I Will NEVER Help ALR (Plus CRINGEY Fat Positive Posts)

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I love to watch Michelle. I like her personality even though her voice annoys me a bit, but the facts and info she shares helped me a lot to stay focused through a 2 month plateau

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SophiaPetrillo35 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

good find

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dootsen 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello my pretties you look hungry take this nice apple and not only will your hunger go away but anything you dream of will come true don't you trust an old ugly lady that lurks around the woods yes yes that's it just one bites one tiny bites is all it takes [Music] can you please dress up as the gorgeous witch from Snow White he would look Bom and really pretty I don't think she got the which she she wanted hello and welcome to my channel and we are ending villain week with a little snow-white cosplay ugly which edition and yes I know my chin is doing something a little weird it was very hard to to do a chin but which is supposed to be ugly and have ugly Chin's that go with their ugliness so appreciate the lumpy chick I know you guys are gonna be talking in the comments section but uh how's that apple taste it's gonna kick in real soon okay so we're actually talking about a pretty serious topic today oh my god don't be surprised if my chin just like pops off just off it's just off I might be fixing it throughout the video we have messy wish today okay so like I said it is villain week and this whole week I've even kind of talking about villains in the social media world and I was going to appoint one person the biggest villain of them all for today's last episode it was first gonna be Britney dawn and I was like oh she's a villain but she only stole money that's pretty mediocre villain activity and then I was like Tess Holliday that woman is a villain but then I thought it's not just Tess holidays fault for this haul that positivity thinks that positive influencers profit off people off their looks and promotes and influences death and that is actually pretty extreme and that's coming from someone like me all I did was poison a girl a little I just wanted to kill one person one girl nobody would have ever known but these chicks are literally killing everybody slowly so I am appointing anyone that hashtags phat positive and influences people that being fat is fine it's fine being fat is great it's beautiful it's just fine it's fine I'm pretty sure the more I say it's fun then it's going to be fine so it's fine it's just fine it's fine so a winner of villain week and a top villain a villain week our fat positive influencers let's give them a hand for winning killing people motivating people to not want to lose weight and find a way out let's no one is no one's clapping good and this is why I picked an ugly character to represent today because this is how I feel like the fat positive influencers look on the inside their pictures might be pretty and bright and just happy but on the inside this is how they look but Apple resembles ice cream cake cookies that the fat acceptance say go ahead girl eat it you're fine you don't need to lose weight I am award-winning fat activist and professional feminist killjoy Virgie Tovar practice just taking the cake slice you're given so before we get to amberlynn read let's read a few posts from the hashtag fat pride first post I see is a girl with a lot of time y'all saying ideal Friday night and a lot of the comments I was seeing were from men with fat fetishes which influences these girls to stay that size because they think oh I'm special these guys love it but like that's the weirdest fetish for me because it is just self-harm these girls are killing themselves and these guys are like yeah do it girl that's freaking hot eat that ice cream eats a whole gallon you die a slow death turns me on complimenting weight loss is inheritant Lee fat folk there's a whole lot more to people to celebrate than the way they look especially when celebrating weight loss means sending a message that smaller bodies are better than your bodies in a way they are you are 400 pounds a smaller body is better than your bigger body because it's healthier I feel like a lot of these influencers are saying like people like me are saying you guys are full you guys are scum you're fat this and this you're hideous ugly ugly woman because you're overweight no we're saying bigger bodies are bad like obese bodies like there's I'm a bigger chick but obese body's more blue of these bodies are bad because of the health risks that come with it just like someone who smokes might be gorgeous but their body would be better without the smoke going into their lungs why can we say that but if we say oh obese bodies are not good bodies people like turn it into some something it's not a thing it's just that people most people appreciate health hashtag yummy tummies post did you know that body positivity is rooted in fat acceptance fat acceptance or the fat activist movement is about tearing down the institutional ways that fat bodies are discriminated against from battling and societal norms about good / bad fat bodies and addressing the discrimination hate and marginalization fat bodies experience and I completely understand that people treat people differently depending on how they look but there's a point where you need to stop playing the victim especially when a lot of obese