Tess Holliday Too Fat Walks Runway BADLY - Too Thin Models BANNED in France!

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I just realized I don't really know much of tell-alls personality because he doesn't have much of a personality it was crazy for a little bit and then he just kind of went neutral hey guys welcome to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you my name is Michele McDaniel I am a personal trainer extremely proud mommy of a pug and a cosplayer cosplaying as Duvall from one of my favorite animes fairytale anyway it's a brand new day which means there's a new topic for us to talk about together so let's get it you see the champion fit in my car Miss Kitty I secure the bag so in today's news on this cosplay very weird highly cartoonish channel in France models are getting banned because they're too thin but then test holiday is being praised on the runway but she is too fat so I'm kind of trying to understand all of this but let's read an article together like we like to do France bans extremely thin models the modeling industry has long been under pressure for unrealistic images a law in France banning the use of unhealthily thin fashion models has come into effect and let me just interrupt for a second let me just say that I agree with some parts of body positivity the whole unrealistic body standards the whole have one type of beauty in the media to make everybody else feel ugly I know that puts a lot of pressure on girls makes girls feel a certain type of way I was one until I said you know what this and started doing things my way got some muscle not strong as freak and said you know what if you guys think I look like a man that's ok with me because I love my body and to me that that's what body positivity is for me getting healthy feeling strong feeling confident and just doing your thing accepting my body even if other people don't because I love it but as for very thin models I think that is great that they are trying to crack down on women being too thin because as we know there's a lot of body pressure and just the need to be very thin and it creates a lot of eating disorders in the modeling industry models will need to provide a doctor certificate attesting to their overall physical health with special regards to their body mass index BMI a measure of weight in relation to height the Health Ministry says the aim is to fight eating disorders and inaccessible ideals of beauty digitally altered photos will also have to be labeled from the 1st of October images where a models appearance has been manipulated will need to be marked fotografia wrote it yeah I don't speak French but they have the English here for us non cultured people retouched photographed yeah I say in the United States I'm dying I don't have the money to go to different places but if anybody wants to make fun the way that I can't pronounce certain languages you are very much more than welcome to fund my trip - to a beautiful France I would love that if you're that passionate with my non cultured miss a previous version of the bill had suggested a minimum BMI for models prompting protests for modeling agencies in France models must provide a doctor's note when applying for jobs but the final version backed by MPs 2015 allows doctors to decide whether a model is too thin by taking into account their weight age and body and she no see this is what I find very funny about this because a lot of the body-positive women are like rooting about this part but then they say there's no connection between obesity and all these health issues that doctors are saying that you can have if you're obese but then here they are like praising this stuff and you know like if you don't know someone's look or someone's health by just looking at them then why is this okay to the body positive people but not okay when a doctor looks at an obese person who severely over be obese and says you're not healthy you need to lose weight how is that wrong and then a telling a thin model you're not healthy you can't model is right I personally think you can tell someone's health you if they're obese that's not healthy we all know that having too much body fat is unhealthy like we said the visceral fat getting to a certain extent when it's around the stomach that internal fat that suffocates your internal organs which is not good when you're obese and definitely morbidly obese that is not good just like being too thin is not good but it's kind of harder to tell someone who's just naturally thin like my mom is very thin she's like the only person that is like straight up and down in my family and people all the time tell her that she's anorexic and she needs to gain weight in this this and that she eats she just eats very healthy she doesn't like to overeat and she doesn't like to go out very much and that's just how her body age so I'm curious to know like what what they are going to declare is unhealthy for a thin woman especially because these women are very tall so they're gonna just be very like long and you know like that's what they like on the runway that's what they want to hire so I'm just very interested to see what exactly is like no you're too thin doesn't this article that I found they didn't have any pictures employers breaking the law cat face fines up to 75,000 euros that's eighty two thousand US dollars and up to six months in jail exposing young people to normative and unrealistic images of bodies leads to a sense of self deprecation and poor self-esteem back in impact health-related behavior said Frances Minister of Social Affairs and health France is not the first country to legislate on underweight models Italy Spain and Israel have all done so anorexia affects between 30,000 to 40,000 people in France ninety percent of whom are women so I don't know how you guys are feeling I'm personally feeling mixed feelings on this I think the modeling industry whether you're skinny thicker this or that gives people unrealistic body and just looks-wise expectations as it is I think there's any secret there there's so many of those things that's why they're trying to take away the likes on Instagram that you can't see the likes anymore because Instagram makes girls feel a certain way about their look so now they're going to take away the likes but some of my friends that move to LA because of just the environment they just get very much into their looks and just insecure super insecure super gorgeous girls super insecure girls and I just think that industry when it's all focused on pretty much your looks and being pretty it's going to [ __ ] you up no matter what and that's why I got the freak out of bikini and figure competition because that [ __ ] will freak you up too mentally so like I said I'm not sure how I feel about this because yeah there are some there's some really bad health issues that go on in the modeling industry for being too thin there's a high percentage of women that have eating disorders that are in that line of work as with anything that is focused completely on your body so I agree with them there but at the same time how are you really going to fix it when it's all focus on your body there's going to be a lot of issues like that as there is in bodybuilding where people think is super healthy people have muscle right it's one of the unhealthiest things that you can do for your body if you are thinking about getting into bodybuilding or fitness competitions or figure competitions bikini competitions anything like getting on stage with muscle and you think it's you're gonna get healthy I really recommend not doing it especially if you had a past eating disorder I do not recommend it mine went just soaring to the sky when I competed so uh be careful if that's what you want to do so I just want to talk about this because I just thought it was interesting that now that thin girls are getting docked for being unhealthy looking but at the same time they have test holiday a morbidly obese woman who advocates for health at every size ironic