You Chose To be Fat...DEAL WITH IT

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hello I'm meeting my arrival and a healthy lifestyle they take over town that's not my problem I think no responsibility with the information that I put out just like the essence movement that's how it works [Music] [Music] welcome to the weirdest because play is but informative channel on YouTube my name is him aka Michelle McDaniel Pass binge eater and food addict turned personal trainer proud pub mami and past Thea Turner turned grown-up cosplayer who now has eg channel that you are now watching where I will go in and out of character so get ready for some weird because this is the finale of The Powerpuff Girls videos on this channel did I please you with this look oh wait I forgot ha whatever this low-rate video is extremely stupid no wonder you only have less than 30 thousand followers your hate shows and because of that your channel will never grow quads up YouTube now let's start with today's content okay today we are talking about three major fat positive influencers test holiday a fat positive morbidly obese model Virgie Tovar a fat positive writer and author known for her book you have the right to remain fat you might know her more as the woman who said it's fat phobic to ask for a smaller slice of cake and my absolute favorite sauna leros guitar that positive sex therapist tells her clients that it's okay that they eat so much to the point that it causes physical pain so that if you aren't attracted to fat women well you should then watch fat porn so that your brain can be mentally conditioned to be attracted to fat women you know how many religious people think that you can just pray the gay away and they mentally conditioned gay people to not be gay same tactic and also says putting a child on a diet is on the same level as sexual abuse we have a great lineup today people so let's just go all right into this so something I've noticed that these fad activists love to do is act like they are the only ones that get made fun of or in their words attack and the reason they do this is to help them progress with their movement or narrative this person said best mean things to me because the world is so fat phobic everywhere I go people just attacked me for my weight the world hates fat people they're telling us we deserve to die no they're telling you that you're going to die a very painful death if you stay obese no one except God people understands what it feels like to get made fun of for the way that you look except fat people but I love myself and you should love yourself too by the way by my book hashtag at your beauty standard I literally got verbally assaulted yesterday on the street for the first time someone basically shouted some really nasty things at me but I just thought like if someone would have been wearing that that was you know an average size probably no one would have shouted at them but because I happen to be fat and I'm wearing something that shows off my body it offends people it's kind of the same like my Instagram I'm just here living my life I'm not saying that mean people don't exist I'm not saying that fat people do not get harassed or made fun of or whispered about when they walk by a group what I am saying is that everyone at some point in their life has gotten made fun of for the way that they look but for some reason when it happens to a fat person a movement starts to accept obesity all you have to do is go to anyone's profile who is extremely thin and then read all the read comments in fact I want to say all my friends clients who are thin will get comments daily very similar to how Tess Hawley perceives this horrid world that she has to live in if my thin friend is eating you know you don't eat all of that every thin friend is not eating are you not eating are you okay because you know you're thin so maybe try to eat something when they decide to eat a salad it's not all you're going to eat don't you want to put some more on your plate you know like something other than a solid because you're thin people pinch out their skin tell them they're to this or to that and they need to eat more this and more of that tell people obesity isn't healthy a movement starts saying you should love yourself don't let society tell you that you aren't beautiful nobody said that you aren't beautiful beauty is very subjective what they are saying is that obesity is unhealthy it's that simple Townsville don't read too into it everybody gets insulted and usually when there is someone that has the balls enough to yell something out to someone to insult them it is 100 percent always going to be about your looks because that person knows absolutely nothing about you and they're too dumb to come up with anything to actually insult you on the first thing that these fat acceptance our body positive individuals like to make fun of me on is what the first comment I get is you look like a man and guess what honey I'm the most iconic cross dresser that Cartoon Network will ever have just try and cancel me like they canceled miss Bella please [ __ ] I'm uncountable but the very normal comment I get is that I look like a man because I have muscles and that's usually coming from the fat acceptance or body positive individuals but guess what I put myself on the internet and I opened myself up to comments like that so Tess Holliday shares all of these comments on this post as if to say look at all these horrible comments these people are so mean and it's all because I'm fat girl you're an influencer it comes with the territory especially on the internet people don't have to face consequences on the Internet normally there are faceless people and they have the most confidence when they are faceless everybody gets them every single influencer has gotten a bunch of bad comments but for some reason the fad positive