200 Colonists w/ 1 Passion and 0 Skills vs Rimworld #1

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to follow up my last 100 man colony I'm attempting to maintain a rim world colony consisting of 200 pounds with one passion each it's basically running a colony of lemmings I tried it a few months ago and we were obliterated in a massive fiery inferno by mechanoids as in the last playthrough each pawn is like an ant performing one specific task inside of a giant hive some are planters some are builders some are researchers and so on and so forth I more or less doubled all of their tasks this time because of lessons I learned last time when I attempted a similar scenario we begin with the following items 40,000 units of pemmican 600 meals one thousand beers one thousand smoked leaf joints 200 pairs of pants and a machine pistol for everyone to train with as well as enough uranium maces to make me less afraid of being murdered by mechanoids and mass like the previous playthrough and enough wood and other resources to get us started I think that this is fair because maps weren't designed to support colonies of this greater size and I just want to try it so let's begin the embarkment all right we just spawned and I'm just going to pause for a second because there's a lot to be done first we need to unfirm it everything this should take about five minutes so I'm just gonna speed through this and there's a lot of [ __ ] here okay till the beer and you get a gun you get a gun there's 30,000 pemmican lying around 200 pairs of pants 600 meals a thousand bottles of beer next we need to go through the works oh yeah I almost forgot drugs now they can drink beer and it's but you'd smoke now seeing as there's so many people we need them all to collectively not go crazy so if their mood goes below about 30% we're gonna give them beer and smugly okay let the drugs begin and everyone gets a job this shouldn't be too hard to go through just 200 more of you left and you get a job and you get a job everyone is an assigned task now this is crazy Oates of my researches okay now they do now each one of our colonists has one passion in his area of importance so cutters are good at plants everyone's an acetic well mine away all the sides of the rock surfaces chip away at them and deconstruct this and also this well most of this and and all of this and these too we also want to haul away all of the chunks just everywhere get those out of our lives chop all of the wood just all of it we'll need this for farming and we can destroy the rest of the map if we need trees it is a very large sell so we should survive hopefully we'll survive I almost forgot about the cows had some add some cows there we go okay so they will repopulate the earth there we go now there are cows our cows smashing and don't forget we also need to remove oh my god look at the frames for a second don't worry that'll go away in a moment but we need to dia sign all of the skill points for everyone so I'm just going to turn on development mode and just set every single colonists shooting skills is zero like I'm sapping away their brains now we need to remove all of their melee skills there we go and everyone is dumb again now before anyone moves we need to set up where the rooms are gonna be or just swing all the beds across here watch how I do this if this is gonna be our basic blueprint I'll explain why this works primitive bed ultimately we're gonna need to replace these with actual beds and we're gonna need light for that so we can't put doors on just yet right now we count to 260 believe it or not that's only about a quarter of the beds will need 90 doesn't look like a prison at all 100 100 I think we'll just surround this mountain 120 150 160 180 200 I was pretty close damn it and for right now one door leading to the outside world wow that is 200 bits and the reason I put the beds on the outside is cuz everything's just gonna be grows owns here in the middle and we need to do that so that we could do planting zones along the outside we want our planters to just be able to wake up and get to work rather than having to commute is if you recall this was a problem in our last colony and although it can't be perfect I do want it to be visually pleasing if you would call this visually pleasing so we're just gonna start with a crapload of growing areas there we go good good just schyster this one in over here and this one in here and we'll do a healthy mix of everything mostly rice though in the middle we're gonna need a mess hall to eat at and for room this large we're gonna need some wooden supports in the middle I'm basically going to create like a Valhalla sized mess hall stool stools everywhere far as the eye can see that's enough we'll need a place for our [ __ ] as well let's make that place and for right now just various horseshoe pins everywhere this makes sense all around the rec room and eventually we'll make this some sort of order now we don't want all of these pants to decay out here so we need to store them in a room just make one massive ass storage room that that big will do it's probably isn't enough usually it's not enough and just add doors under the sides of everything I guarantee there's gonna be a lot of foot traffic here and here and here here I can't even remember why I made all these rooms anymore put the dumping here this moment takes a dump and just more massive stockpile zones oh who even knows what will go in there we go put anything in there and there's probably still not gonna be enough and let's make our job a little bit easier later on eventually we'll want to give everyone a gun put them all in one place and it's often good to have the drugs in one spot too so we'll put all the drugs in here last but not least we'll need some stone cutter tables just a crap load of them just all over the place and put research tables in the middle of the room is a great way to concentrate and horror crafting spots along those research tables between everything else if you don't have an aneurysm yet you're going to get one and what's the best source of light torches to light your important research lights just torches around really inconvenient places okay go with my people