680 Pound 13 Year old DIES Alone Surrounded By Food

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Sad story, but has tits pretty much out, move the camera up a bit... disrespectful.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Shimster 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
it's a sad video today you guys this is exactly what the fat acceptance woman wants to happen to you a slow painful disgusting death hi you guys welcome to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you and I'm very sorry for the very depressing or going on today but like I said in the beginning this is a very sad story that ends in a very horrid disgusting and preventable death before we start I wanted to remind you guys that my 12 week support group is still open and running until the 7th of September I do feel a lot of people who are trying to lose weight or want to get healthier don't have a very great support group around them usually unhealthy people are surrounded by other unhealthy people so it can be a little unmotivated to try to get going and stay consistent with the support group of course you get the 12-week workout program but you also get a amazing support group of positive people a place where I will be posting recipes videos of me showing how to make very simple meals we're gonna be stretching together you guys I'm gonna be reminding you to drink your water so if you are very interested in a positive community where you can check into to try and get healthier for these 12 weeks check the link below I would love to have you and get you on the path of help now with that being said let's talk about today's topic Kristina Corrigan a 680 pound 13 year olds who spends her day on a filthy blanket surrounded by junk food pizza boxes and fast food containers and front of an always running television being too embarrassed about her weight Kristina did not go to school for over a year this girl who weighs almost 700 pounds died she got alone in front of the television surrounded by junk food due to congestive heart failure something that you get by being obese her mother was charged with felony of child abuse no caregiver should be allowed to get away with allowing somebody to wither up and die like that the Deputy District Attorney Brian Baker we've seen this kind of neglect with elders but this is the first time I've seen it with a kid according to the article the mother Marlene Corrigan said that she stepped out of the apartment for just a few minutes to go to the grocery store to probably buy more junk food to help her daughter get further into her obesity problem and which came back she couldn't wait Christina up by time authorities thought their Christina it was already dead and that gives me chilled I know that death is something that happens but unneeded death or just preventable deaths really kind of earth me and at the same time just walking in on someone dying like that so I could only imagine a parent's coming back and seeing their child dead and to me it's the parents fault it was the parents fault and the parent fed her daughter into this early grave investigators asked Corrigan if she thought her daughter's weight had posed any danger she said she knew her daughter's health was at risk but nothing seems to work and so she did not know what to do one officer wrote in his report she just hopes that Christina would decide on her own to quit eating so much that's when you parents and you take control guys remember when sana Lee the wonderful person from the fat acceptance movement said that putting a child on a diet is on the same level of sexually abusing a child or sexual abuse in in general that's sick that we can't stand oh sorry I just this kind of stuff this kind of stuff just irks me Shawna Lee I'll put her Instagram right there she needs to be called out more I hope every personal trainer every regular person anybody everybody just needs to call her out what investigators walked in the apartment they found a heart-wrenching sight the girl was nude under a sheet lying on top of a blanket that was soiled with feces and urine there were fresh sores on her body and the scars of old ones that had healed her dark hair was matted to her scalp and there were feces in the folds of her skin the stained carpet was cluttered with food and drink containers a water pink chewing gum was stuck to her thigh authorities said that the girl had not seen a doctor for at least two years remember those wonderful women of the fat acceptance movement said you know don't go to a doctor because they're fat phobic but if you do go to a doctor don't listen to what they have to say when about your your body and your health because it's that phobic I'm guessing if they told this girl that you know you need to lose weight or you're going to die that would be fat phobic right fat acceptance women that say that they they care so much about people I'm sure you guys care so much so before those two years she did go to the doctor and the doctors diagnosed her with a slow metabolism her mom said that she tried to put her on but Christina refused parenting that's when you are supposed to parent when they don't want to diet kids don't want to do a lot of things that you are supposed to do that that helps the kid they don't want to learn they don't want to go to school they don't want they want to sit in from the TV all the time and play video games that's why you you push them to go be active outside you are supposed to be the parents I watched the interview where the mom said well if I didn't feed my daughter people would would say that I'm I'm abusing her because she's not eating walk your child in a room and stop them from eating then I would be up for child abuse or child neglect they're not feeding her no one's saying to starve your daughter lower her calorie intake and stop enabling bad habit by giving her all these foods that you are purchasing with your money and giving it to her with your hands my she only furthered her addiction my boyfriend I'll call him like I will because you guys know I am a food addict I am an ex binge eater I still deal with binging and having to control myself and I will call him in just a time of pure hunger or just craving that's that I'm not even hungry I'm just craving and I'll call him like can you please just get me one bag of hot cheetos it's already in the car I've got to drive home from the store and he's like no I'm already in the car and I'm like please just go back in the store and get it because I need it and he'll be like no you don't need it and I'm pissed but then later I realized that I really do have an issue with food and I didn't need it because I really didn't Cena had trouble walking or really just getting up from the floor so she spent most of her days on the living-room floor where her mom supplied her with a food supply box right next to her so Christina could just move her hand over and fill her face once again she is enabling her another interview that I saw the mom said that they tried everything to help Christina but nothing absolutely nothing worked I'm not saying that losing weight is easy but in this situation she is the mom christina is 13 she can barely move she can barely get up she doesn't have money to go to the store and buy food she probably can't even get there if she's having trouble you know moving around in an apartment a small area the mom all she had to do was say no all she had to do was hand Christina a meal with a protein a complex carb and her choice of Betty's wash it down with some water and even finished