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hello for a new challenge i'm going to play kenshi as the doge a bone dog there's a normal stardom can she call the man and his dog however at the beginning of this playthrough the man will be dismissed because he is not a dog and this playthrough is about only a dog so this will be a truly solo endeavor short definitely so prepare your fursuit as we dive into a new canine endeavor now before i begin playing i just want to establish that there really is no end goal in kenshi this game much like real life is about nothing in the words of the famous gamer abraham lincoln life is meaningless but kenshi is definitely one of the best games i have ever played any goals you set are entirely up to you and the parameters of success and failure are dependent entirely on your own real-life values unless you value kicking people which is entirely plausible in kenshi head kicking is at an all-time high unless you enjoy eating thighs in which case you will find yourself feeling refreshed every day so here we commence our spiritual journey into dog hood in researching this video i stumbled upon reddit in the words of one redditor playing as a dog is a fun idea but extremely limiting in practice you can't talk to anyone and you can't do almost anything that means no healing no looting no wearing armor even if there was dog armor no recruiting anyone even other dogs etc you can't even do things that you logically should be able to do like eating the meat of animals you kill or even go to sleep because sleeping requires a bed and dogs can't interact with beds unless someone forces them into one in response you say extremely limiting but we cannot focus on comparing a dog's life to that of a white male greenlander straight out of college kenshi is an open world rpg where we control the story this is a story that needs to be told now we've spawned in as a bone dog we lucked out in a fairly convenient spot between the united cities and the holy nation there's a civil war going on right about here and it's just us we're very hungry we're currently a pup bone dog this isn't good in any way it's going to take us 16 days to grow into like a teenage middle-aged bone dog if we survive to 24 days we become an adult and if we survive 44 then we become an elder bone dog it's quite a long time here though our stats are nothing to begin with we're just starving that's all that we have we're nothing and we're starving look at this look go on dog go go dog go the dog look the dog can't even open a door it's so dumb we'll name it something not suspicious like definitely not a dog what are you talking about okay we didn't have enough characters but this idea is there so since we're a pup our stats aren't showing up on our uh indicator however we have 17 athletics and we are gaining some skill as we run along so we can make our way out here currently we're running at seven miles an hour maybe we could bring that up to eight or nine right now that's pretty awful if anyone decides that they want to kill us we can't really do anything we just sort of have to accept it we can't hold anything in our inventory we can't even eat food we can't move items between in and out of an inventory but what we can do is this so there's a lot of fighting going on over there obviously you can see it appears as if uh who is that that's the samurai scouts of the united cities and the holy nation are currently at war they're going to keep killing each other for the next few days and what we can do over here it looks like there's a corpse of a holy nation person right there but the holy nation is winning so i'm just going to approach with some caution here we've got to wait until a pretty even fight or until we at least find a loser okay it looks like the united city's lost this one by a lot so there's a uh whoops there's a samurai conscript he's gonna get he's gonna get his [ __ ] pushed in look at that but this guy okay that guy got up too maybe this guy okay we lucked out they're distracted anyway we can start eating this guy's right leg because he does we need it more than he does look i'm starving i'll die if i don't get it give me that that's gonna be mine now so once we get this leg to negative 100 and right there that's great okay we just got ourselves a meal although this man is going to be eaten alive we'll eventually walk away from this with a leg i think we need one more and there it is okay he got it great oh now okay now so now the dog is said to be playing limbs you see right there playing limbs and what this will do as soon as he's done frolicking around uh my hunger will start stop getting worse because otherwise we'll just starve to death and so he will run along okay there we go we got a meal and hunger is going up hunger is going to stay at 170 for some reason this is the highest that his hunger can go but it means that we're not starving which is great that's fantastic and would you look at that we've already made it up to level 18 yes 18 that's right uh athletics we were at 17 at the beginning however it's only been a couple hours so for now he's just going to passively kind of go around and keep on seeking other corpses i mean people um to chew upon okay some time has passed you might notice that our stats have gone up a bit as we've aged day by day our head stomach chest and four legs and rear legs as the days have gone on we've actually improved our combat stats so now we have more hit points on all of our body parts this is just normal dog maturation everything you would expect and uh we've avoided any unwanted attention with the squad name definitely not a dog move along so now we can just keep on devouring human corpses as we move through the desert and while it's not the most exciting process in a few days yes he will become drunk doge because currently pups are just terrible at everything but i will actually physically grow in size you can see sometimes people see when i'm trying to devour them and then they get up and run away we could fight them except i did get into a fight before oh see his stats just went up to 77 so it happens very gradually but if you do get into a fight