Making Fun of A.L.R's FATNESS! Bullying?? (Michael B Petty)

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hello everyone wanted to remind you that we just restocked proto my small own business with protein donuts with two grams of sugar and 10 grams are frozen with a cake donut texture have you've been wanting to try I linked the website below for your convenience thank you for all the support good morning YouTube welcome back to the channel if you're new here welcome my name is Michele McDaniel I'm a personal trainer both mommy past Peter K turn grown-up cosplayer and you probably think that I'm the one making fun of amberlynn or evil that is okay you're new here you don't know yet sit back relax enjoy the video and let me explain you see the champion sitting up in my car in the kiddie I do you secure the bike I get the bus you know so I told you guys in the past that my channel is about my thought since why the name is my Fox will probably offend you because whenever you share your opinion or your thoughts it will have been someone no matter what I'm gonna put the background story of why my channel's called this later but basically I woke up really early in what's the gym and someone got very offended by that but because of my muscle whenever I asked you guys what content you want me to share my thoughts on you guys always say fitness or that positivity and I personally think and I could be completely wrong once again my thoughts will probably offend you and someone's gonna have an issue with it but I think that there is so much more to life than fat people and fitness have you watched anime don't tell me that is my life I don't mind talking about it occasionally and it is something that is part of my life now I wouldn't say it's so much of a passion let me explain though just because it's more of my lifestyle so it just kind of feels like my life it's my everyday life to be active and is my wife now so you try to be as healthy as I can and not give give back into my binging wait talking about the same thing over and over again literally just bores me you guys already know my opinion about obesity you know my opinion about fat acceptance what more can i really really say about it I mean you guys once you watch the same video over and over again different fat acceptance people but saying the same thing over again the only thing I can repeat is Sponge Bob episodes and every other nostalgia filled cartoon but now I'm so much more inspired to stay on YouTube now that we are talking about different topics it's so much more fun I love who your guys opinions on various different topics because before when it's just Fitness fatness fatness so I'm gonna quit this is boring but today is an exception because you guys brought up a topic that I don't mind I kind of wanted to share my opinion on it for a while now so Michael be petty I love the name is a youtuber who posts a lot of videos mainly focused on amberlynn read now he is a man of size himself that is going through as far as I know a weight loss journey himself as well and let's give a round of applause remember on this channel we love if people take the steps to get healthier that's amazing we love that now I could have been seen every single video on his channel but I've seen a couple that popped up in my recommendations and I have to say I chuckled now remember his channel name is Michael be petty emphasis on the peanuts he and the why no one wants to know know so what is you putting deodorant on have to do with being a big person like is there a special kind of fat deodorant that fat people where there are copious amounts of fat jokes which I don't mind I don't mind fat jokes I don't want skinny jokes I don't mind muscular jokes if they land well and I genuinely laugh I love it and if I don't laugh you know what not all jokes is going to make every single person laugh maybe it's because I grew up in a different type of household or not very sensitive people and when I go back home and I let my six and a half foot grace the floor of the room where all the family is in I instantly get roasted it light-hearted way but I'm sure that has something to do with why I can take jokes and why I'm not as sensitive as a lot of people and why I have pretty thick skin to be on the internet and have people put some pretty like cut meat type jokes or just flat-out insults my way but I also understand that not everyone grew up how I did I know a lot of people aren't very sensitive but I do think that more sensitive people have to understand that other people didn't grow up as you did and other people are not as sensitive as you I think we all just need to learn that everything is not gonna be everybody's cup of tea and a doughnut mug you guys keep asking me where I got this what do you think I got it comment in the comment section you guys know me by now Ross so I know especially in 2019 not everybody is into the fat joke type of thing I try to stay away from fat jokes on other people but I definitely roast myself of the stupid things that I did when I was a little shovel bumpkins Michelle but Michael be petty does gross amber a lot with booty beauty who I'm just hearing about has an issue with my friend Harley gold and I love Charlie but I'm not surprised that people from the fat acceptance movement have an issue with a woman especially a woman of color who is obese speaking out against the movements but I talked to Charlie behind the scenes I think she's very sweet and she seems very genuine and people get a little bit into foodie me later but let's talk about Michael P Penny's post about Anne Burrell entries or his memes so the first one that I caught my eye was a picture of a Merlin Reed and he has a bottle of Mountain Dew a Fitbit around her arm along with a bitten Hershey's bar and that meant yeah to the fat acceptance people that's gonna be fat phobic but at the same time you guys say feed your children kid food I haven't seen many of her videos but I