do your [ __ ] okay we're gonna get like three frames per second at first I promise that that goes away have I've played out this scenario oh my god oh it's so nice to watch oh yeah baby yeah do your jobs and we will get two frames per second at the beginning but uh that should go away over time Oh Coco plants plant now it ain't perfect but you know it'll get more perfect as we go along you know I probably won't want them to finish the wall in here just yet I don't want them no don't finish all of the walls yet we don't want to we don't want to roof everything yet we want light in here make it stop how are we going coordinate all of this it's really a miracle that this works and the computer doesn't crash though it's it's just smashing it's just smashing then we have all of these weapons we have one triple rocket launcher just like for the memes I don't really know why I gave it to myself just I felt like being good to myself this time you know we'll have to get the rest of these trees out but we will equip them with weapons in time look at all of the fear and all of the guns oh [ __ ] Jesus I'm gonna wake them up from their sleep at night to get them weapons in time because for right now it's just not very convenient but oh the guns in there oh my gosh so many machine pistols now ideally it won't all deteriorate but it I mean that's gonna happen that's gonna happen a lot I'm gonna go through in research batteries first that will quickly be followed by micro electronics but we want to get our researchers to work ASAP look they've already got the torches up and we're gonna need some bills for these stone cutter tables as well I'm just gonna set them to make any type of blocks forever right now cuz I would have an aneurysm if I tried to do that out make any stone blocks all the time you can do it you can do it great everyone's off to work in the Soviet Union just keep throwing manpower out the problem until it goes away hopefully the cows won't have any issues with him make a new area cow cows belong over here no cows shitty cows grazing on the grass all right bye cows goodbye cows stay away repopulate the earth alone business is booming business is booming loving it ok great they are already they've already got the stools they're sitting at the stools having a good time and they're playing horseshoes just randomly around and we don't have enough space for all of these weapons but I mean screw it it isn't it doesn't matter well wait until day one done to make any major changes oh god this is the way it was meant to be played this is the way I hope everything isn't deteriorating horribly oh it is the shallow water that is okay we're gonna need to somehow terraform that changed this let's just get everything out of the water I knew that was a bad idea to store my guns in the water come on let's go get everything out of the water it looks like this still isn't enough storage let's build more more more more always more put anything in there I don't care oh great our miners are already almost done with their work good job miners earn that money oh wait you don't get paid now a brief note on pants they don't have they will find pants by tomorrow I think every single time I've tried this you know just variously checking people's gear yes everyone seems to have pets and that's about all I can do I haven't gone so far as to actually assign everyone to force them all to wear pants nor are there any nudists in the colony but for some reason every time I try this scenario I wind up with a bunch of extra pairs of pants I'm okay with that but it's it's on my radar and we're getting plenty of plant scraps from the from the fertile fields all right more of that more of that we need it for the terraforming good they're fertilizing the fields whoo-hoo it's night and the lights are coming on I like it okay let's get it actually we're gonna need more fire fire right here why are the Bulls and co I didn't assign them all the areas yet everyone get out go to cow go to cow be gone animals good good good good just take the rest of the 30,000 pemmican that we have how much do we have it on okay with 36,000 family can left and 415 meals good they've gone with the meals first as I planned we need them to eat the meals first because those are going to spoil very quickly nor do we have any real means of getting refrigeration 3.4 days about 600 meals is the maximum the weekend or something like that is about the maximum that we can sustain I don't know I'm just saying words cuz I'm trying to process everything that's happened but it's pretty much impossible to do that all I know is that we have only two minor break risks if no one idles so that's pretty important all right there is a mega sloth walking around the food stores a problem we have enough oh it's going okay it's going to sleep on the pemmican and the meals and the meals we have one sad wander now we've got eight minor breakers that's going to go up vastly tonight so I'm going to give them one new assignment now just as they control the masses in regular society with beer I'm going to slightly raise the amount of mood they need to be below to force them to drink beer so if your mood is below 35% if you're just feeling a little bit bad go have a beer it's a little bit bad we should also start equipping everyone with guns that seems like a good idea so let's you grab that machine pistol and you get a machine pistol and you get a machine pistol and you get a machine pistol off to bed off to bed with y'all are like little angels except that they all go on mental Tantrums the fact that we managed to get 200 sleeping spots on the ground though tonight it's is good and it also will give them a little bit of comfort that they need Oh could just walk over everyone to get to bed have fifty to minor break risks probably because they're all sleeping outside you know we we're gonna have a little bit of crazy to start and then that should go away on second thought let's just give everyone beer tomorrow ok everyone immediately when you wake up just drink beer drink like a colonial day drink like a colonial and Hunter 5 is just wandering around in the main room and everyone oh good job Taylor 3 nice job working into