Instagram Model Has Meltdown Because She Has To Get an ACTUAL JOB

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so you know what just really but just really makes me wanna are those clients you just put out the most minimal amount of work and expect the most bomb-ass results we really do live in a world where people expect to do absolutely nothing and receive everything so it's a day we're talking about an instant model that's upset because she might have to work a normal job oh god you mean the thing that people have to do so they can be able to eat that's just straight madness alright so I'm just gonna say this right now right in the beginning I don't feel bad for this certain person but I don't want you guys to form your opinion right now I want you to watch the whole video get all the information and then at the end of the video I'll ask you again if you feel bad for this girl after you watch the video so today we're gonna talk about 21 year old Jesse Taylor she's an ex tripper and hooker who openly says she has sex for money wanted to address some of the people that are commenting on my old choices a lifestyle for wine the reason that I did prostitution was to have a nice roof over my head and I was stripping at the time and I'm not saying that every young girl should do this at all cuz it's never a good choice but that's the decision that I made what to do but not just anyone she will have sex with she has sex with rich men professional soccer players rappers but I mean if you're gonna sleep with somebody for free why not just get paid for it you know I'm not encouraging it I'm just saying you know you only know that you're gonna talk to this person one time and they offer you a shoot ton of money yeah you're gonna like for me I took it because then that gave me more time to work on my social media content so I wouldn't have to worry about my rent for two months and I could just film videos and come up new ideas that is the reason why I did it so I could my attention towards my music and social media and stuff basically many will pay good money for her to have sex with them remember what I told you guys in my Shiloh King video that I have friends that get paid to take pictures with guys we're kind of socially awkward it's not just the socially awkward guys paying money to have sex with attractive women a water movement that have a lot of money to just throw away will pay women to have sex with them I mean if guys are gonna pay money just to take a picture with a pretty girl or just hang out with a pretty girl what do you think I'll happen if they gave him some Oh money sex sex will happen you guys that the S word and I'm not trying to talk crap about women that decide to do these kind of things I like I said I have friends that do this this is how I get a lot of my information but I wanted to give you some background on her and give you guys like the reality of the situation any girl not any girl but most of the girls that you see on Instagram the really like popular chick but even the popular chicks some some girls don't even have that much of a following but they're in that Hollywood crowd or that professional football player crowd and they're on these private jets and they're going to these private islands do you think they have the money for that these men have a lot of money have their girl squad and they will pay for trips and and pay the money and have them stamp their different mansions or whatever and they get to have sex with them and then the girl gets free trips money nails done whatever she wants man if I could tell you guys the stuff that I know about those high-class people but uh my friends are just very lucky that I have a trustworthy person so I won't tell you guys like all the details that I know about all a lot of people but I will give you little hints Jesse Taylor is just one of the many girls that are doing something that a lot of those girls that you see on Instagram are doing it's actually very very normal so Jesse recently posted a video of her not crying full-on weeping weeping tears blowing snot dripping ugly crying to the max I mean we've all had those ugly cry moments she just decided to put hers on YouTube and looking at this clip that I'm showing you you might be saying oh my gosh you feel so bad for her she's obviously crying for a very good reason but the reason she's crying is because she got her Instagram delete it no that definitely sucks and I would be upset if my Instagram got taken away from me I love talking to you guys I love interacting I love posting my cosplay stuff it's very very very fun look at that right there so then I got very interested as to why she got her Instagram taken away because you get it actually just ripped off the internet you had to do something very bad now like I said it did get taken off for a while so a lot of her content she ended up getting it back I think I'm not sure I saw it it is back up but a lot of the content is gone but I did look up a few things that made a lot of people who knew of Jessie not very fond of her it couldn't be the fact that she was twerking and clapping her booty cheeks together on Instagram because there are so many Instagram accounts like that that are flourishing and still up and running on Instagram it had to be something else and I did a little bit of research Jessie Taylor supposedly caused physical harm to