because they said a certain weight is not healthy funny how that worked out but um held that every size you have to tease for help at every size there's tons of studies saying showing that her size is not healthy and she just walked the runway what can I say I'm finally part of the acro mat family last night was the first time walking for a major designer in NY FW and I can't think of anyone better to experience this with Ben crow Matt thank you you're changing the industry one runway at a time hashtag F your beauty standards and then she wears this thing just draped over her I don't feel like this is flattering and I've seen her wear some pretty flattering things she's not an ugly girl she has a really pretty face she's in a morbidly obese person and a not healthy person and I've heard she's not very kind either but this dress does not look good it looks like a sheet just draped over her it's just the thing that they found that that could fit her body and they threw it on her and said well there you go go girl get on stage and besides they'll look her walk we've talked about this before when that plus-size model that said Tess Holliday is not a good model she doesn't know how to walk she's just not a trained a good model they put her on stage in my opinion because she's gonna bring the views she's going to get talked about and that's their show will get talked about and their show will look like it's a good show because they are all inclusive they never puts us Holliday in this show because she's a good model they put Seth Holliday in this show because they like money they are not body positive they are money positive so let's look at the way that she walks [Music] [Applause] and you can see everybody then pull out their phones because this is not normal on the runway normal body type in everyday life yes because everyone is you know obesity is that and now a thing it's the percentages are very very high but definitely not normal on a runway I personally would not call that a strut I call it a clump because when me wouldn't have models come in when I was in fashion school and we would you know have them walk to see this ones that we would like in our show and we saw someone walking like her we would say you're clunking it just looks like you're just clunking down the runway and she's walking like that because of her weight and so besides all the clunking the horrible walks the slights shoulders rolled forward then not being straight up and confident walk that you want on the runway to be able to show the clothes which I really understand why they picked that dress because the dress is not good besides all of that that she did she then ends her Klunk walk with a nice big old boobs shimmy at the end as if to say I've got a lot more boobs than these skinny girls do because boobs are fat and I'm fat and proud and then after that very long awkward clunk back to the back area of the runway [Music] a actual model comes out and you can just you can't even see the model very well but you can use the confidence and the preparedness just out pours through the phone to the end of the runway wherever this person is where this person is holding this phone recording test holidays clunk and you can see that her chest is up her chin is level she is walking with confidence with a nice little stride she looks like a model and Tess Holliday does not look like a model not only because of her weight but because the way that her weight affects the way that she walks and presents herself on stage and she walks the exact same as the model I came out second that I barely could see but could tell that that model had her [ __ ] together I would have absolutely nothing to say well besides the fact that her weight does take away from the clothing and I would still be very distracted but she could make it up with her walk but she didn't she just looks how Opie's and morbidly obese people walk just looks more like a clunk and a side-to-side movement that I see in a lot of obese and morbidly obese people when they walk around so I guess my question is to you would you like for the modeling industry to crack down more on unrealistic body expectations and cracking down to make sure the models are healthy and if they are not they're not allowed to WOM that being said I personally would love that if it went both ways the model is too thin and she's showing that she is not eating enough cuz there are things that happen when you are too thin for a long enough time that there's you know starts things start shutting down in your body because you are malnourished but I would also like that type of energy going towards models because Tess holdy is a model now tortoise Holliday and them saying sorry Tess you are not allowed to be part of this because you are not healthy and you are spreading unhealthy images to our younger generation and women that watched the the show I would be all in it if that was the case but I feel like they are only going to crack down on these thin people especially if that happens whatever happened in France comes over here and they start cracking down on the modeling agencies I don't think they would ever go after Tess unless we make a big deal out of it and keep talking about it and causing a ruckus through the internet because that's really all we can do but that that acceptance movement did and they seem like they're doing pretty good so that's why we're gonna keep talking about it so let me know your opinions on this would you like them to crack down on models who are too thin and if so then when you want them to crack down on models who are obese like says Holliday if you are someone from the fat acceptance community who is very happy about them cracking down on thin models for being unhealthy then I would very much think that you would want the same for the opposite spectrum because both extremes are very unhealthy I am looking forward to everyone's comment remember I read most of the comments when the video is new I hope you enjoyed my blue hair and my high symbol here I'm sure some of you who are not part of the anime community you probably think I'm some kind of sorcerer devil worshiper weird person that one that one's correct so things you guys for watching I will see you guys next video remember you don't have to be a size too biceps take it I'm not wearing a freaking tank top today but big biceps are great to have but not need it to be healthy but health is very important and I want all of you guys to be as healthy as you possibly can thank you so much for watching don't forget to follow me on Instagram for more cost please and I will see you guys next time this week's subscriber spotlight is live last love from Instagram 2013 decided to get my life together I weighed 285 2014 lost 81 pounds in about a year ruptured my Achilles tendon and needed surgery went into bad depression gained weight back without than 18 experience loss of health issues but I got my life back together 2019 currently have lost 95 pounds over the last year and still have about 45 more to go but going strong Congrats girl we and all my subscribers are very very proud of you good job and keep on going pick it up pick it up you see the droopy unfitted off in my car love kitty I secure the bag I get the you see the drippy I'm finished and my karma kitty I secured the Mikey I get to bust open on the flexors [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 482,705
Rating: 4.9309416 out of 5
Keywords: tess holliday, body positivity, fat acceptance, tess holliday too fat on the run way, tess hollidya walks run way, Fat acceptance, new york, Fashion week, NYC, Models banned for being too thin, thin models banned, tess holliday runway, tess holliday cringe, tess holliday workout, fat positive, my thoughts will probably offend you fat, my thoughts will probably offend you tess holliday, responding to fat chicks: fat positive posts, responding to fat chicks:
Id: Omq0PZFvfdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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