I ENCASED Myself in ROCK | Rimworld Meteor Apocalypse Colony #1

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for a new challenge I asked my viewers to cover an entire rim world map in meteors using chat commands in the twitch toolkit normally meteorite impact is only one of a long list of random events that might occur in the game but by changing around some of the settings in twitch toolkit you can set it to be the only event which viewers are allowed to send and cover the entire map with meteors I would say it took about 20 minutes to completely cover the map and we started getting the message meteor event impossible but by the time the dust had settled something new and wonderful awaited to explore I knew that only one extremely overpowered person could be born out of the ashes of such a cataclysmic event and so I gave him a whole set of overpowered traits and named him Tainan these were the overpowered traits look at him the original colonists who spawned in was an excellent seamstress and also a jogger so I decided to name her Taylor Swift though I ran out of characters and had to change it to Taylor Swift a fictional double Ken Tynan survived at a coffin of rock who if anyone will overcome these impossible odds and escape onto the playthrough okay the entire world is covered in meteors almost the entire map is impassable Larry is the sole survivor and it looks like he won't be long for this world now the meteors have stopped but there is some urgency here currently this mechanoid is path to come kill me so we need to mine out some of this wall before it gets here and build a set of traps here we go just mine out the steel and it's a race against time it is starting to mine at me fortunately Tainan is an excellent worker come on come on he's getting closer and closer before we can commence building we need to trap this thing I hope three will be enough there you go time in there you go oh it is really really fast okay we're gonna need to build walls around this is faster than I had anticipated okay it's going to make it through one more thing of limestone and we have enough time for a wall that's good time and just build a steel wall when you're done good eight work left versus 460 limestone left it's gonna be a nail-biter and build this and this and this okay okay don't go to sleep yet just just one more baby just one more don't step on that there you go there you go now run okay sleep here actually further away up here okay let's see how it goes we're gonna one it's injured we're gonna three good shots of this though okay yeah just go to sleep go to sleep and he is okay it's through and it's gonna go one yeah oh wow I was not even necessary okay and now we can eat the corpse of tailo swift died of blood loss is it cannibalism if there's no food left I call it survive now there are a lot of notifications I might be here a while thanks to all the people who helped me put these meteors here I like how the arrow is actually trying to pinpoint every single media that's fantastic just a testament to how much memory a computer has I think I've been here for five minutes just undoing these I might be here a few days oh that's the end oh thank god now the first concern is food we have this mega sloth this rabbit Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift mechanoid not edible a turkey all dead in a rat surviving right here there also appears to be an ibex doe and RAM couple inside of this cave led by a mega sloth over here but they're pretty far away from me I'm equally worried about these mega spiders and the spell-apedia me living in harmony with this bunny who eats fungi in a cave Tynan is content to clean dirt but don't wander in there we're gonna install these traps and allow him to grab these things next we can ask him to build a roof over here and put a stockpile zone underneath very good very good well done sir well done now we just want to prevent the decay of these corpses good oh you're a great man uh yeah pick that up strong man grab that Turkey Oh okay clean up that spot I didn't expect you to do that we'll just manually haw how to tell him oh he doesn't want to do these corpses I don't be picky I wanted it all timing I want it all great job and you could eat that as well cuz you're a savage and great just bring that in and while I love being carnivore it would help to get some rice in the ground we'll also need what would we do have I don't think it affects the replenishing rate and we can clear out this part of his home area great job great job now he's ravenously hungry and we want to get him a butchering table going just mine out this cliff wall bring over this zone and we'll set him up with a butchering table right out in the open don't got a lot of time all right now he should be able to get his favorite meal people do some good old butchering oh don't eat that now the rabbit spoils in 1.3 days so it's the fastest one I'll eat that first but at the same time we can't afford for him to go crazy and it would make him really happy okay all right you do you now this shouldn't bother him at all great okay he's gonna have a good good mister just fill him up just like that all of his fears and worries went away now next time we'll cook it but that's plenty for now and then we don't have much wood leftover but another acceptable material for walls is silver unfortunately we have fantastic mining skill and there's just a lot of silver it's like sand it's like sand we could just build all the walls of silver great he's not a risk of snapping he might get food poisoning but they'll just leave that for now his recreation could use some work we'll just need to mine out some gold and give him a gold horseshoes pin now