Can I Survive in a SINGLE HOUSE in Project Zomboid?

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life is needlessly complex at times and i thought i would find some solid ground some kernel of wisdom or capital t truth by constructing upon self-reliance itself at home every home is equipped with far more resources than most players will ever explore in project zomboid usually when they spawn in most people will immediately exit the first house after they've gathered a few basic items but being stuck in one place invites resourcefulness and exercises creativity almost everything can be dismantled recycled and recrafted into something more useful and ingenious than its components because i wanted to deeply understand the game's crafting and survival at its core level i stripped away almost all of the fat and decided to use only the barren necessities so for a new challenge i decided to see how long i could survive in a single house without leaving for any reason i needed to formulate a build capable of maximizing on a small space so i chose to max out my carpentry stat for negative traits i chose obese agrophobic conspicuous disorganized hard of hearing clumsy short-sighted slow reader and sunday driver these characterize someone who has a lot of time on his hands for positive traits i chose wakeful brave lucky fast learner handy and strong i built my character homeman the spitting image of america hard-working and fat day one i spawned in sedentary and full of purpose the first task was urgent get to the television and sit down to watch life in living tv these were valuable stat points i couldn't miss out on just for watching tv for a few minutes it's over one skill point in cooking the show ended but that was the only one i couldn't afford to miss i'd have to scour for books now luckily there on the shelf was expert carpentry and master carpentry this was the only bit of time sensitive information you need to read through all of advanced carpentry if you want to get the most out of the carpentry show there's scheduled times at which this essential programming takes place in zomboid's first days and the knox event is time sensitive miss too many days and you'll miss out on those skills and there's actually quite an absurd amount of skill grinding to get through if you ever want to build up into the ceiling and i was a slow reader i don't know how much time passed on that day but the carpentry show came on while i was reading an unfortunate turn of events but one i'd need to sit with still i was learning carpentry at a very fast rate because of my xp boost and you could actually read while you're watching tv double knowledge then a neighbor so i let her in and another one two even more springing to action i dispatched several foes in the house very quickly this is actually a very good thing though being unable to leave one house you want many zombies in your house but now it was time to close the curtains something i should have done right when i started and so i did and allowed in the new guests closed the windows and i set off about moving the curtains from the upstairs to the downstairs some things are unavoidable but i could add sheets to the windows of the rooms i was occupying sealed and shut off with the assault over i rested and i found a watch on one of the zombies to know what time it was one of them carried a walkie-talkie on it as well this might be useful july 9th 2 30 p.m and still plenty of time before the next carpentry show it's also fine that i was losing weight i picked obese intentionally to save myself more time and so i passed the rest of the afternoon raising my xp multiplier on carpentry by reading the book a fishing show came on not that it was much use to me but i did gain a skill point in that i read all the way to 10 pm and then i decided to move around it was enough sitting and reading for one day then i decided to take all the pots and pans out of the kitchen bowls anything in a container the foods would stay good for a while but i needed all the water i could get so i filled everything up bottles saucepans cooking pots kettles mugs bowls it was all clean water to me bloodied from the fight i also decided to use what i could of the washing machine on my jeans as well as my shirt disrobed i turned on the washing machine this might draw attention the other houses had been broken into but noise transportation does pretty well between walls so i just turned off the light along with the other lights in the house i washed before bed at the toilet but i was wrong night visitors this meant a fight in the nude in the dark not fun but at least my clothes were clean if soaking wet this was worthwhile at around 12am the next cooking show came on and the next zombie entered the window for fear of missing out on any more educational programming i decided not to sleep but rather sit down and read read for many hours in front of the light of a tv listening for zombies all the while that might try to break some of my windows at least it was helping my carpentry multiplier because my reading was slow since i designed my character to be so brolic it didn't actually matter that i was extremely hungry and reduced in strength but rather i subsisted on knowledge and then i heard it a zombie broke one of my windows it was in the living room right next to me and another two had come through this was bad i removed the broken glass and cleaned the floor and then i bandaged my hand this was not great i was canned food in there waiting for foes to strike and eat me by around 5 40 am i completed the carpentry book with all that done my carpentry multiplier stood at a whopping eight along with a 125 xp boost the next time i caught the carpentry show i would level up this is important