Kenshi - The Training of One Punch Man #1

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as a challenge I'm going to train for 30 days in Kanchi like one punch man the ultimate goal of this playthrough is to become the world's most powerful human being and strike down all enemies with one punch becoming a martial artist from the garbage stats I'm gonna start off with will be the main challenge though I've designed a workout routine that'll hopefully pay homage to that of the real one punch man while still giving me a viable character who might potentially be able to solo carry himself through combat and rid the world of evil or at the very least just be a hero for fun one punch man's workout regimen consisted of 100 pushups 100 sit-ups 100 squats and a 5k run to adapt this for Ken Chi let's work backward in the set up all of our stats start at 1 or 0 really low ultimately the main stats will want to raise our martial arts strength dexterity dodge and toughness that way we'll be strong in combat we'll hit for a lot of damage we'll raise our attack speed we'll dodge incoming damage and we'll be able to tank any damage we take if we do fail any of the dodges but since I'm going to do this run solo aside from maybe one or two companions I might pick up later if they fit with the one punch man theme I can't immediately train all of those combat intensive stats so here's the order in which we'll need to level up our stats first let's address what could kill me I'll first need to train my athletics so that I can run away from danger bandits are ubiquitous and I'm especially vulnerable when starting out so slow and sluggish once I'm capable of fleeing from danger I'll move on to laboring so that I can purchase supplies and mine enough iron to carry around town and raise my strength once I'm stronger I'll start training my dexterity in my toughness by training with a blade first in fights striking blows at enemies and getting beat up I'll need both if I want to get stronger finally once I'm tough and dexterous and once our other over farmed hyper stats can compensate for an abysmal level zero martial arts stat will start training martial arts in heavy armor I've been testing out different types to look for the highest XP gains and I think that this will work that should cover everything I just hope thirty days will be enough time to make it there and within the first two videos we'll see how strong we can possibly make one character at martial arts starting from nothing in 30 days 15 and 15 in days for the first two videos optimistically will be as strong as saya I don't know if that'll work I hope I'm not butchering his name I probably am cuz I cannot pronounce it but one punch man if you want to follow along or if it's your own first time playing again she or design your own can she fitness regimen here's my setup you'll need a few mods to make it slightly more engaging and viable to play as a martial art it's at a higher level as I'm told faster dodge so that I don't spend all of the time in combat dodging enemy attacks this tends to be really slow in vanilla so I'm trying to fix it with us and she blasts because I think it would be funny if he could smite his enemies from afar when he gets to a higher level of martial arts once the 30 days are up it's time to be a hero for fun and fight evil in whatever form it may come it there's a lot of evil in Kanchi here we begin the epic quest in the truest sense of the term to become the most powerful human being to ever live I'm going to need to start my workout routine by running around the hub enough for me to call it 5 kilometres I don't know the exact distances in the game so we'll just run around the hub like enough times til we get a decent enough epaulette excoriates and then I'm going to have to get some iron because if we want to start our strength training after that we will need iron to carry around with us and hopefully if you bandit bodies so let's just run around until we have enough to get some iron that way we can start our strength training and our athletics training and then we can just start getting beaten up and we can start beating other people up so that we can start to get stronger and see how powerful you can actually become in 30 days after only one lap around the hub we've already reached athletics level 4 so we're gonna go one more and I guess we'll start to get better yeah we're already at 16 miles per hour so we should be able to outrun bandits then we can start laboring so that we can start a strength training because I think that's gonna be more essential for this guy two laps around the hub and we're at athletics level 6 I think we'll go a full 5 laps around the hub - just call that 5k well it took only one 5k run and now we're already at athletics level in one second will be at 13 and we're already running 17 miles an hour which is very very good but we need food fast because otherwise we're not going to last long out here so I'm going to mine somewhere is the cop there's the copper okay we're gonna mine some copper and we'll get our laboring skill better but this isn't gonna be my ultimate goal ultimately I want to get a traitor's backpack and some of that iron