Weird DM's: Bad Tattoos

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all right just gonna hello everyone welcome to another episode of weird dms today we are looking at your bad tattoos now this is your first time watching the series welcome uh you should watch some of the others just to get caught up to speed but after this you know finish this one also hit that like button click like to unlock the rest of the video i'll wait for those of you who are watching this and you're maybe considering a tattoo maybe one of these stories will help guide you the right way i also want to shout out the sponsor of this video inkbox inkbox offers temporary tattoos that are painless to apply and they're made from skin safe ingredients that work with organic compounds in your skin their tattoos utilize what they have trademarked as their for now ink because it works exactly how it sounds the tattoos take like 24 to 36 hours to set they stay on your body and naturally disappear as your skin regenerates over one to two weeks these things are dope i put a couple on my dinky little calves check these out now i know what it's like to have a tattoo without actually having to get one you know maybe you're thinking about getting one you want to audition it and you know maybe a little bit that self-expression out there as well kind of like me if you're interested in that click the link in my description uh check out inkbox imagine how much fun you'll have applying this to your body after defeating the billionaires in the free market you know or maybe you just want to get like some flowers or something you know put that on your legs or forearm either way if you're interested in that check out the link in my description and yeah now on to your really bad tattoos okay let's go alright our first story is by riley and all i know about it is that she's getting tatted by a dude in a fret hello big fan i man you guys see the posters harry styles vampire weekend i know riley you are using some korean singer's picture as your profile picture i just know it i had just gone through a breakup and i was doing a lot of things i probably shouldn't have been doing for attention you know how that goes um i oh we know riley that's why i got all those posters was friends with this guy in a frat at my school and he was giving people tattoos in his frat house for free he was asking for like tips and stuff if you cared to tip him after but um that's an abc segment right there fraternities tattooing unsuspecting women these women enter this frat house thinking they're going to party when they are asked if they would like to receive a free tattoo only in exchange for only for them to leave with the name of the guy that tattooed them on their back any training or anything he wasn't even really like too great at like drawing that i know of i had never seen him draw anything before he just like [ __ ] ordered a tattoo gun off of amazon in ink and was tattooing people yo i give that guy props that's that's pretty bold mostly because the possibility of putting some [ __ ] on someone's body and they go look at it and they're like the [ __ ] did you you know it's not a haircut where you could just fix it right i mean you could just get your ass beat for permanently destroying somebody's upper shoulder so naturally i was like yeah i'll get a tattoo um the idea that you went in to get a tattoo just to talk to another dude hi i just got dumped i just pictured him leaving like a terrible ass kind of like a garfield on your upper shoulder and you're like you could do another one as long as i get to talk to you waking up the next morning i met this guy last night we talked for hours we could tell [ __ ] look at your arm oh my god it's not funny all right go ahead i went over there and he was like okay like show me what you want tell me what you want it doesn't even matter because he can't do it what you're gonna do yo make this flower all right i'm gonna try [Laughter] it definitely looks kind of crooked to me like since it's on my leg i feel like it's to the side more okay i can't wait to see this [ __ ] let's go it should be instead of being in the middle but he said that it looked fine so i was like okay before he started tattooing me he was like okay i gotta go do something and he went into his room and took a dab so he was like high out of his mind he smoked a lot but like he's definitely high like i can't hear it i don't care who you are i grew up with guys i smoke a [ __ ] ton let them hit a dab that [ __ ] puts them on .05 youtube speed [Music] you start teleporting when you take that [ __ ] close your eyes open you're in the kitchen clothe now you're talking to somebody now you're tattooing somebody's body clothes open that [ __ ] is done oops what did i do for it didn't turn out too bad but it took about four hours that two the tattoo is this big like not that big and it took like four hours the lines are definitely not straight a lot of them instantly faded and a lot of theirs apart like i could see the flashbacks in her if she looks at this it's just like beaming into herself oh yeah and then he uh it's like all the memories are coming back and all the crookedness in the line are in the middle that he definitely [ __ ] up on and he said that while he was giving me the tattoo oh holy [ __ ] that had to have been the funniest he said that while he was giving me the tattoo he was like oh [ __ ] i'll try to fix that later never could because he teleported you don't you don't realize that oh [ __ ] it wasn't like he like he put the gun to your skin and he opened and then he's he just oh [ __ ] i'll try to fix that