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ah hello this is kenshi it's a game where you can do things like this it's a lot of fun you like it it's completely balanced totally unbalanced there's a lot of weird mods the options are almost infinite and it sets my imagination free but today in kenshi instead of enacting justice instead of playing the game the normal way we're going to break bend the rules is what i meant to say oh and before i go any further a big shout out to lo-fi games who develops kenshi who have kindly offered me several keys to the game you can have them but if you want a key help me help you i'm going to engage in some reverse psychology here i've been learning this it works if you want a key don't follow me on twitter we don't have to get those numbers up and don't click this link don't do it and don't follow kenshi onto their social media you won't get any updates on the game but yeah just uh you know don't leave a comment and i'll be sure to not pick you for the uh for the thing or else being a bad person in kenshi start a new game download this mod notice that you are strong improve your body long thick monkey that's more like it actually you know no that won't work let's make him a little bit uh okay that's better otherwise the hitboxes will all get messed up we are in this for the long run raise the meme explore your body rekindle your love for dragon ball z and begin okay we're a lot shorter than i expected but it doesn't matter this is basically going to just be gta now there's a i wasn't allowed to play gta as a kid because i was a christian however that's not to say that i didn't make other games essentially into gta so that i could actually enjoy them so we're going to begin with this overpowered npc we've spawned into the hub great town and we're going to save scum so that if this doesn't work we're fine now this gentleman is wearing very good armor i don't know why this npc spawns here what are our stats to we're at 500 and everything didn't want him to be too overpowered so i just settled for that okay we're gonna head over and i know we're a little undersized but okay there that worked that's great um we're going to loot him immediately because wow this guy this isn't this is basically one punch man um yeah we'll take all of that now it's the thing that's great about um about 500 stat man is that he can you know he he can punch but he also he's um he he's a dwarf if he gets hit he's he's dead so uh it is fair don't worry it's fine we're just gonna go and see we could cause a little bit of trouble now though it's it's more fun to play this way jesus christ how fast can he run okay we're running at 70 miles an hour right now this is the sky is twice as powerful as torsolo ever became we're gonna go ahead let's just see which weapon wow that's great there here's another one and that's okay obviously any type of normal civilian is just is no match for this 500 stat man now 500 sat man does have one weakness he has only a normal human body because he was um born in the soviet union at a very tall a hard time but don't worry he's still got room to grow he's oh my god how is that even happening somehow he's still uh gaining skills even more than he already had i don't know why it's this fast i'm just gonna go with it we're gonna go over to squin and just we're gonna try to take out the entire town as a test of our power think like uh itachi uchiha kind of that kind of thing and then we're just going to go right into the boss rush and see how much we can do with this guy in like an hour oh you don't like flat skins eh well look at this oh see okay there he took a hit if i hit a five this is immoral but uh don't question it again yeah good don't take in getting insulted it's a lesson you know stand up to bullies and he's improving so quickly because no one believed in him as a child and his father his father never hunted him good get more revenge 500 stat man yeah look at ah that's nice yeah not everyone's born with all the advantages in life okay we've you know we've done enough on squin that's they're thoroughly defeated i don't think they're gonna be coming back from this can we buy something honestly from the store all right we'll take all of this i can't afford that oh i'll take one of those and some foot honesty goes a long way okay we'll just take out the rest of this town my god i gotta say i tried playing as the 100s the 100 stat man is actually not that powerful but 500 stat man is very strong okay the first test will be the bug man he's a 100 stat man himself or a 90 stat man i i have an a successive order of bosses have played kenshi like five times just two m look how big are those garu wait a minute oh i okay this will be interesting i accidentally forgot to change all of the modded animal size i edited i added into the play through so this will be uh yeah all of the animals are going to be really big but it's you know it's that's why we play kenshi because go 500 stat man go there we are okay now just carry one of those with you to show everyone your strength and intimidate them great okay goodbye other garu family we're just gonna take your father look