another individual by putting bleach into someone else's shampoo the bottles causing a painful rash to that person there was also a live stream of her making fun of a woman because she's black and Jessie blatantly saying that she is in fact racist insecure about the fact that she's more like bad looking in you and you need to assess [ __ ] black no wait why are you kidding me right here I am believe me over you honey because you're a hood rat and I'm not so he has to go got more about that there's a lot of different things that I found about Jessie just googling her name but like I said a lot of her videos got deleted because of the content that she was producing but I did just want to set the mood before we get to her original video I want to react to and along with why I said what I said in the beginning of this video but the more that I find about her it looks like she is the one that causes all of the drama that happens in her life but now that we have a little bit of a background let's get Cece Taylor's very emotional video of telling people to stop reporting her Instagram it might instigate we can't delete it yet I tried to get it back I'm calling everybody I can yeah I don't know why it's not my geography I wanted you guys I told you it is an ugly cry session but we've all had those we've all had an ugly cry I'm not making fun of her because of that I know my ass oh I've had plenty ugly crying and I am very happy I did not fill myself ugly crying I been away because of this I've been all way because I want to be on Instagram and I really just recorded this too but this is the video I am nothing without my following following and would people try to hate on me report me I've literally tried to be a [ __ ] better person okay so this is something I want to talk about because this is what happens when Instagram is literally your life and all you have to offer is Instagram all you have to offer are your looks all you have to offer is your body to be that heartbroken and that frazzled and saying that Instagram is your life that's your freaking life Instagram is pretty sad and that's totally fine if Instagram is your job it's partly my job I have a lot of you guys purchasing my workout programs through my Instagram but I don't put all of my faith in Instagram but that being said though imagine because all of our looks they fade you're not always gonna have your looks you're not always you possibly might not always have your body something bad or unfortunate might happen to your body which sucks that's very sad but that's something you have to think about for the future and if that's all you offer on her on your Instagram what she does is she only offers basically her body also says she wraps and has a SoundCloud but I mean who doesn't route my dog oh she wraps for the people that don't know yes I do music I rap I've been rapping since I was 13 years old I don't think she makes any money from the whole rap thing if she does it's very little I think she makes most of her money from the vagina so I think that's very important to think about if you're going to base your Instagram off of completely just your looks mentally that'sthat's gonna mentally just you especially as you age because we're all gonna look different I have friends like I said that are kind of in that industry and it's literally all about your looks nothing about your personality nothing else everything is based on their looks and their they're gorgeous just gorgeous women and some of the things they say man ah they're insecure I mean like they see one tiny flaw and they flip out it's gonna be a doozy as they age so I mean it's just something to think about if you're going to really put that much focus on an Instagram and then make it all about your looks because looks will fate and if all you have to offer are your looks and your body then what are you going to offer once they start to go downhill I want to say to everybody that's been reporting me think twice because you're Rudy buy light because I make all of my money I'll buy all of it and I don't want to lose that and I don't people like to see me beat out and be like that and be like the 90 percenter is the people that work nine to five that is not me I am in LA to not be like that so she literally says it right here through all its gears I'm a snob and the raspy voice saying that she does not want to work that nine-to-five she is basically in LA to not work a nine-to-five expensive to live in LA it's expensive to live in California so she said that she moved here to not have to work that nine-to-five but she moved here to LA because that's where we're all a lot of the men that have the money the celebrities a lot of the athletes go there and they make they meet up with these girls they have sex I don't know if it's great sex but I know they have sex and they get paid in LA or Miami is like the hot spots do you find these guys and get in with that crowd was it bad doing sleeping because I was only doing it with high-end clients like professional soccer players and professional football players honestly rappers do not pay you at all if anything they want it for free so I just find it kind of funny that she's kind of just saying that she's like moves la bete to further her career but I mean it's reality you're just trying to find the celebrities and the high-profile clients dudes that will pay you good money