Double Poly Madness

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all right all right this one's crazy this one's a little bit crazy let's see what this bull is all about with your wife and her boyfriend oh man that's a funny a scenario quarantined with your with your wife's boyfriend you got to sit there and and max out the 600 gig memory card on your Nintendo switch and put up max volume so you drown up bro what are these names Bettina Tavish is this a goddamn Skyrim couple where the yeah that kiss was crazy there was kissing like they was sharing a hot dog I'm Tabish fell in love with Ellie now hold on hold on on the last one on the last one remember I was like the logistics of this you're not gonna like it it's not this Annette this one this one might work this one might work cuz when you when you get sick of it you'd be like why don't you go over in the babe she is driving me [ __ ] crazy now let's get back to what we're doing this is how serious they are about it they put the cat on the outside they put the cat on the outside look at that [ __ ] cat that's all of you watching these people have a relationship and as you just stuck on the outside alone this quad are getting fed up with having to answer the same old questions so weird question alright look one thing I get frustrated with in these scenarios when people like when someone gets the attitude of people ask us the dumbest question it's not dumb most people don't do what you do alright like I'm gonna walk down the street with this [ __ ] up ass hair and someone's gonna be like woah hey brother do you do this often and I can't get annoyed I can't be like well yeah I'll get a lot of questions with this [ __ ] egghead it's just it is what it is I got it's just you know I got a deal with it the same way she has to deal with it right you're walking in the Von's with you [ __ ] active foursome okay foursome at all hours of the day that's intense anyone is valid for being like how the [ __ ] who does the what and you know what I mean it's not crazy welcome to our home so here we have the best living room ever this [ __ ] got mother of dragons because gamers got that hot breath you know gamers got that a hot musty breath Mountain Dew Doritos if there was like a 7000 calorie version of a military MRE that's what gamers be eating there's no way these these dudes aren't gamers in this scenario there's literally no way it's huge and cozy we could fit a lot of people here at night this is usually where we have our cuddle pile and we play video games and have family time look at this [ __ ] bragging with her Midwest home everyone in a [ __ ] majorly dense City is pissed off his book because that's the size of their whole [ __ ] she's like look at this look at this big-ass room then you broke [ __ ] got this and guess what I got two boyfriends in this [ __ ] and if one of them gets annoying I send them to their girlfriend I don't even care that this [ __ ] is living in this house cuz we've got so much space we got enough space in here that my boyfriend could have a girlfriend I don't give a [ __ ] about we got so much space I got another dude that I can [ __ ] in another room [ __ ] your broke-ass life look at my big ass [ __ ] all of our bedrooms are not Adam gets the first floor at least got our suite downstairs Tom and I have our master suite upstairs that is some pimp [ __ ] bro they put they put their hose on the bottom they put them in that they don't even let him sleep with each other they got two hoes living in their house and they got the master upstairs dang bro that's crazy see see they're doing it right they run it they run it like a company you know what I mean their holes have offices and you get to come downstairs and be like what's going on hoes what do we what are you doing today and do like um my bed is clean and I'm ready to [ __ ] whenever they're like great great cut your [ __ ] hair see you later Tavish and I got Mary in 2014 I was really interested in exploring polyamory with Chaves man this base about it bro you could tell she's got that she's got that energy cutting [ __ ] strawberries and her big-ass house she like yeah I met a vicious [ __ ] ass and you know when it doesn't even matter and then I thought I need something else in this house cuz I'm not gonna stay in here and die next to this super trouper looking ass mother I need some more so you know what I did ran out and got me some dick and Tavish didn't say [ __ ] about it now as a little consolation for his birthday I say you go out there and get some [ __ ] and I'll allow it that's what goes on in my big-ass house I have a agoraphobia and it frequently is difficult for me to go out and like he wants to go to clubs he wants to go on road trips I can't do that look at my man Tavish bro Tavis begining [ __ ] up look at that man this is like the the white guy who can pound too much like this is dude that you see at a bar or a club and he just looks perpetually wasted but somehow he's still there at 2:00 in the morning bar closed this full still looking like that like just sweaty and like let's [ __ ] so it was a way for me to encourage him to explore his hobbies and interests with other people who shared them looked average looks like me at the beginning of the stream look at that hair look at that man look out look how bored her side dude is this guy's [ __ ] for rent shout-out to him I like him he just he just they're gonna interview him later they're like so um what is your connection like he's like uh I don't have a job all my life I had always kind of had a hard time only liking one person at once my man [ __ ] that's the phrase of somebody who [ __ ] in my whole life I've just had a problem liking one person so when we decided to officially be poly it just kind of felt like a weight was lifted off for me bro Oh what if he was like into it too fast you know what I'm sayin she says babe we should go Paulie for sho yep let's do it yes you know what I'm going Paulie right now actually I'll see you later well now that it's Paulie you know we kind of just you know we kind of just running a ship now we're roommates I'll catch you after opening up their relationship and exploring polyamory Bettina met Adam on a night out look no disrespect there cuz I got a lot of respect to her but that's the worst name you like that [ __ ] Bettina that sounds like you're just permanently saying but Tina like you're like all perpetually interrupting someone named Tina but Tina wait very normal Norwegian name alright alright [Music] Shaun white over here like dude she said she had a husband I was like hell no dude look you know you didn't bro you were completely about it you were completely about it she's like I have a husband your life he's not here right now is he for sure dudes a Juggalo I have a husband clown love clown love hell yeah hell yeah you got a husband that's sick I would love to chill with your husband sometime a big cutoff Tavish real quick look at that love story watch how quick they shut him up watch you're watching one look at you get ready savers he's like and then they cut him off listen like and shut up Tavis shut the [ __ ] up okay just shut the [ __ ] up so this is what Ellie does she makes dresses for me that's it that's what Ellie does Ellie is in here making dresses for me how does that feel I love having a lot of space and I love having my own little private area that I can retreat to we call this my cave I'm also married we were highschool sweethearts he lives in another state he's finishing grad school come again what did what was that phone call babe I think we should go Paulie oh yeah I get I mean for you know we're so far apart you like yeah I met this guy well what's the timeframe after you commit to Paulie like how quick is like respectable you know what I'm saying because if you go Paulie you can't just go and start [ __ ] right away that's rude right cuz that that feels like you've been planning it like you had [ __ ] lined up what do you think the timeframe is what do you think timeframe is I think like if you're going Paulie I think it's got to be it's got to be like two weeks first week is kind of like it's like digested second week is like okay and then you know a month you know you know men are not waiting a month a woman says we should go Paulie a man is like yeah woman says go Paulie straight man is like great so it starts now but really y'all know my stance on this [ __ ] I don't need to share any other space with anybody all right the three of them they were already all living together within a year we were all living together what does have a smile like it's a [ __ ] mug shot man look happy why do you look happy you off you want to force them Adam and I have a very bro relationship without being without without being romantic man what that is some co-worker a [ __ ] right there um we're bros but it's not a bromance that's um that's a stardew valley players way of saying I don't really [ __ ] with him like that um your bros but not really a bromance if I'm being honest us sit next to me you're supposed to be participating I am participating get on camera Adam no that's not a joke that part that was not a joke that's why she's running [ __ ] in that house is that vibe right there you know that [ __ ] comes out there having a big [ __ ] orgy and she's just like who's gonna lick on my breasts huh not a lot of touching on my body is everyone having a lot of fun here no no no no Bettina we love you she's like everyone suckle on my brush now don't be shy get on camera so you ever been Paulie before argue I hate it so where's exactly they got the best they got they're like man we don't pay rent we cool we don't even have to love them like that we just you know we just [ __ ] and it's whatever we have a color-coded dry erase calendar on our fridge and that's the only way we can keep it all together see dusty you know that's the annoying [ __ ] right there can you imagine that anybody your whole relationship is just checking in on uh Dan okay all right when does anyone gonna get groceries in this [ __ ] why is it so busy every [ __ ] day Tavish is trying to forget something that boy is always out there getting [ __ ] up what is he trying to forget man oh man with multiple female partners that's pretty cool right but where if I have a boyfriend or a husband I'm a [ __ ] no I'm I'm gonna say these days not so not so true I think these days is more accepting you know the most is you get a egg head on stream talking [ __ ] about you but I think you're or maybe not and I don't know the [ __ ] I'm talking about I'll let her be the expert on that but if patina is presented with me and Adam then she's a hoe and we're both in the closet to him you're the way you said that [ __ ] she's a hoe and we're both in the closet Oh what she's a hoe and we're both in the closet is that what you were gonna say okay to have a [ __ ] sorry let's do a big hand hold the trees are gonna judge us really let me tell you this I would hate to be in the middle of this [ __ ] all day uh-huh uh-huh the questions I get are like are like well do you guys have orgies you guys have three ways are you I'm not even gonna go there well what dude we want to know dude you're doing something we don't do so we want to [ __ ] know dude and everyone else is a household there's only one there's one there's three for each of you you're living in a free-for-all server everyday you're on multiplayer mode all the time for everyone else it's just [ __ ] PvP I should say it's PvP on a local server okay it's LAN we do the same match every day the equipment set is the same it's none of your business our culture is unfortunately still very puritanical things that are different are still kind of threatening all right no one's threatened by y'all [ __ ] alright it's at most a spectacle let's be real no one would walk by the group of you [ __ ] and go ah most of us are just gonna be like that's the most we're gonna say that's how Bettina be talking about her hoo-ha just [ __ ] try it Oh lesbians going crazy they're like who is this who's Chelsea oh my god Chelsea oh my god let's smoke cigarettes and make tic TOCs together patina and I foresee a future where we are going to have children together and Ellie and I foresee us having children together too nothing about this would negatively affect a kid I don't think so I don't know I'm not gonna say what it will do what I will say is that's [ __ ] expensive they're building an army in that [ __ ] we intend to stay together you saw the way Shaun White got all the way out of out of the way on the kid thing Tabish was like I want kids Shaun White said that was pretty good that was pretty [ __ ] good I'll give that that was pretty close pretty nice [Music]
Channel: Noel Miller Live
Views: 1,845,757
Rating: 4.9788761 out of 5
Keywords: satire, funny, comedy, reaction, live, stream, tmg, twitch, noel miller, short king, highlight, react
Id: Q4WXByQPvxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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