over there so that we can run around town with it and then start training up our strength because although saya Tama did gosh I'm not gonna be able to pronounce his name saya it's going to be funny however I say so I'm just going to say it however but for his strength he's going to need some substitute for push-ups because there is a workout mod but it involves weights and I don't think there's any way for him to just do plyometrics out here in the wild so he's gonna need to do that to get his toughness up we'll have to just get him beaten up once a day or something like that until he starts winning fights dexterity we might give him a blade to train that just so that he can train faster but I think we'll just be training him under pressure with martial arts cuz that's gonna be the main one that and his strength so that he can strike strong blows and then he's gonna need some plastic surgery to fix his deformed body day 2 we reached laboring level 6 but the real goal is still to get that backpack so that we can start our strength training ASAP we don't have a lot of time to do this okay we're going to have one punch man go back into town to sell his copper and then we're gonna head over to squint we can get one of those backpacks and then starts our strength strength training okay we just picked up some dried meat and some bandages some basic food and now we're gonna head out to squint so I think it's in place of a 5k run today we'll just head over there and back and there's the city in the distance and please let me through please don't beat me up on the way in and wow they did not question me at all let's just go to the store and get out of here and they do not have backpacks in here when I talked to him so we're gonna just head back and get more iron and then come back tomorrow day two draws to a close we couldn't have enough time for running today so we had to spend a lot of time laboring so that we could afford that backpack but from here on in we can focus on our training two days have gone by and we've got athletics 18 and labouring 14 now day three I've decided to start mining by day and running by night since I seem to be getting a debuff whenever I work in the darkness so I figure I might as well just run in the darkness with no penalty and work and my leisure in the day we're back and squint check for the backpack again please have it I need it really badly yes they do have it okay we will buy that and that's gonna let us do our strength training for now and they have ration packs to which I will buy because we don't really need it I don't really need these pants I may be pants would have been good but you know what real men train in the nude there's also a copper resource right here so we can just grab some of that and then get the last ration back we're on only day three and now all that we need is a full inventory of iron to start properly training our strength so that our blows in melee combat can actually pack some punch and it looks like the guards have taken this holy citizen so we're just going to loot this holy citizen because this is a pretty lucky find and we might even kidnap or just fight no wait it's not the even the guards its who is fighting the yeah okay the guards do not like all these citizens so we will take their stuff and probably carry around one of their corpses because we need a corpse to carry around to enhance our strength training and we will take all of your stuff and can we you know what I'm just gonna kidnap you I think and we'll do the rest of our training just with a kidnapped guy on my back so I found a fight that I might possibly be able to win it looks like this guy is so close to being dead that he's not even gonna stand a chance in combat to me so I'm going to try to attack this guy and if I lose well then I'm just gonna be training my toughness but oh it looks like the guards are gonna take me down first damn it okay so you know it's just a body that we can carry around because that's oh my his arm fell off Wow he's gonna die okay we're just gonna grab him cuz he might as well be dead actually you know what we'll take his stuff and then we'll carry around his body because that's how we're gonna get strong so we get stronger in this game hmm okay so this holy nation outlaws citizen is downed and I find it completely okay to attack this guy because the holy nation are dicks so let's have Saitama come on Saitama come on you could do it man you could do it it's gonna be the start of your martial arts training it's got to start somewhere or he will just hump his back for five minutes maybe I should try putting down the corpse yeah this is looking really [ __ ] up okay you know what put down the body and then try then try to fight him let's do it the old-fashioned way no you are just in insisted on humping his body I don't know why what the f what the f all right you know we're gonna do with the weapon instead there we go much better okay so he has some combat training now technically and if this guy continues to get up we also get more combat experience from him back to work and when you look at that three days down and we already have strength level to athletics level 24 and labouring level 