that's fun just need a little more gold and there we go you have permission to have fun now great we're not gonna go crazy you've almost made it out of this hellhole there you go just sleep on the ground tonight he loves it here he loves it now the rain is cleared up and he's at a good rest he's ready to work now silver walls are definitely worth pursuing and great he's done a fantastic job it looks so good right here I'm hearing digging from elsewhere that was that rat doing the rat is it's getting hungry but it looks like it's clawing at the walls it can't get out doing okay that mega sloth is leading the charge out of the cave it looks like he's going to get to the map edge which a whole wilderness if they get past these mega spiders tine is cleaning up the ground and will allow him to take away the rest of the corpses and for some reason I'm still getting ttk events but I kind of find that funny so and a wild man is wandered in Blair I can attempt to arrest or tame him who are you and he is actually not that bad he just can't do so many things well just wander around out there I'd be surprised I'd be surprised if you ever made it now we have more than enough meat it will actually rot away before we're done here we have about two days worth of time and I'm sure that we could use that rat as well before it slowly expires now it's time to build some luxuriantly comfortable surroundings who cares if the floor is covered in dirt if you have a gold bed just keep throwing money at the problem nothing says I'm loaded like a steel door now as he's mining we want to start to prepare for the next step in our journey and we don't actually have to roof all this we want him to have some light there we go much faster my favorite item is a golden royal bed which requires 1,050 gold and really fixes up your entire home the rest of the game just isn't the same after you make one we'll just gather up the Nuggets and now he is enough to build it now mind you he's doing it underneath light but since it's dark in the day now we'll go to bed and wait until it gets light out again alright first thing tomorrow timing first thing tomorrow how is he Oh we'll make you happy we'll make you so happy today it's your day and cross your fingers he's got a lot of work to do here though he does have a lot of gold how much is whoa the wealth has just skyrocketed instantly he's now worth $20,000 well he was worth only about six hundred at the beginning okay now watch what happens to the beauty right now it's negative two point seven and the room is considered awful at negative 57 impressiveness and now when he finishes it off saving him 12 hours to do this it is going to be slightly impressive well this will put him in a better mood and he got normal quality it's worth $10,000 okay not too shabby not too shabby what are his needs now the rest of the stuff isn't quite as important we'll put back the roof and now we could have him start digging out components because we need a stove we have more electricity than wood it's kind of a rare situation we find ourselves in keep eating raw meat for a few more minutes I hope you don't die and there we go maybe he can get this out before tonight great next he needs a wind turbine so we can put here and then just reinstall this pin over here because actually does get in the way I know it's odd and we'll just need a little bit more steel and a few more components and how is that makes it looks like the dough's in the the mega sloths in the okay and a turkey has befriended the mega spiders where it looks like that the RAM and the dough made it out to nature we might be able to use that passage if we are armed enough to take on the mega spiders oh this is sad and the rat has perished it has two days before it spoils so you know that's my feeding time but I'm kind of worried about what's in here and now we have enough for a windmill but it's time for bed now he's luxuriantly comfortable which is going to seriously buff his mood and I think he's going to be quite stable from now on now I'll wait till it's light out to build this because we don't want to mess it up we just need the silver and the gold I want to know where the gold at and back to work back to work and great it worked now it is power and we can cook some simple meals we don't have much time though our foods about to spoil in fact we will lose some of it about a half-hour on some of this one cook for your lifetime in eight seconds despoiling oh we lost some of it but I think I'll have it out enough meals to feed him through at least through the bulk of this wow that was really unfortunate and he's got oh it spoiled on the I wouldn't really want to eat this stuff we've got four days on the last meals and we still have that rat to eat let's surround him in silver walls and we'll add a light so that he can see great let there be light we can give him a simple research bench now we may not have enough wood but well we're kind of stuck there's a tree here we're kind of waiting on the trees to grow can we chop down any of these you know I'm gonna I'm gonna wait for them to grow batteries can wait a little while let nature replenish that was our wild man doing they've a herd of rhinos and our wild man Blair has wandered to the eastern side of map he's stressed he ate a corpse he's hungry he slept in the cold he may break well why don't you just walk away man well if I can't have a research table yet I can at least surround myself in silver and imagine that I'm hat we have a good life of being surrounded by silver now all he needs to do is clean up and his room is very impressive you deserve a table and a table shall be yours strangest bedroom I've ever had now we need 280 silver and