Wild Mom Tik Toks

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hey there welcome to another video real quick just do it i don't know why for the past couple weeks every time i've gotten on tick tock i've seen a lot of moms doing crazy stuff i don't use the word crazy in a judgmental way you could use other words forward bold oversharing whatever man whatever makes you feel better and i don't judge moms because you know moms have to have kids and uh they typically have to have kids with you know some dude who probably loses interest in that kid and gets more interested in football and stuff like that so you know just in general moms have a wild experience in life this thing pops out of them and then it becomes ugly and then they have to buy it braces and support it for six years while it tries to get you know better looking and gets a job and becomes productive and then by that point they've lost it kind of like i have in this whole rant so today's video is all about moms you know not for any other reason than a bunch of moms have been in my algorithm so sit back relax and consume these moms with me let's eat these moms together all right first up on the docket i don't know what this is or what it's going to be but we will find out i don't blame her i feel like having a kid must feel so powerful you must hold that kid's head at times and you're like i could i could the soft boiled egg in my hand i could just i'm a sick person hey guys it's me noel with less facial hair i just had to interrupt the video real quick to thank the sponsor of this episode which is seat geek you know i've worked with seatgeek for a long time and i'm super excited to be working with them not because they told me to say that live events are back and that includes all kinds of stuff let me just look at my phone and see what's available now as of right now there are 71 events for monster jam you know i've been waiting for the day i could go back and see a monster truck live in person whether it's football baseball basketball concerts festivals or more seat geek puts tickets from all over the web in one place to make buying simple seat geek rates every ticket from 0 to 10 to make sure you're getting a good deal green means good red means bad uh and i've got a deal for you right now if you use my code noel you'll get twenty dollars off your first set of tickets at seatgeek that's twenty dollars off your first purchase with my promo code noelle so make sure you click the link in the description or download the app remember that's code noel for 20 off your first seat geek order i'll get you some tickets see some monster trucks now let me hand this back to me with facial hair all right next hey look it's everybody in the comments section damn son next business what i know noah already did a voiceover of whatever this is you know like a beautiful rendition of this song so everybody say thank you to noah because he does those vocal renditions of all the songs we can't play because you know copyright was like my mom asking me to spread her cat lips while she gets it that's crazy just i want to know how she did it was it like did she get down on one knee and like you know like that like an electrician or something like getting in the walls looking around did she lean over her mom and you know that must have been a wild experience for the piercer to have another like face in the mix like hey i know my mom she just my dad's never really been around so there's no one really to support her through these things you know great [ __ ] by the way already first praying this says glizzy prank on mom i don't know what's next but why am i expecting this dude to put the hot dog into his mom's mouth and for them to be like wouldn't be far-fetched for this platform right you just have to hold your arm straight out and turn and eat it you better clean this slime shut hang on here you go put your arm straight out close your eyes okay [Music] that is love right there when your mom can just casually call you a friend hoe that's the type of relationship you should strive for with your mom before we start this i haven't had a chance to say this publicly anywhere really but since tiktok changed this text-to-speech voice i it makes me like this is the voice of a nurse that gives you an enema like i said enema nurse voice okay bend over and i'm gonna put this in your butt and clean out all the poop a picture of your engagement ring jay never sent it isn't it so pretty he did so good it's very quaint i see he didn't invest too much money into it he's always yes but he got exactly what he knew i would like i don't like a lot of bling i like more dainty jewelry reasonable well that's good he had asked for my original engagement ring to propose to you at first but i told him no i was saving it until i thought he was really serious i guess he was serious but now you can save it for his younger brother oh no i will hang onto it for jay in case he ever needs it in the future he always has options he may need it you know you look at moms like that and you just wonder if they think their kid is hot or something i understand wanting the best for your kid but being involved to that degree like oh my boy has options why don't you even think about it like that is that is that too far-fetched to say i think that's an appropriate time to you know remind an old person that they're gonna die like soon i think i think that's that situation calls for that he's got options oh does he uh hopefully you live long enough to see him explore them all that medicare is running out knock knock who's that it's death all right this one is captioned i may or may not be the world's meanest mom i was knocking on my daughter's window i'm dying that girl for real said hello [Music] uh [Music] i'm right here [ __ ] does she stop is she ever gonna give up you know on one hand i understand immediate reactions to go this is mean i'm a terrible mom it's fine dude what is she like 13. she's got at least 40 years to go to therapy and like get over it you know what i'm saying to accept it whatever this is how moms get some reinvestment into themselves she watched that thing cry and she wiped poop from his butt and changed his shitty peepee diapers for years this is her getting just a little bit of feeling back going back to that you know getting some of that anger i am so done watching anime on illegal websites because that jessica's five miles away from you it was my mom you know it's crazy she says that and i just saw a picture of a reddit post about a person talking about you know their moms only fans is really affecting their life whole time she was watching these anime deaths that was just the dude in the next room i am 20 years old and my mom thinks she can still take my phone when she's mad at me so i took her kitchen if you got a mom that cooks that is uh oh man that is no pun intended compliments to the chef the funniest part is tick tock always starts trends so seven hundred thousand people have liked this i'm sure there are there's gonna be many more instances of this and it's just gonna keep getting more exaggerated like i know one mom is gonna take some kid's phone away come home and the stove will be completely dismantled and rebuilt in their like you know in in her like shower or something went out for my 21st birthday and my mother decided to come with y'all see that why is your mom doing that i got to see that again bro that was impressive you heard someone in the background what the look at the look on this kid's face i could tell from this tech talk this is the start of a beautiful oedipus complex you just had a baby what the next 24 hours for you are going to be like spoiler alert this and ice will be your best friend the first time you get up to go to the bathroom blood can trickle down your legs you may even leave like little droplets of blood on the floor going to the bathroom no i won't because all i did was hit nice shot next mom can i see her baby pictures mom can i see my baby pictures mummy can i see my baby pictures she just hands her the phone when the kid starts going through the photos and it's all the videos from her only fans on the night that the kid was created oh geez it's fine it's got plenty of time to go to therapy to figure it out eminem it's just again so overpowering who accidentally booked the same hotel as a furry convention and call me confused to ask what kind of sports team these mascots are for oh jeez oh i think they're mascots for the predators i think that's what that is it's a real team by the way the predators whole time she was plotting on you the whole time yeah leave a comment below if your mom has banged your ex i want to know what that's like as a competitive woman right there ah some women just cannot stand other women being happy even if it's their own daughters that's crazy probably enjoying that relationship for who knows how long and her mom couldn't stand it look at this stupid [ __ ] sleeping in my house using my electricity bringing that man in here she's got some [ __ ] nerf i'll keep these lights on if anyone's having fun it's going to be me well i think that's going to do it for mommy tick tocks i think that was a that that covered it all the only thing we're missing is a very left field breastfeeding tick tock i know i know you've seen them don't even if you just looked at me right there and went huh shut the [ __ ] up you know exactly what i'm talking about and also i want to let you know uh if you don't know cody and i are doing a live stream show in august it's gonna be at momenthouse.com tinymeatgang what are we doing we're doing a live that's cringe we got some special guests spock is doing a dj set we filmed a very special cody noel do where we learned how to sword fight and we go at each other's throats tickets are 10 bucks it's a brand new format that we're trying out it's gonna be live from the ship it's gonna be a great time so we hope to see you there that's momenthouse.com tinymeatgang and i'll see you next week with another video [Music] a few ask later if i give a [ __ ]
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 1,458,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, comedy, satire, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Id: 3wEzuh8uG9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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