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luciferium is one of the strangest drugs in the rimworld universe according to the wiki luciferium is a rare powerful expensive and dangerous drug that can be either purchased dropped by raiders or found in an ancient shrine there's no way to produce it without mods it's completely uncraftable its main use is to save one's life with a dramatic blood filtration improvement it also has many healing properties but it also affects most of the other capacities basically luciferium is kind of like making a pact with the devil it improves blood filtration metabolism blood pumping even sight consciousness breathing moving and reduces pain and very gradually over time it can even reverse injuries in return for all this if you don't take luciferium after several days you'll eventually go crazy have mental breaks and then die once you take it there's no going back so for a new challenge we're going to be playing as a rich explorer we're playing with randy random and losing his fun difficulty if you want to follow along the world i'm going to be playing in is seated by luciferium it's very crowded and has high population clearly it's overcrowded i wanted a character who'd be powerful but not too overpowered he's pretty overpowered though so first off this is kind of a soldier type character i didn't want to give him too many points in shooting but i want him to have enough to get started so he's gonna start off at level eight shooting with a double passion he needs some construction in case if he needs to start any defenses and no melee skill but he has a double passion actually i think we're gonna bump that up to like four it's pretty easy for him to get one shot and i don't want that to happen because it would just be really dissatisfying he'll have some crafting skill too just in case if he needs that and really his main characteristic is that he's addicted to luciferium so he's gonna start off with this luciferium and that's eventually going to turn into a need and he'll need luciferium over time he has one archotec eye so he has some sort of medical upgrade he also has some really good traits we give him deadshot which just improves his shooting aiming time reduction and accuracy he's a deathly dodger so he can survive longer in melee combat he's a jogger so he's faster but he also has a horse fast learner just to improve his skill acquisition he's a psychopath so he never really gets affected by death he also has blood loss so it's going to make him happier when he fights steady aim is gonna improve his accuracy even more i mean he's the only person we have to fight he's a master medic super immune quick sleeper and we've also given him unstoppable he's he's actually pretty he's pretty goddamn overpowered but we need him to be because otherwise he would just die right off the bat as for equipment he's starting off with survival meals glitter world medicine some mrg 5 rifle this thing is ridiculously powerful it's from the glitter world mod but also he just needs some gun that's going to give him ridiculous damage he's also gonna have a plastial knife for a sidearm and he's gonna start off with only four luciferium he needs to keep finding more if he wants to survive we'll also give him go juice just in case if he needs it in a fight and he has a horse to ride and i think we'll land right about here 276 338. it doesn't really matter just as long as we're on a road and we've got a lot of factions we could go between so we're starting off here in this arid shrubland and it looks like our go juice and our luciferium spawned in too we'll just equip max with this mrg rifle it's normal quality but it's still really good and a plastial knife is a sidearm we'll put a lot of the glitter world medicine as an inventory i think carry on like 10 of that should be way more than he ever needs and a few packaged survival meals too so he could just eat now looking around this first map it looks like we might have an ancient danger up here so this is worth exploring for more luciferium and also over here i think this is just another structure but it looks kind of nice we won't be here long so we'll just make the whole world the stockpile zone and we'll also start off with our fully trained horse she's got everything pretty much we need her to have this if she's gonna be any use to us at all because max is he's like a jogger he's got everything he has every possible good trait so honestly she might be more of a liability than anything else but what does he have right now he has a synthetic military uniform he's got a nano suit on his body and he's got a nano suit helmet he could get a gear upgrade but that's part of the reason we'll be raiding other factions so i guess we should just start raiding settlements right away like we need to find more luciferium we probably won't have any permanent base in this series either like he's just gonna be going around like dwarf fortress adventure mode and let's see we found some silver in here not really worth it we just kind of want supplies until we can get more pack animals that can haul things we'll grab it though and i guess the next thing we'll do is go over to this ancient danger and just deconstruct part of the wall let's just tell him to do that and he's got okay i guess i should explain this first too i'm using a lot of other mods here so you're seeing stuff from what is this alpha animals or yeah so just really terrifying looking animals that uh i'm gonna have no idea what they do so i'm just gonna keep my distance from pretty much everything i find in here we've got pikeman running around and all this place has us some glitter world medicine that's okay but i wish it were better it's also got a tech print for cataphract armor though now this is good armor we've already got really good armor though but you know what we'll take it down because it's combat experience uninstall this and i actually want to give them a clearer shot of what's inside so let's just take this down and