later oh she left i'll show you the tattoo it's not terrible i was expecting way worse that's pretty [ __ ] solid yo that for a dab is solid but it still looks [ __ ] horrible that's a ballsy ass image to just sort of freehand also a b riley [ __ ] you getting a b on your thigh so yeah i still have never told my mom that um i got the tattoo from somebody who's never like professionally trained and i don't know if like how he was cleaning the tools and stuff like definitely could have got an infection like really bad but i didn't care um and i got it in the middle of this dirty disgusting frat house at my college so yep that is my story you know what i love about this her story is four minutes 19 seconds this is this one anyway that was a banger give it up for riley all right let's get another one all right this next one's from sid all i know is somebody gets hurt hello noelle um disclaimer in trouble that was intense hello noel excuse me this some dumb [ __ ] this is the dumbest [ __ ] i've ever done in my life so i'm broke i'm porous and even though i was working like i had my priorities you know i wanted to save money and i really wanted a tattoo so i looked up you know how to give yourself a tattoo like what are some cheap ways to give yourself a tattoo because i thought you know like i have some artistic ability like i can definitely like you know stencil my own tattoo or even freehand my own tattoo and do it like not realizing that people do it for like literally years and years and years and get practice and like or do they i found like sticking pokes and i saw sticking pokes i was like oh like this seems pretty easy pretty cheap like i can do this with things that i have around the house and a whole bunch of websites were saying like yeah use pen ink like pen ink is safe like inkjoy ballpoint pens like go ahead use it it'll be fine so i get my pen i get a needle like a regular like like a literal like sewing needle and i like break the pen and like squirt the ink into a bottle cap that i'm pretty sure was for like either like a sprite can or like a mountain dew or something like that i didn't clean it and i poured the ink in there you know it's crazy that's how they made four loko yep pen ink sprite and some other [ __ ] that was the recipe for four loko so you weren't that crazy it's just supposed to go into your body a different way it's just supposed to be a drink wasn't supposed to be a tattoo solution yeah and i was also really hungry so i like went downstairs and i put some like chicken on the oven and i took it out and so i had like barbecue chicken in hand um on and literally in hand i had barbed chicken in hand and i had my needle in the other hand and i'm hungry so i'm like eating the chicken and i'm like going in and i'm doing the sticking poke i'm pretty sure at one time like a bit of barbecue sauce had fallen onto my ankle and like rather than like taking alcohol to clean it up i just kind of like wiped it up and kept going like i wasn't put the sauce at your ankle and you're like you know what i can use it i can use that to fill in this part right here so i have finished and it looks pretty good at first when i finished um and it got kept getting darker like every day like the ink just kept getting darker and darker and darker and i was like okay like yeah it's healing like it's settling in i go back to campus and my [ __ ] starts swelling and it's turning red and the [ __ ] is like oozing and i'm like is it healing it's healing like it's healing right like you say it's oozing i want to know how it smelled like did it start oozing like somebody got some [ __ ] you guys smell do you guys smell barbie no you don't okay all right i was just like i was very in denial about it and then i started getting woozy and it was getting worse so i was like [ __ ] now i gotta go to the [ __ ] health office and i go they already think i'm [ __ ] crazy because they keep my ass partying a little too hard it was my freshman year i was part a little too hard and then they see me giving myself a [ __ ] tattoo and now i'm in the [ __ ] nurse's office with this thick ass ankle from this ugly ass tattoo on my ankle and they're like girl like what did you do they're like what are you doing at randy's barbecue cause that you gave yourself a barbecue tattoo huh and i'm like um yeah so like i used ink from a pen and like a sewing needle and i gave myself a stick and poke and they were like what the [ __ ] like you were the dumbest i mean they didn't say you're the dumbest [ __ ] but the way this doctor looked at me she was like what like she was so dumb with me um yeah it was really embarrassing yeah so it turned out my body was rejecting the ink because that [ __ ] is not supposed to go in here yeah it was rejecting the ink because that's the problem with four loco mix just in general your body will not accept it whether you drank it or tattoo it it wasn't even that you were infected that was just your skin throwing up much like when you party and you had too much your body says no more your skin was like what the [ __ ] is this it felt so good for like two hours now it feels like [ __ ] also i had a bacterial infection so i was on like antibiotics and [ __ ] and she was like yeah like if it got worse you literally might have had to like amputate your leg like please don't do that ever again um and i didn't and um yeah so that's my story um i have to get a cover up now because the scar is literally still [ __ ] there i'm not flexible enough to show you but i'll send a picture of my scar um and yeah i ended up getting a real tattoo though i paid for it got professionally done