to have sex with them so then you don't have to work a nine-to-five job we're so [ __ ] hard to get to work at for that to get taken from me is the worst but you feel like in the world I mean that's subjective I'm pretty sure it gets tiring you know I don't know I'm not being sarcastic saying this I'm sure it's tiring having sex for money it's a job I guess it doesn't get tiring but it doesn't the time it takes to do that compared to the nine-to-five job it's completely different i don't know i'm so triggered by the fact that she said she worked so hard because I mean like I said I know a lot I know how much they get paid and I'm talking not 20,000 not 30,000 sometimes $50,000 you guys just to have sex with a high-profile guy I'm talking school paid for House paid for people grind a long time to get that amount of money and girls can make that like that I'm not hating the hating the grind but I'm talking facts here that's oh you got your money a lot faster than someone working a nine-to-five which is why she is crying she doesn't want to work as hard as someone who doesn't nine-to-five suck we all know that that's why she doesn't want to do that I don't think anybody wants to do that but I think people like to eat and live so we have to also she said she worked so hard to get all of her Instagram followers we're so [ __ ] hard to get to work i Jesse girl Jess Jess can I call you Jess Jess Jess he literally just showed her butts to get a following that's the easiest way to get a following you want to get a freaking large following quick show your butt it is a for sure method to get a big following it's really not that far I've seen girls blow up wait they freakin surpassed my black behind once those booty shots start going on their Instagram oh it's uphill from there it's like every little once again I'm not hitting on her the way that she got up but let's just be honest here you showed your butt it's not that hard me I got the gopis so noise BAM you don't have to go to school for this you don't take a class for this you don't have to go through training for this you literally just showed your butt cheeks so yeah a lot of people go after in smiles because they show their butt I want to say this right now I personally don't care if girls want to show their butt cheeks I care when people want to like take some crotch shots like this and then hashtag like Fitness that's comical but if you're something that just loves to show your body I've got friends like that friend the other day I was scrolling through my Instagram and I just see a button right there right in my face and then I get to the caption and it says hashtag look at my book yes thank you that's what I want those instant models to start doing that's amazing because that's what you want to happen look at that booty but don't be talking about oh I worked so hard like no you literally just showed your butt like this is my [ __ ] life I have nothing I was the [ __ ] prostitute for God's sakes yeah I was looks like a prostitute I stripped every single day I don't even do that [ __ ] anymore because I make all of my money up so now see basically saying that since she doesn't have her Instagram she has no way to make an income which I find weird because when I like I said things could have gotten got removed but usually the way that people make money on Instagram is they make posts about products and I wasn't seeing a lot of products on her Instagram so I personally think she really just gets paid to have sex with these high profile and then I'm gonna go ask my friends and see um just for my own nosy self if they know who she is but usually it's gonna make money on Instagram you have to make posts so I didn't see no posts on her Instagram so I'm pretty sure she's still prostituting but for higher profile men but basically her she's saying oh now let you guys have Instagram she has to go back to being a prostitute and going back to being a stripper first of all I trade a couple strippers they make a lot of money like a lot of money so chicks kinda crazy if she thinks she can't make a lot of money going back to being a stripper especially now if she has high-profile clients that pay well you get them into your club with all their little rich friends you're good even without an Instagram I don't want to go back to that light from the bottom I heart I love you had this wanting me to get my god deleted imagine if you were in my shoes I was abandoned from my [ __ ] family I've been backstabbed from everybody I know it just seems like she's one of those people that likes to blame everybody else for her issues that she brought upon herself I don't think people hate her because she has sex for money or because she was a stripper I think it's just her attitude you told me in the comment section but that's what I think like I said I'm friends with quite a bit of stripper it's quite a bit of girls that have sex for money that's their lifestyle not my thing but they have great personalities this girl just seems like she is not a joy to be around bag stars from everybody I know except for maybe two people three people in my life are you [ __ ] people my life is not back yet okay that's nothing to do with the video I don't know what that's about for that like you having three people not backstab you it has nothing to do with the video I think she's just trying to bring up things so that