Carnivores vs Vegans

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I am always disappointed that people still think that veganism is a lifestyle choice rather than an ethical position. An ethical position most people agree with but don't understand the consequences, really.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/BobSagetLover86 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jul 13 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
about a month ago i was sitting out having lunch by the beach and a lady posted up next to my table and started smoking a cigarette and she had this phrase on her t-shirt it said be kind to animals or i'll [ __ ] kill you i think that's like a morrissey quote or something i didn't know that at the time and it doesn't really matter because the only thing i thought when i looked at her was if i punched a dog right now matter of fact if i grabbed a dog by the tail and i just slam dunked it into a trash can what would you do what i didn't understand at the time is that t-shirt was a precursor to rediscovering an age-old argument that i thought was over if i said the phrase to you carnivores vs vegans what do you think yeah who [ __ ] cares anymore just eat what you like to eat right wrong people care people really care that whole thing didn't go away because you stopped using facebook matter of fact you know that famous death and rebirth image that people post after their first time doing mushrooms a lot of people look at that image and think it's a representation of human life and death and that infinite cycle that just keeps going but it's not it's the infinite cycle of carnivore versus vegan carnivore versus vegan you see that conflict was first born with dinosaurs and then it died and then it came back as the reebok crossfit games and then that died and now it's come back as podcaster versus creator versus i don't know youtuber a lot of people care about this both carnivores and vegans make some very bold claims on the surface these things separately just seem like choices right you know one diet looks like a competition plate that you would eat on fear factor and the other one looks like rehab for a five-year-old who's addicted to chicken nuggets but apparently these two things are not just food they are identity they have politics associated with them and then when these people come together i mean they get pissed look at this jubilee video all it took was three words look at this i would kill an animal would you kill and it's five five words look i think there'd be tons of context where i'd kill an animal like if if a lion's gonna go kill a baby i'd probably kill an animal what i say about receding hairline way back that sense coming from a hairline that's too far back you have to question it man he might be a nice guy but you know if the hairline is too far back and they are very eager about murder i'm just saying if i could do something to prevent killing them besides eating them like if i was protecting myself and we had to we had like a something that we could do to get that animal away i would definitely try to not kill it i mean i if it comes down to you or the animal you're killing the animal i would i would no they're they're going to give up their life oh here they come they got drumsticks why is it always the extreme case when talking about would i kill an animal like exactly if you were in this city there aren't lions running around downtown l.a when i was in the hiking there's there's mountain lions that come and kick and kill people you've known that right that's in orange county but that's not that's not in the jungle in africa every day situation would you kill an animal but it's orange county would you kill an animal condescending whoa are human beings animals yes yes sure would you kill another human being to save another human being yes it depends man that's way too vague that's where this argument falls apart you're asking me would you murder a cow so we could eat in and out i mean uh guilty man i'm i'm guilty all right now if you're saying something like we gotta kill harry potter's parents for seven good movies that put my lady in the mood wingardium goodbye parents you might look at that and go that's just a jubilee video they casted some people who are angry look at reddit this is from 12 days ago man i've been talking about veganism online for some time now i always have something to say and when i stop it is because i'm bored or i find the conversation not worth it i was talking about the evils of fishing on facebook had some conversations going but then a dude dropped this on me jesus was a fisherman it's been a whole day now and i have no idea how to respond to that what constructive comeback is there first of all he's thought about it longer than 24 hours [ __ ] cares let it go it's some stranger on the internet why do you care about coming back from that secondly the fact that he's here going to debate a vegan looking for backup is crazy he wants to digitally jump this guy for bringing up jesus in the conversation that's how fired up the both of them are this guy goes people who kill fish are bad and the other guy goes jesus killed a fish once or twice you're going to talk a bit about god's son think about that god's son that's the only man with more