How Amberlynn Could STOP Her Binge Eating

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the fact that i already filmed this video walked to the camera like yay i'm done with work today only to find that i wasn't filming and then really wanted to just rage eat proves that this disorder never goes away it's always in the back of our head guys let's talk about how to beat binge eating disorder hello guys welcome back to the channel and if you're new here welcome my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mommy of a pug and a chihuahua a past theater nerd on a corona cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person because we all know when you share your opinion there's always that one person that has to voice that they are offended by your opinion so will you be the lucky person today we will see so i made that amber lynn tick talk video and i gave a mini tip about what helped me beat binging and i got flooded on instagram right there do it on what other tips that i have that helped me beat binging and wow rude i am look at that uh i'm offended on my own channel because i already have one i caught you you children oh you have not been doing your homework because i already posted it on this channel a long time ago when i first started doing youtube you just exposed yourself exposed oh you're sorry and you're gonna watch this one and share it and comment okay you are forgiven i understand it's very old it's probably poorly edited and the music is too loud because that's the recurring comment i got when i was new on youtube that the music was too loud and you guys don't want to jam with me you'd rather hear what i'm saying weird so today i'm going to list out all the things that helped me beat binge eating disorder because if i didn't beat that [ __ ] i would be as big as amber lynn and all of them mukbanger youtubers that eat for a living because i would eat very similar to them every freaking weekend i came from a family of eaters i never got told no when it came to food my parents never brought up sugar or eating vegetables i mean we would eat them but i would layer velveeta cheese all over my broccoli so it's not even vegetables anymore when i got older i got my own money what did i buy without money food i would go to walmart and fill up my cart with anything and after that i'll go to carl's jr and get a crispy spicy chicken sandwich and a shake and a large fry and of course yes you guessed it i would eat that meal before i ate all the snacks that i got from walmart while me and my sister would have a movie weekend and doing that every weekend catches up to you you can tell that with the mukbangers they do it as a job a lot more than i did so of course they're gonna put on weight rapidly okay so i was a binger connoisseur i knew exactly what i was doing and it was fun until you know after you stop eating then your stomach hurts and you feel even fatter so that part's not fun so let me break down a few things that if amber lynch so welcome to day one of weight watchers i have done weight watchers in the past before but let's just do this correctly this time nico avocado i'm getting fat and i don't even know why dr phil i need your help dr oz somebody tell me why i'm i go other i just got the treadmill look i still have my shoes on look at my stomach i am massive honey i am massive honey oh honey walking down the street jasper can i make you a sandwich i spring my knee foodie beauty one of my juice cleanse and i'm really nervous damn trisha paychest this is not me i was feeling so good you guys like i don't know what happened if they just did a few of these things they would be that much closer to beating their binge disorder and that much closer to being a skinny legend is that still popular to be i don't know is it an offensive term i don't know i don't care but they would be a step closer to being a skinny legend and not obese oh honey walking down the street [Music] i'm sure a lot of you have made this mistake or you're possibly doing it right now i know my ass did for years until i was like [ __ ] whenever i do this i just binge you cut your calories way too much especially if you're a binger and you're used to eating copious amounts of food and then all of a sudden you're like you know what i'm [ __ ] fat i'm fat that's it i'm fat and i need to lose weight i'm i'm going to go on a 1200 calorie diet and so you do it for like what a few days and then damn it you see cheesecake and you say i've been dieting for like three days now i've been eating a lot less than what i have have in the past like way less than i've been eating my whole life in these past three days so one slice is is okay to have and you have one slice and then you're like [Music] one more slice and then after another slice and another slice holy [ __ ] you ate the whole thing and you just binged and now that you just binged [ __ ] it's all lost anyway we're going to mcdonald we're getting the freaking oreo shake okay we're doing it it's a lost cost today is done let's just eat last bite people cut their calories way too much so something that i did it was just like a let me just try this but this was the rule i had to write down everything that i would eat there's no restrictions on anything i'm gonna eat like i normally do for a week but i have to write everything