carpentry would eventually pave my way to sustenance with that time sensitive piece done i could relax a little bit i watched the cooking show learning and all the while improving the next task was a little unintuitive using a crowbar in the closet i started disassembling and picking up the birchwood floors off the ground if i got lucky i might destroy some of them and yield planks but unfortunately when you're good at carpentry there's a great tendency to not break anything this was really the only downside of having so much skill the whole dining room yielded nothing to me still i didn't need the furniture for anything but with the tv programming off if i wanted much more skill i'd have to start disassembling furniture i'd start with stuff that was useless the floors yielded floorboards and i could disassemble the chairs so with my xp boost every chair yielded about 80 experience along with necessary nails chairs are almost completely useless in project zomboid so this was fine four chairs and a table took me nearly to level five unfortunately i had wasted some of the wood but i had plenty of nails to practice with next it was time to disassemble the couches these also didn't matter and although they're a nice prop they just aren't useful for survival the couch and the chairs together these yielded enough experience for carpentry level five now just another three thousand away from carpentry level six with level six i'd be able to build stairs this was pretty important more furniture disassembly the fancy low table the bookshelf the upstairs chair the other upstairs chairs with frequent stops back at the tv now 863 carpentry experience this was an absolutely stupid amount of carpentry experience being an expert at the beginning and watching tv the eight times experience is just fantastic with carpentry level six reached my next goal at survival was evident i gathered planks and nails up and disassembling everything else in the house and the other remaining bookshelves along with some of the countertop in the bathroom i finally had the necessary planks to build a stairway this may seem like a weird place to build a stairway but i can assure you that it's absolutely necessary if we're to stay within the confines of the house that means we need to build up i built flooring just above the entryway from here i could at least get a better look at what the neighborhood was like around me and even call out to zombies if i needed to attract them there weren't many nearby but it was enough if i needed them for some resources time to head back downstairs time is still of the essence here in many starter homes you might find cabbage seeds these are absolutely necessary in fact i made sure of it in my starter house if you don't spawn with these things you need to restart otherwise you can't live in the starter house you also need a bag of dirt this may seem a bit excessive but if you do manage to find it you can dig a furrow with my work completed i was able to open up the package of cabbage seeds and sow cabbages into the roof it's completely safe to do this at any time of year i then watered them with what remained in my water bottle along with what was in the cooking pot and the saucepan that was enough to make them well watered but now more invaders i fought them without leaving the house now this was getting to be a lot of dead bodies throughout the house i disassembled more counters the rest of the chairs and the tables which are also useless and i went back downstairs to watch the farming show the farming show really isn't that important but you might as well do it it's free experience knowledge since i didn't want to start any fires in the house i'd start them over the house heat rises it's fine don't question it one campfire kit done i built floors out to the other side of the house disassembled more counters and built my way over to the other end of the house i still think this is fine i'm on top of the house plot technically i never left the house don't question it i built a fire at the edge of the roof now i would use what was left of the zombies i could fuel the fire for as long as i needed as long as i had their clothes 15 minutes worth of fuel scrap wood also made for decent fire fuel but in theory you have an unlimited amount of clothing just from the zombies around you you can even use your books that you've already finished up advanced carpentry i didn't need anymore it was better fire fuel with just a little bit of work i had over seven hours worth of fuel now a fire a garden albeit a modest one i'd continue building as i went now i could start rationing the food around me and i was already losing weight so i might as well attempt to lose a little more and just cook and preserve whatever was left what had started as a bleak outlook from the beginning had already developed into something with great unexpected longevity just as a resilient plant can cling to the little soil in the crack of a mountain pass and eck out a simple existence for itself so too had i fabricated a foundation founded on resourcefulness and only 48 hours into my journey had managed to secure all the necessary resources to sustain life i love wringing out all the resources i possibly can from a small patch of land by spreading out my roots and gripping to whatever is there what have i accomplished in two days countless skill points earned that otherwise would have taken me ages to farm in any other method of experience acquisition shelter the securing of a bed and the building of a campfire for heat and rest securing a renewable food source that otherwise would help me overcome my limitations from starting out as an obese character and set me off into the world at an even greater advantage stronger lean and