the audience can feel that worker which is also weird because her audience is going to be mostly men and the men aren't really going to care because once again there are so many girls that show their butt on Instagram so losing one isn't that big of a deal like journey be my shoes for was because I guarantee you none of you would [ __ ] loss emissions she decided to put herself in that situation according to sources like actually her mouth in a video that I found that her parents are actually pretty riffs like they're not poor so she's the one that wanted to leave and probably have a certain type of lifestyle that's her choice talk your [ __ ] I'm still gonna be the same bad shot that in today if you're watching this from my [ __ ] high school or middle school saying oh well perfect life or parents are really rich and [ __ ] like that first off first off just cuz my parents are rich does not make me rich this whole house that you [ __ ] you see that I've been recording in is my [ __ ] money I paint so need $500 to move in here to clean up my credit and pay the security deposit and if it's your choice there's absolutely no point in crying all about this because you also have a choice to chain and you have the choice do not make the same choices that you made before that affected you badly and the present and I just got back from [ __ ] San Fran in just seven hours to try to get a [ __ ] verification just for my girl to be [ __ ] delete it stop [ __ ] reporting me bro what some of you guys have to realize is I have no skills I have no skills I [Music] why would she say that if you're trying to make people feel bad for you why would you say I have no skills girl go get some skills know like nunchuck skills bow hunting skills do you think people were just born with skills you have to learn people learn things so that they can gain their skills and then they're able to start a business or get a good job or do something she is 21 years old and she thinks the only thing that she can do is be on Instagram because it is her life it is actually very sad but I feel like it's her choice I think that she's just someone that does not want to work she wants the easy way to make money I'm twenty [ __ ] thousand dollars in debt from school from college so I can't even go to college if I [ __ ] wanted to oh and about the twenty thousand dollars in debt a lot of these girls at least the ones that I know - and that's just something that I see in a lot of them is that they will love to spend money like money and looks is their whole freaking world and they like they have no sense of saving or you know not splurging there's so much money so easily they just spend it this Gucci bag I literally work so [ __ ] hard for it my MCM this is all my money this isn't mommy and daddy's money at the end of the day like I'm 21 years old I don't think I don't think people realize I'm an adult bro so it really doesn't surprise me that's just $20,000 in debts I don't know how she's in debt maybe it's from school but if you think about it the amount of money that you get from these high-profile clients she could have paid that off but I'm pretty sure she spends it on things that he didn't need because she wants to flex on Instagram I used to work at [ __ ] McDonald's before I did [ __ ] YouTube Instagram before I had a hundred thousand followers before I had everything in my life I was a [ __ ] loser like working at McDonald's what's stopping her from home herself and going back to McDonald's and working if you want to make money and find a job do something mow lawns do something come up with a plan don't just open your camera and and beg to get your Instagram back so you can sit there on your ass and do absolutely nothing stop [ __ ] reporting me bro and then say you work hard and then continue to put content on there that violates instagrams rules and then cry about it for your mistake from the bottom of my heart it's the mistake that you chose to do it was the [ __ ] loser like working at McDonald's not saying there's anything wrong with be worrying me jealous cuz I worked there but I don't want to go back to that life I'm perfectly happy where I'm at and I have no job qualifications I could never work a normal job I am worthless I am I bring nothing to the table zero I bring knuckles say goodbye to ever getting a job now because you literally are saying right here that you have no qualifications for anything so if this Instagram or YouTube thing doesn't work out now she's really stuffing to the [ __ ] table when it comes to that this badly like proves me right about a lot of instant models because they literally only have their looks that's it I am very lucky to know some bomb-ass and smiles that have the looks and a freaking amazing fun personality bacon paid very well I'm very curious to know how much she gets paid because her personality is very different from my friends that's different oh he's gonna fight the people I was get kicked out of places like I not work material once again choices why are you getting in fights why are you getting kicked out places that doesn't sound like a human being that's that's great to be around if you're always fighting and getting kicked out of it places sounds like a lot of the issues that she could probably fix herself it's not gonna get fixed by having an Instagram having an Instagram probably influences her to act