think she has a thing for Mountain Dew and it's just the irony of the fact that she keeps trying to lose weight and she has things like the Fitbit or the steps calculator calculate thing I don't track my steps but that thing that tracks your steps for you and then at the same times you have like a chocolate bar in her hand with the signature amber bun on the top of her baby a little head put this little facial expression pretty much thanks you came out with the wound like eating sugar and I mean that could be my picture honestly I came out I wasn't no beast like little Talon ain't coming so like my teenage years and I lost and then I started competing and then that was a spiral of waiting and after you get done competing whole different story I came out the womb basically drinking sugar I had no limit to any type of food ever had free rein to the to the refrigerator I ate those little sugar cubes hanging droppin coffee just eat them that is me so now he's got this picture saying when you've been on a weight-loss journey since 2011 but got a food bucket list in 2019 that we got fat moon rumor has it that if you say orange chicken three times in front of a mirror this will show up behind you I mean that would scare me I'm so afraid of dying so I eat to survive and then she's got a pile of chicken nuggets and a burger on her stomach the caption reads that awakening was hella short-lived she can't stand for more than five minutes without feeling like she's going to collapse and eating out every day is going to somehow fix that she needs to really start taking this seriously before it is too late but with YouTube money and Becky enabling her I'm afraid it may be too late the writing is on the wall but she refuses to read it I mean everything he said no matter how harsh you think he is it's completely true she cries about not being able to move normally and with her body hurting she cries about you know everything that is happening because of her weight and yet she continues to eat a lot of food on camera eventually people are going to be like annoyed by the fact that you keep giving in and that you keep asking for help but then you're the one that keeps sabotaging yourself so now we get to the post about foodie and beauty and I guess another fad except I'm not sure if the woman is fat acceptance or what I'm not too sure but Michael be Petty reposted one of her videos and foodie Beauty was very pissed off at this obese youtuber because of something about Charlie Charlie Gold really Jen I am disappointed I can't support you anymore sorry if you support Charlie than you are okay with her fashion shaming amberlynn just because she's not successful at weight-loss she has a holier-than-thou [ __ ] attitude and her videos are condescending by honestly Jay and how I see it is like this I think you are sucking up to Charlie et Cie so that they don't go after you like they do amber and I for being diet failures I just make a split-second little break here and ask does anybody else feel bad when people say I failed on my diet especially if they're like a morbidly obese person because I really feel like they did some kind of extravagant crazy cut everything out diet you've got some Extreme Fitness YouTube or Instagram influence or whatever said moderation and now they cut everything out and then went through withdrawals and then they go back to benching which was my issue which is the point in the fat acceptance community that I can agree with I personally don't believe in cutting out everything anyway just wanted to say that and then Michael Biehn petty says Bobby Bobby now here turning on everyone no one is safe one I just think it's always funny when people up that announced that they're supporting you booty booty goes and makes your own post about Charlie and she screenshot to this face I personally think that Charlie is beautiful and I think that she looks beautiful in this picture she's just giving a stink face we all have one this woman is a fat shaming ablest another obese woman who uses her YouTube platform to criticize others overweight with a holier-than-thou attitude this look on her face of discusses everything as she judges someone for not being able to walk far middle finger I've seen the video that she's talking about and I really I mean I guess we have different opinions man through DVD or the just the fat acceptance community in general have different opinions about what fat shaming is I think we have different opinions about what body shaming is I'm in body shamed when I was skinny obese or overweight and muscular I think the most I've ever been body shame is when I'm a muscular I personally hate the word body shaming because really just people being jerks I think if someone is really just being insulting toward your body like if there's an obese person sitting there enjoying a damn meal from McDonald's and someone goes up and starts being rude to them you're not a shoplifter you're just affected sorry about that fatty Betty hey dumb he's just a fat kid aren't you fatty he's a big old fat kid making fun of their physical appearance I don't know about body shaming I call that person being an insignificant hole who's too bored with their life that they need to go bother people that are minding their own business and so the last post that I saw on Michael be Penny's Instagram was one that caught my eye because of my childhood because I watch it over Halloween and because I'm going to watch it during the holiday season which is probably in five minutes after I finished this video but they've got okie boogie I have know who this lady is and no clue what what that is going on with the war in the middle at the head but the caption says foodie Beauty has assembled only the mightiest of allies we don't stand a chance the blob squad and I'm sorry but that made me laugh I boogy boogy I love the song I love the thickness of OB boogie and the way that he prances around Santa Claus though I thought it was funny once