Can I Survive in a SINGLE FOREST CELL in Project Zomboid?

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wilderness means many different things to different people to some it might mean the sight of a lush green forest others like to float on the water in a boat but for me it means the thrill of self-reliance and roughing it out of civilization the thrill of cutting out on your own and answering to none other than the will of mother nature so for a meaningful new personal challenge i tried to see if i could survive in project zomboid completely independently outside of civilization you may remember if you've been around my channel for a while i used to run a large multiplayer server for zomboid and although i wasn't a player on the server i was an admin i had the most fun teleporting from player to player and watching what kinds of interesting things people were building although a lot of my players eventually got tired or frustrated reasonably so and left when their characters died that's just the way the game works there were a few small groups of players who fortified some cabins secret to most but hidden well enough away in the woods and trekked back and forth on looting runs to and from civilization sometimes they fought other players sometimes they even died but this made for some of the drama no one could ever quite challenge them since their bases were so well hidden in the mysterious brush of the woods even i as an admin had some trouble finding out where they were located what chance did any other player have then in subverting or fighting these factions this game invites creativity i decided to try it for myself since we're anticipating the near release of project zomboid's multiplayer and i never tried living completely independently of civilization there's still so many secrets to be found so many systems to be explored and it reminds me of the creativity that inspired me to first get into pc gaming and that it's something that invites player curiosity day one i started by creating my character i selected the occupation of park ranger because it's well suited to the woods and i had a rather extensive list of traits illiterate because i won't be reading any books obese because i have plenty of weight worth losing claustrophobic because i won't even be spending any time indoors hard of hearing and short-sighted because i just don't think they make much of a difference sunday driver because i won't have a car unlucky because i won't be doing any looting and pacifist because i'll rarely be using weapons anyway for traits to help me out in the wild i took cat's eyes for night vision dexterous because i'm going to be pretty depressed it'll help me if i can transfer inventory items faster outdoorsmen so the rain doesn't affect me iron gut for eating potentially dangerous food nutritionists to help me understand the food i'm eating former scout and herbalist for the foraging and knowledge of things i might gather in the woods and handy to speed along my construction i decided to name my character henry david throw after the author spending his time on walden pond this i would like in my retreat i spawned in on the first day at a river no boats along the shore to be seen but that was beside the point this could guide my run and give me a sense of place it was a lucky spawn too because you can spend days searching through the woods sure enough in project zomboid there are zombies and it was actually lucky to find one right away being morbidly obese i may be unfit but i am still strong a lucky first battle i grabbed the wristwatch and i donned all of the clothing the sneakers would be most essential putting on the clothes while it doesn't seem like such an essential find if you don't manage to cover your feet early on you can die of cuts but after the fight my clothes were covered in blood i walked to the river and i washed off my clothing since it was still summer and there wasn't any fear of temperature going down this was fine to do for now i rid my clothing of blood and i actually looked civilized we need to consider what are our main needs food water shelter there's a host of other things to consider food with my stat selections i did have a good foraging stat to start with not only that but we had a strong experience boost on foraging i maintained a sense of direction by walking along the river and looking for places to forage in the woods sure enough a few items some stones tree branches but that was it this is a nomadic lifestyle finding a body of water is useful because you can store everything by the shore you don't lose your sense of where you are or get lost foraging is tiring work and it ups your thirst in the game we also found a variety of berries none of these were poison berries a lot of the herbs and plants you can find in the woods can be used medicinally but sure enough foraging is very thirsty work and most herbs don't quench thirst i foraged until later on in the day around mid-afternoon finding ginseng and a few other items it wasn't a lot but what could quench my thirst violets would sate my hunger but they lack in fats berries also lack in fats but they can slightly quench your thirst i sat on the ground eating raw berries fun fact if you have a bowl you can eat poison berries and make them fun in a salad but you can't make a bowl in nature so i was just stuck there eating them when the feast was through i had filled my belly and i'd only just barely quenched my thirst it was still coming back in the woods for only eight hours i may not look the likes of a woodsman but i've managed to keep myself in good repair and of the three main needs food water and shelter i had satisfied food at least in the short term i would still lose weight but at least i was safe for tonight water was next to me but did i dare drinking straight out of the river i would have to wait for something safer and i decided to forgo drinking having that pile by the riverside i could confidently run my way through the woods and forage copiously throughout the woods such treasures did i find therein by the end of the day i was exhausted i had done nothing but foraging for about 12 hours i laid out all my weddings on the ground and tried to categorize them exhausted thirsty and tired i had collected 21 berries throughout the day i used all of them to solve the thirst problem but they wouldn't make me fat certainly not i had done something to it but still i couldn't afford to sit there eating berries all day with that i opened up my crafting menu i took a chipped stone and a tree branch i had found and crafted a spear i equipped it one of the most dangerous things in the wilderness would be to have zombies nearby but not see it before i go to sleep so i wanted to make sure that they came to me sure enough a little ways inland a foe it was only one that would be enough to kill me in my sleep gone i collected the clothing and ripped it up for usage in my fires these would make good rags during the fight my spear broke and i had to take the rest out by foot unfortunately obesity doesn't do you any favors in combat but i dispatched the rest of them i collected the rags and i felt safe i dropped my broken spear and although the water was tainted i could still wash myself in the river so i did before nightfall i crafted another spear to defend myself from anything that might come at night and then i built a stone axe now i had sheets with which i could craft it as well as a stone hammer i donned the spear on my back and then i slept by the shore i might not have had any cover but i at least had a sense that there were no zombies nearby i left myself to the will of mother nature when i woke up in the morning it was 7 am still groggy and extremely thirsty i needed to find something to make water safe i made my way back into the woods finally i'd found it lemongrass eating enough lemongrass could save you from drinking bleach i laid it out with my whole collection on the ground violets berries stones twigs grape leaves