Can I Survive SEABLOCK in Rimworld?

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[Applause] there's no feeling quite like the sense of mastery achieved when you can construct something from the ground up i decided to challenge myself in rimworld to a sea block by stranding myself upon a small island in the middle of the ocean and seeing if i could make a little way of life for myself upon the waves this way of life is simple and calculate you need to decide for yourself weeks in advance what will be the greatest threats to your life or you might find yourself without any food to sustain life for a matter of days all the normal dangers of rimworld raiders mad animals insects won't be present but rather our only adversary will be the ocean itself and a battle of attrition against the very ground beneath her feet it doesn't really matter what colonist we start with but for the sake of argument let's call him ocean man we started with just a few scattered resources day one i spawned in as ocean man sea man don't laugh that's his name and his cat caesar get it the first task would be to set up a fishing zone only one problem with setting up fishing zones is you need shallow water and all this around him was deep water there were a lot of short-term goods i'd need but they were in the water deteriorating quickly and nor did i have the research available to do any terraforming yet i sprung to action and set up a steel research table in a moment c-man was off to work gathering the needed supplies and delivering them to his research table there wasn't a lot of time hunger would set in soon and i needed to build over that water fast in only one in-game hour c-man finished the table great job immediately we'd set out to researching basic terrain terraforming i began the research ocean man he's gifted with plants and we'd set him off to that but he's also good at research or at least passionate about it if not good at it a sluggish beginner but he would learn fast and great things would come of him already in only about three hours the need for food had grown by about 50 i had an idea on the one hand while cats make excellent companions they're also an emergency food stash but we'll wait and see if it comes to that sea man still has some pemmican around in the day he paces about while waiting to research i thought it conservative to give him some accommodations to improve his mood so i had him build a bed out of steel right next to the water great job just get to work on that and let's see what quality he gets poor quality fantastic i also thought it was to have him grow at least a small patch of rice with the rich soil there was a decent chance that he could grow this before he even built off his sea platform so he planted the first few crops and then he got back to research at around 10 o'clock sea man turned in for the night and sees her into the rice patch i have a back-up plan for seam and to survive on the one hand man can survive on cat the cat on the other hand i had my doubts about him the ocean man had made it almost to intellectual level three a win for one day in the morning see man ate more pemmican and began research again i expanded the rice field production and then i got back to work now running short on pemmican and my cats suffering from malnutrition i decided to drop the last of the pemmican i had for my cat i would suffer the pains of hunger and keep the cat alive a bit longer the cat ate the pemmican the cat would live to see another day but it all depended upon my research slow going and only ten percent of the way there now starving i continued my work i decided to speed up the research by building a small room this would raise the speed and give me more time i gathered the materials and placed them on the walls in just a few minutes i was done with a small lean too a steel hut in which to do my work roofed and sealed i could remove roof where i needed to do my research to bring light into the hut i reinstalled my research bench and moved it into the hut this sped research by a small clip but with malnutrition mounting at about 40 percent there wasn't much time left to risk it better the cat than me and although it was a mood buff survival was more important goodbye caesar i knew you well a sad end but necessary for survival out here on the ocean the yield would keep me alive before the first harvest i ate caesar and it kept me alive fortunately sea man and caesar hadn't bonded yet this was the last chance before any catastrophic failure and that gave me a full stomach i just barely come by on the resources i had and in a vast endless blue i was a small speck of green subsisting surviving but now lacking companionship and confined to a cold hard middle cell where would be my solace my retreat on the end of the 5th of april may nearly about to break stuck inside sleeping outdoors this was not a good life so i set him off to bed and prayed for a stable morning i ordered the harvesting at last this would mean some food and it would satisfy our animal needs rice glorious rice would it be enough that would set sea man in just a good enough mood to get by i started growing some trees along the shoreline as well the majestic saguaro cactus dancing in the ocean breeze the burning passion for the work kept sea man engaged and it was his respite for those few days with more rice eaten and more saguaro cacti planted the short-term fight was over and sea man would survive another day now a glorious reign ablutions from the heavens upon a colony mired in endurance the rice flourished under the reins whether it's luck providence or just some freak active nature it'd do be that way sometimes though now with malnutrition dropping it was actually safe for sea man to have a catharsis go ahead sea man go ahead and have a catharsis do what