down measure everything out total everything up at the well as i go and then total everything up as at the end of the day and so i would take that average after seven days and i would reduce it by 200 to 300 calories your girl was eating around 3000 calories a day lowering that to 2700 is very easy i just don't eat oreos and don't eat a serving of hot cheetos you can do that and this really helped my benji because i was still eating a lot but because i was counting i wanted to have better quality food like it kind of turned into a game for me like oh this has less calories than this so i'm gonna replace this high calorie thing with this low calorie thing and at the same time it gave me a visual number as to wow these foods have a lot of calories but if i choose these foods i can have more and to my eating girl heart if i can have more of something with less calories i'm gonna choose this over here so number one tip do not lower your calories too much my way you know taking the average of what i normally eat took a lot longer but eventually week after week i would like slowly reduce those calories so i went from 300 then i was like hey let's take away like 200 calories more that's like a ho ho cake you can do that and then eventually i found out like my sweet spot was around 1600 to 1900 calories and then i was consistently losing weight and if you think about it technically it was going a lot faster for me because i mean if you keep going on a diet than quitting and then getting more weight and then going on a diet and then losing that weight than gaining more weight you're kind of no you are being counterproductive you'll see whatever these mooc bangers especially amber since she was like our example last video whenever she goes on a diet she cuts her calories extremely low then she gets hungry and then the cycle continues don't cut your calories very low i see this in a lot of mcmakers we saw this in trisha paytas she'll do things like a water fast i don't recommend fasting with people who bid because the moment you feel that hunger and you might not quit you might actually do the fast you know but then once you're able to eat food again you have absolutely no control because you're so hungry and your body still doesn't understand your brain still doesn't understand how to just eat the right amount of food for you and literally eat nothing or go [ __ ] ape [ __ ] on cheesecake and so that's why like you guys always ask me my opinion on fasting might be good for you it ain't good for me i will absolutely never fast unless i have to take you know some kind of blood test or something two this will be kind of hard for you but um don't buy the food i don't know how many times i was going through this door and i was like i don't need this and i'm like well maybe if i just you know i i can't i can just have it in the house don't buy it you're not strong enough you're weak gingers are not strong enough to have a whole ass box of oreos in their house without eating the whole sleeve or just the whole package in itself if you are weak [Music] why the hell would you purchase food and have it right in front of your grubby little hand don't buy the food if you live at home converse with the people that you live with and say hey i'm trying to be healthier i have an issue where i eat a lot and i pass out on the floor throw up and eat more if you guys could just help me out and maybe put all of your junk food on a high shelf where i can't see it or like tucked away in your room or in a cupboard that i don't even go to you wanna can you guys just help me out a little bit and hopefully they are nice people and they say yes if you are someone that lives with people like my family well sucks for you right now but in the future it'll be fine my mom said we live here i pay the bills i do what i want so i had to learn a lot of self-control horrible at the time it sucked but now i've got a lot of self-control so don't feel left out i was in your shoes and this is where i am now just got a truck on through i spent a lot of time in my room away from the food because i was weak couldn't trust myself [Music] eat meals frequently this is something that really helped me because i was so i was just constantly thinking about food and then the from the point that i say okay i'm going on a diet it would be amplified oh a lot of diets at least back when i was 20 the diets would be like okay three meals a day around four or five hundred calories each so that's like i wake up at eight and then i have to wait like five hours for lunch and then five hours again for dinner and in between then i'm just constantly thinking of food which would make my anxiety go crazy and then oh my god look at that in front of the couch watching anime and eating hot cheetos with a side of oreos and a burger and fries so breaking up my meal so that i can eat every two hours really made a huge difference for me because then i only had two hours in between a meal rather than five [Music] stay away from high calorie dense foods those are a binger's worst enemy i am an eater so when i started dieting and i heard something like peanut butter was healthy okay i'll have a tablespoon oh [ __ ] this tastes really good i'll have another tablespoon and another and another and now i just ate the whole jar you add marshmallows to that