households differences we end up with women competing more we also end up with men competing more and men compete in ways that tend to um escalate into violence so um i'm sorry to to bring up yet another thing that that is not um fun to think think about happening but but that also is something we should have all right well you get hey listen dr hazelton you gave us a lot of doom and gloom but you did give us some nicer pictures on instagram so that's that's coming down the pipeline so we have something to look forward to [Laughter] what a oh my god man what a brutal position as a host bro did you follow the tangent that that went on yes my colleague finds that women in states cities and she first of all she just covered everything yes my colleague is doing a study and she finds that women um whether they're in a city or a state or a country you know they're just around um they're posting sexier selfies uh as a way to compete and you know even men are competing and men compete in different ways that you know sometimes leads to violence he's just looking at her like hey yeah well at least people will post sexy stuff right this segment is [ __ ] awkward i did not think that's what was going to happen so i think we're going to see an uptick in therapy as well and that's a good thing as we are realizing that we're not okay but i'm hopeful that we're going to be okay and hope is a good thing that's right and i think this is going to be one of those things it's going to be okay it's like my man jeff goldblum said in the first jurassic park life finds a way [Laughter] that's great dr ish i'm gonna leave it there uh oh man that's him really trying to shut the conversation down all right well you guys said enough um men are violent women are posting sexier pictures let's go ahead and wrap that up what i find frustrating about this channel is that they bring on these experts right and they'll throw out some line like that women are posting sexier selfies because they're trying to compete and men got to compete as well and sometimes they compete in a way that leads to violence and then that's just it there's no explanation they don't elaborate they just put that thought in your head and then it's just like next up three signs you're in a cult like i'm not even done processing the last thing you just said it just feels like the whole channel is premised on putting horrible brutal bits of information in your brain and then just leaving that with you it's like there you go now it's in your head like this learn about the addictive supplement known as gas station heroin this is a three-minute segment and i'm gonna venture to say they say nothing they just tell you that it exists and everyone around you is taking it and it's taking over your town it's estimated more than 75 percent of people in the u.s take supplements but the unregulated industry is often riddled with bad actors well our investigative producer leslie marcus reports on a dangerous supplement that's single-handedly turning people into addicts can you imagine hearing that being the old person that is the majority demographic for this show just staring at the screen after that 17 second statement all that [ __ ] you take in a day your little sunday through saturday box he's looking at that thing like the man on the tv said there's heroine and just take your pill oh it's just like me this drug is known as gas station heroin so what makes this pill so incredibly addictive and dangerous an unapproved drug called tnpt more than 30 years ago tnf teen was yo that shake transition i love that they just show like random shots of standard medicine you would buy like so now you're just gonna associate robitussin and medicine that might look like this with heroin now good job guys one of these supplement capsules is estimated to be dozens of times higher than the amount used to treat yo they're really showing a bottle of b12 while discussing heroin this is ridiculous dude that's vitamin d come on man this is just like it's irresponsible guys tnft gets its highly addictive properties because it's an opioid agonist meaning it binds to the mu opioid receptor of the brain throw in tnp's anti-depressant effects and you have a withdrawal recipe for disaster i was able to get bottles of tnf team at stores across the country i also got it online hold on lady was that was that a weed dispensary what what was that yo what the [ __ ] is this thank you for joining me brandon now i know you're a recovering tnfd addict you tell me about how that started for you i had went through opiate replacement therapy and so i'd come about 60 days off of it and i just wanted some relief i was just curious i started going deep into the internet all i found was positive experiences made them more productive and that cured their anxiety and so i'm like well i'll try i got the relief that i wanted but it was too good of relief how similar do they feel to opioids oh it was every bit as good to me i just didn't know what was it let's talk about what was ahead of you so you're going back to the same gas station buying up pills tell me about that i would take five pills one time seven pills eight pills the next time i was taking probably six bottles a day you have a bag of all the bottles can you show that to me oh my gosh well uh there's a lot of doom and gloom out there but uh hey at least there's more sexy selfies on the way right oh okay hey just play man i had to switch [Music] if you ask me if i give a [ __ ]
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 1,463,903
Rating: 4.9813118 out of 5
Keywords: noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, comedy, satire, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Id: 6u3hj-5C0xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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