21 we don't really care about this labouring it's just the way that we're gonna get the strength up because we need something heavy to carry around and would you look at that the Bandit leader got back up foolishly and now has lost his or her leg it's I can't really tell okay all of them are she's I always call them he's but pretty much everybody I've called he is a she in these games so we'll just continue you're a bad person anyway so you deserve this yeah I feel like I'm saying it wrong it's definitely not I've seen people get crucified for saying his name wrong is its Saitama I believe it's Saitama but I'm not I can't say that with my American inflection so I'll say Saitama that's probably good enough okay and we have some hungry bandits it's day four we you have way too much time laboring and I think we need to get into the actual strength training now at lest we be doomed to this forever but we need to get our full inventory of I like enough to ditch this iron are they really gonna be posted mate they might they might attack me but this is doing wonders for my strength right now so I know they aren't gonna attack me all right we'll just go back into town anyway because we need to get stronger that's fine day four is up and we have three strengths 24 athletics and 31 labouring along with that we also have a an inventory almost halfway filled with iron now we need this iron if we want to start at our strength training which is then gonna let us do our martial arts training so there's a few things we need but we're getting close so I'm gonna start my run for the night and we'll probably be a much higher strength tomorrow morning and from running one kilometer we got three levels of strength up to seven now we're gonna go back to laboring for the day and then our strength training should go even faster when we get more weight on our back to day five draws to a close I'm not gonna lie to you it hasn't been the most enjoyable start because we got 37 laboring and not too much of our strength training but now we have almost half the iron we need to have a full iron inventory and start training that strength even faster so we're gonna go on our nightly run now instead of 5k we've got to make it only about 1k but we'll make up with that with more distance in the future days until we get ridiculously high strength and just look at how much faster his strength is going up even than last night despite the fact that he's at a higher level his inventory just has so much more iron in it now but he's gaining strength and even faster clip including the dead body that he's holding on his shoulder to so he's getting way faster well way stronger way faster Oh bandits bandits bandits right we got to put this down we got to throw down the bag for a second because they won't take the bag but we gotta get out of here and we will get some melee combat experience in here I don't want to get beaten up yet but soon we'll get beaten up let's just put this guy down and then put down our backpack and we're out of here we are out of here fortunately we were fast enough that we should run them let's see if we get some martial arts training while he's standing upright against upright enemies and good the bandits are raiding the city so we should have the ninjas help here ah yeah I can't fight all of I probably can't even fight a few of them but let's just see if we can get a couple punches in cuz that'll start raising our martial are abysmal martial arts stat right now come on at least he's getting a little bit of experience in toughness cuz he needs it without getting fully hurt ideally we could train that without getting knocked out at all cuz then we're pretty much just staring at him being knocked out yes good good 34% oh man his booty got crushed okay let's just loot these guys take all their [ __ ] and whoops wrong way and sell that for food and this might not be great but I am getting him a blade just so that he can train his dexterity a little bit faster cuz we don't want to be attacking so slow B's martial arts can be painfully slow when they attack it first day six draws to a close we've managed to read a reach a draw dropping Lee high labouring level of 41 for only this many days oh I suppose a lot of playthrough started like this and our strength is now going to go up even faster because I noticed that if you have things in your backpack then they are reduced in their weight by 50% so now we've brought our total weight up to holding 313 kilograms around with us you know - and whatever's in our backpack or 50% of whatever is on that we have a little bit more to put into our backpack but then we can start with full time strength training which is going to make him a lot stronger a lot faster he's already gotten up to 11 strength now 11 strength 25 athletics 41 laboring toughness dexterity and marshals yeah martial arts still trapped at one one and zero day sevens drawing close to an end and I regret to say that we've not got our strength training done but we almost have the full inventory of iron now that we need to get started in our strength training in full 46 labouring for these days and having on his own I think he'll get up to about I don't know 