This Doomsday Prepper Show is Hilarious

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Big Cody was down bad in the first 30 seconds of the vid 😔

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Hot_Personality_8818 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
yeah okay so yeah my hair is a little big and unkempt right now all right don't don't say anything about it i had my hair up in a bun a second ago but so many people told me i look like big ed in the last video where i had a man bun that i had to take it out because honestly i'm devastated by that and i'm a fragile man okay i'm fragile i'm a fragile guy and you hurt my feelings so i don't do that anymore the whole comment section of that video is like 5 000 comments making fun of me i'm a i am a human being i'm not big ed i'm big cody you know every time i do a video about uh something it always leads me on a little research rabbit hole you know an rhr is what they call those in the biz and i learn a lot about something and recently after i did that video about doomsday bunkers which was a banger by the way go watch that if you haven't watched it uh it got me looking into other people prepping for the end of the world which i think is actually an important topic you know now that we know for example that aliens exist remember that how crazy is that the pentagon came out and said we've seen ufos so yeah with the alien sightings and the doomsday bunker video i was like i'm starting to think i'm like maybe it isn't the worst idea to start prepping for real for old doomsday well luckily there's an old show that can that can help me do that it's called doomsday preppers it was on national geographic from 2011 to 2014 and it focuses entirely on people trying to prepare for the end of the world it's got some pretty absurd clips that i'm so excited to show you today although maybe they're not so absurd i mean look at this clip from an episode uh from 2014. this might have seemed absurd back then but now it's just kind of eerie i am preparing for a worldwide pandemic go go go go go before i was prepared for pandemic i was probably spending 20 hours a day worrying about it all right donna honest honestly i gotta be honest it's a little bit fishy this is from 2012 and it's a little bit too on point with the hazmat suits and the n95 mask and you know her febrezing her living room which honestly again like was an absurd shot in 2012. people probably watched that like what is she doing how is that going to stop anything but that was all of us last year just for breathing just i don't know if this helps or not but someone online said it would kill the virus i'm so scared i don't want to die when the pandemic comes those who are prepared will survive those who do not prepare will die wow i i hit a little bit too hard honestly a little bit too real there donna if you only knew if you only knew that burning gaze right into the camera right into our souls it's like she knows who do you work for donna a pandemic is a virus or disease that infects large numbers of people yeah i know what it is dude i know what it is all right we're all very well versed on what a pandemic means by this point so donna has stockpiled thousands of protective masks and gloves in her garage i put together kits that have everything you would need to survive a pandemic in my kits i have isolation gowns antiviral tissues exam gloves n95 mask foot covers heavy duty sanitizer it's so funny this is like hitting the lottery in vegas but the exact opposite of that the polar opposite it's like millions of people probably walk into casinos every day and they're like i think i'm gonna hit the jackpot today and they don't she hit the jackpot she thought something was gonna happen and it happened except instead of her winning money three and a half million people around the world died like the odds of a pandemic actually happening are probably so low yet she called it her and bill gates and she must have been just laughing at the start of the pandemic right well all of us all the rest of us were panicking just disinfecting our groceries smelling like [ __ ] because we got caked [ __ ] on our ass because we don't have toilet paper and we're all like i don't know we can't use postmates anymore what am i gonna [ __ ] do and yet she's sitting there with a garage full of supplies probably you know ass as clean as a whistle so yeah she's probably laughing right now but the rest of the people on the show they come off kind of aloof i guess for example these people moved out to the country to the woods but uh this is one of their plans is they decided to make homemade pepper spray for i don't know apocalypse bears or something and then mixing that with garlic to create a concentrate of this hot pepper i can definitely tell these are the hottest chili peppers on the planet because i'm just dying we should have done this outside this is just bad but my face is funny i can't breathe can you breathe i'm sorry what is this the worst episode of breaking bad ever yeah the smoke is just getting to me it's coming right through the mouth i mean it actually it choked me like somebody had their hands around my throat isn't the whole point of this to survive it would be an awful shame if you moved out into the woods to avoid the apocalypse and then you ended up dying because you yourself were making homemade pepper spray in your own kitchen that would be a damn shame dude the footage of them coughing in the kitchen is so funny i can't breathe can you breathe can you breathe maybe don't do this it is so powerful can you imagine your eyes burning out and you're breathing this in it would just totally incapacitate somebody like like it just did us for example and like it probably will when we need to use it as well talk about a perimeter defense how about those ducks those things are violent dude they'll [ __ ] peck your dick off the craziest part about these people though is that they grew a poisonous plant um in order to dry it and make it into a spice so that if an unfriendly guest was ever at their place for dinner they could poison them and kill them we've got a number of plants in my garden that uh are poisonous fox glove is a deadly poison i'm picking fox glove leaves to save i thought it's a dead man's balls sorry after the leaves are dry we're going to put them in a little spice rack in the event that we have some undesirable guests staying with us in the future so that we can serve our guests something something tells me that is a horrible horrible decision just putting it with your other spices like all it takes is one like honey can you pass the oregano please and she's like sure and just [ __ ] doesn't look and then you're dead boom you've killed yourself again this is pepper spray all over again also what situation are you prepping for here what situation would you have an enemy over for dinner i honestly you know i'm not even trying to be too critical here i honestly don't know what situation that would be is this someone who's made it through your perimeter defense your rabid ducks and the pepper spray and everything they've made it through that at this point they've breached your security so you're like you know what [ __ ] it why don't you come in for a for a warm meal you know let me clean up your duck wounds inside and we can have a warm meal inside get in here hey you want you you at least deserve that all