1,000 lb Scammers | The Slaton Sisters Scam! (Amy and Tammy/TLC)

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hello youtube welcome back to the channel but if you are new welcome my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug a past theater nerd gone grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person so don't be shy in the comment section tell the world what is offending you today because in the year 2020 it's very popular to be offended by anything now while you guys are figuring out what is offending you today i'm gonna tell you a story about two one thousand pound sisters that scammed everyone get your hot cheetos or your protein shakes i know we got the muscle heads in here too and sit back because this one's pretty wild [Music] this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group where you get a 12 week gym program a at home workout program and group zoom boot camps almost every saturday where my clients look at me like this as i constantly say we're almost done guys i promise along with staying in a very active facebook support group full of nerds with a tad bit of disney villain for life link is below please follow directions to make sure you get added to the group sometimes you guys send emails to my youtube email so make sure to follow the directions so you contact the correct email tlc network stood for the learning channel and known for their exceedingly well thought out and educational shows let's check out a few buying naked oh oh here when holly dropped his green folder his butt just ended up right in my personal space there was a jungle in there here comes honey boo boo hey i think i got some of that cow poo in mouth and it doesn't taste too good sex sent me to the er yeah you can pause the screen and read these but i had to censor a lot so i'm not going to read it out loud and also this face so as you can see you can learn a lot of various thought-provoking topics and tlc really lives up to their name but most people didn't think the name matched up to the very educational shows and the network and the network actually listened and in 2014 redefined what it stands for and embraced the well-known phrase tinder loving care to connect its heartwarming programming with viewers in a more emotional fashion as part of the rebranding tlc unveiled a multi-million dollar campaign with the tagline everyone needs a little tlc everybody needs a little tlc which we have heard quite a bit with the recent pandemic and the reoccurring commercial that i absolutely hate everybody needs shut up also this couple bothers me hashtag today fiance hashtag trash television love it so now that we know what clc stands for let's talk about the loving show one thousand pound sisters the show focuses on the slatten sisters amy and tammy who weighs 406 and 605 pounds as you can imagine the sisters had intense health issues and mental health struggles so they decided to take control of their lives and start slowly walking down the path of health and weight loss and of course tlc was more than happy to catch every single part of this journey so what was the wake-up call for these two women for amy it came when she wanted to have a baby with her husband her weight mixed with diabetes and of course high blood pressure made it damn near impossible to conceive a mini human for the 31 year old tammy who says i have a bad gallbladder high blood pressure thyroid problem gal a whole bucket list prussian grew as her health declined she even attempted this old word that i can't say because youtube and we're keeping it relatively clean by the way because i know many of you guys are going to ask about the forehead situation tammy is so overweight that she has fat pockets in her forehead that made it droop down over her face tammy and amy speculated that there was something wrong with her forehead which i mean there is but they thought that it was some type of growth but after going to see many doctors it was just fat socket due to her obesity which i guess isn't as bad as a growth maybe i'm not a doctor but still you know that's super bad if you're eating so much and putting on so much body fat that your body is trying to find places to store the fat and the last spot is your forehead it's actually a very very sad thing and tammy at 32 got so unhealthy that after multiple hospital visits she moved in with her sister amy and her husband michael because she said i had a feeling that if i didn't make changes now i wasn't going to live past 35 and i think that was a very smart thing to do because if she didn't think she was gonna live past 35 she only had three more years on this earth so how did they gain so much weight besides the fact that they ate a surplus of calories but there's always something that happened where food helps them cope with whatever traumatizing event that happened in their life the sisters explained that they began rapidly gaining weight in their childhood after their dad passed away when their mom was working several jobs the family could only afford unhealthy microwavable food their weight has been an issue ever since they were in middle school tammy who weighed 605 pounds have been reported to lose about 50 pounds and moved out of the sister's home in the show tammy says she was so self-conscious of her looks that she stayed in the house so no one could see her she couldn't even go to the store now after losing 50 pounds she goes to the store alone something she says that she hasn't done in about 10 years that makes me pretty happy i couldn't find any before and after pictures unfortunately i think because they are filming at the moment so they can't reveal it but amy shared hers and has lost about 100 pounds and now weighing in at 306 pounds amy's goal is to lose 100 more pounds and the gynecologist informed her that she can try to get pregnant soon because of her constant weight loss so that's a good thing too but a happy ending two very obese sick and sad individuals taking control of their life and now on the path to happiness little minions and health the end or is it let's talk about the scandals the reason we're all here we want to know the t now when i posted my first video on this latin sisters it was well received very positively but i got a few of you saying michelle read more about the sisters they are not good people they've been in jail they're scammers so i wanted to look a little more into it i'm a very curious person and you guys got my attention and i wanted to know if these were really serious allegations or is this you guys wanting to dig up minuscule things from people's past to the string along the thing that is raving rampant right now cancel culture which by the way we are going to have a whole video about but let's find out with this situation first let's talk about amy number one the mugshot a mug shot resurfaced from amy's 2010 arrest and she took to youtube to explain herself in 2010 there was a book amy saw at walmart of all places you have to admit they have walmart all over them but anyway she decided to steal it and slide it into her purse when she walked out the door the security alarm went off a walmart associate came over and asked hey did you did you steal anything and she said nope nothing so the associate wanted to check her bag and there was the book they also checked cameras and saw her just slide into her bag from there the