40 40 I think they'll get maybe one more level 47 laboring to get all of that iron and then we can start him in full-on strength he's gonna mean like 30 or 40 strength though before he starts fighting seriously because I'm gonna need to get like one hit knockouts with these fights and I don't know maybe he'll maybe it'll be better off at the sword at first we'll try a couple different techniques in see how they compare experience rate wise just to put it into perspective he's carrying around 390 kilograms which is somewhere around like that's 800 pounds or so it's something something along those lines like rule of thumb estimate but yeah he is he is carrying around quite a lot of crap with him and day 8 has finally arrived I'm going to leave mining behind now with one last space open for copper because if we start to get hungry I don't want have to start selling iron and we just mined more copper sell that and keep all of our iron and its current place and now he's going to start trekking for all the mileage that he lost it I think he lost about I don't know maybe 25 kilometers so let's see if we can get 25 laps around the city just to be nice to be extra safe if we can't and if we gonna at least break even with the 5 5 laps around the city at this level of weight I'd be pretty happy with that as a substitute for his push-ups and now strength at level 17 Christ that's going up fast now and just so we have a reference for right now right now he's at 95% encumbrance and is walking or it is full speed at 3 times speed at 3 miles per hour hunger oh that's a high hunger rate we're gonna need to worry about that soon too oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he's being chased by feet well you know we should just stayed in the city we'll leave the things I'll have to pick things back up in a minute who are they who are you I don't even have I have one piece of meat right ok you know what we're gonna put things down go back to the city and then beat these people up I just say this is the strangest glitch I found a glitch where like your iron like just disappears when you stack it it's the weirdest thing oh well we're putting that down run one punch man leave everything that you love behind okay and we're gonna get in on the action we want to we wanna like a little bit trainer toughness it's not enough to get ourselves hurt uh and dexterity come on baby to toughness okay great so he's getting a little bit of experience without getting his ass kicked good good and we're doing this with a blade because right now is helping him train dexterity a bit better rather than just going straight in with our fists soon we will train martial arts though soon come on get a get a few good hits in there all right well you know we did sell these to the people that they just hurt let's pick back up everything that I know and love and we will go back to mine now for more iron and then continue our ruck now at the end of day eight we've reached 22 strength to toughness to dexterity still no martial arts skill yet but that'll have to happen at the end once we've maxed out a lot of other skills so that he can start to do things better and gotten decent dodge hopefully too and as melee attack is at two and laboring is pretty much halted at forty eight now and day nine is going to be a giant iron backpack ruck around the hub we'll see how far we can get in 24 hours starting at shrinked level 23 it doesn't seem like he's getting much athletic experience from here so it's mostly just strength twelve hours ago we were level 23 and now we're level 29 so we're picking up at a steady pace now I think we'll keep on doing this to level 40 or 50 strength shouldn't take us to about day 15 or similar where I could reliably get into combat then less than 24 hours it's not even the time that I checked on the previous day he's already 10 levels of strength higher I'm gonna continue this through the next day just to see where how much it slows down well this is strange randomly while I was running around I got attacked by a desk bandit in towns which is not particularly smart of him so I'm going to put down everything of my good and now let's run away to the nearby spot out of my way and he's gonna try to cut my head off but I fortunately just want to get beaten up by him or at least could have chanced it do son ah you still can't catch me because you're dumb you are dumb let me put down this person oh I got hit dam in the stomach and in the right leg don't like that let's go come on you're part of my training man you gotta I gotta get knocked around somehow please defend me guards please okay great great great great ok now let's see if we can we get a couple hits on him we need to train these other stats they're really important really really important in like a safe place where I can't get so badly murdered hey that's my body and probably he's gonna throw them out of the bar all right well we got melee defence up we need the Dodge up more yeah but he got his toughness up to that's good and we're getting attacked again by more dust bandits it seems as if they were back here I need to get back to the guards guards my chest is caving in but fortunately no that's not good