you need do whatever you need or just go to sleep that's okay too we love you see man everyone's rooting for you with that i finished planting the rest of the island and in fact there was no catharsis but rather a bountiful harvest for i am a good leader the research continued now with greater momentum than before what had we overcome the days passed in painstaking research once i went on a daze heat stroke from a heat wave nearly killed me but ultimately i escaped with what i had sought a catharsis this would last for three days and keep me in good spirits but at least i had time now a person crash landed on the island zen a defector and lightning struck lighting my crops on fire the blaze was sudden and it spread unable to contain it i decided to simply cut my losses and destroy the crop so that it couldn't spread i would lose the rice but at least i wouldn't lose the whole island i still had enough to get me through a couple of weeks knowing that fire has a two-tile spread radius i quickly ran to destroy two squares worth of crops i hauled in the last of the rice preventing the fire spread i barely managed to save the bed and the fires went out leaving me a small crop of rice and more importantly saving myself from any burns i removed the bed from the spread of the fire and extinguished the last cinders some of the crop was saved but i had averted disaster i didn't have time to rescue zen and all the commotion so i just decided to take his clothing this would further insulate me from the heat at the equator with that i replanted the rice and started anew at least my saguaro cacti had been saved the island was refreshed and since i didn't want to leave out a dead body i dug a grave at the foot of my bed for zen this would at least keep him six feet under there he rested but at last i had finished my main work terraforming was researched and while i couldn't place down soil directly i could at least put down some soft sand where there were food piles if i could build only a few feet out in the water i could claim more wood and that meant more land just then another person crash landed however i didn't consider lucas much of a threat he had 35 days of paralytic abasia in the meantime i began building my bridge out toward more of the wood in just a couple of hours and after downing one of the trees i made my way over to a whopping 64 wood out in the water with just a little bit more terraforming work i was able to build a platform of sand out in the water along with that i built a horseshoe pin inland it would keep me entertained and probably mentally stable for the next few days perhaps more importantly now with more land i found that i was able to store more supplies i started constructing sandbars out in all directions and building my way out to the last of the driftwood in the water i stored it all in a new storage hut now i could keep the gold and other meals in there and then roof it i started hauling the larger chunks of rock from the water to make way for my construction plans if i could move them over to my other island i could keep this as storage island i finished up the storage shed on my new island i carried back the rocks to my rock storage island and before long i had a small set of buildings going unfortunately most of the animals on the other islands weren't long for this world but what remained could survive on what little was left of the land that's not to say that there was much left though maybe a few rats with some nutrition available as there was a nearby ruin with ancient marble walls i decided to start building my way over to it the next day this would be my domicile everything prior to this had just been for short-term needs short of larger raids the biggest threat to my existence was still fire so i built yet another platform of sand skirting to the sides of the rock chunks this new path would raise the possibilities step by step it would probably take the entire day but it was worth it at this rate each log needed to be delivered one by one and then another crash land jared finally having made my way over to the island i could start to accommodate some prisoners i nursed jared back to full health and then i made my way onto the stately isle here i'd have more room to grow and expand first i filled in the waterlogged tiles i made a small wood stockpile and then i finished filling in the gaps once i had dried the interior of water i could go about my main plan to construct furnishings inside after renovating i couldn't actually build a sandstone on the sand i needed stronger foundations capable of supporting it but knowing that other tasks were more urgent i did my best to copy down the basic design in wood and respect the original architecture the ocean temple was nearly restored and neptune would rejoice in me i repaired the walls and then i made moves to deconstruct the steel hut knowing that i'd need this valuable resource later and it was in high demand so removing the pieces i prepared a stove on one side of the temple completing the stove i'd need wood but i'd be able to grow some with that i had a positive surplus of rice i moved my research indoors completed the rice harvest and i slumbered the temple was finally complete and in its honor i renamed jared krakatoa in honor of the land that saved us from the harsh sea sea man and krakatoa the temple was done another person fell from the sky this one named synth hostile but i just didn't think it was worth it to save her so i let her die but first i dunned a new garb i don't know why seaman decided to put on a parka in the middle of the ocean but i was alright with it it looked very becoming on him and then a miracle crack a toe arose from his slumber as if destined and then he immediately put on some clothes i didn't blame him this wasn't good jared aka krakatoa