sometimes he like outpaces the garu when he's running it looks like he's just running alone now and the garu is slowly updating in the game can't even understand all right let's just good good job 500 stat man go go like all of us 500 stat man faces a lifelong uh uh poverty battle we're going to just put down this poor animal right now goodbye garu and we're going to head over to my favorite money maker just for a few minutes we won't do this for as long as we usually do uh but we're going to go and steal you see 500 man don't say that he's overpowered don't question he's he's already taken a big hit to his stomach he got the wind knocked out of him he could go down very easily okay look at the size of that gorilla but fortunately they're about the same speed it seems to get stuck on minor obstacles now and we're just going to zoom our way along here there it is all natural and my they're large well let's see what they do to 500 stat man these things are like tyrannosaurus rex go 500 stat man you could do it they have only 1100 health on all of their parts but he's blocking these stupendously wow look at that there goes one it goes i think the leviathans are actually much much much larger than i expected them but only 19 damage because of his awesome arms and other powerful things we're going to go ahead and just take these we got only one egg for some reason it's fine do they have more meat unfortunately they don't have more meat but we'll just take their leather and then we'll just watch this giant monster battle ensue usually it's just due to horrible hit boxes that one goes down before the other okay clearly the the beak thing is winning much as expected we're just going to wait for you know we're going to help okay it's like it's helping it's helping we're just going to get out of here and here come even more be okay it's time for me to just leave this isn't what this challenge is about all right good we're back to the normal sized hivers completely normal size we're just going to sell them one of these eggs and the rest of this leather i think that's it and now we're fine uh we could get robot arms and legs in fact that might not be a bad idea but i don't really wanna i'm not too keen on cutting off my arms and legs you know they i get to wear boots this way so let's just leave that for now i'm satisfied we have money let's head off to the bug master i don't think he should be too bad some of the skin spiders are indeed larger than um i had wagered at first so really right now the only thing that's limiting him is his weak body of flesh all right we can we can negotiate this sleep sleep right there for just a moment 500 step man hang on don't be afraid yeah they're very peaceful animals there's not a lot of them underneath you either no one said that this is great just fight everyone with your muscular beautiful body okay great this actually worked now he um we can just take apart the camp bit and get to my main objective all right just yep just charge in there i'm sure they can't get up the stairs because they're that large apparently i i stand corrected okay we'll fight them oh that's a shame fortunately he's not a very aggressive man hang on a second i'm i'm better than him i must be better than him all we need is one hit for okay there it is he's dead we beat the bug master that's all that really matters i'm gonna just bandage and get out of here all we needed was one hit one hit again that's all that we need we're one punch man essentially this is one punch man really now that i get we really left him out in the open right here let's take his things too we just want him to have no hope we'll leave his pants we'll take his we'll take his arm with us so that he doesn't miss it finished him right off and the other skin spiders as well great job 500 stat man okay that wasn't very challenging let's go on to a real challenge now this was all just a dry run for the the really big boss of the game the sun rises on 500 that looks provocative over there doesn't that look it looks somewhat provocative this really is something out of half-life it's got to be all right yeah just stop taunting me that's unkind well check that one off the list we've actually upped our steps now we're 568 toughness whatever that even means anymore but we still have these weak limbs you know we have only 100 on each body part um the chest head and stomach we can't really do anything about but i think you know what we're gonna do next okay just grab this and then we're gonna go over here go 500 stat man go now at 77 miles an hour look at how fast he swims oh okay just run out run away from those actually 500 man i have someone else i want you to meet first this will get you what you actually need oh and he has that 90 lock picking too he's good at everything not just fighting we we sometimes forget this about 500 stat man sorry 500 stat man no one's judging you keep going great okay just bring them outside again these people fear the outside that's their weakness wow amazing look at that oh wow awesome great oh god yes take it all 500 stats man okay great now he really does look like a saiyan okay disarm disarm 500 stat man