the night oh wait no you're just eating into the night whatever that's fine by me ooh this is not good it's getting cold outside well as soon as we get walls around you that should go away and tomorrow I'm sure our builders can work on the rooms you'll all have a good meal and be happy very good very good the corn is growin how good morning everyone everyone's gonna just start with a lot of beer today beer maybe you know what even smoke a joint if you're not feeling so good we had an insulting and we do want to beat the crap out of anyone who goes on an insulting spree not a good not a good thing to have attack that man at Kim good just hair off his ear something like that good only bruises from human fists good that's all we need just bruise him good oh we cracked his pelvis but no real risk of infections so we're fine okay we can hit a doctor on this man the problem is that everything is so spread out that he could actually die from this find a doctor and we got someone is going to take care of him all the way out there we'll have to get an infirmary up soon because this is there's going to be a problem but good everyone come in good here in the beer getting opened with the bottle openers they carry around in their pants ah the mega sloth is moving on good maybe he'll just go away I mean if worse comes to worse we could shoot him with machine pistols and mass which would be interesting but for right now I'm content to just let work resume go go my people go drink let's just get them kegs then why get bottles at this point oh good the minor breaker is still going down good only 30 now we can't do much about it we there might be a few breaks but we can tend to things and mass you know and great are building crews on the job they're getting walls built around the guy who's going to die how is their skill coming along anyway they're right oh good there are construction level two already that means they're progressing along nicely good and we're also going to give cleaner to a joint because he's going he's about to go mad he will go mad if he's so malnourished good job doctor five you know man that's gonna be another day of sleeping on the ground but after this day we'll take apart the beds and then we'll replace them we'll take apart the sleeping BOTS yeah well take away the sleeping spots and we'll replace them with actual beds this way our builders have slightly better skill and they get to construct the beds in the light so oh why are you doing that alright punch the [ __ ] out of it and punch the [ __ ] out of them come on help help out everybody help out good job good job team we're gonna beat the crap out of them and cause them to reform cause them to reform cause them good good good good ok and it's good we could just drink more alcohol get it all out of you now alcohol does raise the chance of social fights I think so that's not great but you know what as long as they're drinking ok great now they're getting onto the smoke leaf countless news rescue okay what happened to him oh he got the crap beat out of him too okay will this rescue him good good good everything is great everything's great around here I cleaner too is reached a catharsis this feel good to finally unborrowed my feelings now I like your bruised and damaged and I'm feeling okay alright that's great you be alone over there right we're gonna proves we're making progress we're building bridges now we've got only two points six more days for the meals so we'll tell them only to eat meals in their meal restrictions and this way we'll somehow get to the end of the meals because the pemmican has a much longer shelf life okay builder five is stressed just from a hideous environment we'll get out of there man get the hell out of there you'd stop chopping down the tree go somewhere else go over there go over there there we go alright maybe it's not as bad over here we have to get these beds out as soon as possible oh my god there's so much betting to do fortunately we still have twelve thousand wood to do it with and that's a lot no matter no matter this is why I gave them so many drugs so that they wouldn't all snap okay bill through twenties on a sad water actually a very good mental break has he eaten lately he's fine okay he's eaten lately good good everyone's eating an actual meal today and just roof in the rest of the complex and beat the crap out of cutter nineteen good everybody lend a hand beat the crap out of this man and now rescue him rescue him he's a good man at heart it's get a little carried away though look at that corn looks good nice rat sleep in the well we'll need to kill all of the animals in here I won't dwell on that too long whoo cows get out no cows allowed off to bed off to bed with you all sleep sleep good miner with all of his wounds is like I'm gonna go smoke a joint and he has developed an alcohol tolerance a minor issue a minor issue okay minor fourteen passed out with smoke Lee but fortunately he got what he needed alright I'm setting up a few stockpiles owns four would only like critical stockpile zones just so that the haulers can get that done and the builders can focus on building out here on the outskirts I'm going to make a conjecture that as soon as we get everyone a bed like they'll stop going crazy cuz crazy is the first of my fears you know we got to get rid of that initial crazy that sweeps over everyone and then once we get rid of the initial crazy then we can focus on the mega sloth in our storage the deer the ibex doe that's standing in there avid missing door and other just various [ __ ] okay great they're moving on to the heavier substances nice good job people okay good air you have a few joints we still have plenty left it will slow them down but it's fine it's gonna do a lot for them it's gonna help them a lot could go my people go my people all the wood mainly that's that's the main thing we need to do today is hauling the wood and just make sure we get it crops up soon okay and our researchers are actually beginning their research something I was my moderately concerned about because they had not begun so I took them off of other tasks and we're bringing the wood to the wood places good job good job people and we're