and that came out great um anyone who's watching this get your tattoo professionally done it's not worth it doing that [ __ ] yourself you heard it or you know hit up inkbox skip all this just go to inkbox i was just waiting for her to get to the end of this being like i got it from a professional is this guy in a fraternity yeah you know it's kind of a weird spot to be doing tattoos but you know this tattoo looks like the title treatment for a horror movie how do you even what does that say this is [ __ ] horrifying bro sid the fact that you got past the letter r with this with a stick and poke while eating chicken is is crazy this is what ari astor was gonna call hereditary but then he changed his mind this looks like the name of the drug they had to give you to make you feel better after giving yourself this tattoo yo she sent another picture with the needle i'm not gonna show that but boy ow sid thank you for that story that is absolutely wild i think we could close it out with um yeah let's close it out with this one this [ __ ] this video looks demonic i feel like we're entering a seance all right so i don't know if this is like crazy necessarily but i think it's really funny so i'm gonna burn this man this is a small man made of uh just wicker it's okay don't worry i'm gonna burn him and i'm just gonna repeat a few phrases and then you know hopefully we'll see if you feel any energy and we're just gonna go from there so this was probably like two and a half years ago um i was getting my first bigger tattoo like it's not huge but it's like bigger and it was my first color tattoo and i didn't know how long color tattoos took and it was hold on let me show it to you alright so that's it and it's like pretty packed like yo that [ __ ] looks like they took the skin off a minion bruh that yellow layer that's the foreskin when you pull it down this is what they look like so that's it and it's like pretty packed like none of my skin is showing through it so it took a pretty long time like that one took like six and a half seven hours probably and i had to take my shorts off for the appointment which i didn't know beforehand and i was wearing a thong like the way he had me lay down was like my ass was facing the door where everyone was walking in and i didn't have um like the divide or anything because i didn't really care so he's like tattooing me props and it's like going pretty late because he started kind of late like my appointment was for one but he didn't start until like 3 34 because i don't know like he was running late or something i don't really care but then like so he's tattooing me and then one of the artists that was like tattooing earlier walks in with like all of his [ __ ] and he's like one of the um like he's a famous tattoo artist like famous and he like he's on the put that [ __ ] in quotes he's famous famous whatever i don't care thanks youtube channel a lot like he does a lot of the interviews he like is like setting up all of the [ __ ] and i was like okay like who's it gonna be and then 15 20 minutes later probably like someone else walks in the door so obviously like i turn and go see who it is and it's like it's p davidson and like it's kind of famous whatever it's pete davis p davis pete davidson whatever like he looks at me and then looks at my ass and i'm like are you [ __ ] cause like sure i want p davidson to see my ass for like in like a more romantic setting perhaps you know and oh this is mad uncomfortable and then so my artist stops my ghost says hi to everyone they're all just like talking and i'm just like laying their ass out you know they start smoking a blunt and i'm like laying there that [ __ ] is so rude oh man they lift you [ __ ] pants down like a like a toddler at the beach just change your diaper [Music] yeah i'll get back to it anyways man how you been go outside to smoke the blood i'm laying their ass out like no one is [ __ ] talking to me so i'm just like laying their ass out and then i don't know it was just kind of hurtful you know so then i don't know i was just like i just sat up that's at one point i don't know i guess that's it i guess maybe it's not as funny and just kind of sad whatever i hope you enjoy it thank you all right so oh man the ending i feel like you pressed stop and you went to cry which is not funny you know pete davidson or not that's just that's not a way to treat the customer man ass out no coverage you got a minion carcass on your leg that's mean thanks caroline thanks for that story carolyn whatever let's give the ladies a round of applause big thank you for sharing these stories you know as much as we joke you know we appreciate you guys being forward because that's the greatest part of this series is that you all are willing to put your face to the story you're willing to tell it first hand and that's the part we like that it's real so thank you all for your stories and thank you inkbox for sponsoring this video maybe guys before you do the stick and poke maybe you should just get game stump and put that on your calf before you do anything crazy all right all right i'll see you next week with another video peace just play man [Music] yeah i might lose a few ask me if i give a [ __ ]
Channel: Noel Miller
Views: 1,117,455
Rating: 4.9881525 out of 5
Keywords: noel miller, tiny meat gang, cody ko, tmg, love island, steamy tweets, suki, fortnite, games, cody and noel, uncle noel, thats cringe, thenoelmiller, noelle miller, comedy, satire, vine, rap, sketch comedy, roast, stand up
Id: lELqICjAOwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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