he just touches them and then they fall oh my god he's like something out of a fantasy yep there's gorilla okay uh unfortunately he wields a sword inside which isn't really doing him any favors again we just need only everybody else's weapons are useless in uh comparison to the well there's two opponents i really want to challenge him against now since i want this video to end on a positive note i'm going to do some really bad things right now because uh it just in comparison it'll seem god he can't even fight the leviathan he just stands there underneath it wow it they're so oh my god they are rather large wow you can still get away 500 man don't worry you can still get away they can't they're hit boxes probably oh god you can't let this setback hurt you 500 set man it's only your right leg i'm sure you'll find another one somewhere else uh just wait put that one back on i might need that later on hang on i'm gonna get some revenge i don't have room for it okay let's just damn it at least it's peaceful it doesn't want it no no no no no stay away even 500 statman faced adversity remember this when we do the really bad thing i'm going to do in the end of this video wait a minute how is his right leg recovering is he regenerating his limb or is it just goes to zero that would be amazing if he he's like some kind of salamander you know kelly clarkson was right what doesn't kill you makes you stronger how i don't know yet but it's okay 500 stat man you just need to climb up that mountain there's another leg waiting for you up there come on you've got only uh three more canyons to climb 500 set man i'm gonna go do something else while you climb up the mountain and the game auto saves okay we made it damn it nobody has limbs in this town okay back down the mountain i have only one other option okay 500 set man i've been waiting for literally a half hour for you to get your way out of this mess he can still win even from the ground look at this man go he is wowzers holy jesus christ to wield that much power and be that slow ha ha joke's on you you can't slow me down anymore that i already am slowed okay we're only about a fifth of the way there though oh sanctuary we're saved there they both legs both legs everyone isn't that nice go go one's done go 500 stat man we believe in you again it only took you a week to get back up oh yes finally a chance to prove my medal again i'm not referring to the new metal on my legs no would never do that let's just um you know we yep there we go no one's guarding him don't ask yep that's allowed now we take all of that and i think that's yeah he's just pretty much dead how do we do okay wow amazing you know i deserve this victory after all of that crawling i just i can tell you that much that was a really too much crawling they don't even have a chance to strike back he's like a snake he's like rock lee after he takes off those rock lee weights you know very powerful okay we beat the entire lair of skin band it's in a matter of moments uh and oh wow there goes some more of them wowzers that is just it's like they're sand and i'm gonna sleep in your bed yeah deal with it and i'm gonna sit in your chair in a really squatted over position that is nice to look at i like that you like that oh look here one of these things soon we'll face the final battle i have a couple more things i have to do purely for validation after going through all of that hardship sail all of this and now we fight a battle that quite ironically i don't think will actually be that difficult because uh it's like a whole different set of rules applied to this character hang on here's uh okay now we just uh hit tin fist once and then kidnap him and okay uh goodbye everyone is i can't fight a lot of you i can fight one of you really well we're leaving i'm leaving there's just not enough space to fight you people and they're okay all right who why i i have literally no friends left in this world they don't like me anywhere damn it he's dead i killed tin fist all right uh hang on a second i just gotta put him down for a second we'll loot him okay i'll take all of these things which happened to not be very valuable that was a big mistake to just kill tin fist but we did it that was yes of course a 500 stat man can beat tin fist but there's still one npc left i fear okay we've picked up everything we need for the journey ahead i've always wondered what would happen in this battle okay 500 man you have a hundred thralls to fight here they go it's really just a matter if they can get any hits on him there goes oh no he missed and he's dodging everything okay there go three and he took a few hits well he's you know he's keeping up with them i'm gonna take a short nap but i won't be doing that much i'm gonna put down the backpack and then if he starts to break anything we'll just have to put it back on you've been training for this 500 stat man gather the chakra in your feet okay all right enough resting so 500 stat man went on all right uh okay we got a hundred storm thralls we gotta gather these guys up just get them all together and then we'll hit him out in one one punch one big kick you know one more like one kick