naked pictures in married women's houses then prince every night families get together and eat in front of jesus nipples that's how powerful his nipples are that they inspire communion amongst family and they're probably eating some [ __ ] fish i'm not here to say what's right or what's wrong okay i'll eat a hot dog with no toppings in a bun if i feel like it so you can't trust my judgment but i think there are two things worth bringing up one this podcast clip of this farmer talking about if he had to farm avocados it'd be like 40 acres and in order to do that he'd have to kill like 40 000 gophers or something there are you know 50 to 100 000 deaths that happen just to grow avocados and my point is is that none of us are getting out of this without blood on our hands which is wild because i didn't know you could get paid to kill that many gophers so you know not that i hate gophers or anything but i do think i am a pretty good shot so if any avocado farms are hiring let me know in which case the guy from the jubilee video may want to rethink his day job why would he do that when he get paid to do the thing that he really wants to do kill an animal the second thing and the main thing i want to bring up is the majority of people are probably on the surface right they make a dietary choice and they have some strong feelings about it whatever but there just seems to be this outlying percentage on both sides where they just gone too far the worms start to grow in their head they start to ask questions and make bold claims like going on a carnivore diet fix my teeth or what does [ __ ] taste like on a carnivore diet obviously i'm in no position to say what a certain diet will do for your health or will make you better but i am in a position to say that the doctors has no problem bringing two carnivores on set and crucifying them for lack of better words put them to the stake oh boy oh boy that was almost bad as sassy baca sassy baka these sisters go on the doctors and the doctors hate them watch this two sisters struggling with their health now say eating only animal products has eliminated their problems have a look hey everyone i'm ashley and i'm sarah and we are sisters best friends and carnivores why is what's her face from stranger things see walking at a gym we only eat from the animals so no grains no vegetables no fruit no fiber no fruit no fiber i know they're backed up there's no way you could eat steak even seven days in a row and not be a cement let me stop let me stop about six years ago when i thought we were doing everything we could for our health eating super healthy eating a bunch of whole grains eating our fruits and vegetables every single day avoiding fats and we just kept getting sicker and sicker constant inflammation migraines chronic constipation acid reflux brain fog fatigue brushes on my body for metabolic health and we finally became diagnosed with undifferentiated connective tissue disease with symptoms of mining with lupus what on different okay so we decided to go plant-based last summer vegan lifestyle absolutely works for some people but for our bodies it was not working then we switched to a ketogenic diet we were starting to feel better but all of our symptoms still weren't resolved so being the science nerd that i am i just did a bunch of reading about carnivore and it all started to make sense so we just jumped in i really like the taste of raw beef i love raw egg yolks i love robbie that as i go more carnivores yo your first stop looking at this plate might be ah that raw egg yolk on that raw beef that is 60 at a restaurant somewhere someone will pay that and they put like a little green garnish on top and someone would put go right into that with a fork like that acquired taste eating raw hamburger helper since switching to this carnivore way of life all of the remaining autoimmune symptoms that we've been dealing with have been resolved it's just been so empowering to be able to take back our health [Music] sarah and ashley now join us via skype welcome what do you guys eat in an average day we eat two meals a day typically it will have some muscle meat so any cut of steak is fair game then we'll have some organs so whether that's liver or hearts let's have some unseasoned organs these women are savages what is that like for the people they meet you know oh hold on just one second i'm gonna go heat up this liver i'll be right back oh is that like a cultural thing is it were you raised eating that nah i just like eating a raw liver right yeah no cool for sure oh yeah i think my uber's here i'mma head out and i understand you guys also eat a decent amount of raw meat is that true we have had raw food before i'm sure you've heard of like steak tartare but for the most part we don't we don't focus on raw foods we cook most of our foods oh man i had it wrong the whole time it's cooked liver not raw liver whoops symptoms that you were having you felt that you were sick you felt that you were off you mentioned that you thought you may have an autoimmune or a connective tissue disorder tell us about the symptoms you had when they started and and why you thought that in fact was what you had i've dealt with chronic constipation since high school i'm 12 years old man i'm just thinking she hasn't taken his since high school