This Cult is Not for Cry Babies

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can anyone help with the outro song to this? The beat at 12:20 goes pretty hard

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/extraathiccboii 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

This one makes me not proud to be dutch lmao

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rubyvandebuurt 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
no I'm always ready to pop that thing out and you know stop trying to get me to twerk on camera it's not gonna happen okay let's see if this can change the weather call is really about it y'all ready I just saw that I was so much freer in my experience than most anyone else I ever met it's rare that someone really obtains the power to alter physical reality but it is possible I don't really have a definition of cold but you could break it down as curious and unconditionally loving tribe see ult What did he say what did he define cult as an unconditionally loving tribe most people are emotionally and spiritually lost you are scared little toddler cute he was like you q my name is a Pentium SRO and I consider myself to be nothing really I wear many jackets people call me a spiritual teacher or leader an entrepreneur basically I'm whatever I need to be to be of service anyway why does he look like a [ __ ] piranha all these dudes I want to take your money they look like [ __ ] piranhas just they got that same [ __ ] angled tooth look [Music] he went back to Holland so currently we are in barlow at a seven day residential retreat over 400 people are coming together damn there are also a couple of optional sessions like morning yoga you guys got to understand too like when he's doing this [ __ ] he's not charging like 50 bucks you know I'm saying like when these people pull up they probably spent like it's some Tony Robbins shit's bar like two three thousand dollars times four hundred whatever the fight I can't [ __ ] do math hundred twenty thousand dollars whatever the [ __ ] that is how many souls we got in there eight hundred thousand dollars people get the invitation to meditate on their own and apply some of the work that we do during the session oh man this is all you girls on Twitter right here I will not think about Matthew I will not think about Matthew I will not some point I did some writings but I also started to shoot some videos and that's really when people caught on to me because I guess they liked the vibration of it the vibe that came off of it the giddiness the smile the spontaneity the youthfulness what a [ __ ] self complimented peace people probably really liked the fact that I'm just like so cool and spontaneous and sexy and [ __ ] awesome and happy and positive and you know probably just one of those little things women that want to [ __ ] Alexander Skarsgard this is the closest they're gonna get this [ __ ] right here everything is possible and I love you don't ever do that again bro everything is possible I love you [Music] this dude is actually a snake one of your mom's is watching this dude right now I want to be of help to truely anyone who desires this type of help hmm that's 1856 us so what I say what I say row this mofo can make in almost a million dollars per click homie is they gonna take everything you have in fact it's about giving up everything you have for the sake of the vision huh hold on he said that let's look at the crowd let's see who agrees with him my man right here is like what would you even call that when someone is like yo bro if you want to do this you have to give up everything everything like Jesus didn't even ask for everything you know what I'm saying yeah God needs those goats don't need that milk at a [ __ ] Mary I'm gonna need her it's for God though yeah that's his mom whatever man you've seen porn oh I gotta see these powers this month like a super city a lot about the whole levitation thing and I just truly believe that these things are possible I think spirit this level you got high one time I can levitate now [ __ ] you took an edible that's what you did altering the weather is one fun usually innocent an example of how we can begin to explore some of that capacity I've had I'd say over 95% success with this one in particular has it got me very curious and I started practicing it myself and experimenting and training and I did have some results with that oh [Music] shut up shut up I'm not gonna look at the chat we're not gonna look at the chat you look at this tinfoil right here watch the fumes I'm gonna make come out of this tinfoil right here alright I'm gonna make these fumes come out of the tinfoil and then I'm gonna go lift that bus with two hands watch that i'ma lift this [ __ ] bus tinfoil that I could spin on a table at some point I rolled a pen across the table and that's when I thought or Carrodus is enough I don't have to practices anymore I've proven it to myself it's possible and ever since I haven't really done it or even attempted it anymore know that you feel good right now