individuals use this to push their narrative and profit off of it Tess holiday made herself fat she markets herself as fat she profits off of her fat body she is an influencer she puts herself out there people will make fun of you people will say mean things no matter if you're fat skinny buff average doesn't matter nobody's immune even this beautiful lobster man you see right here people watching right now tell me in the comments section something that you have been shamed over let us know the body-positive movement started out great I agreed with at first love yourself everyone has to tell you like flat stomachs are not needed being super thin is not needed burn victims and others people who went through traumatic physically changing experiences that they cannot change you are beautiful that is amazing but then these obese lazy in title and hoard women came up and stole it from you and and made it all about themselves Oh Townsville you threw me out of town as if I'm the villain these are the real villains oh gosh I am done talking about Tess Holliday bring on the next one something that I've noticed that a lot of fat acceptance individuals like to complain about is the fact that the world does not accommodate their large bodies Burgi Tovar did an interview titled Virgie Tovar challenges fatphobia how it hurts mental health by francis land for me Francis Lam says restaurants are warm and inviting I feel happy when I'm in a restaurant or just a sitting at a bar having an appetizer so it was eye-opening for me when you made me realize that for a lot of people going to a restaurant can be a really stressful experience can you tell us about that burrito bar says am I going to you for instance get the whipped cream on the coffee that I like so much because they make it in the house am I going to get that hit up she's bigger so she shouldn't be getting whipped cream on her coffee then there's this other dimension of whether I'm going to sit and eat the thing or drink the thing because eating in public is really vulnerable when you are a bigger bodied person especially if you are a woman and then there's a diamond of the seating am I going to be able to fit the chair number one and more importantly perhaps am I going to be able to sit there comfortably to actually enjoy the thing now my whole family is large literally we have some obese morbidly obese individuals in my whole family but they understand that they are huge and guess what they don't blame society for the fact that they cannot sit comfortably in a chair because they decided to indulge in the overconsumption of food for the majority of their life Virgie Tovar loves to point her little finger and blame other people rather than looking at herself it's society's fault that she feels bad when she goes out to eat it's society's fault that she can't sit comfortably in public places people are gonna talk about me and judge me for sitting there eating and ovaries you fat acceptance individuals love to tell people how wonderful it is being obese and how liberating it is to be obese well guess what deal with everything that comes with it once again every single person is going to get talked about nobody is immune the other day I went to the park just to get a workout in and guess who was there a bunch of little human minions and guess what happens when there's a bunch of little human minions at the park that means a bunch of grown humans usually mothers and I was wearing a sports bra and short shorts so the whole time during my 40 minute workout full of burpees and sprints and jump ropes I got the extremely ruinous amount of looks from about 9 women just staring at me up and down acting as if I am the most disgusting individual they have ever seen how much do you wanna bet that if Tess Holliday when they're wearing a sports bra and short shorts and jumped around and did sprints and and whatever else she wanted to do during a workout and those women gave her the same looks that they gave me she would say oh it's because I'm fat let me go on Instagram and further my narrative because these women gave me dirty looks when they give everybody dirty looks they're just sad people how much do you want to bet that she would do that oh wait she did that's what this picture was all about she got mean comments from people on Instagram and then she used it to further her narrative when everybody gets bad comments it's not just obese people but I just thought like if someone would have been wearing that that was you know an average size probably no one would have shouted at them does it make it right no but it's also not right to use those comments to further some kind of unhealthy movement there was an article that Virgie wrote called take the cake do smaller fat people have privilege where she wrote about herself getting called out by larger fat woman for her small fat privilege yes people small fat is a word that the fat acceptance movement willingly use I recall the first time I got called out on my relative size privilege it was Facebook and I had just been launching a large scale critique of the way that fat women's bodies are used for sexual service I had been having a long string of romantic rejections that also involved casual sex encounters I was frustrated with the sense that my fat body was considered appropriate for private escapades but that there was no public component to our engagement I spoke broadly about how all fat feminine bodies are used this way someone chimed in has it ever occurred to you that not all fat women have access to casual sex and that your access to all b8 dissatisfying sexual encounters is a privilege no I literally had it first of all first world problems we live in a world where people are complaining that they can't have casual sex second of all everybody has access to casual sex you're not looking hard enough honey it's 2019 