she's going to the doctor doctor you got to help me i haven't slept five years oh man have you tried eating 12 eggs so that was one of the symptoms that i was dealing with it was common that i would go seven eight nine days without pooping um so i'd also deal with like bloating indigestion he didn't even flinch media training to the core not even up he just days without pooping so i would deal with what you call the butterfly rush on your face so red information along the nose line and then rashes on my skin so i would go out in the sun and develop like a hive reaction almost i had zero sun tolerance it was really really strange constant eye infection so i thought pink eye was like a normal thing for people to get like once a month because it would just constantly happen to me stop stop whatever you're about to say stop just stop it the reason that i actually went to the doctor to get checked out is because i have been dealing with like a lack of blood flow in my limbs for so long so my my lower half of my legs would turn like purplish orange and then hair would grow out of my neck and my teeth would get really long and when it was a full moon i would just did you ever see a gastroenterologist it sounds to me like a lot of these these symptoms were related potentially to a food allergy or food intolerance something like that she actually went to the mayo clinic to get checked out yeah i ate radioactive eggs and they like tracked the eggs go through my digestive system everything seemed fine i ate radioactive eggs [ __ ] have you seen spiderman what are you doing what are you doing you will turn into a lizard if you [ __ ] around with the wrong radioactive something use your brain and then along those same lines um in our journey of kind of figuring out what was going wrong we did get a stool test done so we saw our gut microbiome what the good bacteria the bad bacteria he's laughing he's like you got a stool test how long did it take eight or nine days how much money do you spend on an average week say eating this way that's asking the real questions all right all right what's the cost what are you eating prime rib it can get expensive when you when you take just a steak on the plate approach so we do include organ meats for that reason they're a lot less expensive and then we always advocate for people to go find their local farmer and because you can purchase a full cow so you can do like a cow share and what this does is cuts the price significantly of what a more popular kind of meat might cost at the market i'll just you know it's not that crazy but it's so funny to me first of all how much money do you spend a day is something you know that question is reserved for like billionaires telling you not to buy coffee and enjoy yourself and when you're trying to talk your friend off of smoking weed every day that's at least in my mind immediately what i think when i hear that question the fact that they didn't give a hard number and that their solutions are so readily available and the one they land on is you know you can go to a farmer and do a cow share he'll spill that cow's guts right in front of you and you can just it's nuts to me you know my mother used to eat the turkey neck and all the insides and it was what about the yuck factor i mean here your young ladies you're used to not eating organs what about that yuck factor how did you get over that like ooh honestly that was a concern i don't know if it's clear but do you see the path that's going on here hey you've seen a doctor about your stomach sounds like you can't um you guys have eating disorders do you still deal with that what about the part that is nasty how do you guys get over the part that you know society will look at you both as savages and [ __ ] disgusting how do you deal with that like ow wow i look at these sisters and i look at these doctors that you know want to skewer them on live cable tv in front of the geriatric and people whose hearing aids may not be fully charged up it screams something to me and that is this carnivore versus vegan thing is so tense people are so pumped about it so what i want to do is i want to settle it this this is like an open casting call bruh if you are a vegan and you train in the gym and you may train martial arts disciplines and if you're a carnivore and you train in the gym and you may train martial i basically want to have a carnivore versus vegan boxing event and i want to create a belt you know that you know king of the food kingdom and i want competition i want to see which diet really wants it more let's find a healthy way to let this out into the open and and this belt it will have to be defended it will be transitioned and maybe after a year we could see just how many times one wins over the other or if we get that beautiful infinity picture where it's just one to one vegan carnivore vegan carnivore you think i'm joking but i'm serious if you want to do this hit this email and i'll see you in my next video [Music] know peace
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 1,181,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, comedy, satire, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Id: -X0CcBwsLMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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