and holy crap you're over what five ten thousand calories so things like peanut butter almonds i had to watch out for do you know how many calories are in almonds i can fit like a handful here that's around 200 calories in a tiny little handful i can eat 20 servings of that dip them in peanut butter and still be very hungry if you are an eater do not go for high calorie health food high calorie any food but we're talking about people who are trying to go on a diet eat healthier i really don't recommend going for like high calorie health food usually food that is high in fat keep in mind that one gram of protein carb is four calories one gram of fat is nine calories so more than double and i'm not saying not to eat fat i'm saying to watch out for and don't make it your main meal so one of my clients were saying i am starving i don't know why i'm so hungry and eating 600 calories a day and i'm like okay well let me see your food journal everything was like very high fat food half of an avocado which is the amount of avocado she was eating was like one of my meals which is four ounces of chicken rice salad i can put um a roasted vegetables in there and fruit and have a full plate meal and she's just having a small avocado [ __ ] i would be hungry eating one half of an avocado i'm going to mcdonald's eat low calorie high protein high fiber type foods fats are not dangerous and they are healthy but they are dangerous to people like us who are bingers so just make sure to watch out for that don't make the main part of your meal fat oh and something else that i want to say about that as i'm an eater because a lot of fitness people will tell you just eat oatmeal in the morning some of my clients you know i see their food journal and they say and i'll see you know oatmeal on their half cup of oatmeal with a couple slices of banana and cinnamon on top and i'm like you hungry with value no i'm so freaking full after that i just can't imagine eating any more it is absolutely nothing for me so i eat a lot of non-breakfast foods for my breakfast because i just slept for five to eight hours and i'm freaking starving after that and a bowl of oats and gum cut it so i regularly have like chicken rice roasted vegetable salad along with fruit in the morning a very big meal and it tends to keep me a lot more full i can get through my workout i can take each dog on one mile walk along with walking by myself and i'm good to go half cup of oatmeal i'm going back to bed and i'm gonna be lethargic and think that i'm starving because i am so if you are an eater like me make sure to once again get low calorie foods that you can eat in high volume and i will write out a few of my regular foods but it's very simple just go to google and search it do you know how many times that i would think that i am starving and then i would go binge and then after that i'm like why am i still like unsatisfied i drink water i'm like huh well [ __ ] i already [ __ ] up drink water now that i know the feeling of thirst i can tell now instead of just like eating when i don't need to but before i couldn't like tell my hunger cues and just like i didn't know my body very well shoot i just thought i was off and i needed i just needed food always drink water this is something that was very hard for me because there's nothing like eating a meal and then just sitting my ass on the couch and just wallowing in in my food but for a binger you know like every time this goes for binging or a regular meal um i started when i was like very heavy and binging i'm like okay normally i will just sit on the couch and feel like complete poop you know i just ate all this food i'm gonna go for a walk i'm gonna get like a white workout in something instead of just doing that whole cycle of quit diet eat a lot of food sit on the couch and feel sorry for myself no get up and freaking move do something people walk on a bike ride do the stairmaster and for some reason because if like i made a rule for myself if you bid you have to go do something and because i you know like if you binge late at night which is usually what where my binges would be late at night like after work after i could like relax and everything and just sit on the couch and you know i would be like oh shoot but if i binge right now then i have to move and 9 30 10 o'clock at night i really don't want to go to the gym so this one really like you have to hold yourself accountable and i told like that was a like non-negotiable rule for me and i had to do it a few times i would go to the gym at like 10 30 at night or i'd have to go like on my treadmill downstairs downstairs at like 11 o'clock at night because i freaking been it was a role that i really lived by and it helped just drop those binges because i don't want to work out i hate working out at night i'm an early bird person and now it's just nice you know after i eat and i have a treadmill at home instead of just like sitting on the couch especially now that my job is so sedentary i edit most of the time it's nice to like eat a meal and then just take my dogs for a 10 15 20 minute walk or if it's too late at night then i'll just walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes you're telling me you can't walk and on the treadmill for 10 minutes you're telling me you can't walk in place for 10 minutes i