building the roofs good that's also necessary and needed wow I got to say our haulers and our tailors and so on and so forth all those people have so much so much spare time on their hands right we it looks like we took off a guy's pinky from his insulting spree he I guess he deserved it it seems a bit excessive to me but at least we prevented the insulting spirit ironically in rimworld losing a finger isn't as bad as a lot of people getting insulted it looks like our builders are just finishing up the main mess hall and then after that they're gonna get to work on the beds we need the beds soon we'll also just need to build rooms over here oh stop cleaner 12 before he insults people good good continue your work good just have more joints until every until everything has built it's like a massive party until the day we finish this good and they're finishing up the roofing the builders are getting that done and then they can move on to the bedrooms another day a few more insulting sprees but I didn't okay a doctor 7 is lying on the ground we don't want that what is wrong okay we won't find out what's wrong with him for a moment good eat more pemmican we still have 30 thousand left other than that we'll be all right right tomorrow tomorrow oh and great they laid out all of the materials so the builders can just get building on the last of the bedroom walls smashing smashing nice a visitor you are different certainly from everyone else here now the fun part about making everyone in acetic is the fact that if they get terrible bedrooms they're actually much happier and they get a big mood buff so today we're going to give them comfortable beds and crappy rooms so that they're comfortable and happy everyone gets a wooden bed now as soon as all of you wake up I'm just going to deconstruct your sleeping spots this may make them go crazy for one day if I don't do it right but see if we can coordinate this we'll just take all of the unoccupied beds and deconstruct beds as people wake up and then as they get up good good everyone get to work get to work we will remove all of your beds and replace them with no beds you know what I mean hopefully we can transition this seamlessly it's very important and you get a bit and you get a bit and you get a bid now the reason I didn't build doors first was because I need them to have light well their buildings it's gonna improve the overall quality so although we took a hit in those first couple days you know people going on drug binges and so on and so forth this is actually gonna increase their quality of life in the long run which is why I did it nor am I gonna go to the trouble of building a torch in every single room so I'm pretty sure that's it I mean there might be a better way to do it but who cares it's a strange time of transition right build them beds people build the beds good and when they all wake up we can replace all of them with beds we just want our builders to be in that general area working the beds in the walls because they need rooms like one more night I'm not sure if I can take too many more of these mental breaks good the builders are actually working on the bedrooms now and they give these done really fast the other reason why it's good to have them build walls is because the quote there's no quality of wall you know furniture as quality and so on and so forth but walls and they can mess up building walls - so deconstructing is preferable but you know this guy's just sleeping through all this I already got it and we'll just deconstruct the rest of these sleeping spots and replace them with actual beds and it looks like they don't actually have enough spots to eat because I'm seeing some guys like wake up and just eat the pemmican that was in their hands so we'll try to avoid that every single of the mega slop standing next to the Doomsday rocket-launcher all right I respect that I guess and you get a bed and you get a bed let's all be happy and comfortable I swear just the task of giving everybody a bed is like an hour it's crazy how much transition oh [ __ ] what happened now said wander that's fine smugly smugly fringe is also okay we just don't want to I'm actually no it's not okay well you're eating right now so let's beat the crap out of you after you eat can you take another beating yeah we're gonna have to beat him up and you know what to take care of all the people who binge on drugs or insult people and then get their fingers cut off I'm going to just set all of these as hospital beds in the dining room for a moment well we'll make this its own separate area later on but for right now just dining room Hospital all right just kick the crap out of this already injured man it shouldn't be long for him to go down though if he's already this beaten right he's he's gonna survive probably doctor seven oh you're not looking so good doctors heaven right pick him up pick him up - anytime you beat the crap out of somebody the rule is you gotta pick them up fortunately he also was only bruised oh now his left middle - how do you get your left middle toe destroyed all right whatever I won't question that so much more but let's get these beds in the ground guys come on let's go bed bed time hit at bedtime oh that was horrible I was horrible okay great we're actually building the beds now awful condition poor but we want to aim for normal and possibly good possibly a little bit good let's see how is this bed gonna come out oh no you passed the construction this is the reason we don't build beds on day one is because they just all get destroyed immediately or they big candy they fail to build them in the first place okay another poor bed a normal bed another normal bed but we want to keep the like natural light on these beds as they're being built try saying that five times fast oh [ __ ] area revealed okay we're good oh no there's a lot drone [ __ ] at least it's not high oh [ __ ] okay we have 452 beers left and 674 smoke leaf UI set I guarantee you now everybody's gonna go to the drug room and just have the rest of the drugs we need to get the rest of these beds built in time and then doors on those rooms cuz otherwise everybody's gonna go crazy just from living in such a large ass colony