Extreme tests of love

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what up it's me your boy big face i want to thank you for joining me for another video you know before we get started you know what you have to do yeah just wonky slime thank you you know before we get started i feel like we owe all the suburban moms out there a big thank you for your service for getting your coronavirus vaccine i know that was really scary and really really brave of you to get it before everyone to skip the line to get it before the other people were supposed to get it we're gonna hear about it for generations you know i was in the first hundred thousand to get the vaccine we know this has nothing to do with the video i just know we're three weeks past the johnson johnson vaccine and all that and i just know some of your moms have been milking that slush i know it honey can you bring the tide and yeah it's just my arm ever since that vaccine i i tell you speaking of moms and dads you know sucking and [ __ ] i want to follow up on something i said a few videos ago at the end of my first temptation island video i proposed a show where you take one out of two people in a couple and you remove one partner in the couple and you put them deep in a forest or a jungle or maybe a arctic tundra whatever and you make the other person in the couple fight through elements and possible war maybe hand-to-hand combat to prove their love you know that whole till death do us part prove it do it for real and some of you are quick to say dude what about fear factor and yeah but i want something more than eating you know 10 spiders or something like that not something you could do in your sleep i want something that's dangerous in some capacity something very difficult and it appears that there is something like that this show is called power couple and the premise of the show is one person in a couple betting money on their partner to complete a challenge like this one where this woman is gonna change a tire 25 meters in the air i don't know australians so someone's gonna have to convert that for me i know what you're thinking when you look at this 25 meters in the air with your partner's voice in your ear and you're in a harness so there's no way to end it you have to listen to them try to give you instructions the whole time now this show is nothing short of gender stereotypes look at this uh death defying situation that these guys get stuck in ladies we're going to put him in a full-on domestic situation and provide him with a couple of tasks that he's going to have to complete in a space of time being a man i can't multitask so i'm going to say goodbye to the guys we'll see you but later on in the challenge you heard that correct folks while women are tasked with doing difficult physical manual labor in the air the men are challenged with multi-tasking even that alone just makes me want to drag my face through a bed of nails just thinking of all the bad ow she's multitasking i'm horrible at multitasking [ __ ] ventriloquist husband both i hate that that's all hahaha but watch how much they value their husband's ability to multitask i think this is the best part of the entire exchange when ryan tells us the task all i see is dylan's clothes all over the floor that's the first thing i see and didn't pick this up you know your wife doesn't respect you when she talks about your habits like this this little thing over here and this little thing it's just like her undying will to shut you up i've gone big on him today i've invested 37. i hit him in the stomach i know you can't believe it that's seven more than the last woman crazy all right so the 30 35 40. seems like big cash what would you bet on your partner cleaning up if it's me i'm betting a million elena going to be in that bruh wiping clean you might notice there's a weird thing in the middle of our house yes it's a gauntlet that'll be rotating while you're doing your chores around the home dog a trash can a shower curtain how will i ever get this done that's not even how they sound how will i ever complete these tasks i have to say for me personally if pick up dirty laundry and put it in a basket is what is keeping elena from falling in a pit of snakes she might be right in the jungle book i mean that one's hard answer the phone and find the security code the first one's brutal pack a lunch box how do i pack a lunchbox i don't do the cooking i don't do the cooking she does quickly [Music] i just glimpse quickly that's what you call a course black in english can you believe she was apprehensive betting 33 000 on this dude putting an apple and a bottle of acetone in a tupperware box tragic [Music] i don't like that park okay this one this one's hard come on this one's tough this is some black mirror right here bro celebrating on a game show that your husband was able to pack a lunch and put the laundry away he literally did the bare minimum that's me being you guys not me being happy he did the bare minimum all right that's great but i i want to see someone really slush choke on this wait stop shut up man shut up shut up knowing i'm not a diy type of guy made it nerve-wrecking now the laundry babes all the colors that all the laundry colored hanging stuff i love how the wives have to stand there like you know show dog trainers like telling them what to do come on come on okay up up up up up to the laundry get the shirt great job great job great job over to the egg get the apple the acetone the egg again the lollipop follow my eyes follow my eyes here focus go to the phone calling you he's like superman he can do anything that's a lot of love but i gotta i gotta see the couple where she just had no faith in this dude this is your virtual home yes you're gonna need to complete four tasks today yes it was about multitasking which is moe's weakness it would be hilarious if in the middle of this they just threw a nintendo switch in the room and he's just like the glow just she's like in the background she's like focus get the laundry and it's just booming in his ear [Music] nintendo switch see that come decide take a picture oh [ __ ] go on the other side hook it on man where i come from dogs you know they bite you [Music] he let that playground dog run away from him that pop-up storybook dog got the [ __ ] away from him that's so funny what happens is that rig rotates with you attached to it so you'll be going underwater out the water while vicks is going to ask you some questions you know i've only heard the south african accent in very few contexts and specifically movies so i'm really just waiting for chappie to just pop out and just it's time to keep your head above the water here are you ready ready in three two one begin what is the date of our wedding anniversary i