fortunately fortunately this is training my toughness so as long as they don't continue to hit me in the chest and just hit me somewhere else I should survive I hope oh he punched me that was not fair ok let's go back there and for toughness okay you know we need these like very trivial fights for a little bit longer until where we can see please don't knock me out please don't knock me I don't want to be knocked out though okay I'm just gonna run around in a circle good good okay let me medic oh I don't have oh I used up all my oh wait no they're in my backpack well nevermind that's fine let's just hit him without provocation no no good good good please don't get hit in the chest me yeah that's fine you know what the collision is throwing me off here let's just go back to the backpack and clean up okay 11 days worked ten days over and now we've reached strength forty toughness for dexterity three and so on and so forth I'm going to put down this dead body you can go to sleep to recover for a little bit longer and then we're gonna start chasing bandits to this town so we can then start getting ourselves beat up and hopefully train our dodge and a little bit more dexterity and then we'll actually start digging in with martial arts cuz only once I've got those things trained up a bit more will I start it no don't put her in bed she's dead she is right she did she's dead okay great so then I'll sleep no that was mine well that ass though everybody in this game got that ass alright let's just heal up and then get our asses kicked a bit and don't forget we'll need plastic surgery - all right since the ninja guards don't seem to want to take dead bodies out of beds I'm just lying next it's not necrophilia it's just um yeah it's basically necrophilia at this point this is a dead body I'm sleeping next to you but you know what we're sixty-nining so then maybe that's I don't know what I'm saying anyway uh strength training begins tomorrow ok now we've been again a new quest on day 11 to start to train up our actual combat skills we've got great strength and our labouring didn't really matter but it got us to this point so now we're just gonna continue to Train strength so you can more and more superhuman and hopefully find some bandits around here they chase back here and then progressively as we go along we'll be able to contribute more and more to fights and then head back into town and or actually you know what I could probably just piss off the holy nation if I went in that direction yeah let's head up there screw it ok and we managed to piss off some dust band it's not exactly the choice enemies I would have picked but you know I can always come right back here and steal their stuff so we've got this we are gonna have a long way to run that were Saitama is he I am not particularly fast yet I'm gonna bro you know we're gonna need to drop off some of this iron on the ground iron doesn't really make you faster so we'll do that fortunately it's tax having this very conspicuous pattern and then we will go back to town great now you're right in step with them we're actually slightly faster than we can go back to the hub beat up some dust bandits or get beat up hopefully not our limbs chopped off and then we'll be hopefully better holy [ __ ] that's a lot of them though I like how this happened only one of them decided to just abandon him so we're going to go into the bar fight this one guy and then we'll probably pick them off one by one to slowly gain up our toughness dexterity and so on and so forth run run into the bar where we will be defended by people more powerful than us let's also attack him let's just get come on get one hit in there good train something if you can and good a little bit on our next two actually I'm getting it's in there you know what there we go there we go get the dexterity up we'll probably try to get a better blade if we can because this one's meant for like assassination yes what did he have and he was the boss - he's gonna be the best among them he had a ha are the horse shopper does that have a good attack speed guessing that's not as good as mine so we'll just leave it but we can't sell these things I also bought a generator course since these things are even heavier than a lot of the irons so it's gonna speed up this strength training even more do we have enough cats now to buy what else did he have he had a guard lisca - ahaha that's really expensive though so we won't be able to get it right now but this is very important who's just going to bring back more dust bandits in the exact same way to farm their own XP I think we'll stop at this bar over here though because they oh wow they're ninjas are oh why didn't I see this before as long as we aren't don't get overwhelmed with these ninjas we'll do it and it looks like they're winning by a lot come on Saitama let's get dexterous let's get dexterous man good job good job but let's get even more dexterous over here one punch man or one sword man right now he still looks drunk in combat but that's fine a little bit longer holy [ __ ] this bar man and the ninja are so badass overhere and more things to cheese as the bandits get up we can continue training our skills