you can't actually bandage so if you like lose something it's gone for good so you need to be really careful uh just make sure that nobody is possibly going to get aggroed by you at all otherwise you just might have to you you might lose a leg for good i never said it was an easy life for some reason he needs to get all of the different body parts this seems a bit gratuitous to me but i mean there's not much else you can do it just let it happen let it happen yeah sometimes he will eat a corpse until it's just completely gone like this look this guy is totally he's already dead there's no need but doge we respect your we respect your work you go on you go on and do what you need to do now and so the days pass on it's been a couple days it appears as if the dog is just dipping his head into a cliffside there's actually a person underneath there yeah there we go i'm sorry not a person a hiver soldier would you consider it a person i don't know it's i've said more controversial things in the past i'm not gonna all right well the bone dog is about to reach um it's angsty teenage years as it turns out it's at 110 on all the limbs now i'm not gonna lie uh it's it's been 18 days i went and i let's do a few podcasts mostly you can just let the dog i'm gonna here we go yeah there the dog finishes with that and then the dog just of its own will just goes and fights other people now can we fight this man yeah this man totally doesn't stand a chance because bone dogs are overpowered as hell he we haven't even let him get up now unfortunately we can get hurt but it's not that bad because we'll be done with this man long before he's done with us and there he goes yes great job doge so that's one example of how the bone dog can eat someone's butt i mean he'll recover eventually it's fine and look we've now actually aged up enough to be considered a team i think this happens around like 16 days or so for us it took a little longer a little weird but this just means that our stat multiplier improves slightly beyond that it's kind of hard to tell but i've actually increased in size considerably as well the pup bone dog was very small stats still don't really match up but you know he has grown clearly okay it's gonna be it's been a few more days i'm gonna go ahead and demonstrate the power of bone dog again he does best with uh solitary foes now the stats have gone up to 125. look at that great job bone doug these outlaw farmers are currently in a civil war with the holy basically just everyone that they meet they fight the holy nation out here so all these people are going down and you know what i'm benefiting from it for some reason people go he's just an animal he doesn't know any better i do know better because i'm controlled by a human you know so 125 on each body part not bad really i'm doing better than men do and i'm i am larger might even be considered slightly larger than a man now that's pretty big still only a teen but you know my other stats have gone up and it seems like every day or so my um my body parts increased by about one or two so it's gonna be a while i'm gonna listen to a few more podcasts now and back in a few okay here we meet again just yet another poor unfortunate so i think that this bone dog is now devoured like probably 50 people is still just starving because that's the way he always will be we're an adult and we have 134 on each limb we're getting pretty powerful i don't know why that just sometimes happens still everybody seems to be uh in a civil war so we're just kind of we're benefiting we're like the scavengers we just uh we kind of thrive off of other people's pain but i've uh i've stayed in bast and dream there's a lot of civil warring going on in here and it's it's rather fun for me now i have to double check back on the stats uh what their maxima are but i think we max out as an elder bone dog around 44 days so it's gonna be quite a while now there's a it's a long adult hood but i can grow to become a very large size and i have i think it's either 160 or 180 on all my stats at that point we'll go out and start living our life in the world it's going to be a considerable amount of time like 40 something days okay here we are day 47 it took longer than i expected but we're now at 179 i think the cap number is 180. we're about twice the size of a normal man so we've grown considerably more i know i know he looks the same but he isn't the same please believe me this is probably the 200th person or so that he's eaten at i still have no idea how the stats work it's uh what does he have it says 77 on athletics but here it says 85 so i don't even really know who to believe i suspect everything is lying to me apparently we're very good at turrets and martial arts that doesn't really make much sense to me though but you know i i think it's a general improvement from where he was at the beginning where it just said zero on everything somehow okay there it is finally an elder bone dog see there it says it proof one point ten times stat multiplier i don't know who to believe but we're going to leave this country we're going to go somewhere else where we can just cause mayhem in turmoil i think i'll head back to the beginner areas to just find a group of hungry i want to see if he can solo them now he's you know 180 on each stat that's no joke no joke nothing funny about that uh i'd like to see if i could up stats more though who are you uh no that's not hungry all right we'll we'll stop back when we see some hungry bandits fortunately though no one hates me because i'm where did you come from unfortunately skimmers still are stronger than me but uh i can outrun them and many other enemies because i've just spent the last 47 days running back and forth between corpses i don't know why but maybe this has something to do it if you multiply 77 by 1.10 for his elder multiplier you do get about 85 if you round it off so i don't know i mean maybe that's oh we are in a hairy situation now get out of there bone dog get out of there i believe in you good job bone dog get away from those but kenshi is about fighting people you know or at least to me that's what it's about it's about fighting people