Kenshi - The TORSO SQUAD Experience #1

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for a new challenge i'm going to play kenshi as a bunch of torsos originally life will begin in a very difficult setting tour squad leader tor speed tor sword tor savage tor strange tor science torch struggle tore stealth towards security torsion torsaber torsplosion endorse heavy weapons together they constitute the tour squad life is full of suffering and if the tour squad wants to advance in the world they'll need to escape slavery so the first thing they'll need to do is leave the slave camp one by one they follow in line and here they go escaping slavery let freedom ring here comes the tour squad now making their way for they cannot be stopped clipping through enemies we are exiles living in diaspora our journey begins with a walk across the desert for there is much land to be traversed behold the humble example of tor squad leader not above but among his men our diaspora though undeserved is retribution for the mortal coil will no longer tether us but rather we use this as an opportunity for learning yes learning we can overcome our mortal needs through this crossing of the desert in exodus for there is redemption in our suffering and there is meaning in our bondage our captivity sure there are some who would scorn and mock us tell us we aren't cool enough to hang and we need money right now and oh god we can use this opportunity to buy some food well as luck would have it these hivers have food on them and a couple of limbs i can sell literally everything that i have up till this point and guess who just made 2 600 cats and we can use all of that to buy one left leg and several ration packs we'll need a pleasure doing business with you we can divide these two ration packs among our men and eat them we'll take turns eating the ration packs how many how many people can we get okay we've used up all of both ration packs someone has a leg now who would like a leg we have one leg who gets this is that um all right taurus heavy weapons has got the first leg we'll need more of those though we also don't have anything left to trade it's gonna be a while it'll be a while till we get to town here goes the tour squad making its way don't give up keep going here goes the tour squad making its way and cresting a hill toward civilization we are a symbol we are a nation then we are a sign that anyone despite any limitations can overcome impossible odds but life in the wilderness is cruel unrewarding and full of danger our men will know the meaning of suffering before they cross the desert they're often the distance we spy a fallen skimmer with baited breath the torah squad moves toward the deceased creature now an opportunity at food life and preservation was it fade or was it meant to be this creature's death is a boon of new life for the tour squad tour squad leader will guide his men in probing the depths of this deceased creature now a meal a boon food and more meat for us praise thor o frabjous day tonight we dine in hell and so rested the tour squad in their meal their first victory but there was no time to rest from here we would move on we left behind our campfire never mind the wood the fire or how we started it like this don't question it we made our way again across the sand dunes again the corpse of another unlucky creature here in the wilderness we set out the tour squad gathered again in celebration more food oh frabjous day kahlu kalei we had traveled a great distance yes but there was still much to go the squad soldiered on weary with their crossing fortunately soon after we found more deceased bandits killed by some traders along the way we made our way to the site there to gather more materials and food here yet another boon others failures were our opportunities others sandals were our sandals others mustaches were ours too in this way we play robin hood thus by taking everything from everyone we managed to cross the desert and feed ourselves we have overcome great odds this isn't it this isn't the end for often the distance beyond the heat waves and the sand dunes lay the city of heft just over one more cliff for the trial is nearly complete now knowing that salvation is in store for my yoke is easy but my burden is light at long last there in the distance we spy the city the great walls of heft there in our grasp it's only a short way thus being given a bone and gritting tooth and nail to the soil we escape a life of bondage and make our way into civilization next for we have overcome odds where many men greater men before us have died and given their lives now neareth nightshade for just as god blessed david in his captivity in egypt so too will we be blessed in our time in heaven other men introduced newly to our human condition despair and give up hope but we must press on for we know our mission is hallowed and as the sun rises in the desert so do the hopes of our new found journey our newfound fortune [Music] upon witnessing the city we see transgressions of violence taking place outside here we will spread our influence of humility and peace they will see us and they will gawk in awe and fear at our human condition but we will greet them with the pride and dignity of all mankind for we in our community have overcome great odds inconsistencies and the disregard of man for his fellow mankind so we speak with our hive allies for they too are full of humility an ally on our crusade of peace again we sell everything we own for food not only do we obtain food but also legs yes more legs for we will need them we divide the rations and again we sup of our fruits two legs taurus heavy weapons is the first to stand leading by example tor squad leader chooses not to be rewarded with legs but instead allow one of his men to receive the legs