Fat Activist Says Making Children Eat Healthy is like SEXUAL ABUSE (Sonalee Rashatwar)

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[Laughter] it's just getting more freaky and not the good kind of freaky I literally got this for dramatic effect pinkies up let's do this pick it up pick it up pick it up you see the drippy unfitted off in my car and if giddy I do you secure the bag okay hello you guys just a little reminder my 12-week support group is up and running and ready for you to join if you're interested in having a positive support group along with a 12-week workout program click the link below all the information is on my website hello good morning and welcome to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you my name is Michele McDaniel I am a personal trainer a pug mommy sorry I we disturbed her slumber sleep lay down yeah and a cosplayer today we are doing another episode of responding to fat chicks crash snowballing off of my last video where we talked about finally the fat sex therapist who believes that people can be mentally conditioned to be attracted to fat women very similar to how people think that gay people can be mentally conditioned to not be gay the last two videos that I made on Sunday will be linked below if you want more information on her but you can just take it from me from here is that she is back crazy once again if you don't know anything about her then I recommend watching those videos because she is bat crazy she believes in things like diets is a form of white supremacy people who want to lose weight or have a healthier body or live a healthy lifestyle is brainwashed by whites straight men but mentally conditioned us to do this whole diet culture thing you know so she can mentally conditioned people to be attracted to fat women but it's wrong to be mentally conditioned to want to live a healthy lifestyle I'll personally take the mentally conditioned option to be living a healthier lifestyle which one would you guys choose so she says weird things like that but now miss Donnelly mirages guitar if I'm saying that right so if I'm not believes or is saying that personal trainers me are on the same level as Nazis she is pretty much comparing personal trainers who help people to people you know that whole thing that happened back in the day you know those times the concentration camps people getting murdered that's who she's comparing personal trainers to and I'm not yet no no she's also also saying that children dieting is on the same level as sexual assault you guys I am trying to get back into my little animated story times with my weird little stick figure drawings but someone Ali just literally just keeps just you know contents in my face that I have to talk about literally I have to this is a life and death situation so here we are talking about our favorite fat sex therapist where I don't know who gave her her credentials but here we are again let's read an article about the fat sex therapist and her speech that she gave at a college what call what college allowed this to come in there and make a speech to pretty young people st. Olaf alright hold on one second here I'm gonna play straight supper be an individual and just make a phone call hello st. Olaf oh thank you so much for picking up the phone I have an issue I would love to speak to the person who let someone by the name Sanne Lee rush tratar into into the college oh they don't they don't want to speak they're too embarrassed they understand their sins okay I gotcha they're too embarrassed to talk to us I understand I would be too by the way obese obese made his video on this first he got there way faster than I did he beat me to it so if you guys would after this video go check out his opinion on this topic let's read I truly believe that a child cannot consent to be on a diet the same way a child cannot consent to have sex this was of many comments made by Sanne Lee by her to our to our speech that was sponsored by wonderful Saints Ola college by the Women's and Gender Studies department and center of equity and inclusion on the topic of radical fats liberation radical fat liberation that just sounds deadly the talk included assertions that Fitness contributed to the recent rice church shooting that people should challenge the rule of law as well as the authority of and the police so pretty much the very sick thing that this sick individual is doing is she is saying because there she is pretty much bringing up a very sad event that happened where a person opened fire in a public area and injured and killed people individual who opened fire happens to be a personal trainer and so she is taking that story and using it to her advantage so that people can now embrace fat liberation if you want a picture of what evil looks like here it is another thing that she said during her educational speech is that you know this whole diet thing is white supremacy but she also says that another thing is a white supremacist type thing and that thing is science science is an act of white supremacy you see why I couldn't do a storytime because of this just blatant stupidity tonight we are gonna start by talking about how to politicize our definition of body image rochefort art began because of often times we actually get stuck thinking of it from a white supremacist lens she explained how white supremacy happens everyday in all these little little thing during the course of her talk refer to our license science as one of these supposedly white supremacists everyday things what is going on where it's a day you know where there is a speech going on at a college where science is a course biology