then back off run away and we'll turn on our range so we could actually see what he's shooting at let's have max run back and i don't think well it's just the pikeman that's ranged that's it though this thing is what is this fireworm well he reached level nine and shooting and because of my mod he actually gets like a little light up when that happens but whatever this fire worm was it's uh it's dead now i will just keep our distance from these pikemen i don't really know what kind of distance they're working with but i don't think it's as good as mine okay what is that thing it looks like it has a cannon on its back siege breaker i do fear this it's a tank-shaped mechanoid armed with a siege breaker cannon that fires explosive shells can detect a hostile presence from 100 meters okay so this thing has literally a cannon on its back uh it's going to take a long time for its cannon to recharge so i guess we just watched that cannon and shoot shooted it i've already got it down to half health and it looks like it's just taking forever to charge up doesn't look like that okay there it is now it is loading up and we killed it before time and we get the pikeman too all right we'll just uninstall this steel wall so we give our angle shot on this and run back get away from that pikeman stay in cover and try to run okay and we got all of them now i want to keep my distance from everything else so i'm just going to shoot at these crypto sleep caskets and we'll just shoot at this one and it looks like there's a couple hostiles in there now our character is pretty terrible at short range because he has only a plastial knife he's also crap at melee combat so no cow cowgirl stay away this is not your fight what does oswald have he has marine armored good how is this stuff he says 340 hit points mine has 600 my armor's better we could actually just let this guy go oswald but he also has ballistic goggles i don't think we can wear those though with our helmet i kind of want his pants so i think i'm going to shoot him yeah there we go oh we also had yayo okay and don't forget i'm with bloodlust psychopath so this doesn't really apply to me and oh [ __ ] there is a guy there okay we have to run from darcy uh yeah do not shoot make it into covered let's get behind a wall and okay we are not hitting we are not hitting him right now well he's also bleeding to death so let's just stay away from him out of his shot okay he is dead and he actually had flak pants we can grab those i do not have flak pants yet let's strip him though we also want to take out these mega scarabs first let's just fire at them and one they're pretty weak and let's get out the next uh [ __ ] fire no cowgirl don't come here and turn away and two wow even with what is he shooting okay he still has a long way to grow he's shooting level nine so this is gonna be a grow area for him throughout the series all right there is a battle rifle in here the glitter world medicine is gonna burn and what do these guys have this guy has normal 96 flak pants let's see if we could rescue this guy because his flak pants are better than these ones so we'll just strip him and walk right over some guy you wake up from crypto sleep and some guy just takes your pants puts them on and then runs away oh wait never mind no we couldn't even do that with the nano suit all right uh let's just pick up some other stuff and run away because i hear something about the blow up well that was interesting we got the yayo we got some gojus we got some other stuff some gold and max love a meal he's in a pretty good mood because he just killed so many people he killed three people and he feels great but he's unhappy because he ate without a table he's meditating cowgirl so i turned on hard-working animals so cowgirl actually hauls when i've trained her to haul so she just rescued a bunch of gold from that fire oh we missed this guy he's got riot armor but that's still not as good as mine and since i installed the metal doesn't burn mod we've also got just a pretty much more limited fire spread but there's a lot more to do i think i'm gonna leave this place and let's see which factions are nearby we've got major all ulkv alkvail it just says they're another faction and what about these guys green men bar they're hostile well that's on the way to not in nor stronghold but this entire area is impassable so i don't know if i want to go there this is interesting we've got some androids up the road hostile androids maybe they'd have better technology so you know let's head up here we'll just betray these people i think we're pretty much gonna be enemies with everybody in the series so let's form a caravan and max is gonna ride the horse and go there right so now max is gonna prepare the caravan and he's gonna ride cowgirl off to the destination there we go go off into the sunset we can definitely do like a fallout new vegas thing here okay there they go and they'll probably sleep we'll also need a bed roll as we go on our way you want to keep them as happy as possible throughout this time now while here in the caravan they're moving 54.3 tiles per day that sounds ridiculously fast so we're not really limited by our resources but just by how fast we can move and we want to keep this horse alive too either that or just not get really bad ailments and we're actually going to well you know what first off let's just trade with them and then probably after that we'll attack them so they don't actually have any luciferium so this isn't really worth it though we could sell them our gold and we can use this to buy burden i like burden but it's not my favorite spell so i think i'm going to leave that one there and we're just going to cancel this one you probably won't even invade these people because they don't have any luciferium so let's go over here to their other settlement though it's also kind of out of the way let's see if this is worth it well we're pretty fast on horseback yeah i'll give this a shot and we've settled down for the night and we'll