do that too i'll put on my favorite show and this i'll just start walking in place you're still moving there's no excuse walking or just doing something physical instead of just sitting there on the couch makes me very active and makes me want to move more eat healthy don't know why but it just does [Music] people hate this one and they're like well we've been friends forever and like we go out and eat together and they're like my sister if they're like your sisters or your brother or just your family then they would want you to be healthy and if you have a binging eating disorder then they should be trying to help you not influencing your bad habits and if they are mad that you are trying to not binge and trying not not to eat certain types of foods then honey they are not your friends or your family they are selfish [ __ ] and you personally need to drop them you're still too weak if you were a drag addict and your friends were doing and offering you drugs and your goal was to get clean most people tell you not to hang out with them so why are you hanging out with people that are offering you something that you cannot say no to and you probably should distance yourself away from them until you have a handle on your binge eating disorder and you can you know hang around people that eat those kinds of food i can do that now if i don't want to eat unhealthy and my friends want to eat health that's completely fine with me it's not going to like spark anything in my brain to make me want to go binge i don't care but when i was new holy crap i had to spend a lot of time by myself because my friends didn't seem to care we were really young too they're still going to you know jack in the box and thing while i was trying to learn how to cook and lose weight once again we'll use amber as an example and i don't watch her um channel continuously but i think a lot of people say that she's the toxic one out of everyone and her girlfriend and everyone else is kind of trying to lose weight i don't know exactly but either way if she's the toxic one or the girlfriend of the toxic one i don't know somebody's toxic but they do really do need to separate themselves from each other which brings me to my next one is to get new friends that are better than you at what you suck at so when you're trying to lose weight i mean yeah you can have other people that are horrible you know at showing self-control when it comes to food and working out but wouldn't it be better and more of an inspiration to hang out with people that are really good at working out and really good at eating healthy and making sure that healthy living is a primary part of their lifestyle so i am a talker i am someone who likes to be inside and away from people but i'm not socially awkward for the most part so it was very easy for me to like talk to people at the gym i can go up to anyone so eventually i met a lot of older people because i was like 20 21 and i met people that were in their 30s who've been through it already and just being healthy and we would do things like going on hikes taking walks on a beach we would go eat at a restaurant but they would also try to find things that were lower calories try to you know special order certain things i remember not ordering a i went with to the beach with one of my friends she ordered you know like it was grilled chicken sauce on the sides all that kind of stuff and i was like oh i'll order the same thing that was the first time i ever did not order a burger at a restaurant i didn't know you could eat healthy at a restaurant i thought it was set in stone that you get to splurge when you go to a restaurant oh get people that are better than you at what you're trying to do they're just gonna push you and influence you in a very positive way otherwise you're gonna be stuck with the same people doing the same [ __ ] so kind of depends on which one is more important to you now the next one might be hard for a lot of you guys but just being more of a leader when it comes to your friends if my friends wanted to hang out like they were like dude where are you michelle why are you like not hanging out with us and i'm like oh that's fine let's go on a hike you guys and then i will make us all a healthy meal at my house now when i get together with my friends that's usually what we do something active i will make food at my house you know take control of the situation rather than i see a lot of my clients will go to someone else's house where their goal is not to lose weight it's your goal so if it's your goal take control of the situation otherwise don't put yourself in a situation where once again you're not strong enough we're trying to build the string so that you can be so take control so this one is obviously up to you very similar to the don't buy it thing you have to get used to telling yourself no especially if you are a full-on adult you have money to buy certain foods you have to tell yourself no you guys told me in the comment section that amber doesn't even drive anymore she just uber or um use uber eats or whatever it's called i don't know what they're called so she really has to start telling herself no because no one else is going to tell her no the ubereats eats guys i'm gonna say you're unhealthy amber should you really be ordering those 24-piece chicken wings