and anytime we see a bed we could just you know put a door on that mofo put a door on that mofo there we go beds okay beds are coming out now I'm seeing more beds I'm liking the bed the bandage how much is okay it's a negative 12 low psychic drone darkman a we're getting darkness debuffs that's crazy let's make this room a little bit better lit because everybody who goes in there is like I'm in a terrible mood I'm gonna go god they're all gonna die we're all gonna die let's see if they all die oh man food binge that's fine whatever just ignore it ignore the problem ignore it because our builders are now at they're almost at construction level for we need them to get to four so that we could start building power grids and nutrient paste dispensers I think nutrient paste dispenses our at five we want to avoid having the meat raw food because then they'll all go crazy and they'll eat a lot of it so yeah just as much as we can to just have the meat nutrient based oh god it's starting to happen bad pork bed normal bed poor bed awful okay that's not good that's not good bed awful but normal okay so a few normal beds we got lucky another sad wander who cleaner nine you better not insult people turn that frown upside down mister alright kill you take him down take him down for the good of the many injure him non-lethal II injured him oh no plants nine has gone on insulting sprees but okay beat the crap out of him as well good good you know I didn't realize this but we're also gonna have them take some drugs into their inventory so that if they're off into the in the fields working and they're like I'm not feeling so good they can just have the drugs right there cuz clearly this is not enough drugs and I don't want things to get more bad could still have plenty of drugs left though okay in most of the beds were done today we're gonna have some wanders and another insulting spree step that a man stop that stop that guy's got a gun and now we'll distorted the rest of the doors cuz we gotta get doors on these ASAP once we get the doors then they'll all have a crappy room and they'll negate the effects of all the crap that's going on right now you don't want any more evil no more evil alright just one more night in Hell before before this is all solved let's put down some sleeping spots cuz I think some people don't have beds tonight because we took them away oh god oh god why is this happening ma just go to bed everything will be alright tomorrow hopefully hopefully everything will be all right tomorrow okay good you sit down there you go there good everyone will be alive I hope no no smoke leaf binges I do not handle addictions well but hit him with your gun hit him with your gun no but somebody else hit him with their hand good said wander is quite all right we cook I'm aware that we have a low psychic drone come on build a 13 get a hand in there good good beat the crap out of and prevent addiction before it happens by hitting people oh this guy's leg was destroyed we needed to take care of that okay but the point is this we've got a few people now who are lying in bed and they're happy this guy's got a long psychic drone but you know what the Jenner in general he's high he has some optimism maybe he's sleeping in the cold and outside but soon his bed should make him comfortable he should be happier that he's got a good night's sleep and we can put some artistic sculptures in our rec room so let's get on to art nap shall we people just put art benches on the outside here we need them to work on projects projects a few more torches up around here good our builders are finishing off all the rooms and oh good the beds are happening I love the beds good good very nice to see them working on these normal quality okay awful awful awful poor fella no this was not worth it at all oh [ __ ] good these beds are completed here we go a nice normal bed a nice normal bed in a room actual room no one sleeps on the floor anymore we all get bids oh great we have batteries finally the next thing we need is gonna be micro electronics pretty important we want that to happen good to have some beer have some smoke Leif good we're slowly running out we have about a third of the beer left we have half the or more than half the smoke Leif oh noes in some things pretty okay we don't want that you know what to do you know what to do good good good just get people sleeping on the ground let's get rid of that oh no plants 18 is going on a insulting spree to hit him with love hit him with love guys use your love to hit him and he really can take a hit I regret to announce that we're running out of drugs it's becoming I mean bill they probably have them in their inventory do you are you carrying many of you should be care good they're carrying beer with them could bring that beer with you in case if you need it later good cuz you're gonna need it you're definitely gonna need it all right let's get that art room up so that we don't all go crazy good we are almost done with all the construction and I'm gonna do something kind of crazy now now since I need all of the construction to get done before the end of the day I'm just gonna assign everybody to construction because I think it'll be worse if they don't finish this stuff off right now we have done a lot of work but we move these bits to be completed by tonight or I will be very worried I will be very worried if we do not finish them by tonight okay good just whatever your skill just go build a bed that's everybody's job today full employment on the block every no one has any other jobs we all just build beds here build your own bed and then sleep in it we have to get this guy at a bed I feel bad his his left pinky was destroyed but he will be healed one day right we're at full employment again full employment just a few people passed out in pain and the diner let's continue doing that until we have an actual infirmary good well done well done everyone we're running out of drugs we're running out of drugs come on finish it off tonight finish it off tonight before you go to bed oh the psychic drone is ending to praise Thor good we're going to survive just keeping this [ __ ] show alive is a lot of work right there okay