morbidly obese are that way because they eat too much I know many of you believe that oh it's because of a thyroid oh it's because of business and that PCOS IFE cos it's because of this health issue and that health issue and they usually use that as an excuse I've had plenty of people have every most of the comments that I see in there like whatever excuse you guys have I've had a client that had it and they tried that with me and I'm like look if you are able to stay at this calorie deficit always track your calories make sure you're not overeating and getting your workouts and you still can't lose weight for six months then we can blame the health issue but until then just focus on staying consistent with being out of calorie deficit and being a little more active that's all I want and usually those people who are so focused on whatever issue they have it can't stick to a small slights calorie deficit I'm talking I only reduce my cut my um people's calories about 200 calories when they're like a binge Oh like I used to be so they can't even stick to that easy tasks or more than two weeks so at that point it's not your health issue it's a you issue and a lot of these people that I see on the hashtag positive or fat whatever it is posts are morbidly obese they're eating too much they're binging massive amounts of food in one sitting on a daily or almost daily basis and that's why they're so big if they did so much it's just stopping the binging and still ate quite a bit of calories they will lose weight because when you're that big the excess amount of calories you're eating is very high I can only imagine how much test Holliday is to be able to be that big it's very similar to anorexic people just opposite end of the spectrum how much are they not eating to be able to be that small took a ton of photos today I'm gonna get back on cam tomorrow hopefully I need a film new content and I'm looking for sponsors to get a hotel room oh my gosh very sexy okay now I'm in love look in that gorgeous it shouldn't be too hard to get sponsors damn that belly and this one I didn't piss me off but it kind of irked me a little bit because a lot of these people from what I was seeing from this hashtag they want to be accepted they want to do this they want to prove that they're not lazy but many of these chicks get paid just to sit around and eat food on camera by these guys that have this fetish they want sponsors for eating on camera and they think it's just some amazing thing that they're doing it's very similar to my friends who shake their butt and then expects people to sponsor them it's not anything special you're not doing anything special it's just that whole thing of like doing the most mediocre things and expecting to get a lot out of it I don't know if it's like this specific girl it's just some things that I read I don't have time to go over it it's just something that I find with the fad positive I don't call it body positivity but the fad positivity movement and then we have a girl that doesn't have her pants pulled all the way up in the ground it says it's not you it's the pants it's not you as the pants have written over and over and over and over again and she's just kind of like what like it's not me it's the pants the back of a wall said it must be true so a lot of people from the fad positivity movement love to be in this imaginary world where they think it can't be me I'm never at fault it has to be this object that isn't alive doesn't move doesn't force-feed me it's their fault it's the pants fault the thing that's not even moving it's their fault they really subconsciously tell people that they are never at fault they never have to take a responsibility like it can't possibly be you overeating it's the pants fault I'm pretty sure that when my clothes don't fit because I'm replacing these with a lot of bags of hot cheetos and a lot of sitting on my butt watching anime and Disney movies like I know that it is my fault all on me nobody else's fault but mine but these people love to just point their finger at everybody every person and every inanimate objects other than themselves so that was just a few I thought it was really interesting of how many comments were like yes yeah I even my pants can't fit those pants their pants calm down but these posts really do influence people to think that this is okay having a ton of body fat is just peachy keen I mean when you're having heart problems losing feeling in your leg and the doctor tells you you're gonna have to get your leg amputated is all of that still gonna be your pants fault I don't think you're gonna be feeling too peachy keen after that so the people of the fat positive movement are the top villains of villain week congratulations ladies because what can be more villain like gonna lying to ladies saying that you guys look so cute as you walk into the doctor's office so he can tell you you have diabetes and not being truthful about the severity of being obese it's honestly just very sick that this is accessible and this is a movement I mean imagine if being anorexic are the anorexic movie movement came out and Eugenia Cooney was like the leader of the whole movement and they were marching in the streets demanding that they are beautiful and that they deserve to be on a cover of a magazine and more represented more in the media what's what you think so now amberlynn read though I have put off talking about this girl because I don't like talking about death I don't follow this girl because I don't like to follow death knowing that somebody