really but okay let's get katlon to pick him up and see how 500 stat man does in this fight there's catlon i mean catlon shouldn't be that difficult none of them individually should be difficult yep come on come on over catlon and now he should call the horde right we're just going to keep on needing to run in circles get out of there do you even lift catlon do you even lift you you don't lift that's why you've been sitting on your throne like a slob for so many years okay here they go they are screaming they're screaming that's what we wanted coming good get some oh yeah yeah like that look at this okay he'll take some damage but let's see if how does 500 stat man do he is taking damage from these storm thralls but he's easily uh dodging i don't really know why or what causes him to take damage he has nothing that's stopping him that's slowing him down let's get him back inside actually because he'll do better inside against them yeah he does far better indoors in combat i guess that this counts as indoors maybe yeah we're getting the indoors bonus here okay not that it makes much of a difference but sure why not we'll take whatever we can get when we're fighting a 100 enemies wow amazing look at that it's like jackie chan all over again just don't stop letting them hit you look at that that's great oh wow yeah he just needs to stay in that corner good do that camp camp if you must 500 stat man but don't let them gang up on you like that oh no 500 stat man okay good you just went through the surface of that nice let's just speed up how do you do with this speed up time okay clearly you're dying you're not doing very well in this fight but can we cheese it somehow until we have you beat all thousand storm thralls or whatever it is hit him yeah good okay run heal heal use your jutsus use your jutsus oh yeah look at this wow he does better if we speed up time somehow uh yeah all right so he does better out in the open where he has more room to dodge i guess that's the moral of the story with 500 oh god never mind i take it back unfortunately he just has such high toughness that he'll never die to all of this ah okay we have to wait a little bit longer but i think we've taken out enough of them that will be all right yeah good job good job don't stay down for long nice nice well it's unfortunate clearly he's more powerful than them but it's going to take him like a few tries to get through this i think we've killed like 50 storm thralls though maybe it'll take two tries because it's clearly the most powerful character anyone has ever encountered in the game all right good job let's just speed him up again though i have lost track of cat lawn so catlon probably just went down somewhere in there he's not that's not like he's got much more hp well it was somewhat anticlimactic but about what i was expecting i think it's a hundred storm thralls that are with katlin so i guess that was a hundred i mean he he did it much faster than i expected i lost track of katlin catlan is probably dead somewhere among them because the rest of these are just storm thralls it's much easier to see when they're standing upright of course oh well i mean clearly he won that with no contest so this is how it feels to be one punch man we just beat all of the toughest bosses in the game i mean catlon is by far the word like we fought catlon legitimately beside you know taking a nap in the middle of the fight but that's fairly legitimate as far as kenshi's standards go i mean i'm just kind of depressed now i think i'm gonna go back to uh um just making slightly less ridiculous looking characters this was fun but you know i enjoy the struggle the struggle is is always what makes life worth it it's about watching the progress not about what you have it's what about it's about what you don't have you remember that now you remember that i hope you had a good video i hope you enjoyed this and it helped you forget about what you were whatever you were trying to forget about now you got to remember it again so uh go back live your life get back to work as always a major thanks to viewers like you a major thanks to to my patrons there are the snowflakes falling faintly and faintly falling upon the ashlands in the words of joyce and last but not least a major thanks to lo-fi games remember all that reverse psychology before and make sure you do all the things i asked you to do i'd really appreciate that thank you thank you all right i'm an ambiguous amphibian goodbye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 272,201
Rating: 4.9450612 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi lets play, lets play kenshi, kenshi torso, kenshi solo, kenshi experience, the kenshi experience, kenshi game, kenshi 2021, let's play kenshi, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian kenshi, kenshi ambiguousamphibian, kenshi challenge, kenshi pc, kenshi gameplay 2021, kenshi solo run, kenshi 500 stats, kenshi 500 stat, kenshi 100 stat, kenshi 100 stats, kenshi 100 stat man, kenshi 500 stat man, 100 stat, 500 stat
Id: _peirypZ8vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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