now the rule of all art is we just keep on producing art until something looks good so we'll do forever and then we're gonna fill the entire world with a bunch of small medium and large sculptures so that we can have a better dining room so that they don't all go crazy also assign the cleaners to only cleaning now because they well we want the place to be claimed now you can't think of much other reason and there's blood lying or blood everywhere just one of the worst places to live Oh God but at least everybody has a bed now everybody is a room and this is gonna massively please their acetic trait and the fact that the psychic drone is over means that we probably won't be dealing with any more mental breaks for a long time yet you might have noticed that they went down significantly now we've got only three minor break only three minor break risks among 300 colonists which is quite low and some of us are trying to get trapped out of you know don't go over there oh [ __ ] it's raining now why would it rain oh that's terrible that's horrible why would it rain now okay some of you are gonna get trapped out here I'm just it's fine it's fine now the reason why I went to all of this trouble is because if we had built all of the beds in one place it would have been much simpler but ultimately it's gonna ruin their workflow because we need the planters to come out to the fields because they spend so much time walking just to get into the fields and what we've got here is actually a decent configuration a few of you have to sleep on the ground some of you will break tomorrow but that's okay we've got most people are carrying some smoke leaf or beer with them right good you've got a joint you've also got a joint some food and some beer so they've got plenty plenty on hands so that number over there that we have only 235 smoke leaf joints which is an alarmingly low and scary number to see actually isn't quite as bad as as you might at first think most have a bed now everyone's going off to bed we have no more only eleven more break risks plants nine needs a rescue let's go do your job doctor one go do your job put him back in the bed he was already on a finishing up construction here and it looks like we've got maybe one day left to the harvest 85% grown on the most but once once the harvest begins we're pretty much just gonna have a continual harvest and replanting forever that is a massive job just feeding the colony I mean it takes a really long time to get a surplus of food but once the Constructors job is done or once most people finish helping them like the mood actually we've got that's not that bad only one major break risks and okay the Minor Breakers are growing because it's raining but that'll go away and we are surviving we are in fact surviving we've not made we haven't been nuked by something we will probably get nuked sooner sooner or later we do tend to get mechanoids with the colony of this large which is why we have uranium mesas so micro electronics is coming along I think we'll take this through maybe the first harvest maybe we'll get an actual infirmary up here and then hopefully where are our builders okay so our builders are at like level 3 construction skill maybe some of them have gotten onto level 4 okay somebody's hiding in his room that's fine currently still no one has the skill needed to create a wind turbine which is a little scary we need that so wait we're pretty much this banking on construction level 4 and then once they get construction level before we can get wind turbines which will hopefully bring them up to the construction level 5 and then that's what's needed to build a nutrient paste dispenser oh and we have an ancient danger of it okay let's avoid that all the time shouldn't be too bad and we might even be able to release it on something that I can't imagine it possibly having enough evil in it to prevent something from killing us all art is important but we don't want them to make steel sculptures because steel sculptures are well we just need steel for other stuff oh yeah area revealed oh that's fine that's perfectly fine and good the last of the stools are being completed so that everyone can eat in happiness good we're finishing up the art room good good job everybody good job it looks like the beds are just about all done it's looking more and more like prison architect as we go along so I think I'm going to take everybody else off of the building jobs now let's have everybody else not construct anything ever only the builders build only the builders building Oh an exotic goods trader that's not scary right now go away we we wish for no one to come oh [ __ ] suddenly were out happy how did we run out of wood that's terrible oh [ __ ] I think that was just about all of the wood that we need the only answer can be deforestation before a station good good all the trees just gone good get rid of them all well a tortoise self tamed Oh okay now you just stay over there something like that has never come in it's gonna take him so long to get up to the rest of the base that it won't even makes won't even make sense for us to do anything with them anymore now it's time for an infirmary we want to put the infirmary near the drug area I'm probably gonna not have this be the drug area that's that would be very ill-advised we just want this kind of central in our colony you know I think right here works let's try this we'll need more in time but for right now this is enough to take apart take apart the horseshoe extravaganza going on right next to it there we go there we go good job good you have everyone just put another wall there let's move all of the infirm in here and we'll use another torch to light the infirmary we are all are we out completely we might be completely out of wood I'm going to have to completely change all of these building materials to be stone now I did not picture this happening this fast okay we're working with sandstone it's very fast to work with it's gonna grind our building skills so sandstone it is and I'm sure I'll regret this later but sandstone doors I mean they'll be open long enough so whatever whatever just screw it screw it that's pretty much the mentality that keeps this