just head into erie shire let's trade with them first see if they have anything so they have this hazard operations armor and good quality and also this titanium heavy plate armor both of these look absurdly good but i don't have any money this is fifteen thousand dollars they also have a neuro trainer in crafting and they don't have luciferium i'm going to try attacking these people because i want to see if they have the stuff i want because i i'm pretty sure i'll win and screw it let's just attack and let's just see what these guys have well they're pretty well defended they've got one mortar over here what's their shootings okay this guy's really good this guy's pretty good this guy's really good in melee but we would run away from them we've got a guy named kendrick and android and android chef they're okay they've got some really good shooting skill though i don't know i think we might need to fight some tribals before we fight these guys like look these guys have turrets and everything else they've also just got tons of cover all right come on cowgirl we're out of here and we're running who is weak that we can fight it looks like we've got some tribal settlements over here orange tree let's go up there it says it'll take us 2.3 days to get there and we've got 15.2 days of food that's fine our one advantage here is that we're gonna out range all those tribal settlements and all the while just building up our shooting skill they're actually really fast on these roads like the giddy up mounts has made this way more doable i don't think we would have been able to manage this without this mod and almost every other faction on the map hates us everybody's hostile and now we're kind of far from other things but we've got a few decent factions over here we could raid so i don't think food will be a problem for a while everyone here just looks pretty weak okay we're fighting the barca covenant let's go in an attack orange tree before nightfall and what do these guys have it looks pretty primitive over here we're going to want to keep our distance because all their weapons don't really have very good range it looks like this is a great bow we've got on one of these uh we got an enemy slither i installed a few new race mods so there's different kind of like snake and lizard people in the game this person is also a really good shot so we'll want to stay far away i think that's pretty much it though that's dangerous there let's get on cowgirl and good we'll ride her over now pretty much just want to do like a drive-by we've got really good range on our character and i'm not even sure they're aware of me if we could just hit that one that guy pig and then who else who is really a threat in this village just ride over the horse and zoom out kind of okay here we go we'll just stay at our max range and then kind of kite them there we go we got one looks like these guys are coming in with melee weapons we won't want to let them get into cover especially with those great bows take out that one la traxxas pick them now this is actually fair because they can run and gun too it's just that my gun is way better range than theirs so if we were going against anyone even slightly more advanced than civilization than these people we'd be dead i'm just preying on the weak right here we go oh [ __ ] i let one of them get a hit off on me uh well we destroyed their base we do still want to run away from them though because they'll keep on using run and gun on me even as they go and it looks like we just got one guy running what do you have vulture you have to have a great bow you can run and nothing else let's go see what these people had well we can grab all their pemmican because that'll last a long time if only we could carry it and we'll just do some self-tending here it looks like you got maybe just bruised and cut a little bit by one of those recurve bows not really great just hope that doesn't get infected terrible quality too and we'll just claim the entire area so we can sleep in their beds let's go check out this place though before we go to bed we've got a dining room and what else do they have another two dining rooms and okay here we go bed rolls i actually did need these and uh fourth dining room fifth dining room another bed or dining rooms a rice really just rice and medicine okay so they pretty much have nothing and most of the beds are pretty bad quality i think we'll take this one's the best quality one made of guinea pig fur weird so max actually goes to sleep happy because he killed five people but he's also recreation starved so he might just want to build him like a pin or something to play at i don't know maybe he could use something better on the road and he had a good sleep here tonight he can bring this bedroll with him he's also now at shooting 10 so he's gone up a level or two we'll just gather up all these new food and resource bits put them down in this room i think we might stay here for a day or so it actually seems like they're pretty well stocked up drink a beer relax and i forgot to turn off let's just turn off pretty much all the drugs except for the ones i force on him because we don't want him to uh go getting addicted to any more substances he's in pretty good mood now and there's not much else in here to some fungus we'll just let him heal up and then move out from there now right now he might be looking okay and this is actually increasing his healing rate but he's to start to suffer from a luciferian need if we leave him so let's give him a few more days before we actually start to you know work on the luciferium and i also kind of want to get cowgirl a saddle so i'm adding two mods animal gear and animal armor just on the off chance we might be able to make something for our horse you know i don't really like the name cowgirl for our horse it's not a cowgirl i'm naming it horse there we go much more much more true and wow the horse is actually getting a lot of like hauling done i am liking the horse well we've stayed here long enough