first the legs are placed onto the ground and instead tarsplosion will bear these first legs thank you tour squad leader truly you are an example to your men now reaching the city we are fully overjoyed led by our newly bipedal tor splosion and taurus heavy weapons the squad follows in suit again we make our way to the city upon witnessing our condition the guards turn in fear and awe for we are the modern day version of oedipus the tragic symbol of fear and awe and yet we will bring hope to generations we have arrived not at a home but a haven now and we are safe for now here in the city we will visit amply the robotics trader for he holds the keys to our advancement there we are hello my good man don't mind us and he has nothing all right everyone right back out the door we have some collecting to do now we overwhelm the skeleton traitor with sandals and hats to buy husks pants other things that we don't really need for long we are rich as roosevelt as they say now we will make an executive decision with most of the tour squad still unable to walk we need to divide up for torsplosion and taurus heavy weapons will probably do a better job than everyone else at collecting here uh and we'll send them out it's probably they're probably the only two that it's safe to send out really it will loot with them and have the rest of the squad just travel back and forth in the town to gain athletics experience believe it or not up till this point in our playthrough many of our squad members have already reached nearly 40 athletics once we do find legs we'll be unstoppable until then we bear some indignities in town and we can loot all of the bodies outside for supplies to explosion buys an arm and now entirely new economic opportunities open before our very eyes we can expect torsplosion to see great gains in his copper mining skill all the while the remaining members of our squad begin to gather limbs for they too will be upright again soon thus will we spend the first few weeks delivering food to the ones we still need to get limbs for i can assure you that this is a completely not tedious task and totally engaging eating copper off the ground and nailing it out thus we spent the next week first it was tour splosion then it was taurus heavy weapons then it was tor sabre fortunately being difficult to see had its advantages unannounced we entered the bar and i began to sneak here i could safely make my moves the rest of the tour squad practiced stealth and before long we were instigating even if fighting was extremely difficult it we were improving there that was enough before long i had a copper mining empire so what if it took two weeks to get all the limbs we needed who cares if it was economically infeasible opportunities kept appearing day after day in ways that i didn't expect if anything i can tell you that this process is similar to watching ants eat an entire apple but sometimes there are great opportunities such as when i spotted a skimmer fighting a whole group of hungry bandits and then ran away ran the bandits to the city center and then watched as the city guards had their way with them all the while profiting i started to make a lot of money eventually i happened upon some sand ninja and took their gear but over the next weeks we amassed a collection of tens of legs at long last i got it a downed garu pack animal this was my big break we had done it and we made out like kings this was not just good fortune but an opportunity to start a new life weeks of struggling came to an end we were saved the day came to leave the city it was a cause for rejoicing sure but also a cause of fear and trepidation for in the desert they say the tempter makes his place of habitation and so they left the city behind now making their way out into the world they were overwhelmed with a sense of loneliness and malaise what lay in store on their journey to the promised land and so like moses and the hebrews they were exiled to the desert sun gradually in our desert crossing we began to pick up speed survival depended completely on avoiding everyone and everything but that's not to say that the desert crossing wasn't without its rewards but in our crossing we kept a good distance from almost everything other people nope walk away eventually we just tagged along with a traitor for safety disguises would make us indiscernible in foreign lands we somehow managed to travel through a rock just through a rock we fought a bone dog tor savage was launched and flung in midair levitating over everyone after the fight and before long the tour squad arrived at its next destination during exodus there loomed the great walls of hang a bastion of slavers we crossed the hazardous cliffs and made our way into the city now here was another store yes a store this was good but mostly not good with that we did some laps and then then the wide open expanse of the desert hostile and mesmerizing in its size but these men braved forward day by day the tour squad was exposed to unremitting savageries in the desert and yet through the profound example of tour squad leader the squad guided itself through the desert each day bearing the ark of the covenant and so for forty days and forty nights they crossed the desert the desert crossing was cruel harsh and completely dry eventually the sand gave way to salt day gave way to night and the salt brought new assaults see what i did there that was clever right and the tour squad built powerful alliances with nomads newly equipped the tour squad pressed on into the night we were all full of compassion salt gave way to vast expansive voids crags and pools of acid this they weathered at one point in the journey taurus heavy weapons despaired for what else was there in this world for them well the promised land lay in wait but gulch by gulch