he's gonna be like okay hope you tip me so you have to get used to telling yourself [ __ ] no [ __ ] you don't need it that's literally how vulgar i had to be with myself because it was hard for this girl to walk by hot cheetos and not eat them sometimes it's still hard they're just pulling me to just get them and open the bag and put them in my palms and smash them in my face they're so freaking good but i have to tell michelle no they hurt your stomach anyway you don't need them i don't need it i don't need it i definitely don't need it get used to telling yourself no and mean it because no one else is gonna tell you no and then of course like i said in the amberlynn video something that helped me is to just think of really just meditate and remember how it felt after i binged on all that food how did you feel like [ __ ] i didn't feel too good i couldn't move a lot of the times i would throw up not on purpose because i hate like puke puking in general smell of puke seeing people puke me puking hate it and i will try to do anything to not throw up but sometimes i ate so much food that my body would just couldn't handle it anymore and really just remembering how i felt after that binge helped me be like it's probably not worth it let's do something else to take up my time which brings me to the next one find a hobby i was an emotional binger and just a board eater like i just it was hard for me it was okay i'm having a bad day eat i'm bored eat so getting a hold of the emotional binge eating was hard but filling myself with time when i would get bored was very easy because i just like doing things so if you are a board eater just get a hobby find something that you really enjoy other than eating okay don't twist my words find something else and just soak yourself into that activity i love drawing even though i'm not good i love video games the sims i got into music acting anything that just seemed slightly interesting i would do it and of course for emotional therapy um i'll give you the cheap way and then the more expensive way i was a cheap ass [ __ ] so i started keeping a food journal every single time that i would binge i would write what i was feeling every single time that i wanted to binge i would write down what i was feeling and i would ask myself how is a binge going to help whatever situation is going on in your life every single time the answer was it's not gonna help it's just gonna make it worse and make me feel fat and will make me fatter and just writing it down and talking to myself really helped me rationalize the fact that i really didn't need a binge and it's not even going to help me it's going to make me feel even worse than what i'm feeling right now and then of course the more expensive side that i didn't have money for i've never gone through it is to just go to therapy and if you have a hard time kind of rationalizing your thoughts and like asking you those questions that's their job they gonna help you with that so there's a lot of options i know i gave you a whole list but i have been getting a lot of comments even before the amber lynn video of people is asking me how did you beat binge eating so here it is keep in mind that i still struggle not as much as i did before but i have way more control thought i filmed this video and then the moment that i realized i didn't film it i could feel like my body burning up being like oh my god let me just [ __ ] eat this out how's that gonna solve the fact that i didn't actually hit record it's not just gonna make me upset that whole pack of oreos will be awesome while eating them but after when the tummy ache settles in the nauseousness and the fact that i ate what over 10 000 calories in one sitting is just not gonna make me feel too good and i want all of you guys to feel great i want you guys to get control of this i wish amberlynn and all these other mooc bangers would get control over this but they don't have to use my tips if they want to keep doing that do that but if you want to get a hold of your binging these are the tips that has helped me and i hope that they help you if they do let me know in the comment section or you guys can comment on something on my instagram and i will see you guys next time watch my other videos that's your homework okay minimum five videos today right now if you want extra credit ten videos okay that that's all while you're doing your workout or your cardio okay and mama will be so proud of you remember you don't have to be a size two having big biceps to scare away all the boys is great to have but not needed to be healthy but health is very important i want all of you guys to be as healthy as possible thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you guys next time [Music] [Music] neighborhood
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 409,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How Amberlynn Could STOP Her Binge Eating, amberlynn reid, amberlynn reid food, binge eating, binge eating recovery, amberlynn reid mukbang, amberlynn reid food aggression, amberlynn reid documentary, amberlynn reid calorie count, amberlynn reid jenny craig, amberlynn reid exercise, amberlynn reid destiny drama, amberlynn reid what i ate today
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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