oh god he's making millions of dollars with a [ __ ] Amazon Prime three dollar magician kit I can't believe that man what's your calling q q q what's your calling q what your calling if you weren't so high up in your own ass about this in concept of respect you would actually see how much love there is behind me saying what I say big first controller energy right here I've been to a dude's house like this when I was like nine if you would just stop [ __ ] asking questions I'm [ __ ] first place alright bro alright Josh go ahead man I don't [ __ ] care it's your stupid [ __ ] birthday I didn't really know you like that and when you stumble upon a point of view that feels good about someone else being raped are you willing to accept that point of view that's the paradox of humility so why somebody is being triggered that is funny how is that not funny oh man could you imagine you paid $2,000 to come watch this dude do bad stand up with a TEDTalk headset another one of the allegations that a lot of spiritual teachers including myself received is the whole topic about money we as a company do make quite a bit of money I guess it's all relative you try to hide it it's like yeah we make a [ __ ] ton of money relative right if you compare me to the shell corporation obviously I don't make anything if you're comparing me to a regular person well yeah I look [ __ ] rich that's that ugly rich laugh right there what is this a movie what the [ __ ] are we watching I've never felt any type of guilt or responsibility continue to have faith see it as a movie you're just watching a movie when things get intense you're like this is a movie I just felt bro that was his response to a do a committing suicide hey bruh your life is a movie alright you life some movie sometimes people do that I just felt it's hard when I heard the news I was like oh Brent so yes it was a bit of an inconvenient timing cuz the article had just come out in terms of you know our sort of image to the world so I got a lot of backlash from that someone killed themselves and he went ah Brandon you [ __ ] [ __ ] he called his suicide inconvenient bro I don't think that's what it is do you feel that can you see that can you love yourself are you worthy of that are you deserving of love are you infinitely worthy are you infinitely worthy are you infinitely worthy are you Oh Oh what we just witnessed someone pay for emotional abuse like he just had a chick like come up for a Q&A and she's like I'm not sure and he was like are you but you're worthless you're worthless do you feel it are you worth anything are you would sit down and cry if we look at the tyrants in the past I greatly respect their accomplishment you can learn from Hitler and apply it in a positive way it's relatively easy for someone to gain a position of influence over millions of people how do you hear him say that and go yeah this was worth my money for sure and he's like I can levitate and watch me do what I do with this gum wrapper and I'm also an alien and you literally feel so powerful that you don't care if someone puts a gun to your head what the [ __ ] you know what makes it scary this dude is alive right now this is a guy it's not Joe exotic he's not in jail this fool is alive right now all right we're gonna play a little game you heard it folks there is a banty no Massaro retreat coming up in thailand who wants to take a guess at the price of the Thailand retreat please someone from the chat brought a number how much do you think this Thailand retreat is six [ __ ] thousand dollars oh my god you can save a cool 1,800 bucks if you sleep with someone you could probably kin Thailand at a dope-ass resort like 1500 bucks you paying six grand for this guy to sit in a room and be like [ __ ] you he recreated the Gatsby picture hey should I just [ __ ] go and livestream the whole thing just go on IRL stream all right I'm here at the [ __ ] and I'm here to fix my life do you imagine if I did that [ __ ] oh yeah they for sure kill me birthday celebration his birthday was only uh-uh-uh if you want to get GA to [ __ ] Ben Tino's birthday it's a hundred and fifty euros right that ain't nothing until you go to the extended we can immersion for 1300 [ __ ] euros Instagram bro 34 thousand followers are you want is that here you go there you go since you want to sign up for one of his [ __ ] courses you [ __ ] goof there you go quick message a lot of people I've been wondering whether it's okay to feel fantastic during these times and I'd encourage you to I know a lot of you guys are feeling sort of this undertone of excitement for everything that's happening that's changing and I agree to that feeling I have that feeling myself and I would only encourage you to have faith not feeling [Music]
Channel: Noel Miller Live
Views: 1,628,001
Rating: 4.9820518 out of 5
Keywords: satire, funny, comedy, reaction, live, stream, tmg, twitch, noel miller, short king, highlight, react
Id: YL7ZUIwLcsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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