chemistry and then she's going to say that is an act of white supremacy I think you guys can understand why I am wearing this today should be critical of the use of science and the production of knowledge to continue promoting this idea that certain bodies are fit able and desirable donnelly I don't think you understand there are people so big you that are not able to do certain things because they are so big as for the whole fit think there are some bigger people that are fit you can be fit and fats but when you get to a certain points where you are carrying so much extra weights I highly doubt that you can come off as being fit or do the things that fit individuals do I can put money on it and I don't like to spend money that I could probably just go a day at Disneyland and probably move around way longer faster with great walking form Vince on Olli can't we went to the zoo for my birthday and we were there from opening until about 7 p.m. and we walked all day you lost the whole park like multiple times and we only took about two or three breaks for food food that we brought and portioned out by the way because I didn't want to eat crappy food that would hinder me from being able to stay active and move and alert and not feel crappy after I ate but I remember because like I said most of my my family is obese and we would bring my aunt who would come visit who is a bigger woman and she's a sweetest person but whenever we would go to things like this we would constantly have to take breaks because her knees her ankles or her ability to just be able to keep moving finally Rushford har I'm pretty sure you are not able to do certain things that I can do and I'm sorry oh I'm so sorry I guess that's my fin privilege talking and as for desirable there are many people that desire fat women bodies and there are many people that don't desire fat women's body so you should probably just understand that it's subjective some people think that this is gross that this looks like a man and that is completely ok I don't want those people to desire me and I have no no reason to try and change their mind is it my fatness that causes my high blood pressure or is it my experience of weight stigma oh my god she then connected the science suggesting that obesity is unhealthy to Nazism saying that fat phobic science is often actually eugenic science eugenic science is Nazi science however she then pivoted to support scientific findings as she pondered intentionally pursuing weight loss claiming that what we are discovering scientifically is that that's not possible I get I completely get it so when science does not help further your perpetuation that obesity is completely healthy that's when you don't listen to science but when science proves your point then you decide to listen to probably like the very minimal studies that does prove your point that are probably by bias people who are in the fad positive movement Congrats you are completely loony you just won the loonie award of the year and there's still basically four months let's but I am going to award it to you right now Sanne Lee made my list this year in the last video and now you won the loonie award already before the year is already over wow what an accomplished person so the next part of the article is the part that I was talking about in the beginning of this video the evil part the part where I said if evil had a face this would be it where she then takes a very sensitive topic and then uses it to her own benefits you further her own little weird ass movement I do not think it's surprising that the man who shot up Christchurch New Zealand was also a fitness instructor after making this claim she added that the shooting is a clear communication that there still and idolized the body Nazis really love this idea of an idolized body and so it makes a lot of sense to me that a fitness instructor might also think about an idolized body in this thin white supremacist way what I hope you guys had the same reaction that I had because evil and stupid just dumped how are you gonna connect personal trainer Fitness Instructor to this massacre it's very funny that she makes this connection because she says that you know racism is phat phobic things like that and she likes to try to get people fat black women specifically on her side because she likes to do the whole racial thing right so she talks about judging people racist this this and that stigma a lot of people from this group likes you talk about how black people are looked at as you know very angry unhappy racial and bicho type people but then here she is a shooting happen and she's like I'm not surprised it's a fitness instructor because you know those people they're like Nazis what have you just redid this whole thing and it was a black person that did this whole massacre and someone said I'm not surprised it's a it was a black person because black people they're not Nazis but black people you know those black people from the streets always shooting their guns is this and it's so easy to find little flaws in the way that she preaches well how is she a therapist there aren't you supposed to be like extremely smart to be a fair bit supposed to be just a mastermind on the human brain why does it seem like she's just not educated at all campus reform reached out to st. Olaf media Department about Rochefort ours claims that the values of a fitness instructor paralleled those of the third reach no response has received in time for publication I am just pretty just just disgusted with Sanne Lee I'm just disgusted of how you know how the world is kind of going with this whole health at every size we