is going to die makes me sad so I don't want to follow her if there was a hashtag describing amberlynn it would be hashtag death she is dying many of you guys have told me so reach out to amberle and read that i need to help her she needs a positive personal trainer in her life and i personally will not reach out to her if she reaches out to me of course i'm gonna be nice but so many people have tried to get through to her every damn day fitness obese obese who is morbidly obese himself who better to have in a circle than him I would die if I talk to obese to beast especially if I was overweight and struggling I mean what better motivation and none of those people who are amazing people and motivators and trainers could not get through to her she's had so many people reached out she has a whole fanbase wanting to support her she had a lot of free weight-loss products and help I would literally add nothing if I reached out to her amberlynn is a food addicts the only way to really get through that is to finally put your foot down and just say I'm gonna do this [ __ ] because I want to live I don't need anyone to push me I'm going to do this because I want to live I want to feel better and I want a healthier life amberlynn if you are watching this you probably do want to lose weight but you're addicted to food and attention way more than your want to lose weight if you really wanted to lose weight you would stop doing these mug things you would stop hanging around people that influence your binging behavior you would take advantage of your platform and the people who really want you to succeed and use it to fuel you you would take advantage of all the free weight loss that you most likely received and you would lose weight I know it sounds harsh but that's what she would do if she really wanted it but food is way more important to her attention is way more important to her oh [ __ ] everything's falling off [ __ ] dear it you don't be really quick my freaking chain fell off like I knew it would I'm not sure how it looked in the beginning there if my chin was partially falling off or what was going on but we're gonna go with it we're gonna make the final episode a little messy okay what was I ranting about before my chin fell off oh yeah amberlynn would use her platform and all the free stuff that I know she receives because of her following to her advantage and lose the weight she does not want to enough she's addicted to food she's addicted to attention and she is addicted to being at comfortable amber has gained over a hundred fifty pounds she started as a weight loss channel and she just turned into a weight gain channel her channel is literally watching death you are watching a very young woman slowly kill herself and people from the fad positive movement are saying she should accept herself the way she is that's disgusting more disgusting than my freaking nose and my chin falling off mid video it's just gross to me how dare they or anyone tell her oh you're fine the way you are how dare a movement say that about anyone her size or someone getting to her side it's pure evil if you ask me but I don't watch amberlynn I was never inclined to watch her after I would see a few other youtubers who I respect make their review after talking about her I am a past vendor so I have to work every single day to not fall back to what I used to be and I don't need that kind of influence in my life because it's very easy to fall back as you see amberlynn do all the time I will tell you a few things that she does wrong even though I feel like most youtubers have covered this and most of you probably know but I will look at my input of what I see from a trainer perspective very similar to Trisha Paytas she does the most extreme diets I saw her doing keto I saw her do like a Jenny Craig type thing not any crepe I think Weight Watchers something like that that um everyday damn fitness covered I mean she is obviously somebody that eats a lot of food a crap ton of food and she's thinks that she's going to be able to stick to these extreme diets where her calories get cut probably way less than half what she's normally in taking it's not gonna work and it's not working obviously she most likely should break up with her girlfriend they both are probably really bad influences on each other it's like two drug addicts that gets together that's not good they need to break up unless they're actually both of them are very dedicated into losing weight right now they're just influencing each other and that's not good she needs to quit YouTube that's just my opinion maybe YouTube's good for her I personally think she's been doing this for so long maybe it's time for a good change a nice cleanse and not reading all these comments about her just quit the whole internet and not like a 3-week Brittany dawn quit I mean really quit for like a year take time focus on yourself and then come back and you're like a whole different person lost all this weight hell if you're able to walk better people would love that I don't think people want to see amberlynn die I don't think they like to see her fail but I think they just expect it now and that's pretty sad I would hate for my followers to just expect me to fail that would just break my witty little heart man it's so much easier to actually be animated without that [ __ ] thing on my chin and that's really all I have to say about amberlynn I really just think that she doesn't give up with just a dash or maybe more than a dash of food addiction wrapped in there I can handle food addiction