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hello for a new challenge i'm going to play rimworld with 1000 columnists the difficulty will be peaceful because this game was not designed for this the mods will be performance enhancing spawn on earth unfortunately for simplicity we will have 1 000 copies of the same person meet guy he has extremely overpowered traits an acetic iron-willed jogger industrious fast learner super immune quick sleeper asexual and sanguine essentially spongebob in human form the reason we need to make this colonist so powerful is because there will be one thousand of him if even one of them has a mood break it will spiral out of control and cause mass hysteria he's perfectly well-rounded and now i just have to spawn in a thousand i actually have to do this one two three four five nine ninety nine one thousand and it only cost 44 million points and if you need proof here's my audio recording software this was all the time it took me to count to a thousand i'm giving them a lot of resources because i love myself and let's get started oh jesus christ what did some of them just die oh a lot of them just appeared on the outside because i guess the central cluster was kind of hang on pause pause oh god they're everywhere and i also forgot to spot no this is a large map it just looks small because i have a thousand colonists oh well uh the game is running surprisingly fast considering uh what just happened yeah this is it at one time speed this is it at three times speed oh wow that's crazy it actually runs really well with rocket man this is an incredible mod okay let's do uh we'll start by allowing everything in here we just have to allow all of the stuff they landed with look at all of the steel slag chunks from the drop pods fascinating absolutely fascinating just a marvel of modern memeage like just for perspective if these were normal colonists many tens of them would have snapped and killed each other and they're all completely happy with one another why is that because they crashed together they like each other guy guy guy if only all colonies were like this all right well they all have this acidic trait which means they prefer two by one bedrooms and that means this sort of structure is completely fun we're going to build our bedrooms on the outer bound of the map because i have no idea how else i'm going to stomach what's about to happen and then each one's bedroom will look something like this you're familiar with this structure if you've seen my other 100 and 200 men colonies everyone's bedroom looks like this we're just going to see how many beds we get when we build around the entire map edge we're also going to dig underneath a bunch of mountains as well to do that so we're we're just going to plow right through nature is this a good idea absolutely not but i i'd shudder to think how else you would do this it wouldn't be fun to have them all centrally located anyway no let's have them travel a great long distance to get basic tasks done also selecting columnists via the columnist ui is not going to be very helpful this is their portraits up here so i'm just going to turn that off i'm also just going to install fluffy's blueprint mod i'll be back in a few minutes wow they made short work of that i literally went to the bathroom because i didn't think that the game would ever load but it did now we can make a blueprint of these ted bedrooms and just start copying and paste them i don't want to count to a thousand again for god's sake there that's 50. and then we'll just order them to mine out these clips we'll be going under a mountain but you you're gonna have to get used to that okay mine begin mining i feel a little cruel for doing this but i know i need to make some changes from the last colony of this type we didn't even have double wide walkways in the last 100 men colony now we're going to need to do it in the thousand man colony just look at this just look at this how are they going to get all of the meals over there they're going to need to start chopping trees soon too chop chop i say chop chop okay i've ordered them to chop down all of the living trees left on the map so that's everything that's all of the life we have a lot of wildlife but soon we won't my god look at the migration look at the migration and we should really use the entirety of the middle of the map for um planting rice this is just going to be a massive rice patty in the end really is what these types of colonies all turn into good nothing but rice you love rice you do yes you do you love eating rice you love it so much okay all arable land here on the interior has now been uh designated as rice zones now we kind of have to think about how they'll spend the day and we want them to minimize their movement because otherwise it could just drag on our colony as it grows we'll just have them dig straight through these cliffs and then build more bedrooms we'll have a bedroom outer wall bedroom outer wall i say why are we moving around this edge this is taking too long yes good work be very productive be fruitful and multiply my people look at them there must be at least 10 of them right there now fortunately all of their work has automatically been set to full check marks i don't even have the patience to do that oh great guy has been expired inspired for improved recruitment fantastic okay we'll be able to get even more people he's one in a million now i'm wondering about how long these packaged survival meals will uh survive we