whole colony going okay put all of the weak people in this dark room that will make them feel better no but in all seriousness we'll light it soon you don't think I'd actually force them to I can't believe we have beds these herbs they're so nice Wow good okay the builders are the only ones working on this [ __ ] now they're actually getting back to work because we're telling them to use a material that we have we have our researchers are coming along with micro electronics how are our builders in their skills three three once one of you gets to four why are the cleaners working out no they aren't we're at level three coming up on level four soon I hope okay maybe you're gonna be a little while to level four but we still have 13,000 pemmican remaining otherwise we can all just get food poisoning for a few years whew the plants are almost ready look at them they're ninety eight ninety six down here it's getting a little bit more hopeless but still you can see we're ready for a harvest now and we have harvested a number of them good good good good job people were not starving to death we have one harvest we have how much rice now we have 610 that won't last for long no that won't last for long okay let's start to plant some more fields we're gonna need them we're gonna need them okay here we'll put more rice we need it we definitely need it believe it or not we're actually gonna need even more rice I anticipate somehow I just I have a sense of this inside of me now like I've played so many just absurdly large colonies that things certain things tend to go wrong first and we're almost we're almost there with the rest of the dining room well you know we'll tell them to make art only from stones no more wood no more wood we're running out of wood this is this is crazy this is crazy that is happening eventually we will get that wood back when we replace the walls on the outside but for right now we're just screwed a little bit okay people put the sculptures here so I could see them because I have no idea where they are in our stockpiles and it is worrying me Wow Wow surprisingly no more breaks okay is the mega stuff going to no it'll stay in there we have now almost no food left we have just under 10,000 pemmican which will last a little bit longer we will have we will have other food we have rice we have more and more rice every single day and that is growing and I am expanding the grow zones because I don't think I don't think we planted enough I hope the corn grows faster yeah we need a lot more grow zone one of our builders has now achieved construction level four this is great news because we tes per Utley needed him too and now we can put here we go let's put windmills on everything we'll put them here preferably on the stone near the fields eventually we might be able to terraform of that let's do here here and here and then we could do power conduits leading between them and once we get this in we should good I think they're all connected up on a grid now we can bring this back here and connect it to some batteries which the batteries can go in here and the food storage that makes perfect sense for some reason yeah I'm just gonna put them next to each other that's fine whatever and then after that we'll need nutrient paste dispensers so once we get the nutrient paste dispenser then we will have more [ __ ] we nee we need three components in 90 steel both of which we have and hoppers and all that good stuff anyway once we get all that we can put that there and then we have nutrient paste getting ready and then after that we'll just be like you know air conditioner refrigerator and then once we get that last bit running we'll we're practically saved like we'll live if we get that and it looks like builder 9 is the one who got to construction level 4 first so we'll just keep on giving him more wind turbines to build because if he gets 5000 skill then we have 5 and then we can get the nutrient base dispenser which would be fantastic power going as soon as possible Oh another Ranger danger where is okay that's over that way will not disturb your hidden sleep this is this deep into a mountain wow that's impressive impressive that they would have built so deep all right you know what we finally got wind turbines gonna get batteries collecting stuff we had nine builder nine keeps failing but no matter because builder 9 is getting better and harder and faster and stronger and so on and so forth so he is at construction level 4 and he is very very close to I just want to end this video on a nutrient paste dispenser that would make me feel really really safe speaking of skill grinds our researchers are now at level four it seems so they're getting along in their years well enough so they're fine I think I forgot to reset these guys social stat I'm er not really using social so it doesn't really make a difference to anything they're all just slightly more social I'm proud of you builder nine you're leading our colony if we didn't have you we might all starve and die either that or get massive food poisoning oh you definitely deserve a door on your room we got to make sure that he doesn't go crazy bill they're 15 before you go to bed you better build a door on his room there we go he's much happier he has an awful bedroom he had a killed or nine at a catharsis okay fine that's that's perfectly well and all let's just delete these high priority wood stockpile zones we definitely don't need that anymore ah they sleep finally after all of that hard work now our code now our colony is ready to get attacked by mechanoids oh man it wouldn't that be wouldn't it be a wonderful way to end okay we have rice we have a crap ton of rice though we have this stuff going I'm gonna build more wind turbines how much okay we have plenty of components because I made it that way and we've plenty of seals so we're just gonna keep on building wind turbines until we have construction level five get a nutrients dispenser and then go on with our lives and we'll just grind out these last few construction projects get the builders to work on that builder nine is the one we want to keep an eye on building nine you too man need a man thanks for being the only smart colonist