against them so we'll just use whatever we've got and ooh they are not okay well we can manually oh they are all getting up it's like zombies let's switch back out to our other WEP yeah you know what screw it let's just the ninjas are gonna save us anyway so we should be full all right they didn't stand a chance and by selling all of the goods on the dust bandits that we just found over there I'm going to carry back some of it I'll carry back my wooden backpack I'll leave the corpse but I'm gonna get a guard list katana now okay we're buying the guard list katana which I believe is supposed to be a far better weapon than what we've currently got I'm gonna sell back the ninja blade and this is gonna help him train his dexterity I'm hoping just a bit faster let's go back there did no wrong way nut stack but we're gonna head along here get that iron again and it's continued fighting and believe it or not I think that my backpack just despawn so I'm just going to start fighting the dust bandits because we have enough strength to last us forever anyway so it doesn't make it let's just start fighting these people for no reason yep I can just manually evade everything that you do oh maybe I thought you were with a broken leg you would be weaker than that okay we will just run away fight again and this is how we will grind out our strength levels and our dick stick are our dexterity until we can become decent enough to survive in combat and then we will perhaps get slightly oh just fell down very well in we're going to attack this group of just bandits unprovoked so that we can get a hit on them run away come back no not like that and then once we hit them into one-on-one fighting will slowly cheese that tactic again until we have decent dexterity and then we can finally start to train more of our defenses once we have really good offense oh you're all just going to go back to camp that's also fine as well oh I wish I had the first hit on a well that's why we need to do this and good get a hit and run away then evade to dodge new and then get a hit and then run away for a little while that's okay get it's getting hit is okay but just not so madly let's go somewhere safe and then do this again and get you all beat up at the van oh the bar is a great place with flowers in it come on inside yes we are just going to cheese this until we get Dexter a decent enough dexterity level that we can hopefully survive on our own once we can start fighting groups of hungry bandits on our own like with the katana and then just cheese out our Dexter teach that way more then I'll start fighting like a man this man died thinking he was a cat and day 12 has begun we are now at toughness 5 dexterity 5 who gives a crap about our other stats cuz these are the ones we need to do now basic as soon as we can get this as soon as we can get some hungry bandits back into the picture I will gladly go back after them but the toughness is worthwhile oh don't get it don't get hit really bad there we go ok as long as we don't get it really bad we're still training toughness it's now at 6 we're getting levels just from getting hit a couple times we want that we want that to stop leveling so fast because that'll be a sign that we're actually tougher by that time so let's just continue to cower behind the guards yes spend at camp 3 has been wiped out so we're doing a decent job now we get 6 and 6 and more and more desperate this is rather entertaining I didn't notice this that before but that's a thing go Saitama go you're skinny pasty-ass fight him good this guy doesn't say the chants per day great we got help again ooh and he had to meet I found a bone dog and I'm gonna kill it in a cowardly way to just do this oh no no no no no no no no run run run okay well at least you got tougher from the fight everything is a win if you play it right as long as you play it right and as soon as we cook this meat back up we're gonna go get some better our for our one bench man we need him to be in the cities you don't need him to be in the cities we just it'll be nice having with some heavy armor because it does speed up the martial arts training despite the fact that it makes him more Siddhant more dust bandits that we're going to attack unprovoked I still toughness eight dexterity seven is coming along fast enough and we might go down here I'm gonna run around a bit but we just got trained in our toughness really really well because he got hit like three or four times in that fight yeah no don't don't fall don't fall don't fall okay run away from the fight let's go upstairs and sleep instead no no don't fall no be safe be safe no they followed me up here I don't want to be unconscious okay let's just keep continue running from all of our fears great okay we're fine oh no they killed the barman well no they didn't kill the bar man they just I could keep debarment you know what I'm gonna come first in no like oh no the ninjas give him first day that's fine well I'll just sleep in his place then for all the trouble I've got yeah that would be more trouble I'm Cosme but who cares who a desu painted hand a Hungary bandit got into a fight outside so I had an opportunity to exercise against both