you know i'm only a doge let's go help the holy nation for absolutely no reason no one has any reason really to be hostile toward us i'm hitting 82s faster than any person does i'm even stronger than the holy nation for god's sake i wouldn't challenge them to be honest with you but hibiri happily i may not be a member of the human race but for a meal i could eat your face oh there they are hungry bandits wait a minute are they armed okay they have a bandit leader but we need to challenge them okay we'll just test them out it's one a whole group so don't expect the best outcome here but they won't try to devour me alive if they do beat me i can't really dodge anything but is my melee attack going up it is in fact going up is my strength is my toughness my toughness is in fact going up as i get hit okay so i still can get beat up in the traditional sense i could run away now really if i mean clearly i'm not going to win this fight we've really i think we knocked out one bandit and we messed the rest of them up pretty well i'm yeah i might be uh i better find a good spot to pass out right here i don't think there's any predatory animals besides beak things which are very few and far between from here but i could probably micromanage my weight no i can't i'm wounded okay but i can get away from these hungry bandits and unfortunately this one has decided that he wants to fight me so we'll just take him on and we could probably win this because the game is just so messed up to make animals win every single fight look at he can't even get a single shot in on me this man tried to eat me uh poetic justice well not really it was just kind of unfortunate for him but pretty badly wounded but we did up our toughness by a bit so it is completely possible to grind a bone dog this way you could grind your stats up to like a hundred in each you'd become an impossible to kill bone dog of course you can't dodge because that skill just doesn't even exist for them yeah one dodge but you know our health is coming back faster than i had expected and nobody really harbors any grudges against me there's no aggression for bone dogs people don't like dislike them the same way they dislike people in the game it's actually a fairly overpowered playthrough who are you lost drone okay i could take on one guy at a time i'm sure not really for any particular reason oh jesus yep that guy's done okay we're eating hybrid now onto a new palette he doesn't really appear to be very hungry for hiver though that's a shame i take it back yep he is he definitely is oh i have an idea let's test out a normal kenshi beginner strategy most people are often surprised to find that in kenshi the best way to grow and level up is to just attract people to you and then cheaply have the city guards fight them at an early level it feels like you're cheesing the game but it's it's more or less the way that you're supposed to play at the beginning i haven't really there's a few alternatives but let's see if that actually applies to dogs i mean like will the city guards actually fight for me let's wait for a group of hungry bandits in the meantime we'll recover our health okay there they are we found a group of hungry bandits they've got a leader so they're fairly strong we know they're about as strong as that last group so we'll probably lose against these ones i'm not really counting on a big win but let's uh see if we can attract them back into the city to fight for fire rather to be fought by the city guards good good come on and yes they're aggroed inside the city walls now does this cause the guards to come out and try to defend cards guards please please guards and no okay well they're one of them went into the bar and wow okay so although i can't get into the bar the one who decided to fight them is okay so not really they they won't really help you but you can sort of make it so that the guards will help you fight against hungry bandits and that's a free meal for us and more experience we have melee attack 23 toughness went up to 28 from 27. we pretty much take nothing but hits let's get in on as many fights as we can no we i need that experience please but although we can't we can't really loot the hungry bandits there's no option we can devour them oh no this one's not getting away yeah i mean grinding our stats with this bone dog would be entirely plausible like it does its own food there's nothing really to worry about there because it just eats people as long as it can win a couple of fights i think these things can pull their own weight yeah you could totally run just a pack of bone dogs going around and fighting people kind of makes me want to run just like a herd of a hundred of them for a playthrough now that i've seen what one is capable of terrible when they're pups but they're pretty good when they're elders you know come to think of it you could do that with almost any animal except for the fact that any other animal can't really eat the way that bone dogs do so many possibilities kenshi is just a trip of the imagination i hope you enjoyed let me know if there's any other animal challenges you want to see next i've been thinking of trying a few segments other things i want to try out with the game but i think we'll leave it there well until next time a major thanks to viewers like you a major thanks to my patrons they are the limbs that have been entrusted to me why does it always come back to limbs whenever we put i'm ambiguous amphibian until next time you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 266,728
Rating: 4.9610658 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi lets play, lets play kenshi, kenshi torso, kenshi solo, kenshi solo bonedog, kenshi bonedog only, kenshi dog only, kenshi bonedog, kenshi bonedog experience, kenshi experience, the kenshi experience, kenshi game, kenshi 2021, let's play kenshi, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian kenshi, kenshi ambiguousamphibian, kenshi challenge, kenshi pc, kenshi gameplay 2021, kenshi bonedog run, kenshi solo run, kenshi alone
Id: lTvIoaY-i_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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