want to know how many couples just stop the wheel when they get it wrong what's the date of our wedding anniversary um uh april 22nd we got married and [Music] last but they're of my phone 705 she gave away the last of her phone number risky [ __ ] risky [ __ ] how old is that when you meet me all right this ain't that extreme man come on there was like some other stuff here here we go i want to see i'm standing at this tub with all this muck and i hear someone say here they come a high volume harbor like this the amount of gunge and gunk that is in the bottom of the ocean inside these eight containers is one of these a power couple token hey ladies are you crawling through harbor sludge for your partner are you crawling through tugboat dingleberries for your for your partner cause that's what that is that's bird poo boat poo every kind of poo and then some it feels like i'm swimming in slow ah motion around in gravy man so what song did i challenge your ex boyfriend to dance off all right so the show isn't entirely life-threatening activities although you know i'd love to see it be a hundred percent life-threatening it kind of seems to be more like you know a mitigated 20 but they don't fall short when they go extreme uh for example this challenge right here is [ __ ] pretty crazy hey this is me from the future for this segment if you're eating definitely pause and digest and come back here in a little bit all right just yeah vicky any idea what i have here in my hands i'm too terrified to even begin imagining what the possibilities are right i don't even want to guess you're eyeballing i can feel those eyeballs see the way he's talking you're eyeballing it we know what's in there anytime on a tv show they bring out a plate with a cover over it you know what's in there animal nuts always there's animal balls in there [Music] what's that eyeballs from a sheep testicles what'd i say sheep nuts ox liver and oxtrotters the hell is an ox trotter beef trotters uh oh trotters that's a colloquialism for feet animal feet animal nuts and feet to get them out of an ice coffin yikes now hold up answer this you eating animal nuts to get your partner out of ice you're just gonna make him do the ice bucket challenge for four minutes straight um i'm not eating this one you did it on facebook years ago you're fine okay don't eat it when he says don't eat it i'm like oh my gosh but what's gonna happen to you it's freezing cold in there don't hit it what a thoughtful ass husband this is the part of the show that disappoints me i want thoughtfulness i want stress just for the sake of a game you can't pressurize your partner yes you can yes you can that's part of the game you chose to participate unlike this wholesome we need a couple that's gonna get in there and be like eat those sheep nuts eat those animal feet don't you want to win bodybuilder couple come on don't let me down three two one come on baby let's do it do it baby you can own this doing awesome coming up to three minutes left come baby own it like this attitude she just can do give me those sheep nuts they're just as small as mine after all the roids i've taken just chomp them down come on you know what this looks like 10 seconds [Music] five four three one three two one no she got stuck poor lady it's not fair man she should have got credit but you know hey it's all or nothing and you know that's what i came to see on this show fix he can do this fix you can do this she gotta throw up before the food goes in you know she's bombing this one that's my bet two one begin that's it well done oh she has like the nathan hot dog eating you saw that little sip of water pre-pet that's high level a little water lube off the throat sheep nuts down they go one minute ten seconds left oh my god that could be a tick tock sound right there you remember that viral clip where they suffocated that fish and everyone was dying laughing at that on twitter for a while that's that same sound that same [ __ ] right there i heard one of her feelings break that was brutal man come back follow it swallow it five seconds left time why eat this whole platter of stuff i need to be kept back by this one horrible piece first of all she exceeded all my expectations she's like she's gonna vomit she just bodied all of that they never say that about me swallow it oh it's hard son oh gosh chewing that thing is such a mission yo that was crazy the two finger i'm not even gonna reenact that that was wild don't you dare go looking up her instagram you relax don't panic don't panic just sheep nuts in your throat ah time is up you did so well you finished all that food all right here's a million dollar question this is where you find out if they really love each other after eating all that getting so close to opening it does he kiss her on the mouth oh my god you were so close you were so what what i'm not uh i invested 17 000 lanes [Laughter] here's the great part about this show is as they bet money they're accumulating these total amounts to be the final winner so that element in there of you know putting value on your partner's commitment to things based on what you know about them is a super interesting concept now this shows in a couple different countries but they all universally do one thing which is they do disgusting stuff which isn't exactly my vision of danger you know but some of it some of it's danger it's just like this hybrid of pretty scary and that's gross that's the show pretty scary and gross on the indian version of the show they they got this moment where this lady is going to be lowered into cow dung and you know it's nastier when it's dung because dong is like it's been sitting in a bag somewhere you can smell that as i say it sort of lives up to expectations right it definitely has that danger element but i need more i need more danger and less gross the most gross i want to see is like these people have to eat a bag of crickets you know like that's their snack like an mre of bugs that's the most gross we need to see but you know i want to see people exhibit danger fight a lion hunt a deer to to live another four days you know i want like a 30-day solo excursion to the center of a volcano to prove love i basically just want super mario in real life that's what i'm looking after but either way i'll be curious to know if any of you think you'd make it on this power couple show cause i know it feels up to me we're gonna be in last place because of some dirty laundry [Music]
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 1,395,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, comedy, satire, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Id: d3x77KQW2Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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