with clients and why not talking to people about food addiction but with people who actually really want to lose weight and put in the effort to lose weight who are not doing all these crazy diets and all these fad diets and and whatnot it looks like she's very addicted to the attention and it's easier to go this route and still get attention because let's be real people are gonna watch amber lynn until the day she freakin drops dead doesn't mean that people want her to drop dead but but people are not gonna stop watching her people still watch Brittany dawn she's making money off of views and a lot of people hate her but still people will watch her people are gonna watch Amber Lynn and it does influence her to stay the way that she is she needs to lose all of her subscribers she needs to lose all her fans I personally think she needs to lose the girlfriend she needs to lose all of that so that she can focus on herself and lose the weight and get healthier there's been a couple times where I just literally have to dust my hands off to a client and tell them look I can't train you I cannot help you they're wasting their time and they're wasting my time cuz I literally cannot add anything to them they have to do it I can't do it for them and amberlynn is one of those science where I would have to wash my hands clean and have a little trainer break up with my clients you might think that's mean and I have been cussed out when I do this you don't care you are only in it for the money you're this you're that and then you know they're super mad at me and then after about a year after they blocked me at everything they unblock me and they come back and they say thank you because when their trainer breaks up with them and they can't stick to it they know something something's wrong but I mean it's very heartbreaking when people yell at me when I have to break up with them you know trainer break up but it's also very refreshing when they come back and they say you know Michelle I'm happy you did that because I finally figured out that I have to do it myself no one can do this for amberlynn amberlynn knows this she knows what she has to do but she refuses to do it she refuses to listen and she refuses to commit and that's why I cannot help amberlynn because she doesn't truly want it and she doesn't truly once you put in the work without doing the quick fixes and the fad diet I wish her the best I'm always rooting for people who are trying to lose weight trying to get healthier I really hope she doesn't die but like I said if she stays on this path the path that she's been been on for a while she will die and very slow but painful death that she didn't have to go through she doesn't have to go through any of that it's all up to her what she feels is more important to living amber are those [ __ ] muck things that you keep doing let's end this on a very happy note oh wait I don't have my chin on anymore but Eugenia Cooney is supposed to be looking a lot fuller than she was before and we always stand for a momma who is doing something to better her health so I was really happy when you guys told me about that so I really hope you guys enjoyed Villain become sorry my chin for you can fell off I went in the last video to be super epic unless a chin falling off myth video is kind of epic all we need is the nose the fall off the last minute but if you did enjoy villain week let me know I absolutely love that I love dressing up like I said I was a theater kid and so I love taking on different personas and just dressing up like a villain and I hope most of you enjoyed it to someone in the comment section was like I don't under stand the cosplay thing I'm just kind of like I'm I'm not too sure what what there is to understand honey like I just dressed up that's all it that's all there is to it you just dress up I don't know how else to explain it so I'm sorry they probably really don't understand the whole chin falling off thing that probably just wrecked it turned off a whole bunch people who don't understand the cosplay thing but malfunctions happen by the way I am taking about two or more clients this week it should be up on my website and then once I finished the new people's plans I can take a little bit more see how I'm feeling I don't want to get overworked but I thought I would say you guys because you guys are always so light and into my DMS asking me what I'm gonna have open spots and I do now so with my chin falling off and freaked you out too much and you didn't die from my apple tree and you still want this little old witch to be your weird ass trainer and once the whole transaction is made you will get it email from me shortly thank you everyone for watching if you missed any of the videos I will link all the videos from villain week down below and I will see you guys all next week in my human form but since it is the last episode and we've done it every single video so far I will send you off with a final evil laugh [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 532,516
Rating: 4.9056816 out of 5
Keywords: amberlynn reid, weight loss, weight loss journey, plus size, fat loss, tess holiday, fat acceptance cringe, fat acceptance vs logic, fat acceptance cringe compilations, fat acceptance, amberlynn reid drama, amber lynn reid, weight gain, amberlynn reid weight gain, i will never help amberlynn reid, amberlynn reid food, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, Disney COsplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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