right before you kill us let us give you a meal and by the way do you like foxtail or whatever the spice is called you like the taste you like the taste of the rat poison we'll toss some of that on there too by the way i know it's easy to make fun of these people right like for example the pandemic lady people were probably like what are you what are you wearing you know in that first shot of her and her whole family wearing the hazmat suits people were like [ __ ] nice well you work at a hospital or something you stupid you're so goofy you goofy ass family what's wrong with you but you know now they're the ones laughing and i don't want to ever be in that position you know so i always want to say to the people that are in these episodes i'm let me stay with you if any of this [ __ ] happens all right i don't want to i don't want to make pepper spray at home so what can i offer your family um i'll you know i don't know i honestly not there's nothing there's nothing that i'll i could do in an apocalypse situation there's nothing i could do i don't even want to pretend like i have a skill that would help me in that area so i really hope it doesn't end up where making fun of these people is going to bite me in the balls all right this next prepper his name is michael he lives out in the woods with his family and um he's always ready to defend his property all right in fact he's constantly making sure his kids are also prepped and ready check this clip out every bird produces a different sound and each of their calls communicates a particular meaning today michael is teaching emily about the importance of the robin's distress call hold on dude what is this dear skin fit you're wearing it kind of goes insanely hard fashion instagramers take take note of this guy this is you know this is gonna be the next yeezy [ __ ] bad joke all right this one's not out but tell me what it is because it's really important ready robin's alarm yeah know that one i'm sorry did you just speak bird did you just speak bird to your daughter that is incredible that's nothing short of a miracle maybe i'm not sure what's more impressive the fact that you can speak bird to your daughter or the fact that you can speak to other birds that's insane how has the government not kidnapped you yet i'm pretty sure the military wants to know how to do that how is every scientist in america not running experiments on you right now that's why that's what i want to know are birds real i'd like to know that too no idea most preppers stock up on firearms for self-defense but michael does not possess guns you don't need to rely on bright shiny objects like knives and other you know guns hisley the weapon of choice is made simply from an oak tree and a railroad spike come on a throwing axe come on i don't think that holds a candle to a gun or any other weapon where you don't dispose of it in the first use you realize that you realize you miss on the first throw and you're [ __ ] what this is what that's gonna look like hey stop right there enemy enemy's gonna go like this oh [ __ ] and then he's just gonna take out his gun and you're gonna be like oh [ __ ] ah uh i'm sorry i'm sorry about the throwing axe throwing axes are good for when you're at an axe throwing bar drinking that's the only case that these are good nice other side excellent take it and chop it right to the base of the head boom dakota has practiced throwing tomahawks for over seven years and he also has martial arts training you're holding the blades and now you have your your blocks your strikes your long distance i mean there's no denying that this is sick as hell martial arts skills and tomahawk skills this kid's definitely getting laid let's be very clear about that but i don't think that he's surviving an apocalypse with these tools unfortunately i think you probably want a gun like a true prepper michael always has a plan b this is as powerful as a shotgun really try to take out one of these targets a throwing stick i'm sorry what a throwing stick is as powerful as a shotgun first of all no it's not second of all aren't isn't every stick a throwing stick are there types of sticks can't a walking stick become a hitting stick if you need it to be are you not allowed to do that is there some kind of stick rules that i'm not i'm not aware of also again as powerful as a shotgun maybe a throwing shotgun but but not a shooting shotgun so please watch this this is the best clip of the whole thing right here but for michael offensive training is not enough he wants his kids to be ready for danger at any moment whether they have a weapon or not so he conducts self-defense drills every day multiple times a day and often without warning my kids are in there playing right now so what i want to do like idiots my kids are in there playing like sheep wake the [ __ ] up kids why aren't you always on defense the world could end at any moment idiot children is give them kind of an awareness drill you know this is how they start to evolve their skill sets so with that in mind let's go have some fun this [ __ ] screen this screen right here are you going to shoot your children man what what are you doing my kids are in there drawing like absolute numb skulls let's go shoot them in the face hangs in the air hands in the air now what do you do both hands both hands i'm sorry man look i'll give it to you that it's a little bit impressive and a little bit sad as well that you're that your daughter didn't just start crying when you shoved the gun into her back but come on that performance i mean she's still a little girl like i could have kicked her through the wall right there she's like 20 pounds are you kidding me she flipped her reaction time was like 10 full seconds she turned around and grabbed just [ __ ] throw her against against the wall you know what i'm saying i'm not saying throw kids against the wall i'm saying in that scenario she doesn't stand a [ __ ] chance come on come on right to the chest you know easy i get moments where people think that i'm crazy or uh too far gone all the time is it all worth it yeah wouldn't trade it for the world something tells me that your kids probably just want to draw chalk on the wall you know have a normal childhood but i get it if the world goes to [ __ ] they're gonna be laughing and i'm gonna be heading the dirt you know so um i'll give you that listen again i know it's a risky thing to make fun of people that prep for doomsday like this because you know if it if it does happen which the pandemic happened they're not they're not gonna they're not making a seat for me at the table you know i'm they're not letting me into their compounds you know unless it's to give me that [ __ ] poison because of these videos you know so i'm kind of maybe i'm shooting myself in the foot here i just gotta knock on wood and pray to god that the zombie thing doesn't actually happen you know so let's hope let's here's to not here's to not the world not ending all right please like this video if you don't want the world to end as well we can all do our parts here all right actually you know what i do have a weapon right here a trusty throwing lemon okay gonna clean that up bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,730,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: 7qh3fSCT0a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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