we have more space in our caravan somehow maybe because our horse is just so [ __ ] powerful let's just load up our caravan and bring over like everything oh we're carrying more already we even have a new guinea pig fur bed roll and i think we'll head over to their next settlement izabru crag all right now they have even more food they have 33 days worth we're growing i was worried about max's like abilities but he's actually at 110 he's actually even faster now because of all the luciferium and we're gonna attack the other settlement and let's get ready to attack oh hell my horse has a saddle now okay this place looks way better defended but still they're wielding really weak ancient weapons so if we could just draw them out of their fort it's get on horse max i'll draft him and then we'll kind of try to draw them out here let's just focus our camera on max and horse i really like this this is the follow me mod for the camera so you can actually just follow one of your colonists okay and it looks like we'll get max range move from like over here we just don't want to fight somebody with a great bow first okay uh actually we've got pretty good natural cover down there i think we could draw them out like that if we stay behind this wall yeah it looks like one guy got out from cover there we could just grab him bowalo and we should probably be able to take him down pretty fast and good okay so we got one down really quick cockroach two and we got a level 11 and shooting there we go we're getting tons of experience already and we can even move up under cover still let's just see if we get them before they get to the sandbags and they're attacking my colonists now but okay shoot them shoot them and run get behind better cover here we go we just run him in he's got hardcover they don't and [ __ ] they cut off his left ear geez i guess he got hit with a great bow oh i was a crossbow bolt how does how is his ear not covered by the helmet well he just got his ear shot off so [ __ ] um i would not be in want to be in this position okay let's just keep moving ah [ __ ] he got stabbed by a recurve bow cut by a great bow we just gotta stay moving we don't want to let too many of them hit us now we're gonna have to recover too from all this uh let's not give them any cover we'll just keep running this way good okay [ __ ] he's got he just lost his ear he's gonna have to recover all that with the luciferium i hope that it can cure that if it can't if it can't i'm making it even more powerful man he lost his left ear well fortunately it wasn't his eye i think i is more important for shooting well we did better than this guy we shot off both of his legs let's just finish him off i don't know max what do you want to do he's just wandering well let's go in and explore their area we didn't get our ear cut off for nothing claim all of it what's nice is that this base actually looks a little bit better okay nothing in here they got a passive cooler though and they've also got crops growing pineapples how do we do in here lots of good bed rolls yeah good quality normal poor awful normal poor normal normal normal good and more pemmicant on the table i still think it was worth it for the extra shooting skill i just wish he had an ear okay let's uh let's claim this good bed roll all right max you have a bed go rest try two rest despite all the horrible pain you're probably in and we're actually just gonna settle this area i want him to rest here for a while he just lost an ear so he's probably gonna be out of commission for a bit uh it's within four tiles of another faction base though so they'll be kind of pissed that we're encroaching on their land but we've also got a plus 41 relationship with them so i think it's safe to do this yeah we're gonna make a settlement here let max rest for a few days fortunately horse is such a unit and can do all the hauling look at that it's a goddamn workhorse good job horse just pick up all my drugs and luciferium and bring them to me i'm in so much pain so it turns out that by default if you just lose a body part luciferium doesn't cure it i'm pretty sure or at least that's what i'm reading online so by default he wouldn't get his left ear back but that's not really as much fun so i'm adding this mod called better luciferium which lets me customize it so i think i did this right but i mean my stance on it is look if you're addicted to a drug that could take your life it should at least be able to give you life too or at the very least regrow your ears which is actually kind of badass and where did i put it where the [ __ ] did i put it oh there it is horse come on man do something for me oh we just got a giant scorpion okay oh [ __ ] this is cruel that's gotta be cruelty uh i do kind of fear that thing i think i'm gonna just i mean i may have had my ear just shot off but i am a freaking living tank yeah let's just destroy that thing get that thing out of this world that is a weird animal yeah i hadn't even thought of this but i guess we could just shoot wildlife to gain shooting skill i mean there's not as much fun in that but at the very least he'll get him into better positioning in these fights let's just shoot all the dangerous and non-dangerous animals these things are 100 aggressive i don't really trust that but i think everything else is pretty much safe to hunt except for this [ __ ] yeah these things are aggressive good so we can just hunt these ostriches and more animals good he won't get tons of shooting skill for this but we need him to be at like i don't know level 15 before he goes and fights people again i don't want him getting all of his organs shot off plus he doesn't get any joy out of killing animals a horse is also doing some hunting i kind of like this the hunt for me mod uh okay horse is gonna fight all right you know what horse get in there uh i hope you beat that iguana either way it's just gonna be training for uh for max if it doesn't work out okay good get in there with the iguana save horse yeah horse got [ __ ] up by that iguana give horse a sleeping spot oh [ __ ] man those things try to hunt horse [ __ ] no we gotta oh [ __ ] okay we got him angry they're angry at us [ __ ] i hope we can save horse good save horse there we go good save my horse and level 12 shooting alright go tend to horse good job max all right my horse is safe and it all kind of adds to this medical skill all right well max is already healed because of the luciferian he's just losing the ear this desert actually has a decent amount of minerals though i bet we could mine something out of the ground and we may be terrible at mining but we at least try to make horse some armor before we go leveled up already once i love these hard-working animals that's actually really nice kind of gives you a reason to use animals okay we got a rare thromboswander in let's deconstruct this whole wall and we'll use that to build this table okay we can build the tailoring bench and he got another level in construction i think the best that we can do right here is just make animal clothes for our horse but it looks like this is available to like everything but horses [ __ ] oh well i've had enough with this place let's just have him max is fully cured i think i'm just gonna have him draft and fight animals here we go just take down everything over here he's gonna get a lot of animal revenge now man you really suck at shooting and you know what just [ __ ] it shoot everything yeah just go over there just wherever there's a dot it's dead it's actually a great way to train them okay there we go whatever that is shoot it tortoise i don't even know what that what is that there we go shoot that thing that looks dangerous get that scorpion there we go another one and he's almost at shooting level 13. there we go just get a few more he's got 13 and one what even is that rough plated monitor that looked like it was good the scorpion and that thing okay well done well done you know we could take apart all this stuff to just get tons of guinea pig for there we go and we got a trader somebody on a giraffe what the hell do you have a horse saddle or something go trade with these guys and have bad health oh well no luciferium unfortunately they do have pemmican a lion decided to join me just randomly so i'm gonna sell it i think that's about it i'll grab some pemmican from them because i need food and a little bit of psychite wouldn't hurt either actually that's too much let's redo this that's a little bit better and even if we don't really get much better at this let's just see how we do with this well at least we have some animal clothes for later and since we can carry so much stuff let's just go on to the next settlement we'll go right over here and max is just gonna load up horse jesus that's fast and there they go setting off on a new adventure okay we're gonna make some enemies today and just get on horse and let's take them into battle come on max come on horse ah [ __ ] they're really well armed look at these people uh okay let's uh see if we could shyster this combat the right way so it looks like there's this big expanse right here we could probably kite them out we just like pick off one of them if they're stupid and they're running through uh no don't go that way go around here we go and we could probably just wait for one of them to do something stupid okay that guy's both these people have short range weapons we just like lure them in now what about that guy if we could take out that guy first he's long range okay there we go good we took him out tagged him let's go over here just run back uh yeah we're gonna want to stay in cover for this whole fight okay just take them out one if you could take them out one by one it's gonna be worth it and [ __ ] we are in really a lot of trust like so much depending on those first couple hits uh is this safe how fast do we run compared to them okay we can out speed them so that's kind of safe actually we just keep on doing this good get a couple of them the short range ones and good let's just get like one or two at a time we got some cover here we could use that [ __ ] i got a shot [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] they tagged me [ __ ] okay run max got hit what did he his right eye got crushed by a revolver what the [ __ ] ah [ __ ] that's gonna hurt him okay we gotta run it's only at 56 efficiency and he needs his eyes if he wants to shoot right run away run away max go back home go back home be safe and go tend to your eye why is everything on fire well his right eye got crushed by a revolver somehow and he got his left ear cut off so he's not really off to a good start max but i got high hopes for the luciferium we gotta figure out some way to augment his range and vision and i'm pretty sure if he keeps up with all his skills he's gonna get a lot stronger here anyway we didn't find any luciferium so that's kind of urgent but at the same time we still got a few more days before we need luciferium so we could always find more anyway i think i'll leave it there if you wanted to go check out this mod pack um i'm going to leave a link down below i still haven't got the full collection ready because i've just been experimenting with mods over the last few days but anyway i hope you enjoyed as always my name's ambiguous amphibian and i'll see you guys in the next video bye-bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 778,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld luciferium, rimworld adventure mode, rimworld luciferium supersoldier, rimworld luciferium super soldier, rimworld luciferium challenge, rimworld luci, rimworld luciferium colony, rimworld solo, rimworld solo survival, rimworld mods, rimworld modded, rimworld luci challenge, luciferium, luciferium challenge, rimworld gameplay, rimworld game, rimworld challenge, rimworld royalty, rimworld 2020, rimworld gameplay 2020, rimworld let's play, rimworld ep 1
Id: 7tFvIRg_-Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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