up the mill with some kind of lower sugar alternative you know dessert I personally loved baked apples and a lot of you guys also asked by eat protein bars or things like that I do but I wouldn't recommend them to someone who's a Binger that was like heavy into my binge days I would I would go crazy on protein bars and make sure to always look at the sugar content cuz a lot of the protein bars have a very high sugar content and it's no wonder why I would eat like ten I also wanted to fit in this video about that new video that amberlynn posted of her kind of talking about how it's hard for her to walk now I think I'm gonna do a little bit of walking I am a wee bit swollen today compared to normal because yesterday I did a lot of doing and usually when that happens I do get a little bit more swollen so usually when that happens also my breathing isn't as good so I'm kind of just gonna embrace it though I really do want to go for a little mini walk my mini walk is like a little over three minutes I didn't want to give her the attention in her own little video so I wanted to just spin like a one or two minute little segment of what I had to say about that but she posted a video about how it's hard for her to walk and she kind of would like walk you know a small distance down this grass lane and then come back and that she's breathing heavy my breathing is really bad today she looks distraught you know she can't she looks like she just can't function just because she walked 100 meters and I just wanted to say that she is going down this path that Christina is going down it doesn't come overnight as you can see if you guys watch amberlynn i don't watch her like i said in the last one i don't wash death I don't I don't find it amusing to watch I don't want to be surrounded by it so I don't watch her videos I personally think she is full of excuses from the little bit that I've seen that every damn day Finn is alan did on her and obese beast and she's just not someone that i feel like i need to make so many videos about and waste my time because she's she's going to die just like Christina did I also wanted to bring her up because she's gonna get to a certain point similar to Christina or she's not able to move and someone is going to enable her bad habits and continue her going down this path of straight death you guys kept asking me to react to that recent video and I don't want to give her her own you know little thing but I did want to say that she's she's going to die she's on the path of death very similar to this girl I hate saying bad but if she keeps doing on what she's doing that's that's how it's going to be along with the fat positive women test holiday sauna Liberty Tovar who likes to say that obesity is healthy but it's not amber lynn and this girl christina has proven that it's not so this story's older it just got brought back to life but it reminded me of Sanne Lee and how she said that putting a child on a diet is on the same level as sexually abusing a child or just sexual abuse in general because there is no consensus that videos below so really quick I just wanted to give a big you to a good ol Sanne Lee for spreading such stupid information and secondly I would love just completely love for Sanne Lee or any of those women from the fad positive community to talk about this story where are these stories that's what I want to know Sanne Lee and Tess holiday and Virgie Tovar Cena had pee and poop in between her folds why don't they talk about that I only hear about fat liberation and how it's amazing being fat and fat people can do anything that skinny people can do how we should just embrace obesity and and health at every size so you're here to tell me that someone about 680 pound only 13 years old who died in their fecal matter surrounded by pizza and soda and other junk food and from the television is healthy you're you're gonna tell me that that that there's such thing as health at every size I'm gonna be making a video on childhood obesity and kind of like how to help your kid if they are obese but I do want to say to anyone who has an obese child and they aren't doing anything about it and they keep feeding their kid crappy food and letting their kid do whatever they want when it comes to what's going into their body you are failing as a parent and I'm sure that offends you and you're probably saying oh you don't have kids you don't understand if I had or wanted kids my kids would not be obese but you know who was obese and it was completely my fault and I was failing as a pug parents little Yoshi she was fat she was obese and in my head she was fine because I love her and she's an amazing little ball of cuteness but other people were telling me your dog's fat how are you a personal trainer and your dog is fat and I would get offended and be like what are you serious she's amazing she's beautiful she is perfect and then after I took the pole out of my ass and stopped being offended I kind of looked back and notice that there were some issues that Yoshi was having because of the obesity issue and once she lost her weight all those issues went away he breathes better she walks better her walks our walks can go up to four miles and she still wants to keep going he's pretty much always active and always down to just play and be active and go for a walk it's kind of annoying sometimes yes just calm down Yoshi but it's also amazing because just by losing the weight I have a whole new you know active dog but when she was obese I was being a bad pug parent when it came to her health and her food I might have been very loving but at the same time I wasn't doing my job as a little pug parent I'm not saying that you hate your kids and you are doing this on purpose but I think that we just love our little counterparts so much that we want to see them happy and we want to see them happy with their food and so we don't really think about what we're doing until someone brings it to our attention and the other take it you know offensively over like oh shoot we have a problem let's fix this it's up to you to guide them and hopefully you are not taking them down the same path that Kristina's mom took her down hopefully you are not taking them down the same path that amberlynn is struggling to walk down hopefully you are leading them down the path of help so that they can walk so they can run so they can do a lot of activities so that they can breathe when they go up the stairs hopefully you are taking them down that path my name is michelle mcdaniel thank you so much for watching you remember you do not have to be a size two abs are great to have but not needed to be healthy but health is extremely important and I want all of you who are watching even your kids and of course your little dog used to be as healthy as possible thank you so much for watching make sure to hit that subscribe button and follow me on Instagram I will see all of you guys your little cute faces next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 384,242
Rating: 4.9650245 out of 5
Keywords: 680 pound girl dies, oprah winfrey, christina corrigan, obese children, obese kids, obese teenager documentary, obese teenager lose weight, workout for obese teenager, ALR, michelle mcdaniel, my 600 lb life, morbidly obese, obesity epidemic, obesity in america, haes cringe, Health at every size, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you fat, tess holliday, virgie tovar, sonalee rashatwar
Id: 5Nic32kUw58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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