mallow ginseng it all had use nothing else could neutralize poison so to end my thirst i drank from the river now i'd wait i decided that this was a safe solution just keep searching for lemongrass and you can drink all the tainted water you need incidentally since i had the spear on my back i found i could start spearfishing and so that i did and for a few hours i spearfished it took time and it certainly wasn't a quick or easy process but i was safe from the area i had started off with no fishing skill whatsoever too but even i was able to catch a few small fish gain some basic experience true it did take me the entire day to catch two measly fish but what else was i doing out in the wilderness i also caught shoes and finally a big bass this was enough to get me to stop fishing just before nightfall it wasn't a very eventful day and i was still thirsty and very hungry since i was overweight i ate berries but berries just don't have the caloric needs to sustain someone's weight the fish are richer in macronutrients and they come in a greater variety for any dieting needs and while you'd think that you would need to eat a fish hot right you need to cook it no it was the gollum lifestyle and i ate the entire big bass 145 grams of fats would it sustain my weight and in fact my weight was sustained at least up until the winter i could sustain this lifestyle but i was again completely exhausted i'm no natural fisherman and this was a hard day of work i dropped my fish prizes on the ground and i went back to nature with my stone axe on my back to cut down some trees i knew what i was doing next i would need to use the last of my energy for the day to fight off any zombies so i called out i ventured deeper into the woods until i felt confident that there weren't any zombies around the next phase of my journey would require a lot of wood it would take two hatchets but i would get one tree's worth of logs out of this sure enough my first axe broke before i downed the tree you need to use tricks to remember where you were in nature so i placed that broken axe nearby i came back and finished off the tree there lay on the ground a hall of four logs two tree branches and some twigs i took them on my back even using only the materials found in nature you could erect a wood wall or rather a lag wall with just what you have in nature including zombie clothing i would place one of these just on the shore it was easy enough to fashion it didn't give me much experience but a little bit in carpentry was enough it couldn't defend me from zombies but it could at least give me a little bit of cover to sleep behind so they wouldn't see me weary from the day i slept i rose on the third day at about seven o'clock curiously enough natural cycles of sleep seemed to be kicking in and now i had a construction at last there was still more to do i would need a lot more wood and i would need to do a lot more grinding for the next part i checked out a clearing the woods both of these places were fine but they weren't fully safe from other players and while i had made it all this way with nature i did afford myself one luxury some nails and a saw i figured that was okay the original wall was fine but you need nails if you want to do a lot more there's a lot more room than anyone knows out on the water in zomboid even with the box of nails in the saw this would be very labor intensive i got to constructing more axes i would be building a dock next now it didn't matter my bodily condition i had a goal to motivate me and so downing more trees my axe condition gradually improved and i could do even more work not using up as many axes and getting more out of each one i could saw the logs in place and make planks of them just two trees made for more planks than i could even carry on my back i began building a dock out onto the water while it wasn't safe yet it would help me gain distance from the zombies i built that walkway far out onto the river during the process my hammer ironically broke before i knew it i was well out on the river not so far but i could keep building out my dock in theory to a place where no player would ever even be able to spot it from view distance and i could see nothing but river as far as i went out now i saw nature not as a threat but as a means to improve myself while i was exiled here a way to improve my skills in the forest cover from other players and zombies in fact i probably didn't even need all the traits i started with i think almost anyone could do this the one thing that was always difficult to find was chipped stones most of my forage runs i needed them but i was gathering up a whole library of other resources beyond me i hate a whole bowl worth of berries now there was no fear because i had more than enough food to keep me sustained curiously i found that with my current tools i could still disassemble one of these walls and so i did food water and shelter as for food and water i had met the needs in the short term and the long term but shelter is always still a concern and as i made my way out onto the lake i thought about various setups that i could use to protect my dock from both zombies and other players and so with that i walked out onto the dock and i made my way out to sleep i slept on the ground again for another night i went to bed around 6 p.m and i woke up before the crack of dawn fortunately you still can fish on the dock in the morning i thought i'd keep improving my fishing skills so i went fishing to see what came up at night would any different kinds of fish be out once you get a hang of it everything is sort of a meditative process in nature i got some socks so i could keep replacing my clothing with just whatever i found in the river at this point a bit more of the grind kicked in but to tell you the truth it is a long process and it is a bit of a grind i did level up in foraging which was a help but it still takes a very long time and i found a lot more of what i didn't need than what i did a couple crickets too well you could in theory go out to the other side of the river and have a very secret base what i had in mind was something more maritime and once i could manage it i built myself a stairway up into nothing i wouldn't actually end up using this first one but this next part took a little bit of figuring out but if i could cut myself off via stairways i would separate myself off from the zombies on land finally a little bit of ingenuity led me to a design that would make me safe from all zombies i could finally rest easy food water and shelter now later on i could implement something like this on the shore too if i wanted there's still just enough things in zomboid that make it weird and wacky and make me like it even for all its flaws it's a lot of work but if you really wanted to make something like this happen you could create an entire fortress on a river corridors filled with secrets packed to the brim with weapons but if you ever got it to happen the end result could be something amazing something that was a splendor to behold i hope that this inspired some ideas your creative thinking in zomboid because i think that this is the type of game that lends itself to that something that just makes games intrinsically fun and reminds me of the curiosity with which i explored them in youth [Music] you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,594,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid wilderness survival, project zomboid wilderness, zomboid, project zomboid game, let's play project zomboid, project zomboid let's play, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid review, project zomboid beginners guide, project zomboid wilderness guide, zomboid gameplay, project zomboid 2021, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, zombies, survival game, trapped, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid guide
Id: 672vE5ZzlSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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