builder three get a job you have only two construction skill and you're smoking all day I don't know if this is gonna seem cruel but we're gonna just thin out the infirmary from here because it seems as if everyone's capable of walking they can all go into the other room good everyone get in bed over there come on be happy you're all injured together are the sounds of work being accomplished okay now I need to force builder nine to work because Iza we're getting a little close here we've got only 5,000 pemmican left and we need to very rapidly change all of that rice to nutrient paste so we don't really have time for you to [ __ ] around builder nine you got to work today all day good work work work we depend on you you're the only one you're the only one who can do it older one is also quite exemplary but I'll be damned I mean since builder 9 just had a catharsis and everything else he's feeling so much better now and he's getting the rec room and dining room buff so everyone's happy want more power more power good build build build 3434 he needs only 1,500 more experience right let's just force him to build batteries for the next 10 minutes you can do it you can do it man build this lamp good this will help you with your labors good good building the light walk in the light builder 9 he's at 4000 experience and rising and he needs to eat he needs to eat no social time for you young man we'll just force you to build more wind turbines and we are just about out of food this could not have been better timing no rest until level 5 good good he's getting close good he needs only 500 more experience and he's just about ready and yes good ok he is ready to build a nutrient paste dispenser oh we're saved we build it here everyone else halt halt halt get that [ __ ] out of there everybody get out of here no sleep till you're done with this job builder 9 and right before we run out of pemmican it's need to wake him up finish this off put some hoppers on the outside there we go yes the ultimate completion of the nutrient phase dispenser this is going to say oh no you don't go don't go to bed you're not allowed to sleep who told you you could sleep and just finish you know I just finished off the hoppers I don't have builder ones already working on the hoppers ok fine we don't need skill to do that we're saved we're saved thank God let's just link this up to our power grid and now we have food at long last food who would have thought it was possible food right when we had only 1,000 delegate left that's that was really well timed it would have been horrible if that didn't work and just the worst arrangement of wind turbines of all time but that's fine quite fine do with it does it have power just a few more sections to complete there we go just a little bit more and then that'll be working and thank out okay praise Zeus we are done and let's just tell them all to eat not raw food good ha ha ha ha nutrient paste uh food of the gods that's right there we go Soylent Green that's who we needed it oh and at long last were saved our colony will survive of 200 people not a single person died we have crapload of rice 7201 rice we are rapidly running out of all other food let's just tell them not to eat other food food restrictions the lavish meal no raw food don't even have me wait I don't know what that one's technically nutrient paste meal it's fine ok they'll have that don't eat corpses don't really even eat the pemmican so now they're just going to have nutrient paste exclusively nutrient paste meals that's great now just a few more benches do we have sculptures and we have some sculptures awful large sculptures but out of all of those they should be able to build them somewhere this one is negative Beauty so we'll have to get rid of that this one's poor we can install it in here though and we can just start to pretty up this room here we go let's put this here and good actually not there right there we need to put them around the room because they actually get out of range of people as they go around and now some fine ass sandstone floors in our dining room and our colony is pretty much like we're cooking with fire now well we'll get that for the infirmary as well and we'll get actual beds for the infirm there's a lot of other things to do but I'd say we're pretty successful for day one we've got all of our crops up and running we successfully had one round of harvesting we will live for the hoppers let's just set the storage priority - ADA's already important so we're fine there yeah we're good we're gonna survive we have beds we'll take apart these things I actually I rather liked those but we want them to not get in the way of planting so let's put that there and we'll be ready to kill the mega sloth first thing next time he's been on my mind but I had several other priorities first so we have that we have an infirmary we have it's just nice I like this I'm liking it already next we'll need kill boxes we do need some kill boxes we might want to take care of that ancient danger where was that it's somewhere in a mountain somewhere in a mountain there's a lot more but holy hell I can't believe that we made something with 200 200 is more it's the same as doing a colony with 100 colonists but different in a way too very different I liked it we're lucky that one builder had enough skill but holy hell I'm tired anyway I'm gonna take a break pick this back up next time but the groundwork has been laid anyway my name is ambiguous empathy and I hope you enjoyed and as always I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 325,794
Rating: 4.9437947 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.1, rimworld royalty, rimworld 100 colonists, rimworld 200 colonists, rimworld 100, rimworld 200, rimworld 100 pawns, rimworld 200 pawns, rimworld no skills, rimworld no skills all passion, rimworld mods, rimworld game, rimworld 1.1 mods, rimworld 1.1 let's play, let's play rimworld, rimworld all passion no skills, rimworld one passion, rimworld passion, rimworld rts, rimworld prepare carefully, rimworld big colony, rimworld 100 man
Id: asKs1n6iFlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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