should all be attracted to obesity if we are obese then we should just believe that we're healthy because we're living in the land of make-believe personal trainers are Nazis and making a child eats healthy and I'm talking about just healthy not these extreme diets just having your kid eat healthy food occasionally have you know the whole fun foods that kids like to eat but for the most part teaching your kid to have a healthy lifestyle how that is on the same level now according to this weirdo right here yes you're weird I told you you're on my list I have no filter towards you and your evil face how she can now say at a college for two hours straight that pudding having a child eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle is on the same level as sexual assault that is ridiculous and finally you are just an idiot you are foolish you are dumb you are finished what Sanne Lee is in the comment section there's also this picture that I found that I think is her when they're talking about her speech and I think she walks with a cane most likely walking with the cane because of her weights she is a ridiculous individual she is a sick individual and I have no problem with usually I'm just like I tried to tell you has to be nice but let her have it you guys I have no issue with anyone that wants to tell her what she really is all about money and feeling better about her looks and I don't feel sorry for any backlash that she is going to get or any backlash that she's receiving at this she deserves all of it what do you guys think of this do you think that having your kid eat healthy is on the same level as sexual assault because they can't consent to eating healthy do you think that personal trainers are Nazis they're on the same level as Nazi teaching people who want to learn about being healthy and lifting weights and being active that is an active Nazism my god anyway on a happier note I want to start doing this for my videos are a little bit more heavy and and ending in a positive note a successful very fat phobic before and after picture of someone who's a scientist take the steps to get healthy I'm a 24 year old 5 foot oh Hobbit that was obese I was 176 pounds and one day it took my doctor's advice poor man he spent years telling me to lose weight for health reasons and I kept ignoring him and so far I lost 56 pounds I'm 120 pounds now I'm more than happy with my weight I'm so full of energy and I don't have any physical pain anymore I wish I listen to my doctor sooner to be honest but I did in the end and that's what matters I would like to thank you too watching your videos keep me going stronger than ever on my fitness journey by the way I'm wearing the same Cardcaptor Sakura sure in the pig cuz even if it's too big now for me I can't and I won't get rid of my anime shirts and I might be a little biased for picking her picture because she's a fellow hobbit like me and she watches anime and was wearing an anime shirt so I kind of had to feature her but I loved her pick you guys remember I'm 5-2 and I weighed about like 180 175 when I was trying to lose weight and that looks about how my body was looking too except I had kind of like fat arms and then baller waist and all my weight seems to go to like the bottom half of me so that's why up people would pass me for not being obese but if I kept going the way that I was I would be this shape like most of my family members and this shape is a circle if I'm not doing it right I'm pretty sure I am or an oval that could work too there they're just very circular people in my family but I just want to end it with that she got to her goal she looks amazing she is healthy which is what we are focusing on and I wanted to say good for her I like ending with these type of things - Kipton it kind of end on a positive no so if you like this let me know and if you have a before-and-after in a really nice cool positive story to send me make sure to send it to me in my DMS I can't get to every single person but I saw this one I loved it and I wanted to share it if you guys are interested in that 12-week program it is on my website I link that below as well I would love to have you part of the group we start September 7th thank you guys so much for watching I really appreciate your comments I appreciate you guys hitting that subscribe button hit it and I just appreciate you guys being amazing positive and just great individuals that make me really enjoy posting to youtube thank you so much for everything remember you don't have to be a size 2 abs are great to have but not needed to be healthy but health is very important no matter what sauna Leros guitar feels in her very unhealthy body and evil soul I want all of you guys to be as healthy as possible thanks so much for watching I'll see you guys next time pick it up pick it up pick it up you see the trippy I'm sitting in my car in the kitty do you secure the bike yeah I get up you see the drippy unfitted and my karma kitty yeah he's secured of my key I get the bug flexors Fred scale like bone crunch don't take no car [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 202,886
Rating: 4.9827433 out of 5
Keywords: sonalee, sonalee rashatwar, fat activist cake, fat activist says, fat, fat activist, body positivity, body positive, body positivity vs fitness, health, haes, health at every size, tess holliday, vergie tovar, weight loss motivation, cringe, body positive cringe, react, sonalee fat, sonalee rashatwar talk, radical feminism, feminism vs logic, feminism cringe, feminism fails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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