police were called the police took her to the station took her fingerprints and took this infamous mug shot that keeps resurfacing i should mention because it's coming up it resurfaces during halloween time with the caption a woman was arrested this morning in greenville mississippi after trying to steal a 15-pound pumpkin from a supermarket by inserting the large squash in her vaginal cavity 31 year old sonia smith good old sonia was intercepted by security guards from a super value store after they saw her enter the store's bathroom with the pumpkin and come out with it the squash showed was extremely difficult to extract and the 31 year old woman had to be transported to the hospital where it was finally removed after a delicate two-hour surgery it's fake it's funny but fake but amy tells her audience she was an idiot she did stupid things and don't steal books from walmart um or squashes they don't they don't belong up there you guys so now we're gonna get into some more serious allegations this brings on number two animal abuse excuse you hold up wait a minute this this triggers not only me but yoshi so apparently amy locked her brother's german shepherd in an extremely hot camper somehow the dog escaped through a small window and then bit amy amy took the dog to a shelter to get euthanized now i don't know the context was the dog attacking her and she locked it in the trailer and it ferociously got out and bit her or did she just decide you know what it's a scorching about 1 million degrees outside and it looks like a great day to leave a dog in a camper and and and then the dog got out and bit her because [ __ ] i'm not sure but apparently amy has a history of animal abuse and just leaving animals in hot places as if they're more objects instead of living breathing creatures that you know don't want to be super hot whichever it is responsible dog owners know that hot places is a no-no even when it's hot outside you don't want their widow paws getting burnt on the floor i don't think amy would want her feet to burn on 100 degree asphalt or be left in a hot trailer obese people have a lot of folds it's gonna get really sweaty to make you guys feel better though the dog supposedly i read that someone did save it so hopefully that's true that would make me very happy because there's no bad dogs just bad owners train your dogs people and people respect the dog if you're abusing a dog and it bites you you deserve it i said what i said amy has deleted these videos i did see videos of people talking about the videos like this girl for instance she described what was going on she was actually a former fan of the slayton sister so i wanted to hear an opinion from a fan's point of view rather than people who just don't like them because they're fat so basically in multiple videos amy would say disheartening things about her animals she constantly would get rid of them as if they were disposable leaves them in hot cars etc etc i'll link the video below so you can hear all the accusations now i did find a video of tammy with a unicorn horn on her head talking about how they went to an arcade and admitting that they left their dog little bit in the hot car and tammy brought the dog some water and then went back to eat some food i feel bad for a little bit because she sit outside in a hot color my river having fun but i did while we were getting something to eat i did get a little bit some uh ice water so i thought about it at least let me say i was gonna give her some water but i hope y'all enjoyed this video so let's move on to number three trying to force a guy to have relations with her amy went on a date with a man and tried to have her way with him at a hotel she posted a very detailed video on what happened and explained that she was just trying to give his virgin ass a good old hickey and then i was trying to give him a hickey because he was a virgin and he never had a hickey before so i was giving him a hickey and he was like quit biting me and i'm like i'm not biting you so i'm bidding well he was very uncomfortable and abe apparently seemed to be sexually frustrated that he wasn't giving up the goods the dude managed to escape and amy was left lying in bed alone upset that she didn't get some sweet virgin loving she was so upset that she told this story on her youtube where the video has now been deleted and then gave out his number to have her audience harass him because he didn't want to experience that good old whap of hers i was actually considering dying in the hotel room that night after he left number four now this is the biggest one even though the dog one triggered me the most if it's true but but just from looking online at all the scandals the biggest one seems to be the gofundme scam amy posted a video on her youtube channel titled we need your help comments are turned off and it's unlisted so you can only get it if you have the link which i found viewers clicked on the video and was presented with amy in tears and told her watchers that tammy fell on the kitchen floor and contracted pneumonia so in the end tammy dies according to amy and she opens a gofundme because she needs money for a coffin a big coffin like a really big coffin because her sister is big so she needs big money for a big coffin people gave her money only to find out that tammy was not dead what the people who gave her the money were not too happy the right thing to do was to give the money back right nope she didn't maybe she used the money to go to walmart and actually buy the book who knows but they didn't get their money back and people are still not happy about that at all and i'm not sure if tammy was in on this but i didn't find really any type of scandals on her except she's dating a married man knows that he's married and doesn't care i know he's married and i don't care call me a homework if you want to but that's basically it let me know in the comment section if i'm just not searching in the right places i can always do an update but i didn't find anything it was mostly people talking about her forehead and that's the story of two 1 000 pound sisters that are on youtube anyway i hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know if you did or didn't if you didn't that's too bad you watched it already if you guys have any other topics that you guys would like me to look into make sure to leave it in the comment section or tell me in the comment section on my instagram i read a lot of comments on instagram and i read the comments on here at least for the first like hour or two thank you so much for watching remember treat your dogs like a king or queen and kiss them right on the mouth i'll see you guys next time bye guys [Music] [Music] up pick it up i've been on the flex size
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 168,223
Rating: 4.9582458 out of 5
Keywords: 1000 POUND SCAMMERS, SLATON SISTERS, TLC, SLATON S, slaton sisters tlc, slaton sisters weight loss, slaton sisters meet and greet, slaton sisters youtube channel, slaton sisters funny moments, slaton sisters cringe, tlc reaction videos, tlc reality tv shows full episodes, tammy slaton, tammy slaton boyfriend jerry, tammy slaton weight loss, tammy slaton now, amy slaton, amy slaton and tammy, 1000 lb scammers
Id: NvfDEl6hyEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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