we will have to haul these over we have what is it 5000 of them this food won't last very long in comparison why does everyone look so depressed over here what happened to you oh well they've got most of the fields sewn with the rice um we're going to need to create some sort of giant refrigerator or everyone dies do we have the research done in fact we do in fact we do now i'm just going to give them time they're going to need some time for all of this i know what i want the rest of the base to look like so i'm just going to start blueprinting in other sections of the map it won't be pretty but they'll get it done this colony is illegal i'm just sad looking at it oh god look at all the interesting lineups they create it's like ants it's all over the game behaves abnormally when there are this many people but i excel at controlling people what's on their minds unsightly environment well not much we can do about that in the meantime we do need to think ahead to all of the things that can and will go wrong conventional wisdom says that you should build a dining room next conventional wisdom also says don't play this type of colony so whatever that leads us to um yep just keep doing whatever you want people it looks like meal time here everyone has stopped what they're doing and they're all heading in procession to the meals that should be about a thousand meals i think we have more than that and this is the type of colony that demands a nutrient-paced dispenser but the question is where to put these we will need several i think uh i think i want to minimize the footwork we'll put one along the outside we'll just build one every 20 or 30 spaces or so that looks about equidistant one here and one here and we'll make this all into a hallway this is going to just it's just going to be baffling by the time it's done okay that's more or less what i wanted and then we'll just do something more or less like this for hallways dining rooms and refrigeration inside of here this way it goes rice fields to the fridge to the nutrient paste to the dining room to the hall to their beds somehow it makes sense somehow this is the most rational setup i can think of i know and there's still about 900 of them i need to give beds to but now that we've sketched out our main idea the rest will just have to sleep on the floor and that's just what i'll do right over here all right that's 50 beds and it can't hurt to just copy and paste this over a few times that's 150 200 250 300 roughly 350 in mass they they will sleep tonight but just all over the place all over the place the geneva convention would be proud though i will admit that the game is now starting to chug along uh and i am a bit worried i think it was when i put in all of those sleeping spots i might have to take them away they could just sleep on the dirt they're happy enough people that they should be fine how are their social lives going non-existent very good more of that well now you get to go to bed yes you got oh wait you aren't going to bed you're building a roof no you don't get to go to bed then this may seem weird but playing rimworld this way points out some massive inconsistencies like look at how they're all trying to traverse between here why don't we just mine out this place good job guy nice job cutting down that tree guy thanks for stepping over those guy i appreciate that now they've gotten up to a nice brisk pace again thank god i gave them level 10 in all of their stats otherwise this would be a lot longer i do want them all to at least get a bed good a few of them have a bed i think some of them are trapped in their bedrooms i still need to go find those ones it's always the quiet ones yes this one over here is trapped in his bed okay you can you mine him out of there he can't seem to step over that large piece of granite great we got those other ones who are trapped over here out of there we'll leave that open just so they can get to all of this wood and a few of them thank you for uh stepping up to the plate and letting other people have the beds guy the game has started going fast again okay that's great wow it can even go at three times speed at an appreciably faster pace that's impressive oh god no somebody just destroyed an animatry the entire colony is now suffering from a negative six mood debuff and also a massive colony wide negative three mood debuff about eating without a table we'll get that attended too soon uncomfortable darkness say unsightly environment drowsy well that they can take care of themselves fortunately we've got this middle section now mined out so they can proceed in oh gosh that is really impressive unfortunately i did put all the sleeping spots over here um hopefully most of them will get one just look at them filling in the beds that's actually quite satisfying gosh i should really start a clone facility in room world that would be something else but perhaps not as impressive as this it's look it makes some sort of art when their names are all together it just looks like oh it's awful it's awful and amazing at once i'm getting 22 okay we're getting under 60 fps and when we zoom in we have slightly better fps or when we slow down time okay we can get full we can get over 60 fps if we keep time at one time speed and we're zoomed in but hold on to your hat when i zoom out and go to three times speed that's curious well here's what it looks like they slept in the cold last night we've been in permanent summer but i think their moods should hold up today except