again I'm sure it's very fat phobic and bad to laugh at something like that but let's answer some questions that you guys were asking me in my inbox so is Michael V Petty and let's throw in Charlie gold too because he talked about in Berlin read a lot are they fat phobic yes they both don't want to be fat they both know the dangers of being fat and they both speak out against the dangers of being fat I don't think it's bad to be fat phobic I thought though but just like I am cancer phobic I am joint problem phobic I don't want cancer and I don't want to have a joint issues I don't think it's bad to be fat phobic because there's a lot of things that come with being obese second question is I'm asking me about my cooking putty is him making video after video about the same person I know why bullying and I think this is a great question that we all can think about in one of the reasons why I wanted to step back from just doing video after video after video about fat acceptance because one it's boring and two I do think it can cross the line ice for me I would feel like a bully if I did make a video after video after each like after the same person over and over again so I think it depends on who you're talking to because if you're talking to anyone from the fat acceptance movement about bullying they think a doctor is bullying you if they say you know you're obese you need to lose some weight so you don't have all these issues that is bullying so definitely what Michael be petty is doing and a man Charlie and that's definitely bullying because they are saying this is not healthy for me amber is a public figure technically you're going to get talked about I personally don't feel the need to make a meme of amber holding a chocolate bar funny yes I definitely laugh but I don't think that I need to do that I don't think it's needed for the world it definitely means we're good entertainment and it seems like it made a lot of people laugh in his comment section but I also like to ask myself but we were in high school we took a picture of a student and photoshopped a soda bottle and a candy bar in their hand with kids have to be sent to the principal's office of a parent's be called and the answer is probably yes now we're just adults we have social media to kind of do these types of things though is it wrong to some people yes would you want it done to yourself you can tell me in the comment section if someone did it to me I probably laughs honestly just the way that I'm brought up I would probably laugh I've been photoshopped into things before people make fun of me all the time but that acceptance movement cannot stand me I would probably be like well I mean I am obese I do eat a lot of sugar it's kind of true so I'm gonna go eat more sugar I'm definitely not saying amber asks for it but when you put yourself in the public eye and then you do these kinds of things and in the public eye as in you know one video you're like I really need to lose weight crying because of your joint health and just your overall health in the next video you know you're sitting there was chicken nuggets on your stomach people are definitely going to make fun of you so for the people who keep asking me about my opinion or my thoughts on Michael be petty love the name I think he's funny you talk about amberlynn too much for me yes but it seems like the majority of people love when people talk about amberlynn so you really can't blame him he's giving his audience exactly what they want so for the people who are complaining about him or Charlie goal talking about amberlynn on a weekly basis can take so many seats they're delivering exactly what they were asked to deliver the views I was amber and if amber really didn't want people talking about her then she would quit social media like I said that I feel like she needs to and focus on her help that she keeps crying about instead of doing mukbangs wit chicken ugh is on her stomach so until she sauced this whole feels sorry for me and then she continues to feed into her binge eating disorder people aren't going to stop talking about her and that is my opinion and if Michael be penny sees this video okay what the name love the content Charlie Gold you already know I love you anyway we've got some fun videos coming up you guys I do another because I do want to talk about weight just because it's about the black community specifically black women who are some of the heaviest people and I think it's just an important topic to talk about so if you guys do want that let me know in the comment section because apparently obesity is now racist and the black woman I want to talk about that so that will come up sometime in the future but I want to talk about some fun things aren't eyebrows and anime want to talk about some ratchet reality shows okay I just want to talk to you yes your cute little face right there look at look at their face I want to talk to it so hit that subscribe button and let's talk if you guys want more of all of this mess then check me out on instagram and twitter i am very a very active on Instagram I love interacting with you guys in the comment section you guys so much for watching I will see all of you guys next time you see the jumping on fit it up in my car in the kiddie the bag you know you see the droopy I'm fitting it up in my car and giddyup he's secured the bike I get the bug [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 285,549
Rating: 4.9380956 out of 5
Keywords: morbid obesity, weight loss journey, ALR, AMBER, michael b petty, michael b petty weightloss, OBESITY, fat acceptance, fat acceptance cringe, fat acceptance compilation 2019, amberlynn reid, amberlynn reid weight gain, BECKY WILLIAMS, MICHAEL, PETTY, MICHELLE MCDANIEL, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you fat, my thoughts will probably offend you amberlynn
Id: RlFxTm7sBWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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