valley by valley day after day they made their crossing through the wasteland and the desert one day it was mechanical crabs the next day it was a literal sun laser beam i can assure you that there was absolutely no saves coming during the journey never once did the sun smite them and day after day apollo and his chariot rode across the sky blessing them not once were we attacked and devoured alive by beak things we were not chased by hordes of hungry bandits eventually this all gave way to an oasis night beget day day beget night we saw a thousand suns in our time on the sands therein i can find you we stayed the course and soon we reached the promised land a land flowing with milk and honey a land of lush new shades of green of opportunity i could but weep recounting the end of our time in exodus for this we had climbed every mountain crossed every valley and we made of ourselves a nomadic people for this time so much in store a babbling brook in a cool fetching grove by the water domestic livestock infrastructure and the trading capital of the free people there in the distance we were saved again here we would start a new life we entered the city weary from travels and ready for a rest we sold all that we owned yes all that we owned again and set out almost immediately for what really mattered legs we needed them and then so many legs did we acquire for they had many of them we put all of our legs on the ground and divided them among us the first was for tour squad leader the next was for tour science there were legs for tour splosion all things said and done we raised our speed from six to a whopping eight miles an hour this may not have been much but it was enough for now a light jog we were making progress this would finally be enough to perform the most basic of tasks employing my favorite cheese tactic where you anger the animals and run them back into the hub since we couldn't afford to do anything else we merely spent the day sneaking around the town learning to become more elusive we snuck out of the town we snuck back into the town and eventually we had become ninja masters this could be exemplified through our naruto running notice tor stealth even though he doesn't have arms is running like naruto in this way we trained day after day despite the fact that kenshi has so many options people insist there's really only one way to play this game folks that is obviously by always running to stronger allies for help and so we watched from the rooftops as stronger allies fought for our money and our economic future this is completely not an exploit and not what anyone ever does in the game afterward we didn't gather the supplies from them and sell them on the black market the only real positive to having this many men is that they can do everything in one looting run with these disguises we would be completely indistinguishable from real dust bandits again we traded selling our appropriated weapons in exchange for specialist legs now finally after all of this work we were moving at a whopping 12 miles an hour in real life this would be translated to constant five-minute miles yes and they didn't even look winded not one bit now we could fight dust bandits and actually win this became an extremely profitable way of making money other faction encounters were also worth as you can guess a lot of money so we survived picking out what little was left but it was a start it was incredibly exciting invigorating after all the secret to winning wars is just having allies stronger than you fighting enemies weaker than you and winning every battle we're in the art of war lao zoo highly recommends winning the war before the battle has begun like the american credit card industry it depends upon buying things before you have the money but it was time to complete one last task i would need speed and i had speed i had a lot of speed there lay a fortune of beak thing eggs let me tell you now i took as many as i could fortunately beak things are not able to fit through doors and i i barely made it inside but it was enough to heal and the hivers actually defended me they hated the beak things this was all enough to make a fantastic profit off of the hivers but they also charged outrageous sums to sleep in a bed i made a handsome profit and then i came back for more i was willing to take it all yes i may have altered the course of hiv civilization but oh this one got into a house somehow these both of them got into the house all right that's enough there will be peace from now on i did the last of my business and then i bid the trader adieu this is finally enough to get each squad member at least one arm and two legs i can't tell you how many hours that took probably 12 hours but now we hold the light of the future for we are the chosen people and the next chapter in our journey will bring us far beyond where men of this day go we'll leave it there until next time i hope you enjoyed as always a majestic thanks goes out to my patrons you are the limbs upon which i stand and i can't thank you enough the next chapter in our journey awaits join me then as always i'm ambiguous amphibian goodbye now [Music] you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 897,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi lets play, kenshi torso, kenshi torso ep 1, kenshi torso part 1, kenshi gameplay part 1, kenshi torso experience, kenshi torso start, kenshi torso squad, kenshi the torso experience, kenshi torso experience part 1, kenshi game, kenshi torso mod ep 1, kenshi pc, kenshi torso start ep 1, kenshi gameplay ep 1, kenshi modded, kenshi squad, kenshi mod, lets play kenshi, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian kenshi
Id: ZDzQ82juOlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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