we got it we'll give him a silver dining chair a poor-quality silver table well Jesus do it again we're running out of food okay mine over to the rat we need to get it in time the mega spider is asleep okay just go go go go fantastic speed on this guy we get 16 hours on the rat there you go only two in an hour to get through all that wall there we go he's like a fireman but with dead rats and that was his last meal so we'll need this reinstall the butchering table cut it up cook it up before you know it we're ready to go mmm there's so many other materials I feel like I'm hardly even exploring yet Jade plasteel tons of marble and granite the possibilities are endless and the raids will be outrageous for all this unjustified wealth and we got excellent quality on the chair you are gonna be so comfortable man 65 beauty on that I don't know why this didn't cross my mind before let's just build a steel simple research bench or why have steel when you could have silver I'll build more with gold I'm just actually you know what no we don't want the wealth to go up that I yeah [ __ ] it let's just do it anyway no no we don't have this we don't even have the silver I'll do it eventually don't worry a hundred steel is all I need I'll buy it great job great job diamond he's relaxing socially we got 76% grown on the rice so I think we'll make it to the harvest it'll plant a second grow zones that we can rotate the crops still going with rice man he loves to work now how is it outside awful very impressive inside and it's been said before but dirt can't get dirty so dirt floors are pretty underrated because you actually get I think it's a negative 16 debuff for dirty floors yeah even if it's dirt can't get dirty it's really not a bad floor and we'll research first the battery good good get to work he's in such a good mood though it looks like that was our last meal it seems kind of lonely out here like living on a desert island I'll tell you what I think he needs is love he needs love oh and Jade but Maine love don't we all he's just about finished with batteries and good field one and here we go with the power conduit we just go right over here after he relaxes socially success and we're now generating power we have a lot of money we're generating power and we're just doing it all from the inside of a meteor apocalypse is did that guy leave no he's still out there he was mauled oh my god he survived it what happened to him it looks like he just fought an ibex doe and he's now or be fought an ibex Ram and now he's eating its corpse and he's getting food poisoning and how is her friend Larry ooh Larry is not doing good you okay in there man well he does have a bionic leg if we ever get to him died of heatstroke damn shame and we'll just cook some meals and eat them harvest the rice cook it up harvest some more plant it again and turn in for the night after more social time he's feeling really great but with great wealth comes great responsibility I need micro electronics or I'm gonna die we'll set him off to work and send him off to bed alone alone alone alone alone alone alone alone but at least he has the internet I'm actually quite amazed these mega spiders haven't decided to start mining my way I think that currently that this is probably the biggest threat to my colony so we're either going to need to get some technology so that we could fight them or more likely set up a massive trap hallway in here to deal with them I think we'll get to work on that today we need some sort of fallout shelter in case if this all goes south let's get started with the traditional [ __ ] mind my mind and we just work on these to bring the steel over here and by thunder storm complete our preparations we just need another trap hallway and first thing tomorrow morning we'll fight them off we now have enough power to last for days I hope it doesn't hit my crops now within there are 1 2 3 4 5 6 spike traps I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 work on this one enough I hope make that 10 now let him rest before this because this will be cool okay I want you to mine here here all the way over to here and here now be very very careful very very careful this is dangerous hmm and he made it almost good good good good good good wait for it no not yet no not yet not yet well she oh she's going to mine it okay then it's time to run it's time to run oh no she didn't try it again try it again she's distracted okay ready set and run run away run very far away good good there she goes there she goes we wanted her to die okay they didn't wander in but in time they should all in good time all in good time but let's never speak of that again and just ignore the problem and live at home for a while never go back stay away all right I think we'll leave it there anyway thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed this meteorite colony keep sending their crazy ideas this way because we got a lot of them man I think this is one of the strangest clutter anyways thanks for watching as always my name is ambiguous amphibian and I will see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 704,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld game, rimworld ep 1, rimworld gameplay ep 1, rimworld meteors, rimworld meteor, rimworld meteor colony, rimworld twitch toolkit, rimworld 1.1, rimworld 2020, rimworld survival, rimworld game gameplay, rimworld mods, rimworld ttk, rimworld meteors only, rimworld let's play, rimworld lets play, rimworld letsplay, rimworld mods 2020, rimworld modded, rimworld mod, rimworld challenge, rimworld challenge run
Id: KuAJ5k9u9kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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