was uh pretty upset having been left outside as an undergrounder for so long but he gladly donned a new parka for some reason again i moved him underneath the temple he would be much happier inside and then i began work on a great hall of dining there they could feast and be merry seaman and krakatoa worked in great conjunction and then i made moves to begin expanding the cactus island for in this way we would acquire even more land in the sea and strengthen our island upon the sand we built soil filling in the gaps and we fertilized the soil to enrich it and so over the next few days we expanded north they worked and expanded the aisle making way for more and more cacti into the night yet another transport pod crashed this gentleman had been shot in the face but i didn't like him so i just let him die again this meant yes another grave since graves were becoming a new theme i decided to dig up all of the bodies and just make a graveyard instead this meant several fresh corpses which didn't make anyone happy but i can assure you it meant lots of long-term planning krakatoa was displeased at the site another person fell out of the sky i also didn't like him so i let him die too now what we had was a large garden we even had space on the southern half to make way for rice production again seeing that the heat was beginning to tax my colonists as well i planted a couple of new garden patches both for cotton as well as for heel root but we still needed steel i wanted to set up with at least the main resources we'd need to expand the fun part of seablock is that you can see all of the resources at your disposal at just a glance there was a large island next to me where it was mostly sandstone various slate and sandstone chunks floated out in the water but there was some steel lying just to the south someone else fell out of the sky julian shorty monty i took him in he was allowed to stay on the 1st of december we finished our farms and we neared completion renovating the temple krakatoa and sea man made such a great team on the 5th of december 45 days or three seasons after we had started i decided to start researching geothermal power the island the heat and krakatoa would supply us with energy once we had energy the horizons were boundless i decided to make this our ultimate project yes our island was fertile even grasses and new flora were popping up out of the sand another woman named elena fell out of the sky but she was also incapable of dumb labor i was incapable of saving her jordy and alina both die a woman named olga landed on a lot of people were landing on this island this necessitated yet more graves olga joined and apparently she was krakatoa's ex-wife if people kept falling to the island at this rate eventually our graveyard would expand over to the components just a few islands away so i decided to prepare the way there we could obtain much needed components for machinery to realize the vision of krakatoa i made dusters to keep us cool but ultimately what kept me going was the knowledge that eventually i'd automate more of this manual labor and set us off to some components and so we built out into the water and on day 55 sea man was struck by lightning a sign from providence perhaps engulfed in flame he was nearly stricken again bad luck call it but maybe it's because our colony was just so electrifying yes we had come a long way and we were near journey's end nearly one year into survival and we were finally reaching the components we had laid concrete down on our walkways and kept the temple pure and clean finally we had arrived at the components and we made moves to mine them out of the cliff after all of that hard work we finally utilized the wind then we ran some probably very ill-advised power cables along the water constructed the turbine and we used all of that to power two lamps lighting up our home and then there was the cleaning and the housekeeping the psychic drones ended with the house very impressive and in good repair we cleaned the aisle and then the long research began yes our sea block had come a long way no longer just a block but rather an entire colony and then after one year in one season 75 days in we finally researched geothermal power mining out the last few components with that we were well on our way to a whole network of electricity resourceful and intuitive we had conquered the challenge presented by the storm god and we were better for our wear the colony expanded and i have to say this is probably one of the most interesting and enjoyable ways i've ever played rimworld and with enough creativity the possibilities are nearly endless maybe you got some ideas and hope you try your own c block playthrough this is a lot of fun and as with many of the other challenges it reminds me of the openness and creativity that this game rewards players with i hope you enjoyed as always i'm ambiguous amphibian a major thanks to my patrons for they are not just the soil but the rich soil that is fertilized and i fertilize them i made your thanks to viewers like you until we meet again
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 622,014
Rating: 4.9436913 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld seablock, seablock, rimworld game, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.2, rimworld 1.3, rimworld solo, rimworld sea, rimworld ocean colony, rimworld let's play, let's play rimworld, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, rimworld ep 1, rimworld part 1, rimworld mods, rimworld modded, seablock rimworld, rimworld challenge, rimworld solo colonist, rimworld one colonist, rimworld single colonist, rimworld 2021, rimworld gameplay ep 1, rimworld game ep 1
Id: IcezYfjnP1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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