there's apps for that now if you are too lazy to go find someone app casual sex with you because you know all you have to do is get on an app then you are not helping the stereotype that obese people are lazy literally a couple of swipes with your thumb or claw third how does anybody say anything in this group it sounds like everybody wants to be the victim and then once somebody is the victim everybody else wants to be a victim to that victim what's how does anybody have a conversation in this group I've done with this mortal called Burgi next so our last but not least favorite fat positive influencer we saved the best for last Townsville is the one and only Sean on the rostra Tarr apparently that misshapen of a woman that you guys seem to love so much talks about finally Rochefort are going to something called curvy con being very excited that she actually found clothes that fit her super-sized body no no no sana ly we do not use frilly words to describe obesity call it what it is you're obese body your body is obese funny if you're so proud than be proud say what it is I'm a cross-dressing Red Lobster man on a child's Network oh that obesity that you say is so liberating once again fat positive activists love to complain about things not fitting them or them not fitting into places we all love fashion but sometimes certain fashions do not love us and that's just the way it is that goes for many people because there are so many different body shapes out there it's not just fat people that aren't able to find things to fit them appropriately tall people short people people who carry a lot of weight in their lower half and I've gotten a little thick over the years let me tell you YouTube and it is very difficult to find jeans to fit my gluts to stomach ratio so I stick to this classic red dress and pink bow my fashion go there we go a lot of clothing does not fit my body great but do you see me starting a movement and then saying that these clothing stores are big hips small waist phobic no I continue my search for pants that will actually fit me to my liking because the world owes me nothing so take a seat find clothes that fit you or start your own clothing line so then you can provide other types of clothing for other types of bodies so that other people can complain that your clothes don't fit them right and they can call you fat phobic and you will still learn that you cannot accommodate to every single person my goodness why do these people who say that it's just so amazing being fat and liberating those are there where it's not wine they say it's very liberating being obese complain about these wonderful extra things that come with being obese anyway Townsville I noticed all three of these people love to shift blame play the victim and use both of these attributes to further their movement so they can profit off of them Tess Holliday can only stay a model if she stays fat so therefore she perpetuates the idea that it's amazing being fat and that you should all love ourselves to be fat so that she has an audience Virgie Tovar has her 689 camp thunder thigh retreat and her book sana lee takes advantage of uneducated vulnerable people to lure them into her therapy practice to influence them to keep self harming themselves through food addiction they are all so different yet the same profiting off of gluttony for pretending that fat people are the only ones that get bullied blaming others for their discomfort and playing the victim well guess what ladies it's your fault your fats and if it's just so great and positive being fat then you deal with everything that comes with it deal with the looks still with not being able to find clothes deal with not being able to fit into an average-sized chair yes I said it average should that make me fat phobic you're damn right it does if I was obese it would be extremely hard on my knees to wear my boots I the most evil villain is terrified of being fat because that means I would have the increased risk of dying a sudden death any time I won't let the Powerpuff Girls take me out what makes you think I'll let obesity do the same I don't think so Townsville Townsville Townsville Townsville these are the people that you're following these are the people that are popular now these are the people that have platforms little baby blamers that don't take any responsibility for their own diet choices Oh sounds vil you went soft on me you've gotten weak take advantage W weak and insignificant humans hey you guys Michelle here not him or two completely different people but I wanted to say thank you so much for tuning in to Powerpuff Girls sweet I hope you enjoyed all of the themes videos if this is your first video watching me man you should probably watch some other ones I swear I am NOT that crazy no I'm actually very normal anyway wanted to say thank you for watching I do have merch up now and if you're interested and my weird little drawings for my storytime then go ahead and check it out guys it's one of my favorite months so get ready for a lot of costumes a lot more content and a lot more weirdness and possibly more him because he swears he's not leaving my house and he keeps trying on all of my red clothes ah yeah you guys it's getting weird so see you next video guys thanks for watching
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 287,495
Rating: 4.930234 out of 5
Keywords: tess holliday, tess holliday cringe, virgie tovar, virgie tovar cringe, sonalee rashatwar, sonalee rashatwar speech, BODY POSITIVITY, body positive cringe, body positive songs, body positive affirmations, MICHELLE. MCDANIEL, my thoughts will probably offend you fat, RESPONDING TO FAT CHICKS, responding to fat chicks: fat positive posts, responding to fat chicks:
Id: cbyq7_dFG_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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