prepared to confront any adversary for me this is the joy of learning such a challenge and it's what i take out with me and to the rest of the game new knowledge resourcefulness and learning and this is what makes it all worth it in the end otherwise it's just a futile exercise but i still haven't answered my initial question how long can you survive in a single home day three began i had arrived at the third day and i slumbered from midnight now i began eating the food on the one hand it's healthy to lose weight and on the other hand hunger pangs are a killer i'd have to eat low caloric foods leeks produce anything green and i started rationing out the remaining dirt i had for cabbages spacing them out every other square accordingly and digging furrows for my cabbages i found that i was able to plant only four cabbages i still had seeds enough for another plant but i lacked the dirt to use for it i also found enough sheets to cover the rest of the house windows something i neglected before in the bathroom so adding these throughout the rest of the house i could conceal my movements and even a sheet for the front door and then something new appeared a police zombie this is my only way of attracting more did he have a gun on him only one way to find out i called out the window and i dispatched him a holster but no gun there was something now a jacket as well as a bulletproof vest it was a start all right i gathered more wood and dug the last furrow i also took some dirt from the patch of ground right next to the house technically i was still in the house right i also found that there was gravel in front of the house day four had already begun again i slept i awoke to a thick fog and a banging on the door with my bad and poor repair i decided to make it into a spiked baseball pat it would add to the lifespan of the weapon in fact no but it looked cooler what i did find in my inventory was curious worms strangely you can still take dirt from through a window in the houses in zomboid and even through a wall this is where i begin to be very very confused i successfully disassembled the wardrobe and gained ten planks and four nails for it this was a major win it meant i had enough to construct additional rooftop and thus more room for farms and so using the dirt that i obtained through the wall i began digging furrows all the while obtaining more worms from the ground this was a veritable greenhouse and i had room for yet more cabbages i might have in fact too many cabbages and i'm still in the house technically why shouldn't i get a lot of dirt you can see how this is playing out i'm not about to tell you that this is a good lifestyle but i truly think you could sustain an indefinite lifestyle in project zomboid living in a single house given the right items maybe i could have used a garbage bag for rain collector barrels but let's see how the rest of this plays out shall we i decided to organize the house it was a bit of a mess i didn't have much time to read books because i was too busy setting up my farm you could probably max out your carpentry in the first week if you really played your cards right now i had enough for a notch wooden plank as well as a sturdy stick i could light the fire burn the bodies and finish cleaning up the house enough for 13 hours and 43 minutes i gathered the bodies and i added new ones to the fire they all had new useful items for more armor and anything else i would need and then there came the first rain i'd need a lot more if i was to survive in the long term that night i gathered those bodies in the rain and burned them in a funeral pyre to the old world a fertilizer to the new a simple existence but it bespoke all i've learned all i've done to grow since i began now this would provide heat and some sustenance and the burned bodies more fuel for the fires as i heard a knocking on the door i grew confident so putting out the fire could anything stop me in fact yes overconfidence is an insidious killer and i had neglected to see just how much exhaustion i had accumulated over the time project zomboid is not fair but that's what keeps me coming back if it were fair if it were easy it would just be a game no zomboid is a true roguelike every time you die you get nothing like in real life which is what makes it a simulation microcosmic of our lives when things don't go well that's just too bad you can always use your experience to try again in real life it's usually not life or death but it's always given me the satisfaction of a job well done when i make it just one more day yes i probably could have survived a number of weeks what about when the water gave out what about when the rains slowed so till that day we'll just keep stretching out our arms and reaching farther than we did yesterday i'm ambiguous amphibian and this has been my house survival challenge i hope you enjoyed as always a major thanks to my patrons they are the house in which i reside and i fertilize them and i water them and i love them thanks to viewers like you this is the end until we meet again next time
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 3,587,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid ep 1, zomboid, project zomboid game, let's play project zomboid, project zomboid let's play, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid review, project zomboid beginners guide, zomboid gameplay, project zomboid 2021, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, zombies, survival game, trapped, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid guide, project zomboid house, project zomboid home, single cell, home survival, house survival
Id: 0hBpDWiMzK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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