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hey what's up press like come on press it sweet thank you all right see you next week what's up everybody today i want a [ __ ] about people with more money than me now i just want to rant a little bit about millionaires why because my youtube feed has been nothing but self-made millionaires if you got a nine-to-five job right now you're poor and 4 800 million trillion dollar homes from architectural digest i don't know what little goblin works inside the youtube algorithm but in a time where money is moving around at weird paces for people what the [ __ ] is your problem that you just want to put all this expensive ass stuff in front of everybody's face you're just trying to rub it in no one asks for that you dick so i went down a rabbit hole of these self-made millionaire guru personal finance people and i kind of have now in my mind this sort of anamorph evolution of the millionaire i kind of view the millionaire as it's like a squirrel with early male pattern baldness on a hunt to get his nut and another man's nut and the next man's and just it just keeps going they can't stop they just need nuts i think it's pretty interesting because a couple years ago i feel the internet concept of a millionaire where dudes like grant cardone and ty lopez you know guys with maseratis ferraris and big houses and programs that you could sign up for and blah blah blah and they have their own place in the anamorph scale but there are steps before that that i feel have only been recently revealed to us i find the first stage of millionaire is the humble millionaire the balding hasn't begun yet and really they're just out there to get their own nut to me the best example of the humble millionaire are these financial minimalists they have these videos like i sold everything and you know i only work off of a piece of wood that i took from a yard sale we got rid of all of our stuff what i find consistent with these dudes is they all kind of have a thousand yard stare in their eyes but they're humble about it and the way they present themselves and the way they approach it is they want to let you know that you can do it too but as they continue to make more money and they start to see that they have a formula that works then they evolve and they become the youtube pre-roll guy you know i'm talking about uh before you skip this ad just i want you to look behind me you see this ocean i'm out here on this ocean on a boat that i own for free as a matter of fact as i sit here on this boat every minute that clicks by i'm making 1 342 i can show you how to do that you just sign up on my course below i'm going to show you how you can make millions and millions of dollars and have your own boat and have financial freedom and a lifestyle that doesn't require you to work at a desk anymore so you have the humble millionaire the pre-roll millionaire the space in between and then i'm actually a millionaire somewhere in that space in between is like stock traders and this guy what is going on guys my name is fx lifestyle i'm a 23 year old rich forex trader right now we're in a luxury five-star hotel as you can see today's video [Music] it'll put a beat behind this put it like a uk drill beat behind this man i swear it'll work at the age of 21 i realized i could make it and as time was going and going i was getting more money coming in my bank and i saw the success growing if any of you watching this ever acquire like a large sum of money hold on to it don't do this all right could you imagine walking into a business meeting and you're like hey how are you michael david nice daniel james and then this dude is there yeah i do man fx lifestyle word but i don't put all the emphasis on the money in this anamorphs pattern it's a little bit more weighted on what's happening to their psychology i know a scene like this halfway inspires hate and you're just kind of like man this guy can kick rocks but you have to laugh this bozo took a million dollars out of the bank put it in a briefcase to make a youtube video with his iphone to tell strangers he's got him like if you have the means to do this do you even need to sell a program like shouldn't you be able to just continue doing what you're doing and why is it important that we know that you're living that lifestyle there's a subtle irony i find also with guys like this that sell programs i feel a good amount of them try to target people who work at a desk or work for the man or whatever you know whatever phrase they want to use if you got a nine to five job right now you're poor but to me they're just telling you to quit your one desk job and then take another desk job which is using their program there's also another part to all this that they don't tell you which is if you start to make millions of dollars you just turn into a [ __ ] weirdo look what you turn into i need the headphones for this talk about nft yeah nfts my favorite new topic i'm so obsessed too in my own brain for people that don't know what nfts are right non-fungible tokens one of the great parts about the uh the whole in the crypto space the blockchain space satoshi's white paper is it was the first digital signature that you couldn't counterfeit so think about that means you can make digital art that no one can counterfeit and so all of us on art gets its value from scarcity the blockchain allows you to do that so now we're going to see artists for the first time ever create art digitally right the great artists they never did before what man what have you ever seen the replies to a rapper's tweet ever there are great artists doing