they're all getting hungry and that's going to get worse and worse because now they need to trek a few a hundred feet to get meals should have thought that through but we still have enough meals for i think about nine days for everyone and i'm not even gonna worry too much about food preservation because they're i mean they're gonna go through these meals before anything else happens just hold all of the doors open yes even your bedroom doors oh no one is gone on a sad why are you on a sad wander oh this guy is trapped in the wall what we didn't mine him out one of them was trapped inside of this wall since the beginning of the colony okay somebody get him out of there please there's a man in here somebody created a masterwork wooden bed oh my god he went on a sad wander he wasn't even technically considered one of our colonists anymore wow the one that got away well he is malnourished from being inside of a cliff for 24 hours okay get right back in there guy we love you guys we're all rooting for you a group of travelers are passing them by they're just like what in the world they can't even get into the colony because it's totally blocked off just as i planned well now that we've got our nutrient paste dispensers up and running i'm going to get some refrigeration going as well agree or disagree with me how many how do you take care of this many colonists food needs i want to do it as vanilla as possible too i think we'll do something like this i'll fix it up just so that the airlocks are better but placing hoppers around should feed each of our colonists like this these i mean nutrient paste dispensers were made for colonies like this and we'll place the other one something like this except i need to get rid of the sleeping spots there we go good enough we're going to need more refrigeration space but this is just a fridge we'll need a deep freezer somewhere else now we've also carved out double wide hallways we're going to make that quadruple wide just to prevent more things from going wrong we have this group of 10 guys meditating around a lot oh god 10 guys are meditating right here you can't all meditate together like that that seems distracting well they've done a good job clearing out this cave in a matter of hours okay now we need to get all of these stone chunks out of the way because they're it's really slowing them down and this is very bothersome they're even taking alternate routes i didn't necessarily intend for them to use they'll just start setting out stockpiles of random stuff i just want them to have building materials in some place i want to know where everything is because right now it's just oh god it's slowing down again well we're back down to 2fps again and when i zoom out most things are just gray oh the game crashed it brought me back to these 10 guys meditating where were we ah so the game is slowed down by creating stockpile zones no stockpile zones then pick up whatever's on the ground i do want the game to run i feel bad for this guy just everyone's walking past him while he's trying to get a nap there's a lot of sad scenarios i've passed by here let's try to finish this off get him tucked away in there everyone else yeah just not even sure i can count the beds we'll make an estimation we won't ever really know how many beds there are believe it or not i believe this is only about 150 beds we still need another 850 or so wow just sad very sad unfortunately this means we're going to need to dig out the other side of the map which is completely mountain yep just do this that looks safe yeah no cave-ins there and go all the way into this mountain don't uh don't ask me why we're doing this come on sing with me everything is awesome everything is great when you're part of a team well seeing as this colony is just going to be a massive show it's now time to create the grand dining hall we could pack them in more but i think i want to give them space and i want it done fast now this should slightly lower the depression in the colony there we go all powered up and running okay we finally have power and we've clearly used up a good chunk of the meals we can see that a rhinoceros is actually eating the meals i'm scared to go fight it because we have no weapons still i uh i didn't drop them in with any arms we're going to need something or we'll just overwhelm the enemy by standing in front of them oh awesome the dining room is already almost complete and it's been only a few minutes they're already eating these meals and they like these meals yes they're happy with their awful bedrooms being acetics everyone is being kind to each other and even though they have to sleep on the ground they're still glad because they all just like each other so much they look at one another and they see perfect reflections of themselves they have a minor passion for their work i should have made that a major bash uh slept in the heat well last night it was the call that evens out this anima scream will be gone before long too um oh god what's next on the menu i'm just gonna let them all sleep on the ground tonight it's not even worth it for the amount that it slows down the game we might get a few mood breaks tomorrow a rare one on occasion but so far it's been only that one guy who was trapped in a cliff and he's all right now that's great yeah just sleep in the refrigerator and in the dining room oh it's like a hooverville many of them have chosen to sleep nearby the meals i think that's a great choice this okay you didn't get a bedroom