Cosmopolitan Says Obesity is HEALTHY | New York Is Transphobic!

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hello welcome back to my channel i am so happy you're here and i get to see that beautiful amazing just adorable little face thank you for being here my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug and a chihuahua a past theater nerd gone grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person today is another episode of does this offend you come come one come all we've got a load of different topics that i share with you and you guys tell me in the comment section does it offend you or not it's very easy and very fun also i do have a second channel that i would love for you to check out we gossip on there like girlfriends do and i'm also working currently on my new series cosplay and crime and conspiracies so i link that below come chat with me i'll bring the hot cheetos okay number one [Music] all right i know a lot of my subscribers enjoy trash television but this one might be for the ones that are around my age probably my 90s babies late 80s babies but do you guys remember lather of love yeah probably the start of trashy reality television do you guys remember new york from flavor of love how can you not but a little refresher there was this scene you know what i am however gonna fix slap them well the flavor of love runner up angered the lgbtq plus community which was a very big surprise because she seemed to be an ally and really just an icon in that community recently on a reality television show called one mo chance a reality show which follows rapper kamal chance as he tries to find love very similar to flavor of love tiffany aka new york on december 13th attacked a contestant tiffany walker just to make it not so confusing we will call tiffany from playbill love new york and tiffany walker tiffany walker attacked tiffany walker over gender identity new york was convinced that tiffany walker is a man and she decided to tell her this coming with me and i feel like you have a situation i do believe that you're a man well tiffany is actually a cis woman and she made that completely clear and when she made it clear new york asked does it bother you when i tell you that i feel like you're a man and you have jenna like and sweaty what does that do to you like does it [ __ ] with you and because tiffany says no no that's why new york decided to cut her from the show all right that's what scares me i guess new york wanted tiffany to be bothered trying to understand the logic here but you know it's not real logic it's reality show logic anyway i'm not gonna get into the transphobia comment there's a lot of channels that focus on what is transphobic what is not if you want a deeper look into that i just watched one that samantha did on the topic but i usually like to judge and deem people a [ __ ] or a non-asshole and i'm gonna look at it as a woman who is muscular and whenever someone wants to insult me they usually say well you look like a man or you are a man and if you lost flavor of love like i did when i was in high school you probably know that new york is a full-on hole this was the first interaction i really had with brain so i wanted to see her um her anger level i wanted to see if i was powerful enough to twist her mind it was my thing she got mine screwed by me she says things to get under people's skin and make them upset she wants to make them upset so she's gonna say the most outlandish things you get a reaction out of them and here this girl didn't even give her a reaction and that probably irritated her does it bother you when i tell you that i feel like you're a man no this girl was like okay and so tiffany put out an apology and i love apologies it really shows if someone is apologizing because they are actually sorry or because they angered a lot of people so let's see the apology you guys are mad at me today and there's no reason to be i don't have a transphobic bone in my body let's just say that clip that was seen the woman in the clip was not transgendered okay and i myself was born a woman and i always get mistaken as a man everywhere i go the grocery store the airport i hear whispers oh that's a man that's a guy i know it i internalize that as strength and i go yeah okay you think i'm a man well that's because you're intimidated right now you wish you looked as good as i did and you know i can steal your man so me calling her a man it wasn't really like anything disrespectful it was just me enduring and actually you know going through what i go through on a regular basis and just putting that on her and see how she can handle it when us women that may not be trans are mistaken for men what do we do with that how do we flip that so what i'm saying is a call a heterosexual you know hereditary woman if you will a man i don't want y'all to think that i'm trying to diss transgender women because that's not the case literally the story of my life but has it stopped me no being a man ain't all that bad y'all okay let's get this straight just so that we're on the same page new york so you basically took the rude comments that you got which bothered you took those comments and then you passed it on to someone else so that you could also hurt them and then you claim empowerment enduring and actually you know going through what i go through on a regular basis and just putting that on her and see how she can handle it [Music] girl no a-hole and transphobic or not that apology was just if i was tiffany i'd be like nope not taking that apology keep over there gone bye anyway would this apology suffice you if you were tiffany if you were trans if you're a woman who gets constantly called a man or just in general and does the situation the uproar about her comments or the apology offend you [Music] oh cosmopolitan here we go again so cosmopolitan came out with a uh interesting cover that has a lot of people upset cover grace is an obese individual and the word saying this is healthy is it really a surprise though because cosmopolitan featured the goddess of fat positivity on their cover why are people surprised about this they love putting obese individuals on covers because then people talk about their cover and then generates more attention to their magazine just like we're doing right now 11 women who prove wellness isn't one size fits all the story highlights several women of diverse body types and lifestyles each who have struggled with their body image now according to john obisa beast out of the 11 women featured two were obese and he went into more detail of the context of the article i didn't buy it but i'll leave a link to his video apparently it wasn't as bad as it seems but people were very outraged about the cover because they did decide to choose the obese women for the cover and put the phrase this is healthy basically saying obesity yeah that's healthy that's some good stuff many people were upset that they would promote obesity in the midst of a pandemic when obese people are more at risk with the virus and then here they are saying obesity is great and perfectly fine in bright letters and a colorful background but like i said with no context of the actual article i'm just gonna focus on the cover that had most people very upset so i can understand both sides it says that they speak about the struggles that these women had around their body image and a lot of these women are probably about my age and in my teenage years we didn't have something called body positivity if you looked different you got made fun of and especially if you were the fat kid you definitely got made fun of but like i said we didn't have body positivity i was not super thin like my friends i had double d's and i felt out of place it was a struggle when i was young i felt like an ogre a very short ogre so i understand the side of the obese girls who are