of them it seems I can beat Hungary bandits almost without any contest in battle now I mean it's oh well that's not true oh not true again I'll still win I'll still win this though even though that I'm really injured and to start the fight out but soon we'll be fighting hordes of them and we're going to attack some hungry bandits unprovoked because I think we can beat them let's just see how we do in combat with them we should be better at this good we can defend ourselves slightly we're going in with a handicap from our chest but damn look at that ok we got to get out of here run run run run run run run maybe build some for some reason defend me in the butt for some reason they're defending me in the bar ok okay even though despite the fact that I am ruthless killer for the first 30 days there's no morality then after that I'm a euro for fun but for right now I'm just trying to get strong that's that's honestly the whole old story of it well he got a lot better with toughness though in dexterity in that time and he's getting better with these blade skills we might want to start training him in martial arts soon though because we've got 15 more days left and we need superhuman strength by then slave mongers have now taken our movie I'm contributing to the problem of evil but someday we will take it back to the slave mongers because for real I would like to see this character get strong enough to be able to fight people in this game or illegitimate leave and there are a lot of legitimately evil people in this game until then we're just gonna continue training our athletics we're at 37 we might as well get everything to an even 40 so that we can run from any threat under any situation including fog men and just be on the lookout for more hungry bandits as I take more five K's around the city that seems to be good all according to the one punch man workout regimen just a ridiculous amount of bodyweight stuff except for the carrying around of a thousand pounds of iron on your back but it's a good substitute right ten toughness now so we should start to see more longevity in fights since we want to get ourselves training martial arts as soon as possible because that's gonna be our main thing we use I want to get some heavy armor because that's gonna make it go up even faster and also defend us from any heavy blows in combat so I'm gonna see if we can find anything of that nature if medium okay here we go heavy grade armor class now this should hurt my martial arts significantly but based on what I've heard this should be better because we're still gonna be training dexterity and whatnot for a little bit longer but then we started training martial arts that actually is supposed to make the stat get trained faster than if you wear martial arts gear which is weird to me but I'll check and see if it works okay and we found a group of hungry bandits we are going to attack them all unproven with very little melee skill now at the end of day 13 we're gonna get okay we're gonna get our [ __ ] pushed in maybe not time to try martial arts just yet yeah you know what I liked having a sword I liked having a sword let's have a sword just a little bit longer before we do this let's put on you know what we'll put on the heavy armor that's fine yeah this looks safe and if anything goes wrong we could always just go back to stack because they are racist toward my race I I mean in a good way and not against my they like my race so much that they hate all of the other races so we could go there for defense if we needed to oh okay let's go a little bit closer to stack on that note we're just going to continue seeing if we can beat up any of these wow we still don't stand any chance at all in fights against ban I know you can micromanage but even still that's a little weak for this kind of character ah no say we all we need is for you to be able to fight a group of these guys on your own and then just think of all the experience that you can get just think of all that good dexterity experience you can get and then you can reallocate that whole into martial arts it'll be glorious glorious I'd long last okay good help me help me terrible people good good this will be the only part that I'm evil for and then after after this I promise I'll be good afterward I promise let's just see how you do in combat with one of these guys okay we're gonna take off all of this armor and we're gonna put on this armor because this armor has better melee bonuses I mean martial arts bonuses I just want to see how this goes so if I have you attack the target in one martial arts hit assuming you dodged one hit you're at 34 now and you went up to 40 okay let's put on the other armor and then just see what that does because then I'll turn you in heavy armor if that if that be the case if that be the case so six percent and if this is a better amount of experience and that means heavy armors better to training where he's at 40 and now 54 okay yeah so you know what we'll get him a lot of heavy armor well train him in a heavy armor even though that he's gonna suck at it but he shouldn't train his martial arts skill way faster then and where are you going where the hell are you going now