digital art all the time man anyway the fractionalization of physical things is a game changer the reason michael jordan's rookie card is going to a million dollars because you can sell 100 coverage yes because kenny and staphon actually want it i know they do this is what happens to you you make a lot of money you get weird you start a podcast where you need to refer to your friends as garyvee's posse and you need to clarify that they want to own 200th of a michael jordan rookie card what 350 bucks if they knew was going to a million that's no different than buying a little tesla on apple stock the fractionalization of sports cards is going to get that market insane on the tippy-tippy top i just feel like millionaires learn these buzz words and they learn what's hot and they just start going on podcasts and just start like saying these buzzwords and just making [ __ ] up being like oh this is going to be massive the fractionalization multiplication the super bowl we're gonna have the you know mahomes and i'm gonna have an artist do a painting on a digital painting i'm in a rapper or you know sing a little song behind him and then he's gonna be up there this and you're gonna sell that little clip no you're not that's just the super bowl you watch patrick mahomes throw a ball and then you watch a rapper do a little dance i don't think you could tokenize that in an interesting way oh my god man the reason sports cards are is because you take a selfie and put it on instagram we love to flex i'm waiting to understand the flex of azation of the nft and only a millionaire could say some [ __ ] like that now if i had to put a limit on millionaire meaning like the healthiest and most stable version of a millionaire i think it's this more money than grant cardone even more out of touch but you still talk about people like their people and you still want to be involved in the world that's good but then after that i don't know what the number is but somewhere you turn into this this is why you're [ __ ] poor this is why the suckers watching this on youtubers so [ __ ] poor ow what did we do man we were just born okay we just lived life and now we're on youtube what did we do man if you don't know who that is that's dan pena he apparently has made a trillion dollars he calls himself the trillion dollar man and you know he's got a sales program that teaches you how to make millions of dollars dan i feel represents that sort of off the deep end rich where it's so much and it becomes a self-feeding machine that the money turns you into a beast the day before my mother died i'm screaming at the castle i'm screaming at her mom you're not [ __ ] sick you're not gonna die stop being a [ __ ] like damn i try to think what could compel him to talk that way you know and it's probably because he's conquered the system health and sickness you know scares most of us when you got trillions of dollars you could buy all kinds of new stuff new lung new liver new face nothing is off limits they used to stand me in the corner with a dunce cap and if i looked around too many times then they put me in the closet they had to take the dunks cap off because the dunce cap was too high to get me in the closet and i would be in there four five six hours till school was over pissed my pants [ __ ] my pants because they wouldn't let me out have the millions man whatever is gonna start your healing process whatever it takes just just take it all right now you look at dan and you think well this has to be the last stage of millionaire elon musk's favorite word is [ __ ] but it's not and that's the part that trips me out the fact that there's a step beyond this that compels a human being to go from i want to build generational wealth to i think i'm going to build an island and traffic some kids now i say all that and think maybe it's not fair to say that this is an anamorph chart because if you look at a financial minimalist and you look at one of these you know humble millionaires or millionaires to be would they become dan pena if their career kept evolving that way i'd like to think no but that's the part that really makes me overthink the whole thing it makes me wonder does money do this to people or are you innately this way if i had a trillion dollars and my mom was sick would i be yelling at her saying like don't be a lady i'd like to think no but who knows ultimately i just think it's shitty that a bunch of people get on the internet and make these ads and try to create programs that just effectively are designed to you know make you feel like and make you make decisions that can affect your life in ways that they just don't care about you know people may want to make a million dollars but maybe they don't have the psychology for it i don't know i just feel all this kind of preys on people's general need for comfort that's what it is these things prey on comfort they just don't want to have to think about bills and not being able to afford stuff and not being able to provide i don't think most people want boats and all this that these guys advertise so really i think i say all this to say um don't let these weirdos talk you down or con you into buying uh because at the end of the day they might have millions of dollars but they're probably weird hey shit's play man [Music] ask me if i give a [ __ ]
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 1,409,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, comedy, satire, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Id: coSw7CNC-aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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