probably just wanting to live their life do their yoga and just be just appreciate their bodies right now at this age because they couldn't do that when we were younger but then there's the other side that i also understand who are looking at this magazine like what the absolute stop shoving this obesity is healthy bull down our throat i think the choice of words here is where the cover fails for me because if we kept everything pretty much the same but replaced the model with a thinner model smoking while doing yoga everyone would be like no if we put someone doing hard drugs or shooting up while they do yoga this is healthy they would be like take this off just because someone can do yoga doesn't mean they are healthy if they replaced it with this is fit i would have absolutely nothing to say obese people can be fit i've seen it people who do hard drugs can actually be pretty fit do you know how many top tier bikini models do uh that i'm not saying that the models that i just showed you do uh that but i'm just saying many athletic people that you would never think do certain things that are very healthy aren't actually very healthy but they're very fit so you know they got that so you know at dinner if you have families that sit together mine didn't we weren't the most functional family but if you are a family that sits together and are very religious what if whoever said prayer said it like this heavenly father thank you so much for blessing my family with this bountiful meal a woman what would you do and would that offend you or not a missouri congressman is receiving some criticism after closing out an opening prayer with amen and a woman over the weekend and god known by many names by many different faiths a man and a woman [Music] i just thought it was super funny i'm not too sure if people were actually offended by this but they show nothing so love are making fun of them this one this one cracked me up so a random page didn't like my video i did on allen not because of my criticism of him but because i didn't drag him enough when it comes to the virus and his political beliefs but this was their argument that i can drag fat people let me be clear i'm not educated on the virus i've already done that and i ended up getting info wrong listening to healthcare professionals so i don't even touch the topic you're mad at that i have admitted many times that i do not watch politics y'all writing at the capitol now mm-hmm yup this is why i stick to anime y'all get real crazy i do have to say though now that i looked some things up i definitely see the difference between how the blm looters were treated and the people who stormed the capital very interesting especially on facebook people who are upset about the blm looters but they're completely fine with the storming of the capital y'all okay come on if you don't like that i don't know what to tell you like i said i do what i like not what people like me to do now what i am educated on is obesity and the fact that it's not healthy so it's very easy to talk about one of those topics also helping people fight obesity has been my job since i was about 20. not politics and not viruses and i'm pretty sure it's not your job either you probably don't know exactly what's going on now i won't repost the page because whoever made it didn't put their face on it you coward okay i want to see that beautiful face if i'm gonna shout out your page but someone commented on the post they made about me when they were irritated that i didn't drag alan enough for things that i'm not educated on and i thought it was interesting because she follows me and messages me by the way the before and after pics are great i think that's really amazing she obviously put in a lot of hard work but i found her comments very interesting and she's a white woman who has an issue with me being a black woman and how i act so let's read the comments this doesn't surprise me at all i feel like a good chunk of people only found her through her association with the bald one i'm sure some people have found me through alan but a lot of people also found me through obese beasts a lot of other pages who have shouted me out bodybuilding being in the cosplay community come on what threshold what breast shell what fresh shell i think if i'm saying it wrong what fresh shell i'm sorry anyway so why would she disavow someone who helped boost her it's unfortunate to see a woman of color cow towing to this level of outright bs and hatred but it's also not at all surprising there's a phrase for black people who are subservient to white folks right i mean i'm not gonna say it but i'm thinking it real hard oh what a fresh come here girl come here with your with yourself i'm not sure if you know this but i don't need to act the way that you want me to act people people of color does it offend you when certain people tell you that you are not acting the way that you're supposed to be acting based off the color of your skin especially when it's a white person and they're preaching about being subservient to a white person but i'm supposed to be subservient to you and act the way that you want me to act what afresh you're crazy it's not the same but it reminds me of keemstar who said spanky wasn't black enough because she's light-skinned another issue i have is she is super light-skinned and i'm sorry if i want to hear the black experience from someone i want to see i want to hear from someone that is darker skinned like i have a darker complexion than this woman like i have a darker complexion than this woman who like wha what possessed y'all what demon possessed you let me know but what a threshold if alan starts posting videos about obesity being unhealthy which is right up my alley i promise you i'll make a video dragging him harder than any of the fat acceptance warriors i've ever talked about on my channel deal until then don't gate keep black people next so i was just scrolling on instagram and my eyes went straight to this and i knew oh i knew the stepford wives and the hank hills were going to be pissed and they work so there's a clip of a mother and son and they do this and people were very uncomfortable with the way she looked and very concerned for her son i hope she's not his mom and then under those comments is a bunch of people saying like yeah she's too skinny she looks weird this and that look at her eyes she's probably on drugs and she comes back and says insomnia and weight issues dude i've struggled with it since i was a kid i hate it but i hate more so everyone's attitude about it changes when you're a kid there's concern when you're an adult you're just called a druggie don't do that to him put him in clothes and then she like tries to clarify not but to force him into your style every parent does that which they do [Music] please don't teach your kids this anyway i always see that whenever it's not a traditional like family or a traditional look if they look punk or goth or if they're super bootylicious or like hip-hop lifestyle or if they are which i don't know for allowed to say this word on youtube they keep changing their appropriate words i always see that so i thought it was a great time to ask you guys do non-traditional looking parents offend you well you guys we have made us at the end so tell me did you attain being offended let me know in that comment section thank you so much for watching hope you guys have a great rest of your day and i will see you guys next time [Music] pick it up
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 180,754
Rating: 4.9613266 out of 5
Keywords: Cosmopoliton says obesity is heathy, cosmopolitan this is healthy, tiffany pollard, tiffany pollard interview, new york flavor flav, new york flavor of love 2, reality tv
Id: ILw_VqKhJfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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