gonna stay instead I know this is stick completely against the message of whoa well they already killed him well let's see did he have anything good ah some two sticks this is nice he also had a good turtleneck half pants ragged traitors leathers that's fine but we'll be training in heavy armor now for a while Oh more fights to join in on oh good reason less fighting I like it okay and it looks like a bunch of hungry bandits got into a fight with a guru I'm going to continue my crusade who they really injured it's four legs Wow what are you even europe hole holy Nisshin paladin I was looking for these guys for a for my playthrough they're really strong okay he's gonna hunt them down I'm gonna hunt down the garu may or may not be a good idea but it's also about to die this is gonna be more experience that we very very much need then I'll fight the peasants aren't you supposed to be dead almost Christ Christ Christ I don't want to micromanage it I might have to micromanage it though come on get its chest get it in the chest fortunately our heavy armor is defending us here this is going to make us so much more powerful though oh yeah get it boy get it get it great job now let's hurt these defenseless hungry bandits because they're mmm not full whatever they are they're going to make me stronger so that I can then defend the world from evil ooh day 14 almost night well wow here's a great opportunity hungry bandits and garu if we could somehow get them to aggro each other that would be a lot of loot but I am just gonna try to go and another group of hungry bandits right buying them let's go here I'm almost fully recovered from the last horrible fight ah and let's see if we can fight one gonna lose if they start facing off against each other now they are they are fighting the dust bandits but we should be able to get this one group before they come on I'm gonna attack you all okay and go now even if we get beat up we shouldn't die and we that's a lot of people that's a lot of people though my left arm isn't doing so okay never mind it I take it back I take it back I take it back I take it back I take it back let's just stay in the fight and get some cheap hits and then have to continue training up toughness my god people are so strong in numbers okay running running running running ring well we can always patch up our left arm even if that doesn't go so well cuz it's rare for this arm to do so bad and now my left arm is screwed now ah as long as we don't lose a leg we should be okay I guess this isn't helping my dexterity must many trials I had to go through to get better oh no no no no let's get out of there - lets get out of there fight fight fight I'm having a lot more fun choosing the mechanics now though because it's one-handed do it on come on come on we can win this we can win this is our stats are starting to climb steadily now though in fights because of the fact that word okay I don't want to get it down to 100 because then your arm actually as a chance of falling off I don't want to lose my arm please stop chasing me and with that we're just about wrapping up for 14 full days we have one last day but I think I'm gonna leave it there cuz day 30 will probably be the unveiling of one punch man he still does not look like one punch man at all besides the fact that he is a very plain face but you know what he made it to 41 strength 15 toughness 12 dexterity and that's the majority of the early work which is the hardest part to get past he's we won't have to think about laboring or strength anymore athletics he's fine on two cuz I mean speed won't even really characterize his final build he just needs better dodge so that he can do better in those teamfights and then we'll start to train of his martial arts so I think we'll finish up his sword training and then we'll start up his martial I think it will see if he becomes the superhuman man that we thought he would at the very end of it all but fortunately his arm is now no longer limp and he will be able to get a few decent hits in combat oh great you're touching the mattress now so your arm is that is like a Kevin where arm now be careful man okay we got we gotta get you back training anyway I'll finish up the thirty days of training the next time and then we'll start to get off on our first oh why did I do that I have to pay another fifty cats for the bed and we'll finish our training and we'll get started on our quest to rid the world of evil next time thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed as always my name is ambiguous amphibian and I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 655,728
Rating: 4.8937478 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi let's play, let's play kenshi, kenshi letsplay, kenshi lets play, kenshi one punch man, one punch man, kenshi challenge, kenshi torso, kenshi game part 1, kenshi gameplay part 1, lets play kenshi part 1, kenshi challenges, kenshi martial arts, kenshi martial arts master, kenshi martial arts training, kenshi martial arts character, kenshi grinding, kenshi training, kenshi game training
Id: 7V26zprMKc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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