unfortunately has anyone seen guy he's still not in his bed these ones are sleeping in the construction site this one managed to barely get a bed wake up it's time to get back to work at least they now have a place to socialize some of them are asleep some of them are awake this one is sitting on another guy while he's socializing this guy just this guy looks like he is fused with this other one and then these ones are making some kind of human centipede and one of them is going on a wild run okay no uh oh well he was he spawned here i can't go on that rescue mission you have a good life now uh what happened to you oh he's starving to death okay there's gonna be a dead guy in here he's moving around there's more civilization back there there could be hundreds of them back there for all i know we'll never know what happened to guy stranded out here oh well there could be a few of them i guess we'll hear about them over the next couple hours he was in such a good mood until he snapped he just didn't see any of his friends since he landed well it's nice to see we've brought these beds along now we just have to mine out another entire mountain and since it really does seem to be slowing them down i'm going to haul out these rocks they're starting to roof and now we will create a stone cutting workshop someone can work here anyone want a job it seems like the game really can't handle stockpiles of any kind when i have this many columnists like it just stops working when i create a stockpile i don't know why this one worked there's one there uh i'm a little scared to make stockpiles that we have an alpaca in this room can we handle this so instead we'll just bring the rocks over and then we'll cut them we'll just handle all the work as it comes until then just keep stepping over those rocks another one has gotten mad now over here i don't know where how they landed over here there's some anarchy going on behind this rock face though my god look at them go it's beautiful can we at least send someone in there to find out what's going on good job guy we can go retrieve them now it's beginning to look like some sort of disaster relief camp no don't go don't go for a walk over there why would you do that there's a turkey in this cave a lot of things are out of place i mean there's a new definition of normal here now but most of all uh we need to carve out some new highways and byways over here because everybody keeps avoiding these obstacles we got to speed up this workflow guys i think they're finally coming around we haven't been quite halfway through the meals the rice is almost at the first harvest it's about halfway there we have almost half of the beds now i think this is a lot of beds and we'll have to go straight through the mountain and we're about to find out what was uh in this mystery of the mountain over here where a bunch of people are going mad but we're still working on it the animals of the region are befuddled and don't quite know what to do everywhere they turn are bald men and rice bald men in rice as far as the eye can see ice cream socials digging building and cleaning everyone is kind speaking about light-hearted topics and waving at one another well the good news is that every time i reload in the game it's fairly fast the bad news is it takes about 15 minutes to load in but i see potential well i think i'm just going to build floors so that they'll walk faster and then we'll probably wave the white flag once anyone raids us i'm struggling to grasp what will come when they do raid us i think that the game is just struggling with the load of how everyone will deliver the resources and well it's nice to see them making fast work of this they really can move mountains when you have a thousand calories quite literally there will be a part two as long as my computer remains cool and assuming that we don't get attacked in five minutes in which case i'm sure that the devastation will be a spectacle wow look they've already finished pretty much the entire path i thought that would take them days but they're practically done with it already this is great oh i like this this time we won't just have them making all of these diagonal paths we'll have them actually going up and down and left and right wow amazing what you can do when everyone is cooperating and no one is resisting the type of colony that will make you say i wish my kids could do that i am surprised it took them only about an hour to finish off this entire walkway well i see bright things ahead for the thousand man colony we're making our way through the mountain and we're cleaning it as we go through but i think that there's a lot more work to be done the mystery of the mountain remains i hope you enjoyed a major thanks to viewers like you and an overwhelming display of gratitude to my patrons for their descendants will be as numerous as the stars i'm ambiguous amphibian until next time
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 809,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, rimworld let's play, rimworld 1000 colonists, rimworld 100 colonists, rimworld 1000, rimworld 1000 pawns, rimworld 1000 colonists run, rimworld challenge, rimworld 2021, rimworld game, let's play rimworld, rimworld pc, rimworld mods, rimworld modded, rimworld playthrough, rimworld let's play modded, rimworld 1.2, rimworld let's play 1.2 modded, rimworld royalty
Id: WgrLrt4kyDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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