a certain I will never be work material so stop [ __ ] reporting me on [ __ ] Instagram the last thing I want to do is be a [ __ ] homeless prostitute on the [ __ ] Street doing bad that is the last thing I'm fighting what it did stop by you try to ruin my life while the [ __ ] guys decided trolls out there oh my god I got a little intense there at the end she literally lined out everything she didn't want to be a freaking homeless prostitute doing meth on the corner next to Walmart with with like no with not working at McDonald's so now that we all watched the video I'm gonna like backtrack a little bit and just say I cannot stand people and I would see this with some of my clients that I would have to tell them I can't work with you anymore because they they give gave me the absolute smallest amount of effort during their workouts during their their eating you know their nutritional habits and they expected so much this girl expects to do the smallest amount of work and expects so much I have no job qualifications oh and when those clients would blame me for them not getting results that would just make me wanna [Music] [Applause] [Music] and very similar here she wants to blame the people that are reporting her Instagram because it does violate instagrams rules to stop [ __ ] reporting me on [ __ ] Instagram the last thing I want to do is be a [ __ ] homeless prostitute the [ __ ] street doing that she wants to blame them for her Instagram being deleted she doesn't wanna blame herself for her concent she wants to blame other people for for reporting her content stop [ __ ] reporting me bro what she knows violates instagrams rules but let's give her the benefit of the doubt and let's check out some of her her posts because I love content I love looking at other people's profiles I love seeing what other people are up to apparently she is being a better person she has very valuable content on her Instagram let's check it out and just see her for ourselves so the caption was when you see a hot guy and you try to get his attention with your hype man true story um let's look at another one when your best friend third wheels oh sure I mean they seem like every other you know how a lot of those Instagram models are like super popular Instagram influencers post their hashtag comedy videos that everyone doesn't laugh at usually seems very similar to that but look like of some of these post she says she's trying to be a better person asked me at the [ __ ] a pregnancy Israel no a [ __ ] I did it for mother mother [ __ ] cloud you think I ruined my mother [ __ ] body and my rap career for those get real never I think I'd rather kill myself than how the kid I'm just going up y'all don't even know what the [ __ ] about that happened no cat I am you some [ __ ] common sense do you think I really kill my [ __ ] career I got the gopis oh no spin off over a baby not a [ __ ] I'm gonna [ __ ] straight to Planet Planned Parenthood if that were to happen no babies 2019 2020 in 2000 2001 the list goes on I'm [ __ ] gonna have a kid so I'm like oldest [ __ ] cat no cat period so I guess you lied about being pregnant for clout but she said in the video I did it for month a [ __ ] cloud yes she just really needed attention I mean there's gotta be some kind of motivational pose of her being a better human being like she said double tap and come chill with me for a little Kurt of Houston Texas [ __ ] I'm rented that 100 so I wouldn't call it quality content the stuff that she has on her Instagram now but like I said before it's just like any other type of booty cheek Instagram it doesn't set her apart from anybody it's not something that I personally would follow or find interesting but even people who who are into that kind of stuff even if they did I lose her Instagram they've got a thousand probably millions of other girls that they can follow that have the same exact content so there we go a lot to think of a lot to type in that comment section and I read every single comment so make sure to take these and do this to your keyboard or your this to your phone and leave me your comments about what you think do you feel bad that she got her Instagram taken away because I most definitely still do not I think she hasn't entitled we can play the same game as we played last time I think she even entitled fill in the blank here I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up button and the subscribe button if you aren't subscribed already if you want more of me or want to send me more ideas for videos DM me on Instagram and I will see you guys next time I remember get some skills study a little bit learn things definitely do not just move la with no skills feel like it won't turn out that great bye guys [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 459,004
Rating: 4.9534702 out of 5
Keywords: instagram model, instagram model cries, jessy taylor, insta model, jessy taylor meltdown, jessy taylor rap, jessy taylor kristen hancher, jessy taylor meltdown on youtube, stop reporting my instagram account, instagram, instagram influencer, jessy taylor instagram racist, instagram disabled my account, instagram disabled for violating terms, instagram disabled account fix, instamodel cries over getting a job, michele mcdaniel
Id: B6B4woxN2kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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